The Bowdoin Orient - Vol. 149, No. 15 - February 7, 2020

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The Nation’s Oldest Continuously Published College Weekly Friday, February 7, 2020 Volume 149, Number 15

Bowdoin’s trustees: who they are and what they do 83%

ees were required to read pri- ethnicity, sexual orientation, The readings were intend- much do students know about
by Reuben Schafir or was an article by Jeffrey Se- and gender identity, and they ed to help the trustees famil- the Board of Trustees? OF SURVEY
lingo, a journalist who covers want colleges to live up to iarize themselves with the In a recent Orient survey
Before the members of higher education, titled “The those ideals as well,” writes students who attend the col- sent to current students, 353 HAVE NEVER MET
the Board of Trustees con- New Generation of Students: Selingo. “At the same time, lege they are entrusted with of the 372 respondents re- A MEMBER OF
vened in Beverley, Mass., this How colleges can recruit, Gen Zers are less receptive to guiding. These students’ lives ported that they do not “feel
Thursday, they read a 60-page teach, and serve Gen Z.” the principles of free speech, will invariably be affected by connected to the Board of
packet about Gen Z. “Today’s students are atten- especially when that speech the decisions made at this TRUSTEES
Among the materials trust- tive to inclusion across race, offends their values.” weekend’s meeting. But how Please see TRUSTEES, page 4

Angus King addresses

community about
impeachment trial
voted to convict Trump of the
by Rohini Kurup charges leveled in both articles
and Diego Lasarte of impeachment. Maine’s other
Orient Staff
senator, Susan Collins (R-ME),
As a Senate staffer in the voted to acquit on both charges.
1970s, U.S. Sen. Angus King Hundreds of attendees
(I-ME) witnessed the impeach- packed into Kresge Auditorium
ment proceedings against Presi- for the town-hall style event,
dent Richard Nixon. This week, with more filtering into an over-
over four decades later, King flow room, to hear King talk
voted in the impeachment trial about the impeachment pro-
of another president—Donald ceedings and to express their
Trump. On Sunday afternoon, fear and frustration about the
King hosted a listening session president’s conduct. The crowd
at the College to hear from con- was overwhelmingly support-
stituents about their views on ive of King, greeting him with
the impeachment proceedings. a standing ovation and prais-
The event came days before ing his leadership and resolve.
the Senate voted nearly along Every member of the audience
party lines on Wednesday to who spoke at the event spoke
acquit Trump of charges that out against Trump, whom they
he abused the powers of his accused of violating the Consti-
office and obstructed Congress tution and abusing the power of
ANN BASU, THE BOWDOIN ORIENT in order to support his reelec- the president.
tion. King, an independent who
Women’s basketball went head-to-head with Tufts. SEE PAGE 10. caucuses with the Democrats, Please see KING, page 4

College launches comprehensive giving campaign, setting $500 million goal

to financial aid, career develop- ences within its existing donor creation of a comprehensive aid process of off-campus study for down by a small expense before
by Alyce McFadden ment and curricular innovation. network. Thursday marked the program to formalize general students on financial aid. asking, or that they have missed
Orient Staff
Since the official start of the beginning of the second phase financial assistance for students Scott Meiklejohn, senior vice an opportunity or not joined a
On Thursday evening, the campaign, the College has raised which will expand the targeted after they have matriculated. president for development and Bowdoin activity because there
College launched the public over $300 million in gifts and donor bases. The aid is designed to fully sub- alumni relations, noted that is a fee involved,” wrote Miekle-
phase of the largest compre- pledges, a sum announced at a The campaign is the 18th in sidize fees required for member- while the practice of providing john in a memo emailed to the
hensive fundraising campaign celebration in Boston Thursday Bowdoin’s history and the first ship to the Outing Club, Yellow general aid for students has long Orient.
in Bowdoin’s history. The Col- night attended by alumni, facul- in Clayton Rose’s tenure as Pres- Bike Club and the Craft Center; existed, the money raised in the In addition to comprehen-
lege hopes to raise $500 million ty, trustees and invited students. ident of the College. The last money for food during breaks campaign will make it more vis- sive aid, $200 million will be
by June 2024 and achieve 85 So far, the campaign has been in campaign from 2004 to 2009 if students remain on campus; ible and accessible to students dedicated to supporting the
percent participation from its its “quiet phase,” during which exceeded its $250 million goal. funding for high-need families who need it. College’s existing financial aid
alumni network. Most of the the College has solicited dona- Thirty-five million dollars to visit campus; music lessons “Too often, we learn that
funds raised will be allocated tions only from targeted audi- will be dedicated towards the and various fees involved in the students have been weighed Please see CAMPAIGN, page 5


The letter demands that the says and how they act. buildings get behind, and then and Congress of Industrial Or- doin groundskeeping crew 20
by Diego Lasarte College provide better condi- “They say they want to be we get in trouble.” ganizations, Cynthia Phinney years ago while on strike from
Orient Staff tions for housekeepers, spe- a team, but they don’t listen to “President [Clayton] Rose and Jeff Segars, a local union his job at BIW.
On Wednesday, a group of cifically calling for the College what we say,” said Taylor. has received the letter. Since it member currently employed at “Three of [us] came down
students, faculty and house- to hire more workers and pur- Housekeeper Sherry Cous- came from some of the house- Bath Iron Works (BIW). Segars from BIW, and back then ...
keepers, along with local union chase more and better equip- ins expressed her frustration keepers, the College will be expressed his solidarity with we were making $10 an hour
organizers, delivered a letter to ment. It also contends that the with the administration. responding to them directly,” the worker’s demands. ... and the people had been
members of the administration recent wage increase “does not “It’s been a long time we’ve Director of College and Media “I heard about this and came here [for decades] were only
critiquing working conditions. go far enough to address the been putting up with work- Relations Doug Cook wrote in down to support the house- making a few dollars more
The letter was delivered to the problems we’re experiencing ing hard and not really being an email to the Orient. keepers ... we all need a better than us,” Segars said. “It was
Office of the President, the recruiting and retaining staff.” appreciated for it,” she said. The group who delivered the living and good wages. That’s disgusting really ... and I don’t
Office of the Treasurer and the To Housekeeper Tracey “We don’t have enough staff. letter included the president why I’m here to support them,” know much about the wages
Office of Facilities Operations Taylor, there is a difference be- When we’re short ... we have to of the Maine chapter of the he said. now, but it doesn’t sound much
and Maintenance. tween what the administration do double time and then our American Federation of Labor Seagars worked for the Bow- better.”

ResLife will accept applications from first- Local musicians showcase their talent Doug Calhoun on beekeeping, students Nordic ski cruises to program’s best ever Co-founder of the Green Party is excited
years to live in Ladd next year. Page 3. at Frontier. Page 7. and positivity. Page 8. finish. Page 13. about the Maine Senate race. Page 15.
2 Friday, February 7, 2020

1/31 to 2/5 STUDENT SPEAK:
What song has been ruined because it was your
Friday, January 31 Tuesday, February 4
• A student was cited for failing to • A student walking near Quinby House Gabby Farrell ’21
comply with a security officer’s reported an unusual encounter with an
• A student was found in possession of
older woman who seemed to be following
"Sunday Candy. It was Audrey Jordan’s
a stolen College-owned ‘No Alcohol
Beyond This Point” sign that was
• A student took responsibility for acciden-
tally breaking a large window pane in a
being used as a decorative room Coles Tower apartment.
accent piece.
• A false fire alarm activation during Wednesday, February 5
a registered event at Quinby House • A student warming a cookie in a micro-
resulted in a building evacuation wave set off a smoke alarm at Moore Hall.
and fire department response. • An employee slipped and fell on a patch Sam Brill-Weil ’20
• A student fell on ice and sustained of ice near Baxter House. The employee
a back injury near Moore Hall. An
officer escorted the student to Mid
sustained a broken wrist and a head injury
and was transported to Mid Coast Hospi-
"iSpy by KYLE."
Coast Hospital. tal.
• Two Maine Hall students were cited • A missing laptop at Roux Center for the
for hosting a gathering with alcohol Environment was found in the possession
and a drinking game. of a student who had taken it by mistake.
• An ill student at Roux Center for the Envi-
Saturday, February 1 ronment was taken to the campus health
• Burnt mac and cheese at the Watson center.
Arena concession stand activated a Clay Wackerman ’22
fire alarm.
• A power outage affected part of the
north section of campus from 7:30
"My high school boyfriend Solomon’s
a.m. to 2 p.m.
• The use of a hair curler activated a
alarm was birds chirping, and it made
smoke alarm at Chamberlain Hall.
• A brief power outage affected parts
me hate birds."
of the campus from 4:40 p.m. to 5
• An intoxicated minor student vom-
ited in the stands at Watson Arena Abbie Kaestle ’23
during the Bowdoin-Colby men’s
hockey game.
• An anonymous caller reported an
"Love Never Felt So Good by Michael
apparent dispute among three stu-
dents. The matter was investigated.
• A campus visitor was cited for enter-
ing SuperSnack and eating a plate of
food without paying.
Monday, February 3 KAYLA SNYDER
• Two unregistered events were dis-
persed at Brunswick Apartment Q.
Wilder Fray Short ’22
The hosts were held responsible.
• An officer checked on the wellbeing "Radar (default). "
of an intoxicated minor student
outside of Brunswick Q.
• A student was taken to the Mid
Coast Walk-In Clinic for treatment
of a skiing-related back injury.


List of top five underground classes revealed

by Lily Randall have refused to acknowledge the course, and Bow- sexiled after Epicuria. Major assignments include a
Orient Staff doin For Pete members have countered by creating reflection and debriefing with your roommates af-
their own course, “Candy Cigarettes for Pete.” ter First-Year Formal and sleeping on the couch one
night “so you know how it feels.”
As Add/Drop period officially comes to a 2. How to present as class-ambiguous when your
close, the claustrophobia of the semester has be- parents make over 300K a year. This one goes out to 4. Senior Seminar: Coming to peace with the
gun to set in. Questioning your course choices? all the students who filed their FAFSA knowing damn fact you peaked as a sophomore. It’s spring of 2020,
Wondering if Modern Dance really was a good well it was a waste of time. Taught in an off-campus, and the existential dread is really starting to set in
idea after all? Thinking of hitchhiking into the undisclosed location so as not to out those taking the for the senior class. This course, which meets daily
wilderness and starting a new life? Don’t wor- course, Class Ambiguity 1101 helps students learn in the basement of Baxter, aims to rewire seniors’
ry, we’ve got you covered. A few lesser-known, the basics of hiding their privileged background. self-perception and coping mechanisms. Partici-
underground courses are offered every semester, Those enrolled in the course are discouraged from pants are limited to going to Joshua’s once a week,
and this year we’re publishing an official list of wearing Canada Goose jackets, talking about their and the course’s final project is literally just applying
our five favorite offerings. Read on to see if any summer homes and putting the name of their private for a job. Extra credit includes deleting pictures from
of these are for you. high school in their Instagram bios. your Instagram profile of your college house days.
1. Bong rips 4 Bernie. Offered from 10 to 3. First Year Seminar: how to politely ask your 5. Caucuses explained: not the cock you were
11:30 p.m. on Fridays, B4B is held on the steps roommate for the room. Back by popular demand, thinking. After a bout of confusion following the
of the Walker Art Museum and occasionally in Sexile Etiquette has become the most requested Iowa caucus, this course was introduced to explain
the Bowdoin Pines when Security starts to get First-Year Seminar in Bowdoin’s history. First taught the convoluted and archaic process of caucusing.
suspicious. An invite-only class, B4B is a politi- in 2009, the course was conceived by Director of Most of the confusion stemmed from the fact that
cal theory course centered around discussion of Residential and Housing Operations Lisa Rendall many participants believed caucus was spelled “cock
the revolution while students are baked out of after she received over 40 housing complaints in one us,” and that voters were selecting the candidate they
their goddamn minds. The Bowdoin Democrats weekend from frustrated first-years who had been most wanted to sleep with.
Friday, February 7, 2020 NEWS 3

