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END TIME: 5:25

READING LOG #: 5     

Black Life On Film

  Some information I know about this subject matter is, watching shows and movies about

black people’s lives. I am not too sure if this passage is going to be about a black celebrities life

on film, but I am assuming it will be.    

I will be predicting that Hanif will cover a story about someone’s life who is African

American and probably how that celebrity uses his life being on film to feel comfortable in


I will have to say being in a room with my sister is distracting because we are both

currently doing homework and we both have questions that lead to off

No thoughts are currently interfering with my concentration. Usually that happens while I

am reading which means I have to re-read that paragraph.

Par. What It Says What It Does

EX Example: Many people have Example: Introduces a complication of an
misconceptions about the aftermath of event many people are familiar with.
Hurricane Katrina.
In this column, you will want to use the
functions of a paragraph, or choose a
rhetorical strategy.

1 He includes that he is living in the hood

Hanif introduces the setting and when this which introduces the main topic which is
event is taking place. mainly about black’s living areas.

2 This introduces what type of black film

he will be mentioning to his audience. He
Hanif describes what black film he was uses imagery to get his readers to
watching during the time and he mentions understand not the black film where the
it is black men being viciously attacked. black people are making money, but the
ones where they are being hurt for no
certain reason.

Hanif explains what the Boys In the Hood This is a way for Hanif to introduce to his
was and explained that he realizes this audience that he doesn’t want The Boys
show isn’t to show the bad black life, but In the Hood to be a bad memory, but
the black life of mothers and fathers trying something Hanif can learn off of.
to protect their children at all cost.

4 He gives his audience a little scene of the

show because Hanif wants his audience
Hanif brings up one scene he watched in to understand what he goes through on an
Boy In the Hood and how it doesn’t shock everyday basis basically, Making his
him, but he still remembers. audience feel sympathy for him.

5 He starts to talk about a character named Hanif has a lot of passion for the hood
Doughboy. He wanted Doughboy to stay because this is where he grew up and
alive and keep the hood alive. despite all the dying that goes on in there,
he wants his readers to know that he is
proud to come from somewhere that is so

6 Hanif mentions a celebrity and his name is Hanif starts to talk about Ice Cube and
Ice Cube. He states that enjoying Ice how his music is enjoyable for his
Cubes music was acceptable. audience to understand that music is how
they express themselves.
7 He starts to talk about Ice cube’s hits and He is using ethos. He uses Ice Cube,
what has made Ice Cube so inspirational. which is a celebrity that most people are
familiar with, for us readers to get an
exact idea of what type of music inspired
him to be more mature.
8 Friday is a movie written by Ice Cube and He mentions Ice Cube’s movie because
Hanif discusses how black people will say he wants his audience to see that even
the movie line by line because it was so though Ice Cube is a rapper he has
comedic and a good movie overall. mastered writing a movie that black
people will resight the lines.
9 Hanif congratulates Ice Cube for making This was introduced to the audience by
movies about his hood which makes him Hanif for his audience to understand
proud of where he was born. movies is another way they can express
black community and that is what Ice
cube did.
10 Hanif says that many black men have To give the audience more sense of how
helped raised him, but Ice Cube made Hanif may be feeling living in the hood.
Hanif feel more proud to say that he was Ice Cube changed his bad perceptions of
able to live in the hood like the rest of the the hood. His readers coming from a
black community. different community will feel his sense of
love for his hometown.
11 Hanif expresses his love for the people he He overuses the word “love”. The readers
would hang out with in the hood. He also can conclude that being in the hood is not
mentions who he loves specifically and a shame to him anymore thanks to Ice
why. Cube’s music and inspiring movies.
12 Another story of a black man being killed He uses this story to explain to his
was brought up by Hanif. audience that the hood won’t forget about
this death, but fight harder for the person
who has died.
13 Hanif mentions a scene where Doughboy By mentioning this scene last, the
is talking to Tre and Doughboy talks about readers can get a sense of how the hood is
how he has no one but himself, but Tre actually like and that is what Hanif wants
tells him he has another brother. us to realize. The people in the hood are
like family and fight for each other just
like any other family would.
1. The purpose of writing this passage is for his black community to not feel ashamed for living

in a place that people stereotype as scary, but to feel proud that they have another family outside

of their blood related family. Hanif mentions that Doughboy, “tells Tre that he feels alone, in the

wake of his brother’s death and his mom blaming him for it...As Doughboy beings to walk away,

Tre tells him:”You’ve got one more brother left”’ (Abdurraqib 147). Hanif gives his readers a

better understanding of what the hood is like. The people who were born in the hood, accept the

fact that there is violence and attacks, but there is a way to keep everyone in the hood safe. This

is why the main targeted audience would be people who were born in the hood and not really just

black people. He wants those people who feel how Hanif feels and that is grateful for being born

in a place where everyone treats each other like they are family. While mentioning the movie

​ anif states that, “One of us will quote a line as the character says it on screen. Then
Friday, H

another of us will do the same...​Friday,​ at its core, is a buddy comedy with a simple premise”

(Abdurraqib 145). Hanif only mentions this because this movie written by Ice Cube has brought

the black people in the hood closer together. This was a way to show Hanif’s audience, who is

presumed as mainly people from the hood, to be proud of their hometown.

2. The main topic of this passage is feeling comfortable with where you come from. Hanif was

born in the hood and it made him almost timid because of the chaos that goes on in the hood that

includes violence. When he was introduced to Ice Cube and realized that Ice Cube made music

that influenced and matured Hanif into taking listening risks. Hanif states, “And I suppose that

this too is, loyalty. That’s the lesson I first learned from Boyz n the Hood, and the one I carry

with me even now. I learned at the feet of Ice Cube once, and I love him forever now”

(Abdurraqib 146). Hanif talks about being loyal to his community and to the people who were
also born in his community of the hood. It is almost like respecting the place who have grown up

in because the TV doesn’t show the reality, but it shows the stereotype. Only Hanif and everyone

who lives in the hood would understand the truth about the hood. It was most compelling to

understand the hardships that go on in the hood. With all the brutal attacking and random violent

scenes, the people in the hood still keep each other close like a family would.

3. Hanif speaks to a couple different readers and they are the black people who support his

argument of not feeling ashamed for living in the hood. He also has the readers who don’t come

from the hood and that will be the white community. In the passage Hanif discusses, “On the

television news, there was a grainy video of Rodney King, his body thrashing from the force of a

police officer’s kicks, a baton cracking down on his ribs” (Abdurraqib 141). The black

community will see this as a harsh act and something that should not have been done. Coming

from the white community, there is an assumption that the police officer is white and Rodney

King is a black man. There was probably a good enough reason why he was attacked by a police

officer. If there were no problems to begin with, then the police officer would not have been

involved. The white audience reading this passage will not get a big impact like the rest of his

audience who may be black people. The white community will not feel sympathetic to Rodney

King being attacked because there was probably a concern. It is understandable because why

would an officer get involved just to attack Rodney King. Coming from someone in the white

community being from the hood, isn’t something to glorify because dangerous acts occur

everyday in the hood.

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