NEWS IN BRIEF CET and Middlebury Schools in China



suspend study abroad programs
Orient Staff
Students and community members packed into the Pickering
Room on February 1 for coffee, cookies and a chance to ask ques- As the number of reported
tions of Democratic Senate candidate and Speaker of the Maine State cases of coronavirus continues to
House Sara Gideon. rise around the globe, CET Aca-
Of all the candidates running in the Democratic primary, Gideon demic Programs (CET), the study
is probably the most connected to Bowdoin: she lives in Freeport abroad program that Bowdoin
and is the aunt of two current Bowdoin students. Gideon’s nephew, partners with to send students
Owen Gideon-Murphy ’21, opened the event and introduced his to East Asia, has suspended its
aunt to the group with an anecdote about sitting down to eat Christ- programs in mainland China for
mas dinner as a family. the remainder of the Spring 2020
“I realized my aunt hadn’t sat down, and she was still up, walking term.
around and making sure that everything was great for everybody else,” The programs that CET closed
Gideon-Murphy said. “To me, she’s always been someone who’s always include its college programs in
looking out for everyone else, someone making sure that everything is Beijing, Harbin and Shanghai.
right for everyone else. She’s inherently selfless.” CET has also chosen to close its
Before taking questions from the audience, Gideon described some high school semester program in
of the key policy tenets of her campaign: fighting climate change, creat- Xizhou for the upcoming term.
ing a public health insurance option and defending women’s access to The Middlebury Schools in Chi-
abortion services. The core of Gideon’s campaign, however, is a prop- na (MiC), which are operated in
osition she hopes will galvanize liberal Mainers throughout the state: conjunction with CET—running
defeating incumbent Senator Susan Collins (R-ME). in Beijing, Hangzhou and Kun-
“All the time, people will say to me, what do you think happened to ming—were also cancelled its
Senator Collins?” Gideon said. “There’s a sense that she has changed, programs. COURTESY OF BENJY RENTON
and that somebody who holds herself as a moderate and an indepen- One Bowdoin student, Emily
CHANGE OF PLANS: Passengers wearing face masks in Beijing South Railway Station wait for their trains.
dent—at the very time that we have needed moderation and indepen- King ’21, had to alter her study
dence most—has failed to stand up and demonstrate that.” abroad plans with MiC Beijing ter in a program at the University with a variety of sources, including ter students. At the time of CET’s
To differentiate herself from Collins, Gideon’s campaign empha- due to the closures. of New Zealand. our staff on the ground, our own announcement, only a group of
sizes youth. Gideon repeatedly brought up her own young children The cancellation of the China “We ended up working with medical and security partners, the 19 students, who had opted to
and emphasized Collins’ 23-year incumbency. Her campaign staff is programs has left students with a university in New Zealand. We CDC and the Overseas Security enroll in a January term in China
remarkably young and Bowdoin-affiliated. Emily Ruby ’19 is a political a choice about how they want to are definitely past their application Advisory Council. In this case, before the start of the semester,
assistant on the campaign and organized the event; four members of spend the upcoming term. CET date, but many, many institutions we also reached out to personal was forced to evacuate.
the Class of 2020 who intern with the campaign greeted attendees at has offered an alternative Chi- actually ended up reaching out to contacts who work for the State “Crises like this remind us all
the door. na-based program entitled Spring Listserv saying, ‘due to the virus, Department in China.” why we do the work we do. We
“We always talk about young people as: ‘this is your future, you’re Multi-City, which will begin in we are extending our application While CET initially chose to work to build bridges and in-
going to inherit this,’ but no. In fact ... this is yours right now,” Gideon April. They have also offered stu- period and would be happy to postpone the programs’ February crease understanding across bor-
said in an interview with the Orient after the event. “And … to know dents the option of joining the welcome a student,’” Wintersteen 12 start date by two weeks, the ders,” Lenhard said. “We know
that [young people] will continue to push me in the directions that I CET Taiwan or CET Vietnam said. “Everything’s very late, but risk posed by the quickly-spread- these bridges will withstand these
need to go is the most inspiring thing that I can become on this cam- programs this spring. Some stu- [Emily] is taking all the steps, she’s ing virus was too high to warrant temporary setbacks. The key is
paign trail.” dents have chosen to defer their receiving confirmation, she’s now running the program. Shortly looking ahead and focusing on
Diego Lasarte contributed to this report. semester away until the summer applying for a visa.” after CET released its decision the future.”
or fall. Additionally, Middlebury King could not be reached for on January 29, the State Depart- Regardless of current pro-
has offered students enrolled in comment. ment raised its travel warning to gram suspensions, Wintersteen
their programs the option to study CET announced its decision its highest level—Level Four: “Do said that sophomores explor-
for the semester at Middlebury or to cancel programs on January 29 Not Travel”—an advisory level ing study abroad options for
to enroll in their intensive summer as a response to travel advisories unprecedented for China. the following academic year
language program. issued by the Centers for Disease Unlike the 2003 outbreak of should still consider China if
King, who had not yet left the Control and Prevention (CDC) Severe Acute Respiratory Syn- they are interested.
U.S. when MiC Beijing was can- and the U.S. State Department drome (SARS) in China, during “My feeling is if China is the
celled, worked with Bowdoin’s Di- warning against travel to China. which certain study abroad pro- place you want to study abroad, at
rector of Off-Campus Study and “A lot of factors go into this sort grams chose to evacuate Amer- least at this point, to list it as your
International Programs Christine of decision,” Executive Director of ican students studying away in top choice and to troubleshoot on
Wintersteen to find a back-up CET Mark Lenhart ’89 wrote in China, the closure of this spring’s the back end,” said Wintersteen.
plan, which hopefully will allow an email to the Orient. “We try to programs did not require the re- “I wouldn’t want to close up
her to enroll for the spring semes- ascertain the real risk by checking patriation of CET’s spring semes- the option.”


GIDDY UP: Democratic Senate hopeful Sara Gideon talks to students in the
Pickering Room. Gideon is trying to unseat incumbent Republican Susan Collins.
After senior-only experiment, Ladd to
accept applicants from all class years
don’t think having a house with failed to attract enough applicants kitchen and living space.”
by Artur Kalandarov all singles is as much of a draw for to fill the house. First-year students who are
Orient Staff
An equipment failure near the Androscoggin hydroelectric seniors as we hoped,” Ranen said. ResLife later made the house planning to apply to live in a
plant caused a power outage that left roughly 2,500 customers After two years as an all-senior Ranen also said that ResLife available to juniors and seniors College House next year will now
in Brunswick and parts of Bowdoin’s north campus in the dark College House, Ladd House will is hoping to allow more sopho- through the housing lottery to fill have the option of selecting Ladd.
last Saturday morning. accept applications from all class mores to live in College Houses. the leftover beds. While rising juniors and seniors
The outage occurred when a heedless squirrel damaged cir- years for the 2020-21 academic “It’s clear that we’re turning Angel Ramirez ’20, who lived may apply to the College House
cuit equipment near Sea Dog Brewing in Topsham, according year, the Office of Residential Life away sophomores from college in Ladd as a sophomore in 2017- system as well, the houses have
to Manager of Corporate Communications for Central Maine (ResLife) announced this week. houses, even with Boody-John- 18, before it became a senior-only traditionally been filled by soph-
Power (CMP) Catharine Hartnett. The change comes after son as a sophomore house … I house, said that he liked living in omore students.
The outage began at around 7:30 a.m. and lasted until power ResLife struggled to fill the house think that’s [also] what fueled the the house as a sophomore and Sydney Cox ’23 said she is
was restored shortly before noon. Buildings on the north loop, with seniors for the 2019-2020 decision,” Ranen said. enjoyed the many events that the considering applying to a College
which includes the David Saul Smith Union, as well as Morrell academic year, according to As- Ladd House has been a se- house has traditionally held, in- House and would be interested in
and Sargent Gyms, briefly lost power again around 4 p.m. as sociate Dean of Student Affairs nior-only College House since cluding Epicuria and the annual living in Ladd.
CMP restored the Brunswick area to its regular power source. and Director of Residential & the 2018-19 academic year, when Bowdoin Art Society art show. “I like the idea of living in a
Because of the timing of the outage, no scheduled campus Student Life Mike Ranen. ResLife created a separate ap- Ramirez is now a member of College House … right now I
events were affected. Ranen attributed the lack of plication to Ladd for seniors in the Inter-House Council, a stu- have a great environment on my
The outage was the first time that the College was forced to student interest in Ladd to the conjunction with the College’s dent advisory group made up of floor, everyone is pretty well con-
use a new generator, installed last summer in the parking lot construction of the new Park announcement of a cap on the former house residents and offi- nected … so I kind of want that
behind Smith Union, to power major buildings on the north Row Apartments, and said that number of students allowed to cers who assist in the application environment again,” Cox said. “I
campus loop, Interim Director of Facilities Operations & Main- ResLife anticipated that the live off campus. process. would personally love to [live in
tenance Jeff Tuttle explained. opening of the new Harpswell In 2018-19, with Park Row still “It was super cool being there Ladd]. It has a really big and open
“It’s real helpful, especially for prolonged outages. If that Apartments next year would under construction, Ladd House as a sophomore … There are a space.”
were to happen—hopefully it doesn’t—then we have a ton of further reduce demand for Ladd filled up, said Ranen. But this lot of events that happen every The deadline to apply to live in
capability to put people in Sargent, put people in Smith, put among seniors. year, with many seniors opting to year that are pretty dope,” said a College House is February 9.
people all over,” said Tuttle. “With the increase in beau- apply for Park Row Apartments Ramirez. “I had a guaranteed sin- Angel Ramirez ’20 is a photog-
Andrew Bastone contributed to this report. tiful, new upperclass housing I through the lottery system, Ladd gle which was nice, [and] a great rapher for the Orient.
4 NEWS Friday, February 7, 2020


Occupations of Board Members

Doctors Other

2 2 17
High-profile 2

AND WHAT Healthcare




TRUSTEES do and why should students whom have children who are
care? current students at the Col-
uated college after 1998, while
27 graduated before 1985.
members and directing the
College’s money for the fore-
“Without the Board … we
would not have the financial
lege. “We will continue over seeable future. The trustees aid program that we have to-
Trustees,” 308 reported that WHO ARE THE TRUSTEES? The members come to time to see more trustees determine “the right pro- day.”
they have “never met any of the Board from a variety of from more recent graduat- grams for the future of the Deciding how to allocate
the trustees” and 310 report- Bowdoin’s Board is com- professions. Seventeen—just ing classes,” Rose said of the College,” as Rose put it. the College’s finances requires
ed that they felt they could prised of 40 trustees. They are under half—of the trustees Board’s aging composition. The trustees’ effect on more than just reading a 60-
not “communicate with one led by the Chair of the Board worked or work in finance. Women hold only 14 of the student experience is, in page packet before each of
or multiple trustees” if they Robert White ’77 P’15, Vice Seven trustees have a back- the Board’s 40 current seats. Rose’s words, “both every- their three annual meetings,
wanted to. Chair Paula Wardynski ’79 ground in education or ac- The gender imbalance of the thing and nothing.” Their said Diana Spagnuolo ’96, a
The Board of Trustees has and the President of the Col- ademia. Five trustees come Board can be accounted for by decisions affect both the Col- trustee since 2018.
been in the spotlight this lege Clayton Rose. from politics or law. Three the unequal gender distribu- lege’s development over a pe- “We have plenty of home-
past year. Students and fac- Thirty-six of the 40 trust- come from the healthcare in- tion of Bowdoin alumni more riod of years and decades and work to do before we step on
ulty questioned the standing ees are alumni and, of the dustry. Two are entrepreneurs generally, said board member the experience of students on the campus,” said Spagnuolo.
of trustee James “Jes” Staley others, three have children and work in waste manage- Michele Cyr ’76 P’12. The a daily basis. “The expectation is that the
’79 P’11, a known associate who attended or attend Bow- ment and the food industry. first women to graduate from To this end, the Board is meetings are not so much
of Jeffrey Epstein, and asked doin. Rose is the only board Two are doctors, two are the College did so in 1975. broken down into nine stand- for us to be debriefed, but for
the Board to support the member who is neither a high-profile executives, one “The pool that you’re ing committees: the Executive us to be debriefed through
campaign for a living wage. Bowdoin alum nor a Bowdoin was an Olympic athlete and drawing from is not 50-50,” Committee; the Academic communications and through
So who sits on the Board parent. Of the 40, 21 trustees one is a journalist. she said. Affairs Committee; the Audit, reading and through phone
of Trustees, what do they are Bowdoin parents, six of Only four trustees grad- Trustees are appointed to Risk, and Reputation Com- calls before we arrive for
the Board by a majority vote mittee; the Beyond Bowdoin those meetings, and to be pre-
Graduation Year of Bowdoin Alumni on Board of Trustees of the current trustees. The Committee; the Governance pared to dig into these issues,
College relies on community Committee; the Committee to provide guidance, to pro-
20 18
members—including alum-
ni, faculty and former and
on Inclusion; the Investment
Committee; the Resources
vide oversight, to hear from
students and faculty who
current trustees—to recom- Committee and the Student participate in those meetings,
mend qualified candidates. Experience Committee. and to give advice … advice
Number of Trustee Members

15 The process is “organic,” said

Across these functions, the
Board’s primary concern is to
that’s in the best interests of
the College.”
Each trustee serves for a ensure the financial viability In addition to their advi-
term of five years, and cannot and growth of the College. sory role, trustees are also
10 serve more than three consec- Bowdoin’s current finan- expected to donate to the
10 utive terms. cial aid program is among the College, “in accordance with
large-scale accomplishments their capacity to do so,” as
7 WHAT THE BOARD DOES for which the Board is re- stated in the Trustee Roles
sponsible, Rose said. and Responsibilities.
5 4 The Board is tasked with “[The College’s financial The benefit of such dona-
safeguarding the long-term aid program] is everything tions has an enormous impact
1 health of the College, which that we are about today, but on the lives of students and
includes hiring the President [the Board is] not involved the results can be seen across
0 of the College, nominating in delivering financial aid in campus.
1960s 1970s 1980s 1990s 2000s and approving new board any specific way,” said Rose. In 1997, hedge fund man-

KING during his presidency and po-

tentially sets a precedent for
through which we pass, will
light us down, in honor or dis-
student to speak at the event,
read a tweet from Kersti Kalju-
“I have found myself being
came up once more.
Nora Bishop from Bowdo-
future presidents. honor, to the latest generation.” laid, the President of Estonia, increasingly apathetic because inham called for an end to the
“My faith is shaken in the King stated that he was par- Speaking about the vote in the criticizing Trump’s opposition to I feel hopeless. There is obvious divisiveness of the moment and
system I’m teaching to my stu- ticularly troubled by the second impeachment trial, King said, calling witnesses at the trial, and evidence of guilt ... I mean if this asked King what could be done
dents—the system of checks article of impeachment—alleged “We’re all going to have to live asked King what effect Trump’s isn’t impeachable then what is?” to unify the nation. She began to
and balances,” said John Dev- obstruction of a Congressional with this vote. This is probably behavior would have on Ameri- Edwards said. “And if our leaders quote from Lincoln’s first Inaugu-
er, a high school social studies investigation—fearing Trump’s the most important vote any of ca’s international standing. aren’t going to represent us in a ral Address: “I am loath to close.
teacher from Bath. “I think this acquittal will have a lasting im- us will take.” In his response, King cited his way that takes action to say, ‘yes, We are not enemies, but friends.
is a real crisis.” pact on the balance of power. King called on the audience previous experience as a lawyer. he is guilty,’ I think that breeds We must not be enemies. Though
King publicly opposed im- “The Congress has been to rise above party politics, citing “I’ve never seen a trial that apathy, especially among young passion may have strained ...”
peachment during Special committing slow-motion sui- a fundamental goodness present starts with closing arguments,” people.” She paused, attempting to re-
Counsel Robert Mueller’s in- cide for fifty years,” King said, in Americans and the necessity King said. King echoed this sentiment in member the rest of the quote. But
vestigation of alleged Russian referring to Congress’s delega- of bipartisan cooperation. Speaking specifically about an interview with the Orient fol- King was there to help. “It must
interference in the 2016 elec- tion of powers of war, trade and “Part of what we have to calling former National Securi- lowing the event, expressing con- not break our bonds of affection,”
tion and possible ties between spending to the president. “I do—all of us—is listen. Because ty Advisor John Bolton as a wit- cern with the ethos of the Trump he said.
the Trump campaign and Rus- fear this is another step in the a lot of the anger is from people ness, King added, “How could presidency. They finished the quote to-
sia. However, after the Ukraine direction of moving toward a who felt put down and not tak- anyone not vote for this?” “I think a lot of young people gether: “The mystic chords of
controversy arose, he changed presidency that is so strong.” en seriously. We cannot go on The sole representative of feel distance [from the trial], ask- memory, stretching from every
his mind. To explain the gravity of divided the way we are,” King the student body at the event, ing ‘does it involve me?’ I think battlefield and patriot grave to ev-
King said he considers the the Senate’s vote, King quoted said. “Somebody said after the Edwards said he was not sur- there is a disenchantment with ery living heart and hearthstone
current situation as qualitative- Abraham Lincoln, who told last election, ‘what do we need prised by the lack of student government, and therefore [they all over this broad land, will yet
ly different than the allegations Congress in December 1862, in the country?’ The phrase that engagement with King. He are asking the question] ‘why swell the chorus of the Union,
contained in the Mueller in- at the height of the Civil War: came to my mind is ‘eloquent thinks students are apathetic bother to watch?’” he said. when again touched, as surely
vestigation because the issue at “Fellow-citizens, we cannot es- listening.’” because “the conclusion is fore- Toward the end of King’s pub- they will be, by the better angels
hand concerns Trump’s actions cape history … The fiery trial Morgan Edwards ’22, the only gone—[Trump’s] acquittal is lic remarks, President Lincoln of our nature.”
Friday, February 7, 2020 NEWS 5

ager Stanley F. Druckenmiller industries say they also bring dational to their work on the representative on the search Faculty, too, have ex-
’75, a trustee emeritus and a
current member of the In-
valuable professional skills to Board.
the Board. “I have so many interac-
committee that nominated
Rose’s predecessor, President
pressed a feeling of distance
from the Board.
vestment Committee with a Cyr is a senior asso- tions with faculty and Barry Mills ’72. “Our relationship with the
net worth of $4.7 billion, do- ciate dean for students and Spagnuolo recalled hear- trustees is … very minimal,”
nated $35.6 million to build academic
5.2% I think ing that it was because of a said Ann Kibbie, associate No
Stanley F. Druckenmiller
Hall in honor of his grandfa- 94.8% student’s comment on the im-
portance of pre-orientation
professor of English and pres-
ident of the recently-found-
ther. Minutes from a 1995-96 trips that the trustees decided ed Bowdoin chapter of the Kibbie also described a
meeting of the Board indicate to incorporate the price of American Association of Uni- change in the nature of inter-
that the construction bid for the trips into tuition, making versity Professors. “We have actions between trustees and
the new building went to them mandatory for all. very little contact with the faculty.
a construction company “I really try to take ad- trustees and we have virtually “[Meeting informally]
owned by another trustee, vantage of my time on no unstructured contact.” provided a chance to collect
John Fish ’82 P’10. Fish Do you feel campus so that not all of Kibbie characterized the first-hand information about
is the CEO of Suffolk my information is coming relationship between the fac- departmental issues, faculty
Construction Company, connected through the senior lead- ulty and the trustees as almost concerns,” she said. “Current
the 112th largest private
company in America, ac-
to the Board ership,” said Spagnuolo.
“[I try] to hear directly
non-existent, save for the six
faculty who
trustee meeting structure is
heavily scheduled so
cording to Forbes. of Trustees? from not just those stu-
Philip Schiller P’17,
Apple’s senior vice presi-
dents who are the formal
liaison, but someone who 28.5% 71.5%
dent, has also made signif- may be sitting out in front of
icant financial contributions a building, and maybe not
to the College. In September expect to have me walk
2017, Schiller and his wife do- up and raise a point of
nated $10 million to renovate conversation, so that
the Schiller Coastal Studies I can better educate
Center. A year and a half later, myself about what’s
in May 2019, he was elected
to the Board.
affairs in the
Division of Biology and
that those in-
teractions are constantly
happening on cam-
Do you feel
The Roux Center for the Medicine at Brown University informing the questions I ask Before joining as though the
Environment, the Schwartz and has served on the Uni- or the comments I may make the Board, a num-
Outdoor Leadership Center versity’s Title IX panel. Both in the context of committee ber of the current trustees’ decisions
and Studzinski Recital Hall
were all named after trustees
Cyr and Spagnuolo, a lawyer
who has worked extensively
work or other board work,”
said Cyr.
trustees served in
other positions at affect your life?
(now emeriti) who provided on issues of gender equality “There’s always a student, the College. Spag-
the donations to build them. and sexual misconduct, said if not more than one, at the nuolo worked on the
they draw on their profes- table,” Thorndike said of his Alumni Council. Ron
WHAT THEY BRING TO sional experiences to better work on trustee commit- Brady ’89 P’19 has ad-
THE BOARD understand any challenges tees. “And when that student vised current students on
around Title IX that the Col- speaks, we listen.” careers in the nonprofit sec-
Trustees say they serve out lege might face. tor. Thorndike worked as a fi-
of a deep sense of apprecia- “Those really heavy is- nancial analyst in Bowdoin’s
tion and connection to the sues that clients are
% 17.4 investment office.

82.6 %
College. dealing with every Nevertheless, sit on the that faculty interac-
“Beyond my fiduciary re- day at work gives the vast majori- Committee on Governance tions with trustees, even when
sponsibility, I’m motivated me, I think, a ty of students and Faculty Affairs and thus faculty are part of trustee
and driven because of my perspective polled by the attend certain meetings with committee meetings, is quite
love of the College and my that helps Orient felt trustees. Rose said at a Bow- limited.”
respect for the role the insti- me when distanced doin Student Government Kibbie said she wished
tution played in my life,” said I’m sit- from the (BSG) assembly on January 29 trustees would more actively
Spagnuolo. ting in a trustees. that approximately 10 faculty seek out perspectives from the
Many trustees draw on trustee “I will be present at this week- faculty.
their professional experienc- meet- Have you met think end’s Board meeting. “I do think that the faculty
es to guide their work on the ing or usually Professor of Physics Made- would have valuable informa-
Board, especially those who I’m any of the when leine Msall noted a decrease in tion and insights to contrib-
work in the financial sector, prepar- you recent years in the number of ute to any sort of long-term
given that the Board’s prima- ing for trustees? think interactions between trustees planning,” she said.
ry responsibility is fiduciary. a meet- of the and the faculty. Trustees say they derive
“I spend my professional ing,” said Board “Senior colleagues have motivation to chart Bowdo-
life thinking about how in- Spagnuo- of Trust- said to me that, in the past, the in’s future from the Offer of
stitutions like Bowdoin and lo. ees, that trustees had more unstruc- the College and the princi-
others can invest in order to inspires the tured time in their meeting ples of the common good,
earn the types of returns that HOW image of a fair schedule to wander campus,” and also from the school’s
they need to earn to support TRUSTEES EN- amount of mon- wrote Msall in an email. “They profound effect on their own
their spending,” said John GAGE WITH THE ey and wealth and report that alumni trustees lives.
Thorndike ’02, a trustee since COMMUNITY power,” said Frances used this time to meet in- “[The College] profoundly
2011 who currently works in Zorensky ’20. “A lot of formally with faculty. This changed my life,” said Brady.
asset management at GMO, Trustees say that their in- students maybe don’t share provided a chance to collect “And when … I was a junior
an investment firm based in teractions with community During his un- an identity or feel that they first-hand information about or a senior, I said, ‘whenever
Boston. members, including faculty, dergrad years, Thorndike can connect with them very departmental issues and facul- Bowdoin asks, whatever it is,
Trustees who work in other staff and students, are foun- himself served as a student easily.” ty concerns.” I will always say yes.’”

CAMPAIGN “Students come from very

different backgrounds and their
have 20,000 people standing on
the sidelines, clapping politely
tary donations. It encourages
young alumni to get involved
“I think this campaign is not
just about raising the money,
really about bringing the com-
munity together around shared
understanding of and ability to for the few people who gave a by attending Bowdoin-hosted though we have really ambitious values of what we believe and
policy. access networks and the tools million dollars.” events, volunteering to inter- goals there,” said Sydney Asbury asking people to give their time,
“[Around] half of the cam- that are available [are different]. From a public relations view prospective students and ’03, one of the six chairs of the not just their treasure.”
paign is dedicated to financial So how do we make sure that standpoint, this participation organizing networking oppor- campaign and a member of the Maia Coleman contributed to
aid, and to access, which speaks everyone has an equal oppor- rate is critically important to tunities. College’s Board of Trustees. “It’s this report.
deeply to who we are as an in- tunity to explore careers?” said the College. Bowdoin currently
stitution, what we believe in Rose. ranks fourth nationally in alum-
and the notion that if you’re a Specifically, the College will ni engagement, a superlative
student [admitted] here, we’re provide a sum of $5,000 to be that administrators prize.
going to make sure that you allocated to each student on fi- “It’s one of the things that
can come, regardless of your nancial aid to fund one summer U.S. News [and World Reports]
family’s financial situation,” internship. looks at it because for them it’s a
Rose said. “You will have the To meet its ambitious $500 measure of what people think of
opportunity to experience the million goal, the College hopes the education,” said Scott Hood,
essential elements of abundant for participation from alumni of senior vice president for com-
education.” all ages and demographics. munications and public affairs.
Thirty-seven million dollars “Campaigns are … really “So that participation number
have been earmarked for Career important opportunities to help really matters to the College.
Exploration and Development everyone feel connected to the And, you know, we’d like to be
to support and expand existing ideas of the College,” Meikle- number one, and we’re not very
infrastructure like the funded john said. “What we don’t want far off.”
internship program and the to have happen is to reach the The campaign emphasizes
Bowdoin Public Service Initia- end of the campaign … having non-financial participation COURTESY OF FRED FIELD
tive. achieved a dollar success, but to as well as traditional mone- ROSE-ING FUNDS: President Clayton Rose kicks off the campaign’s public phase in Boston on Thursday night.
6 NEWS Friday, February 7, 2020

Professors kick off Black History Month Pilot intragroup

by Jane Godiner
Orient Staff dialogue on race to
start this Monday
A conversation between
Associate Professor of English
Guy Mark Foster and Assistant
Professor of Government Chryl
Laird kicked off this year’s Black most interest in addressing and
History Month and Beyond pro- by Lucie Nolden choose materials resonate most
Orient Staff
gramming Wednesday evening, with participants.
covering topics ranging from pol- Last fall, 16 students of In addition, student partic-
itics to the Oscars. varying backgrounds and ra- ipants are encouraged to get
Amani Hite ’20, who is presi- cial identities met at 30 Col- meals and coffee dates with
dent of the Black Student Union lege for seven Monday nights each other, continuing the dia-
(BSU), moderated the conversa- to engage in a dialogue about logue outside of the four sched-
tion titled “Black Contributions race and racism. Beginning uled sessions. Stern hopes that
to Culture, Politics, and Ameri- this Monday, a group of only students participating in and
can Life.” white-identifying students will graduating from the program
Both Laird and Foster em- congregate for the College’s will find ways to integrate their
phasized the crucial contribu- pilot Intragroup Dialogue on newfound knowledge and skills
tions of Black bodies and minds race, specifically designed for into their daily lives, initiating
to aspects of modern American white students. conversations about race with
life, including cuisine, enter- DIEGO VELASQUEZ, THE BOWDOIN ORIENT According to Kate Stern, as- friends and teammates.
tainment and language. Foster GOING FORWARD: Amani Hite ’20 (right) moderates the “Black Contributions to Culture, Politics, and American Life” sociate dean of students for in- “I hope that there is learn-
underscored the importance of conversation between Associate Professor of English Guy Mark Foster (center) and Assistant Professor of Government Chryl Laird. clusion & diversity and direc- ing, self-reflection and some
Black people in the creation of tor of the Center for Sexuality, clear intentional steps of what
some of the most salient cultural Black culture. that we have.” sat on the Black History Month Women and Gender, this new people can do—both inside our
and political infrastructure in “Hair care for many Black Foster reminded the group Committee which has been model, adopted from a similar community and outside—to
America. women is a very loving, caring that, despite having their cul- responsible for planning and program at the University of tackle racism,” Stern said.
“Michelle Obama, at one experience. And [Cherry] want- ture constantly usurped and executing this February’s pro- Michigan, offers white students Stern explained that there
point, acknowledged … when ed to demonstrate that through appropriated by white Ameri- gramming. committed to learning about is currently a “solid group”
she and her family entered the this film,” said Laird. “He fund- ca, Black Americans have been “We try to make sure that and tackling racism the chance of participants, but she noted
White House, it didn’t escape raised through a GoFundMe characteristically resilient. all of the programming is very to talk about issues surround- that a few spaces are still open
her that she was entering into a or a Kickstarter … and it’s now “There’s a kind of ‘always well-versed and very diverse,” ing racism. and invites students who are
building that was constructed nominated for an Oscar. Like, keep going forward,’ ‘always Hite said. “The talks are always “It’s similar to … groups of interested to reach out. Stern
by Black people,” Foster said. that’s wild.” men getting together to talk explained that offering both
“And I think when Black people Foster disagreed with Laird’s I would like for us collectively, people of about healthy masculinity and programs will allow students to
mention those types of contribu- statement, questioning whether gender specifically in a way to choose a level of engagement
tions, they’re all then met with or not white institutions should color and white progressive thinkers to combat sexism and misogyny,” that feels right. She hopes some
pushback.” be considered the benchmark ... actually stand up and turn our backs said Eduardo Pazos, director students will choose to partic-
Laird added that, far too often, for Black achievement. of religious and spiritual life. ipate in intergroup dialogue
Black contributions to American “I would like for us collec-
to the Oscars. If we did that, perhaps Stern and Pazos, who led the after engaging in intragroup
culture are only recognized and tively, people of color and white, things might change. Intergroup Dialogue on Race dialogue.
appreciated when they appear in progressive thinkers to … actu- in the fall together, see the “Both go hand in hand quite
white culture. ally stand up and turn our backs
–Guy Mark Foster, associate professor of English intragroup dialogue as one of well together,” she said. “It can
“There’s so much stuff that to the Oscars,” Foster said. “If several useful tools on cam- be really powerful and people
goes on within the Black com- we did that, perhaps things moving forward’ [mentality] catered to what is happening in pus for students interested in have the opportunity to do
munity. And then you see it pop might change.” for Black people as a collective,” the world right now.” exploring and dismantling both.”
up in the mainstream and people The conversation also ex- Foster said. “I like that kind of Hite encourages the Bowdo- racism. The intragroup dialogue is
act like that thing is brand new, tended to the role that Black vot- ability of our culture to contin- in community not to confine The intragroup dialogue one of several organized dia-
and you’re like, ‘but people have ers play in the current political ually revise and reinvent new the celebration of Black history structure is a little different logues occurring this semes-
been doing that for a long time,’” climate. During the exchange things.” to one month. She stressed that from the intergroup dialogues, ter—similar programs center-
said Laird. Laird alluded to the content in Hite was happy with the dis- only genuine and sustained which are usually led by one ing around religion and class
Laird sees the entertainment her latest book, “Steadfast Dem- cussion but wished it could have student participation will lead facilitator who is white and an- will be taking place in addition
industry, specifically film, as an ocrats: How Social Forces Shape been longer. to meaningful engagement. other who is a person of color. to a pilot dialogue on politi-
especially good avenue for cele- Black Political Behavior.” “The talk was so short, and “After the end of February, This group will be moderated cal differences. For Stern and
brating Blackness. She cited film “Black Democratic loyalty I wanted more time,” Hite said. the Black experience does not by Ryan Telingator ’21 and Em- Pazos, helping students learn
director Matthew A. Cherry’s … is not a sheep behavior,” “But even with a ten-hour talk, stop,” said Hite. “Learn, grow, ily Oleisky ’20, two white-iden- how to talk to each other about
short film “Hair Love,” which Laird said. “The fact that [Black it wouldn’t be enough time to educate yourself and come to tifying students who have issues that can feel difficult to
depicts the relationship between people] may be aligned in our talk about the Black experi- these talks as well, but know participated in an intergroup bring up is an invaluable skill
a Black father and his daughter partisan values has a lot to do ence.” that these talks are just setting dialogue on race and who have both at Bowdoin and in the
through hair care, as one of the with our race, the communities BSU, along with Africa Alli- the foundation for what could led Real Talks on Race, a series world at large.
prime examples of how film can that we’re in, the socializing that ance and the Student Organiza- be a more fruitful conversa- of guided discussions on race “In a time in our country
serve as a vehicle for showcasing we’re doing and the social ties tion for Caribbean Awareness, tion.” for first-year students. The when we talk a lot about being
group will meet for the next polarized and being in each
four weeks for facilitated dis- person’s corner, [it’s important]

Students relaunch chapter of mental health club cussions, sometimes with as-
signed readings or short video
clips to stimulate conversation.
for us to have an ongoing set of
four or five different dialogues
that are happening every single
“We know that Bowdoin week,” said Pazos. “[We went]
it was time to re-activate a discuss and talk about mental Counseling and Wellness Ser- students are very busy with through almost the whole
by Keyna Mecias Quinonez chapter at Bowdoin. health in an open way and just vices and Peer Health to host their coursework, so we don’t first year class [in Real Talks
Orient Staff “[I] was looking into if bring awareness to it on the events. want it to feel like another on Race] in the bricks, [and]
This spring, Olivia Groell Bowdoin had a mental health Bowdoin campus,” she said. “[I hope to have] a coffee class or for that to be a barri- people [were] engaging with
’22 and Ridhika Tripathee club” she said. “[I realized] The leaders noted that, at house kind of deal with Boo- er,” Stern said. Through the each other and talking to each
’22 are re-starting a Bowdoin that we kind of had organiza- Bowdoin, it is not uncommon dy Johnson House, since they pilot program, facilitators will other and sometimes disagree-
chapter of Active Minds, a na- tions in the past but we don’t for academic stress to harm already do that kind of [pro- be able to fine-tune the top- ing with each other—and that’s
tional nonprofit organization seem to currently have one.” students’ mental health. Their gramming],” said Tripathee. ics of discussion, learn which okay, too! But people [were]
that aims to increase mental For Tripathee and Groell, goal is to change the way “We were going to do poetry focus areas students have the actually talking to each other.”
health awareness on college who have both struggled with mental health is perceived or just have people talk about
campuses. mental health issues, there are and spoken about on campus. it and share their art and then
“The goal of our club is to personal stakes in establish- “With Bowdoin culture just have a comfortable space
spread awareness of mental
health and to destigmatize
ing the club.
“I was super excited about
I feel like everyone kind of
brags about how much they
while talking about it.”
In the long term, the lead- ONE WEEK
talking about it. To just have
more people more comfort-
able with talking about their
going to college, but then
I was away from my family
and my support system and
have to do and how little
sleep they get, so, in that way,
people feel like they need to
ers hope to host larger events.
“I was thinking of having
[an event] once a year or a
feelings, their emotions and
talking to their friends about
everything,” Tripathee said.
“It was really rough and the
be stressed out,” Tripathee
said. “They need to always
de-stress week or a healthy
mental health awareness week
it,” Tripathee said. thing with counseling is they be pushing themselves and or something where there are
In 2011, a chapter of Active
Minds was started at Bowdo-
are there, but you really have
to … be there for yourself.”
they think it’s okay to feel
depressed because they think
different events every day or
every week,” Tripathee said.
in, but the group has since
ceased activity. Since other
Groell also had some issues
surrounding mental health in
that’s just part of the culture.”
Along with having club
When Groell and Tripathee
complete club training, they
campuses such as Bates and her first year. meetings directed toward plan to begin hosting biweek-
Colby have active chapters, “[I wanted to create] a help- increasing awareness, the ly meetings on Thursday eve-
Groell and Tripathee felt ful organization for students to club plans to partner with nings.
Friday, February 7, 2020 7



FUN AT FRONTIER: Singer-songwriter Robby Simpson was one of three artists featured at Frontier’s Songwriters on Stage on Tuesday. The event, hosted by Maine Songwriters Association takes place on a monthy basis.

Frontier’s Songwriters on Stage showcases local musicians

tor Sean Morin explained the re- farms that supply the restaurant Simpson and Dahlin took the people in the audience. And you the challenge,” said Hunsberger
by Elizabeth Flanagan lationship between Frontier and to the vendors whose products stage together and cycled through never know until it’s seven o’clock on strategizing ways to involve
Orient Staff MSA in an email. are sold at the coffee bar—MSA playing individual pieces. which one it’s gonna be,” said the Bowdoin community. “It
On Tuesday night, local musi- “Different than most events fits right in. “Generally most of the people Hunsberger. would be a nice way for the col-
cians and music lovers gathered at Frontier, our long-term part- “[Morin] just is such a great who will perform here will be Despite this uncertainty, Mo- lege to have a reason to come
at Frontier to hear a medley of nership with MSA allowed us the supporter of what we do,” playing an acoustic guitar and rin commented on the impact down and be involved here. And
songs and vocals in the cozy the- trust to let them own and curate Hunsberger continued. “He al- singing,” said Hunsberger. “But the Songwriters on Stage event it’d be a nice way for the commu-
atre tucked into the old mill at the that series independently of our ways likes to get in music in this actually stylistically, Robbie and has had on the community. nity to see the other side of some
end of Maine Street. input,” he wrote. “They handpick theater. And with Maine song- Amelia and I all have very differ- “Over the years, we’ve seen of the students here too. I think
Michael Gilroy opened Fron- the talent and run their own writers—it being a local Maine ent kinds of leanings.” the Midcoast music communi- it’d be a cool show.”
tier in Fort Andross in 2006, with sound in our theater space.” thing—it’s right up their alley.” Hunsberger was seated be- ty develop into a tightly woven Hunsberger hopes that the
a mission to “connect the world MSA is a nonprofit that was Each month, a member of hind a keyboard to accompany family as they continue to gather uniqueness of the event will
through food, arts and culture.” established by songwriters in the the MSA Board of Directors is himself during his songs, Dahlin and grow on Frontier’s stage,” he prove attractive to both Bowdoin
The business strives to do this greater Portland area about 20 responsible for hosting the event, brought her guitar to execute her said. “Sharing that love with the and the Brunswick community.
through its restaurant, coffee bar, years ago. hand-picking a set of musicians jazzy sound and dynamic vocals, community at large is a big part “I think that’s one of the
event spaces and theater, used for “[Its purpose] is to support and sometimes taking the stage and Simpson brought a coun- of Frontier’s success.” things it does nicely,” Hunsberger
a variety of community gather- and provide opportunities to as well. try-western flavor to the evening Hunsberger is also eager to said. “It exposes the local com-
ings. Maine songwriters. So we try to On stage with Hunsberger, with a guitar, harmonica and foster a stronger relationship be- munity to others who are in the
One of these events is Song- offer workshops, performance Tuesday’s host, were his choic- cowboy boots. tween Songwriters on Stage at the greater Maine community, who
writers on Stage, an event host- opportunities, and support net- es of Maine musicians, Robby The audience size for the Frontier and musically-inclined do some pretty cool stuff that
ed by the Maine Songwriters works,” explained Ben Hunsberg- Simpson and Emilia Dahlin. MSA’s shows varies greatly from Bowdoin students. They rarely they wouldn’t really get to hear
Association (MSA) in Frontier’s er, a board member and a host of Their performance was preceded month to month. have the opportunity to feature otherwise.”
theatre the first Tuesday of every Tuesday’s event. by opener Sarah Dawn, who per- “We can have a night where young artists on stage. Songwriters on Stage will take
month. With Morin’s Maine-centric formed three original songs for there’s 10 people in the audi- “I’m sure there are [some] place every Tuesday at Frontier at
Frontier Programming Direc- concept for Frontier—from the the audience. Next Hunsberger, ence and a night when there’s 50 Bowdoin students who are up to 7 p.m. until June.

M.A.K.U. Soundsystem on new horizons of Latin music

Juan Ospina: Primarily and that is unique and our print of it feels like. sive role for the entire history ca is not ready for that.’ But
by Sebastian de Lasa first and foremost, to me, it’s a the diaspora in New York. AJ: Yeah it’s also the migra- of the U.S., but culturally, Lati- apparently they realized that,
Orient Staff New York experience. We are Bowdoin Orient: As musi- tion. Things take shape. Every- no people have been shunned. you know, people are seeking
Editor’s Note: This interview has Colombian and that’s where cians, how do you feel like the thing is migrations, especially And now I think that with a something different.
been edited for length and clarity. we come from; what we do in United States is changing in in a place like New York City. growing Latino population—a Bowdoin Orient: Latino
Bowdoin Orient: Where did music and the scene that we’re terms of interest and percep- You know, people from, say, vastly growing one—it seems culture really is such a massive
the name M.A.K.U. Soundsys- a part of in New York involves tion of Latin music? Ecuador—you’ll find more like parts of Latino cultures are part of American culture.
tem come from? things that deal with tradi- JO: I think could it be that musicians from Ecuador do- starting to be more and more JO: The blend is undeni-
Camilo Rodriguez: M.A.K.U. tional music from Colombia, we’re surrounded by this world ing things and changing things integrated into “American cul- able, yeah. But tonight could
comes from the Nukak-Maku so that’s in us. But also we are that feels it’s tired of the usual around. I think for Colombian ture.” That begs the question, be a testament to that. People
[which] is an indigenous part of a world. New York, as things; we all grew up in Co- people, we are probably a result do you guys see any signs of were saying that we’re playing
group. And this group was you said, they call it “the melt- lombia, we would listen to the of a lot of people that have come appropriation? I feel like I hear at a college that has bankers
displaced by the war in Co- ing pot,” so it’s diverse within radio and they’d play all the stuff before us to pave the way. If you more and more of just vaguely that come out of here. There’s
lombia, and they came out on itself. There’s a lot of sound that came from here, like Bon look at history you’ll see the Latin sounding music made by that need for a new kind of
the front page of the New York from different places of the Jovi. So having listened to all of Puerto Ricans have had a big, a bunch of white dudes. wave. We’re into different
Times back in 2010 or 2009. world, you know, a large spec- that and coming here, there are big, role in opening up doors JO: There are people like J. things in life, it’s not necessar-
Andrés Jiménez: Yeah, trum of Caribbean music, a a great amount of people in this for the Spanish-speaking people Balvin and Rosalía who actual- ily just all monetizing.
2009 or 2008. large spectrum of African mu- country who still wanna listen that came after them, in New ly made a charge into the main- Bowdoin Orient: People
CR: We just use that name sic ... and then there’s music to “oldies but goodies.” And I York. And you have like the stream, right? Beyond whether want to dance.
because of that. from New York itself, like sal- like all that! But at the same boom of salsa, because of the we like it or not, I don’t think JO: People want to dance!
Bowdoin Orient: So you sa, hip hop and all that stuff. I time, I don’t know if it’s because Dominican community, too. none of them could have had a So that’s what we shall see to-
guys all hail from Colombia think all of that mixing is in- of the radio, but all of a sudden We’re all some result of migra- chance before, I don’t think the night, to watch the sons and
but the group formed in New evitable and it permeates and it seems that people are looking tion. So in that sense like society mainstream industry would daughters of—and these are
York. Do you think that your breeds and we breed it back, to listen to other people’s stuff. and music will always be linked have taken a risk to have some- the words of your co-college
music is necessarily influenced but also, I think the good part The eclectic sound has become together, you know, in that way. body saying three, four, five students—the neo-liberal kids
by mostly Colombian artists of it—what we enjoy—is that it more accepted in America, it Bowdoin Orient: Obvious- words in Spanish, they’d be are here. Let’s see if they also
or other stuff that you are ex- comes through this M.A.K.U. doesn’t just sound like rock all ly, Latino people in the United like ‘Hell no! That’s gonna ruin are into the feeling of things,
posed to living in New York? filter, in which it leaves a print the time. Maybe, but that’s what States have been playing a mas- my labor, you know, Ameri- you know.
8 Friday, February 7, 2019

Brunswick restaurant opens with twist on the classics
they want … something that’s
by Halina Bennet focused. Just picking one or
Orient Staff
two products and really just
With its elegant interior, lo- putting the best foot forward
cally-sourced ingredients and on those,” Lully said.
a pared-down menu, Maine The menu features modern
St. Steak and Oyster strives to takes on dishes from burgers
create a casual ambience with and beef carpaccio to freshly
high-end versions of classic shucked oysters. Head Chef
dishes. The restaurant, which Tony Pastor refreshes the fa-
opened last Thursday, saw a miliar flavors of the classic
busy first weekend and looks American Steakhouse with
forward to an exciting future homemade sauces, seasonal
on Brunswick’s Maine Street. vegetables and diverse cooking
Restaurant owners Kim methods.
Lully and her husband Sunny The restaurant makes an
Chung, along with their part- effort to use only simple, local
ners Sarah Gabrielson and ingredients to create its concise
Tony Pastor, previously operat- menu. It sources its oysters
ed a small Korean restaurant in from Mere Point Oyster Com-
Portland and are eager to bring pany, its produce from Laugh-
something fresh to the local ing Stock Farm in Freeport and
food scene. its steak from Caldwell Farm—
“Everything else that has only an hour away—in Turner,
been here a long time is great. Maine.
Obviously, that’s why they’re In addition to the menu’s
still here, but it’s nice to see modern reinventions of clas-
something new,” Lully said. sics, the restaurant keeps its
“[We’re bringing to] Brunswick offerings narrowed with a
a little of that ‘Portland feel.’ “non-threatening” wine list.
You know, it’s funny, we used to Without fancy cocktails and
say we wanted to give Portland dishes, Lully promises a “lo-
the ‘Boston feel,’ and now Port- cal, comfortable, casual, great
land has its own moniker.” quality” dining experience.
What, exactly is that ‘Port- The 38-seat dining space offers
land feel’? a new dining option for fami- ANGEL RAMIREZ, THE BOWDOIN ORIENT
Lully believes that now more ly dinners, date nights or any NEW FOOD ON THE BLOCK: Maine St. Steak and Oyster opened last week, bringing a twist on classic American steakhouse flavors to Brunswick’s restaurant scene.
than ever people are seeking night out.
out more focused dining expe- The restaurant strives to Maine Street. of city bistro feel where you will become a space that re- everything that comes out of
riences. carve out an accepting and “We’re hoping that every- get great food, but you can flects her team’s enthusiasm for the kitchen is sent with love and
“I think the [restaurants] accessible space. Families can body’s going to come and have come dressed in blue jeans their new creative and culinary care because we really, really at
that have been here for a long come and enjoy their evenings, fun. I mean, it’s good food, but and a t-shirt if you want to. It venture. the end of the day, like what we
time needed to do what they couples can celebrate their an- not fancy,” Lully said. “I think fits whatever you need. We just “All four of us really, real- do for a living,” Lully said.
needed to do 20 years ago. Now niversaries and no one should when you walk in … the big want to feed people and make ly love what we do. From the Maine St. Steak and Oyster
it’s about focus, honing in and feel unwelcome when they high ceilings, the natural wood them happy.” wines, to sourcing the local is open for dinner Tuesday to
giving people something that walk through the front door on floors, it has more of that kind Lully hopes the restaurant produce, to the steaks oysters, Saturday.

Buzzing with positivity:

Thorne greeter Doug Calhoun
We have a problem with pests. one job opening in my field, and Besides his tattoo, Calhoun is
by Lily Randall And we can’t keep [the bees] if it was in a place called Lubec also popular for his painted nails.
Orient Staff they decide they want to leave.” … I looked at it and I said, ‘No, Polished in coordination with
Bowdoin is a campus of many Calhoun has worked at the thank you,’ and I went back into seasons and major holidays, his
tattoos, but perhaps the College’s College since 2016. What initially computers, and I’ve sort of been nails sported snowflake designs
most famous ink is Doug Cal- began as a casual bartending gig in computers the rest of my life this winter to celebrate the cold.
houn’s honey bee, located on his for intermittent college events … I was an operator, a program- “I can’t remember how that
left wrist. The tattoo, which Cal- quickly turned into a deeper in- mer, a systems analyst and I got started. I started having them
houn got at age 74, is an homage volvement once he began meet- into Macintosh Apple. I [also] decorated around Christmas
to his beehive and can be spotted ing students. In addition to his work[ed] with schools. I had my one time, and the students like
as Calhoun swipes students into job at Thorne, Calhoun also helps own business selling school ad- them. Someone said ‘do your
Thorne Dining Hall. When Cal- out at track meets and works as ministration software.” grandchildren do that?’ And I
houn started beekeeping in 1999, a waiter for special events at the With his programming and said ‘I have 1500 grandchildren.’ I
though, he was more concerned College. To Calhoun, though, his computing life now behind him, mean, that’s the way I feel about
with his garden than with the job is much more than checking Calhoun takes immense joy in in- students, because I’m old enough
bees themselves. cards at the dining hall. teracting with Bowdoin students. to be your grandfather,” Calhoun
“I lived in Yarmouth, and I had “The students are wonderful. Attending athletic events, talking said.
a lot of gardens that weren’t doing They’re friendly. They’re polite. to basketball players and keeping “Now it’s time for Valentines,
very well, particularly squash and You know, a lot of people think up with those who are abroad are St. Patrick’s Day, [or] Easter [de-
cucumbers. Someone said, ‘well, that students today aren’t [polite], just a few of the ways Calhoun signs]. Last year at graduation, it
you need to get bees,’ so I took an but I haven’t met anyone that likes to stay involved with the was fun. I did them black, white,
adult education course on bee- hasn’t been polite,” Calhoun said. campus community. black, white, but then I had 2019
keeping [and] started beekeep- “It has really made me feel young Known for his engaging con- [written across]. It’s just a way to
ing,” Calhoun said. again.” versations with students, Cal- connect with the students. I want
Though he’s come to love his Calhoun, who grew up in houn is also admired for his hon- to connect, I want you to feel that
bees, beekeeping hasn’t been all Clinton, N.Y., has held jobs in a eybee tattoo, which he reported I’m not just swiping your card.”
fun and games for Calhoun. range of areas, but his main inter- was painless. At the end of the day, Calhoun
“It’s a challenge. We call it bee- est is in computers. “Getting stung by a bee is more hopes he can be a force for good
keeping, but to me it’s more like “I had a degree in secondary painful than [getting] the tattoo. on campus.
bee farming because we have all education, biology and physical In fact, the tattoo artist … said, “Well, you know, let’s face it, we
the same problems that a farmer education. And then along came ‘Oh, this will be like a bee sting’ can’t always be happy all the time,
does. We have a problem with too Vietnam, and I went into the Air and I said ‘go for it’ and it wasn’t right,” Calhoun said. “But maybe
much rain [or] not enough rain. Force,” Calhoun said. “When I even bad at all, it was easy, it was some days I can give a smile to POWER OF POSITIVITY: Doug Calhoun, longtime Bowdoin employee, explores
his beekeeping hobby and attempts to bring a positive influence to students’ lives.
We have a problem with disease. came to Maine, there was only wonderful,” Calhoun said. somebody who isn’t happy.”
Friday, February 7, 2019 FEATURES 9

Talk of the Quad

thrill of being back and seeing
STILL ON A QUEST FOR friends quickly wore off; in-
CONNECTION TO PLACE stead, I often find myself awk-
Have you ever experienced a ward and alone—all the things
really, really bad jet lag? that made me doubt if I ever
Not the type where you crave belonged at Bowdoin in the first
dinner at 4 p.m. or feel the need place coming back to haunt me
to pop a melatonin before bed. again.
This is something much more Science tells us that jet lag
daunting and debilitating, an occurs when our circadian
out-of-body experience where rhythm is out of sync—our
all is at once foreign yet famil- brain cells are literally too con-
iar. Where you are drowning in fused to operate, depriving us of
a sea of menial and mechanical our sleep, our appetite and our
tasks as if being thrust into a morale as functioning human
storm without a compass. beings. I have always confront-
One of the hardest moments ed jet lag with willpower and
came a few days ago on the eve caffeine. Yet this time around,
of Chinese New Year. adjusting back to Bowdoin after
At 4 a.m. EST on January abroad proves to be a crucible
24, I Facetimed my family as unlike ever before.
they were preparing dinner in As I wake up once again in a and
celebration of the holiday. I as- cold sweat on a Saturday morn- dusted,
sured them that I got back and ing, I wonder: what if the prob- while per- A TA
that everything was okay. Later lem is not purely biological? haps I am
that morning I sat in bed and To avoid sounding privileged not yet ready to
watched the count of confirmed and self-pitying, I confess that I let go.
coronavirus cases go up in real am incredibly fortunate to have And after all, how does one this “imperfect” tense that aris- prove myself, to perfect myself, debrief what happened.
time on social media—dys- been able to go abroad and have even begin talking about Italy? es out of an inability to be sepa- because I’ve always felt like a Maybe we are still searching
topia juxtaposed with wishes a memorable experience. What How do I convey, with words rate from our histories, a sense flawed person .… The anxiety for that point of balance, the
and blessings for the new year I am trying to piece together, and mere sentences, the sounds of longing, of incompleteness I felt, and sometimes still feel, place that will allow us to navi-
everywhere else—while hiding rather, is the not-so-simple and colors, the heartaches and and of loss, lurking behind as comes from a sense of inade- gate the confines of our worlds
out in my dorm room in rural aftermath of such an experi- revelations, the bastardi whom the silent backdrop of our lives. quacy, of being a disappoint- both old and new.
North America. I was never ence—this prolonged period of we loved to hate, those mid- “Mi identifico con l’imper- ment. If there is any consolation,
able to go back to sleep after re-entry, the intangible feeling night escapades along medieval fetto, perché un senso d’imper- In my case, therefore, I guess though, judging from the past
that. of detachment and melancholy alleyways, countless sunsets, fezione ha segnato la mia vita. this imperfection has manifest- six years of my life spent flying
These past two weeks back that I have tried time after time hugs, kisses, poems, cigarettes Sto provando da sempre a mi- ed itself in these long, arduous to and from two corners of the
at Bowdoin have been as such, to articulate. and millions of ciaos and buona gliorarmi, a correggermi, per- episodes of jet lag. world, it is the fact that I know
a draining, groggy, disorienting Since being back, friends, nottes? ché mi sono sempre sentita una Maybe my “clock” is still this jet lag will eventually pass.
experience of being trapped in professors and Ben from Dog Once again I turn to litera- persona difettosa .... L’ansia che waiting to be adjusted, as I It might take days, weeks or
a period of perpetual jet lag. My Bar Jim alike have asked me ture and linguistics. Perhaps it provavo, e talvolta provo anco- have discovered for myself and even months to feel normal
heart is constantly being pulled about abroad. “You’re back! is due to the limit of our own ra, proviene da un senso di ina- suspect for some others. We and settled back into Bowdoin
in three directions—to China, How was abroad?” became the linguaggio that we cannot ex- deguatezza, di essere una delu- are all so quickly thrown into again—but it will pass.
to America and to Italy. It feels default mode of greeting. Al- plicate feelings that are at once sione,” Lahiri writes. I translate the hustle and bustle of junior Until then, my friends and
as if I have left a little bit of ways, I’m tongue-tied trying to so concrete yet so nebulous. this to say, I identify with the spring and feel at once sheltered post-abroad wanderers, ci
my soul in all these places and address it as the past. To refer Jhumpa Lahiri details this im- imperfect, because a sense of and stifled by the ‘Bowdoin vuole tempo.
could never be complete again. to the past would imply that the possibility of addressing a past imperfection has marked my Bubble’ that we have not given Sabrina Lin is a member of
The adrenaline rush and chapter is truly over with, done that extends into the present, life. I am always trying to im- ourselves the time to reflect and the Class of 2021.

me reflect on what, exactly, it feated for the entire span. tions would change their these chants to become ra- or a court) are actually a mer-
means to attend an institution In the hunt for those two chants to attack non-athletic cially-motivated. But the un- itocracy, and it shows a pro-
like Bowdoin. championships, we left our aspects of our school. derlying thesis of the chants found lack of self-confidence
As a sports fan, I am not The public high school league and played in the “S-A-T Scooores.” Or “We always seemed to be: “We to reference and brag about
someone who is offended eas- I attended in Cambridge, state tournaments against go to college.” In reference don’t care if you beat us at acceptance rates or college
ily. I believe in boo-ing a bad Mass. was a great place to a number of teams from to our comparatively lower basketball, we’re going to be rankings. We are here because
ref and have no problem with go to school. Our school was wealthier and less diverse average SAT scores and the your bosses one day.” we were exceptionally lucky:
a rowdy crowd. I was at Fen- well-funded, diverse and had suburbs. I don’t mean to percentage of our students These were the memories lucky that we were born in the
way Park for Alex Rodriguez’s a tight-knit community. But, brag, but on those runs that attend four-year colleges that flooded back to me on Sat- right place, lucky that we had a
final game in Boston, and I one could argue, the best part there were not very many after graduation. We were urday at Watson Arena, but it great teacher who stayed after
made it on to the big screen was our basketball team. It close games. As we would also playing against a lot was different now. I was on the school to help us or a parent
holding a giant asterisk, in an was dominant—so dominant run up the score, blocking of teams that were entirely other side. Now, at Bowdoin, who would read to us at night
attempt to remind Rodriguez that during my junior and shots that would fly into the white, from schools that were I am attending a school that and lucky that a Bowdoin ad-
of his impending legacy as a senior years, not only did we bleachers, something ugly majority white, with a team largely embraces elitism and missions officer happened to
cheater. win the State D1 Champion- would consistently happen: that was overwhelmingly the idea of trying to be better like our personal essays. If we
However, on Saturday, I ships back-to-back, we were the opposing student sec- black. It didn’t take long for than others, not only at sports, need to put down the worth
found myself disappointed in unde- but at life. Instead of measuring of other schools, not simply
the annual chants of “safety field goal percentage or batting the skills of their athletes, to
school” at the Bowdoin-Col- average, we have decided to feel good about ourselves—if
by hockey game. I wasn’t measure success through sta- we need to embrace elitism
exactly surprised by the tistics like our acceptance rate just to satisfy our insecuri-
elitism on display, and a graduate’s average start- ties—then we don’t deserve to
but it made ing salary. win a hockey game. There are
Of course, Colby is not a million ways to live a good
particularly similar life and the vast majority have
to my high school, nothing to do with where you
and poking fun attend college.
at them is more I don’t want to tell anyone
innocent because, what to do. And, at future
as a college in the games, I will continue to
NESCAC, they remind the Colby Mules of
enjoy many of the their sterility even (especial-
same privileges ly) if they continue to run up
as Bowdoin. But I the score on our Polar Bears.
still think that our But I think it’s important to
chants prove my critically reflect on how we,
point—we go to a as students entering a deeply
college that is de- flawed and unequal world,
luded by the idea measure our self-worth. Is it
that we are better measured by feeling superior
than others be- to others? If you need that to
cause of arbitrary feel good about yourself, then
circumstances. you should rethink your ver-
Very few sion of success.
things outside of Diego Lasarte is a member
a rink (or a field of the Class of 2022.
10 Friday, February 7, 2020

In the lone high note in the
women’s squash team’s 8-1
loss to Franklin & Marshall
last Sunday, Clio Bersani
’22 swept her match 3-0 as
number 2 in the ladder and
was awarded NESCAC
Performer of the Week
honors for her efforts.
The win brings Bersani’s
individual season score line
to 9-5 and gave the team
something to cheer about
before the Polar Bears travel
to Wesleyan for NESCAC
Championships this

On Sunday, February
2, Bowdoin celebrated
National Girls & Women
in Sports Day. The athletic
department hosted over
300 local students, from
kindergarteners to high
schoolers, to enjoy a day
of sports and games led by
Bowdoin student-athletes
before coming together at
the end of the day to meet
Women’s basketball
each other and share snacks
in Farley Field House. drops first regular-
The men’s and women’s
season game since 2018
swim and dive seasons
finished their regular season an offensive showdown where
by Dylan Sloan both teams averaged 59 percent
schedule on Saturday with Orient Staff
shooting and put up an astro-
a combined meet hosted
Last Friday, the women’s nomical 185 combined points.
by Colby. The women’s
basketball team hit the first Ultimately, it was Tufts’ offen-
team claimed victory over
road bump in an otherwise sive output that was Bowdoin’s
the Mules by a score of
spectacular season that has downfall.
177.5-112.5, earning first-
become the norm for the Polar “To score 80-plus points
place finishes in a number
Bears in recent years. In front against a Tufts team that always
of events. The men’s team
of a crowd of 1,400 in Morrell prides themselves on their de-
only claimed one first-place
Gym, the venue’s max capacity, fense ... I’m really happy with
finish in the 200 individual
the Jumbos pulled away in the that,” said Shibles. “But we ANN BASU, THE BOWDOIN ORIENT
medley and lost to Colby
fourth quarter for a 97-88 win should never give up that many JUST A BUMP IN THE ROAD: Maddie Hasson ’20 (ABOVE) drives past a Tufts opponent in last Friday’s narrow loss to
195-93. It was a good day after both teams traded the points against any team, ever.
for the divers, however, with the Jumbos. Anika Helmke ’22 (BELOW RIGHT) and Dorian Cohen ’22 (BELOW LEFT) cheer on their teammates.
lead for most of the game. At We’ve really been preaching
both Henry Isaacson ’22 and the final buzzer, Tufts hand- that all year.” we know about the [opponent]
Thea Kelsey ’20 qualifying ed the Polar Bears their first Defense has been perhaps and a game plan based on that,
for NCAA Regionals in the “[By] getting back to the little things on defense
loss this season and the team’s the team’s greatest strength but we’re really focusing on
1-meter category. Kelsey first regular-season loss in 47 this year. Last year, in which and improving communication ... we can show making adjustments based on
also earned a spot in the
3-meter discipline.
games, dropping Bowdoin to Bowdoin finished second in what we know we can do on the defensive end.” how things could go any way
second place in the NESCAC. the NESCAC and reached the on any given night.”
Especially in the past few NCAA championship game, -Maddie Hasson ’2o, captain “My job is more to keep us
HUSSON FIRST?: seasons, the Tufts-Bowdoin the Polar Bears allowed 56.5 focused on the gameplan—
Despite keeping the game rivalry has, for the most part, points per conference game. that last Friday,” added captain a big game Friday and a big focused on every moment,”
tied until the final minute, defined the top of the NESCAC This year, although offensive Maddie Hasson ’20, who led game on Saturday. Having a big added Shibles. “Making adjust-
the men’s basketball team table: the two teams have met production has diminished the team with 29 points against game [the next day] was all the ments in the flow of the game ...
suffered an 84-76 loss in the NESCAC playoffs six of slightly, Bowdoin is only allow- the Jumbos. “[By] getting back motivation we needed.” was a challenge against Tufts.”
to Husson University in the past seven years. ing 50.9 points per conference to the little things on defense This coming weekend, the Amherst will be the next
Bangor on Tuesday evening. “It’s been a long standing game. and improving communication Polar Bears have another crit- big test of everything the team
Bowdoin spread the scoring rivalry—it goes way back,” said “I especially believe defense ... we can show what we know ical matchup. Amherst, also has been working on since be-
out on offense, with three Head Coach Adrienne Shibles. wins championships, and when we can do on the defensive a perennial NESCAC foe and ing clipped by the Jumbos last
players contributing at least “There [have] been some you have a team of young play- end.” the final team in the the tri- weekend. Tonight’s matchup
10 points, but the team was doozies—we beat them in 2018 ers who has to learn an offen- It didn’t take long for the umvirate who has dominated will be crucial in determining
outscored 18-2 in the paint, to go to the Final Four, and I sive system, there’s some grow- Polar Bears to get back in gear. the conference in the past few the top seeding for the upcom-
hurting the Polar Bears think some of the players on ing pains,” said Shibles. “But Just 20 hours later, they handily years, will play host to Bowdo- ing NESCAC playoffs, with the
down the stretch. The loss their current team still carry a the players really latched onto took care of Bates with an 80- in in what is sure to be another Mammoths currently tied for
brings Bowdoin’s overall lot of feelings about that game. it, and that’s really our biggest 59 win on Senior Day, holding epic contest in Massachusetts fourth with Trinity, but within
record to 7-13. The team will We crushed them on their disappointment about our loss the Bobcats to just just 36.9 tonight at 7 p.m.. shooting range of Bowdoin for
need to turn things around court last year, then they beat to Tufts—nobody should put percent from the field. For Bowdoin, a key sticking one of the top two seeds.
fast if it is to secure the final us in the game that really mat- up that many points against “Right after the [Tufts] point this weekend will be flex- “We just met with our cap-
NESCAC playoff spot. The tered, which was the NESCAC Bowdoin. [But] we’re really game, we were all obviously ibility—being able to call au- tains and said, ‘prepare every-
battle for that eighth seed championship. I think all of proud of the fact that we’ve disappointed ... but we thought, dibles and adjust to midgame one for this weekend,’” said
starts tonight with a game our players have remembranc- been limiting our opponents to ‘Let’s take this 30 minutes to be changes in the strategy the Shibles. “I’m sure they’re going
against Amherst in Morrell es of moments in this great, fewer points with such a young upset about it and reflect on it team has been planning all to pack their gym, and it’ll be a
Gym at 7 p.m. storied rivalry.” team.” and be sad about it, but when week. really challenging atmosphere
And in this most recent edi- “[That game] caused us to we leave the locker room, let’s “One thing we’ve talked to play in.”
tion, the setting could not have look in the mirror ... and re- think about tomorrow,’” said about a lot … is making adjust- [We’re just focused on] com-
been more electric. In front alize that we do want to be Hasson. “We’ve gotten used to ments in the flow of the game,” ing out every night and doing
of the sellout crowd the two the best defensive team in the that with the way the schedule said Hasson. “Obviously, we what we do and not letting that
teams delivered a barnburner: NESCAC, and we did not show goes—every weekend, we have go into every game with what waver,” said Hasson.
Friday, February 7, 2020 SPORTS 11

Men’s hockey on the hunt for playoff bid after Colby loss
some strong first years to be com- contributing to the conversation piece and the discipline piece, the “We really appreciate the sup- and we want to play a good, fun
by Seamus Frey petitive this year. with the goal in mind of trying to rest will take care of itself.” port. We’ve had great crowds, game for [everyone] to watch.”
Orient Staff “The best piece about this first- make everyone else better.” The Polar Bears head off to even with downtimes in our sea- The team returns home for
Just one week removed from year class is their attitude,” said New practice plans and in- Hamilton and Amherst this son, and it’s something that does its final two home games of the
the excitement and disappoint- Dumont. “They’re all very coach- dividual opportunities for one- weekend in important back-to- not go unnoticed,” said Dumont. season on February 14 and 15
ment of the Bowdoin-Colby able and team players, and they on-one coaching throughout the back divisional games, but when “We really appreciate people against Trinity and Wesleyan,
game last weekend, the 4-1 loss [have] bought into being part of day have also contributed to the they return home they look for- coming out to watch our team respectively.
seems like a distant memory for our [locker] room. They’ve been improvements made this season. from the Bowdoin fan base. play. I think that’s out of respect,
the Bowdoin men’s hockey team. really supportive of our upper- “We’ve done a lot of extra work
It is driven to finish off the season classmen and the players that are on and off the ice, and it’s paid
on a high note and secure a home already here.” dividends for our guys from our
first-round playoff game for the “They’re definitely not playing fitness level to our hockey sense,”
first time in four years. like first years,” added Lestan. said Dumont. “We do skill devel-
Even though the team was up- “They’re playing like they’re com- opment work every morning for
set by Colby, Head Coach Jamie fortable and they’ve had experi- players that are non-conflicting
Dumont feels as though his play- ence. You really love to see that with class who want to work extra
ers were, and still are, prepared to [first-year] class coming in and on their game.”
play at the highest level of intensity. playing like they’ve been here for Dumont has also scheduled
“It’s fine and dandy to have a couple years.” extra time for players to review
all that atmosphere, but you still Despite being the newest video or talk with coaches outside
gotta go out make plays,” said Du- group, most of the members of of practice.
mont in a phone interview with the Class of 2023 are actually old- With only six games remain-
the Orient. “You still have to play er than the sophomore players. ing this season, the Polar Bears
your position, [you] still have to “It’s a lot of people coming plan to stick to what they know
stay disciplined and we prepare from junior [professional hock- in order to get as many of the 12
our guys big time for that … and ey] programs,” said first year remaining points up for grabs in
our guys are ready.” Ethan Kimball, who is 21. “It was NESCAC play as possible.
Unable to control the game a smooth adjustment into playing “We want to continue to play a
or capitalize on scoring chances, with bigger, older guys.” balanced hockey game and make DIEGO VELASQUEZ, THE BOWDOIN ORIENT
the Polar Bears struggled to put Statistically, the first years sure we’re responsible defensively,” OH CAPTAIN, MY CAPTAIN: Tommy Dunleavy ’20 scans the offensive zone looking for a pass in Saturday’s 4-1
points on the board. have put large numbers on the said Dumont. “With the defensive loss to Colby. The team will look to bounce back tonight at Hamilton at 7 p.m. in search of a NESCAC playoff spot.
“Throughout the year, we board, contributing more than 30
played really, really good two- percent of the team’s 149 points.
way hockey, and it was just one Kimball has led the charge, cur-
of those nights where we just rently tied for the third-highest
couldn’t get anything going in points total on the team with 11.
both directions,” said Dumont. “Coming into the season, I
But as the Polar Bears enter wanted to be an impact player on
the final push for the playoffs, se- this team right away,” said Kim-
nior captain Ronny Lestan made ball. “My goal for myself is to get
it clear that the team will not get 15 points in my first season, and
down on themselves. I’m at 11 so far. I’m pretty close,
“At the end of the day, it’s two but [I’ve] still got a couple more
points in the standings, so it’s just points to get before the season
like losing to or beating any other ends to reach that 15 point mark.”
team in the NESCAC,” said Les- Although the infusion of a new
tan. “We’ve learned from our mis- first-year class has added a wealth
takes in that game, and we’ve got of experience, both Dumont and
six conference games left where it’s Kimball cited the leadership of
really time to buckle down and get the upperclassmen as key to the
going.” development of players up and
After finishing 6-16-2 last down the roster this year.
year—the team’s worst finish since “More than anything else, we
1963—the Polar Bears are hoping have an outstanding senior class
to get a few more wins this year to that has been great on and off the
earn a home playoff game, which ice with mentoring, leading work-
would complete their comeback outs and leading team-building
from last winter’s dismal campaign. events,” said Dumont.
In order to reach this goal, “Everyone on the team has
the team knew it would need to been accepting and open to new
LAND OF THE FREE, HOME OF THE (POLAR) BEARS: The men’s hockey team lines up for the national anthem in front of a packed crowd at Watson
Arena on Saturday night. Coming off a historically bad season last winter, the Polar Bears are within spitting distance of a NESCAC playoff berth this year.
switch things up and bring in ideas,” said Kimball. “Everyone is

Dual identity: Julius Long ’20 and the black athlete experience
football, in part, because I saw began to feel mentally and team in your first semester of feel precarious. deep bonds. More importantly,
by Paula Petit-Molina it as a sport for people who physically defeated. But when college, branching out of that It is this same tension that it has become the family that
Orient Contributor
look like me and were from it was hardest to love soccer, social environment is difficult. brought Long to Athletes of Long has leaned on facing the
Throughout the recruiting where I’m from, and those ex- at Bowdoin I think more than I know for some of my black Color—a group forged by the end of his soccer career as he
process, athletes are advised amples weren’t exactly there for anywhere else, I began to un- teammates, it feels like if you’re integration of two key aspects once knew it. The question an
to test their commitment to soccer. I also wasn’t growing as derstand that the bonds that I not a part of the family that is of his identity. athlete faces is not about the
a school with a crude hypo- fast as everyone else,” he said, had with my teammates were BSU beginning in the fall, how “The needs of athletes of col- person that is left after they
thetical: if you broke your leg, “which is a little bit of a prob- the reason I loved soccer so are you going to pretend to be a or vary from the needs of other hang up their cleats, for the
would you stay here? Or worse, lem if you want to play either much—they’re the reason I part of it in the spring? There’s students of color at this school. day or for the rest of their lives.
what would happen if one day, of those sports.” kept playing,” Long said. a feeling of insecurity about At the same time, though, the They are an athlete forever. On
you hated your sport? What While there were fewer ex- Unlike Coach E’s soccer whether or not your experi- purpose of Athletes of Color the surface of their skin lives a
would happen if something amples of black boys ‘making club, the soccer family that ence as a black, student-athlete and these affinity groups are memory of the grass stains that
inherent to your identity was it’ in soccer, there was clear Long has established at Bow- at Bowdoin is ‘black enough,’” very similar—it’s all about cre- can never be washed out.
suddenly stripped from you? growth in the game in South- doin is predominately white he said. ating a family at Bowdoin, one
Most Bowdoin athletes never west Atlanta, where Long is —like each one of Bowdoin’s Long’s question of whether that serves your needs,” he
have to confront any of these from. In elementary school, varsity teams. The racial com- his Bowdoin athletic expe- said.
questions. Others meet it face- Long played for an all-black position of the team does not rience is perceived as “black Long’s experience at
to-face starting on day one. soccer club, with coaches that separate Long from his soccer enough” highlights a tension Bowdoin is a product of
Like most Division III ath- dreamt of young black boys family, but it does highlight at Bowdoin that is common his upbringing as YL
letes, Julius Long ’20 played playing in college. Even when a tension between members among athletes of color: a black man in NY
multiple sports as a kid. But the club disbanded, Coach E, who identify with both athletic strongly identifying with a conjunction
with the pressure to specialize with whom Long remains in teams as well as with a minority particular racial group while with his expe-
and pursue one sport at the contact, was there to help him identity on Bowdoin’s campus. also identifying with a group in rience as an
collegiate level, soccer won out see that dream through. “In my time here, there which a majority of the mem- athlete. It has,
over basketball and football. But there would be ups and hasn’t ever been a black mem- bers are of a different race. As too, allowed
“I don’t think I was ever downs on the road to college ber of my team who has also he explains, identifying with an him to find the
really in love with the game of soccer. “Getting to Bowdoin, been an active member of Black athletic team at Bowdoin as a family at Bow-
football, as much as I wanted not playing as much as I had Student Union,” said Long. black student made Long’s affil- doin with which
to be,” Long said. “I idealized hoped, dealing with injuries—I “When you’re introduced to a iation to a black student group he has formed
12 SPORTS Friday, February 7, 2020

Club alpine offers racing opportunities for elite skiers

Between attending a ski acad-
by Dylan Sloan emy, where tuition can rival
Orient Staff
many colleges, paying for pric-
Bowdoin alpine skiing post- ey equipment and race fees and
ed strong results at the Sunday traveling around the country,
River Grand Slalom event last the expenses can come to hun-
weekend, with two Polar Bears dreds of thousands of dollars.
placing first in their respective Beyond the financial bur-
divisions. Cooper Dart ’21 took den, ski racing demands an
home gold on the men’s side enormous amount of time. Pro
and Elizabeth Scott ’23 topped hopefuls only have one or two
the podium in her first season months off from the sport in
of collegiate racing. the summer, and nearly all ath-
As the club’s regular season letes pursuing pro dreams take
comes to a close, the women’s a post-graduate year after high
team sits in first place in its school to hone their skills.
division and will likely claim “Senior year, I was missing
a spot in the next few weeks 40 days of school to train and
in the team’s regional compe- race and do all of this stuff,”
tition. The men’s team sits just said Dart. “It was very intense
outside of regionals qualifying and very different than what
contention, but Dart is a front- Bowdoin has.”
runner to claim an individual After years of giving their
bid to the regional competi- life to the sport, some athletes
tion. elect not to pursue the colle-
The club alpine team wel- giate or Division I pathway for
comes skiers with a range of a variety of reasons including
racing backgrounds. While feeling burnt out, realizing they
many who choose to compete won’t quite make the cut at elite
are casual skiers looking to get programs or simply electing to COURTESY OF ANNINA BREEN
into racing for the first time, focus on academics. However, THE CALM BEFORE THE STORM: Jesse Dunn ’20 prepares for a run in the start house at last weekend’s giant slalom race at Sunday River. The alpine ski
there is a sizeable contingent of losing their competitive edge team posted some impressive results in the race, with Cooper Dart ’21 and Elizabeth Scott ’23 both finishing in first place in their respective divisions.
elite skiers, Dart and Scott in- can be disappointing for those
cluded, who have been racing who have given so much to the why it was fun to ski race in the who have kind of spent their Lost Valley, a local mountain and [everyone] wants to ski
since well before college. sport. first place.” whole life racing and then some about 25 miles from campus, well, but I think for our team
“I started ski racing when I “By the time you get into In many ways, the hall- other people who really haven’t and competes in 10 regu- the first goal is to have fun.”
was, like, seven or eight years college, it’s really discouraging mark of the Bowdoin ski team spent that much time skiing in lar-season races for a chance at The team’s common thread
old, and did that … intensely for a lot of young ski racers,” is how it manages to cater the first place,” said Dart. “Ne- a regionals or nationals spot in is making sure everyone is en-
all the way through senior year said Ava Jackson ’20. “They to all of these different types gotiating that isn’t difficult, but the early spring. joying themselves.
of high school,” said Dart. haven’t made it to where their of athletes—from those who it’s more of a question of, ‘how “There are some really, real- “Bowdoin really tries to be
In the world of competitive ambitions wanted them to, and have barely ever skied before can we create spaces where ev- ly great skiers in [our division], the team where you can re-
ski racing, athletes are forced so I think the thing that’s really to former high school racers eryone is feeling challenged?’” and there’s definitely compe- ally [race] however you do,”
to hyperspecialize and commit nice about club ski racing and who might once have had pro- That starts with the team’s tition if you’re looking for it, said Dart. “[We just] have fun
enormous amounts of time and this level of competition is that fessional aspirations and still race and practice schedule. but everyone is pretty relaxed,” ... being out there [skiing] is
money to the sport, even at or … everybody kind of gets back crave that level of competition. Bowdoin practices twice a said Jackson. “Everyone wants the best thing that’s ever hap-
before the high school level. to their roots and remembers “Obviously, we have people week throughout the winter at to do well at the end of the day, pened.”

With recent success, women’s squash enters new era of growth

we’re doing more meaningful vated.
by Holly Harris work.” “Having the basis of support
Orient Staff This year’s first-year class is and positivity has provided the
“It was definitely humbling,” composed of both strong recruits team with the perfect framework
said Catherine Adams ’22, re- and determined walk-ons. The to achieve success,” said Barber,
flecting on her first time stepping first year recruits, all of whom thrilled with the team’s drasti-
foot on a squash court last fall. have had years of experience cally improved 7-7 record this
Now a sophomore, Adams was playing the game, have served as season so far.
one of six women who walked role models for the walk-ons. The While still focused on this
onto the women’s varsity squash six new team members from the season’s successes, Woodward
team her first year. Class of 2023 have bonded not is also working to recruit strong
Growing up playing tennis, only amongst themselves, but players for next year and beyond.
Adams had experience with with the entire squad. “It takes three or four years
racquet sports, but it wasn’t until “I think they have adapted to to normally build a program,”
her first Bowdoin practice last college play really well. Each of said Woodward. Still only in his
fall that she had encountered them brings such a strong and first season, he is committed to
squash. Despite her struggle different energy to the team,” guiding the team as it continues
to initially adapt to a “squash said Adams. to grow and improve.
swing” and the rules of the game, Sophie Barber ’23, one of the The team will compete in
Adams immediately felt sup- first years on the team, is excited the NESCAC Tournament this
ported by her new teammates, to be a part of creating a lasting weekend at Wesleyan, where
who were devoted to teaching legacy for the program. Woodward hopes to beat Ham-
her the sport and helping her Like Adams, Barber was at- ilton in a rematch of the team’s
improve her technique. tracted to the team’s positive first big win of the season, a
“When I played a girl at Trin- and uplifting culture, which has 5-4 triumph. Woodward also
ity early last season, I [only] exceeded her expectations. looks forward to having matches
scored one point against her, but Despite being sidelined with against other strong teams such
by the end of the season I was a concussion prior to this sea- as Wesleyan and Tufts, pushing
able to win a couple matches son, Barber recalled how team them further than in previous
at Nationals. It was so exciting members went out of their way matches.
to feel how much I had grown, to throw her a surprise birthday The team is currently ranked
which is really all thanks to my party to lift her spirits. 21st nationally and will like-
teammates,” said Adams. “My teammates were con- ly maintain its high ranking
Since last year, the women’s stantly checking in on me and through the NESCAC champi-
squash program has evolved sig- bringing me snacks. It was awe- onships. These standings project SOPHIA WEI, THE BOWDOIN ORIENT
nificantly under the new leader- some to feel that support before the team jumping up two divi- BOXED IN: Caroline Glaser ’23 battles her Franklin & Marshall opponent last Sunday. Playing as first on the ladder, Glaser
ship of Head Coach Theo Wood- I even stepped on the court,” said sions since its last season and lost 3-0 en route to an 8-1 team defeat. Bowdoin will return to action at the NESCAC Championships this weekend.
ward and with the addition of this Barber. sets the squad up for competitive
year’s first year recruiting class. While the team ended its last play at Nationals, hosted at Yale new for everyone,” said Adams. well for next year and beyond— gone the right way. Now the aim
“It’s definitely more intense season with a record of 0-14, University’s Payne Whitney From last year’s winless cam- but before looking too far into is winning that cup, which would
and a much greater time commit- Barber and the other recruited Gym on Friday, February 21. paign to this year’s hope for a the future, there are still some be brilliant,” said Woodward.
ment than last year,” said Adams. members of the class were not “Since we are playing teams likely NESCAC playoff run in loose ends to tie up this winter. The Polar Bears will face off
“But at the same time, it’s much concerned with the Polar Bears’ that we’ve never played before at the coming weeks, this season’s “We’ve done as well as possi- against Hamilton tonight at 7:15
more organized and I feel like record—rather, they were moti- Nationals, it will be completely remarkable improvement bodes ble this season. Everything has p.m. in Middletown, Conn..
Friday, February 7, 2020 SPORTS 13

Nordic team continues

record-breaking season
regionals and more racers close [these results] because it’s the
by Dylan Sloan in pursuit of the last few slots. middle of the season, and we
Orient Staff
Christian Gostout ’20 had always get better and we always
In what is shaping up to be a a stellar weekend, leading the crush the Middlebury carnival, so
record-shattering season for the men’s team with a seventh-place we’re super stoked for that,” said
Bowdoin nordic ski team, the overall finish, his personal best. Gostout. “I mean, I’m worried
Polar Bears raced to a third-place Elliot Ketchel ’21 finished ninth, [about peaking early], but I don’t
overall finish at the Colby Carni- just five seconds behind. On the think I should be. [Alsobrook’s]
val last Saturday. Coming off of a women’s side, Gabby Vanden- training has always worked really
best-ever second-place finish for dries ’21 and Lily Johnston ’20 well for me in the past.”
the men’s team two weeks ago, both broke into the top 20 as well. Even with NCAA Champion-
this third place aggregate result is “I was racing a little tired, and ships on the horizon, the Polar
the highest ever overall team fin- our skis didn’t feel fantastic … I Bears are keen to keep this mo-
ish for any Bowdoin ski team in just didn’t expect it to go super mentum going throughout the
its history—and the team expects well,” said Gostout. “I think I just entirety of the season.
that there is more to come. made a good pacing plan, and I’m “We’re hoping to have our cake
“We’re always trying to get bet- really familiar with that course and eat it too,” wrote Alsobrook.
ter—whether or not it happens is because we ski it whenever we “NCAAs is definitely the top pri-
hard to predict, but we still don’t don’t have snow. So all that played ority for our skiers who have put
feel like we’ve hit our ceiling yet,” together really well.” themselves in a strong position to
wrote Head Coach Nathan Also- With two regular-season qualify, and we’re adjusting the
brook in an email to the Orient. races left to go, maintaining this training accordingly. But we’re
“Our younger skiers are learning momentum is the challenge for not willing to totally sell out these
and improving every week, and Bowdoin. Typically, the team February races by piling on the
our seniors are super motivated starts slower before picking up training load—just a little bump
to go out with a bang, so I hope the pace towards the end of the to help [team members] be at
and think we’ll see a few more season and hitting its stride just their best in March, but not so
home runs before it’s over.” as NCAA Championships are on much that they won’t have a shot
Although the ski team trains the horizon. at more strong regular season
nearly all year round, all of that “Usually, the first weekend isn’t finishes.”
work culminates in a season good, but I think because we did “The training with the whole
that is barely two months long, so well the first weekend we have team all fall has been so fun, and
yielding immense pressure for momentum,” said Gostout. “We our team chemistry is out of this
the athletes to perform in the few don’t have to play that waiting world right now,” said Gostout.
chances they have. However, thus game of ‘oh, wait for it, it’ll come.’ As the Polar Bears close in
far, the Polar Bears have risen to We can just go straight into it.” on the postseason, hopefully this
the task, with four skiers already Despite this current form, the energy will continue to fuel this
effectively locking up NCAA team believes it still has more po- record-setting form. Bowdoin re- COURTESY OF DANIEL STRODEL
championship spots with two tential. turns to action today at the Bates ONE WAY TICKET TO SPLASHVILLE: Triana Willmert ’22 stoms up a hill during last weekend’s Colby Carnival. Willmert
carnivals left before the NCAA “We’re super stoked about Carnival in Lewiston. came in 50th, her best finish this season. Overall, the men’s and women’s teams placed third, the nordic program’s best ever finish.

NESCAC Standings Compiled by Dylan Sloan

Source: NESCAC and Bowdoin Athletics

Willliams 10 2 0 13 4 1 Middlebury 8 1 1 13 2 13
Trinity 7 4 1 12 5 1 Colby 6 2 2 11 4 3
Hamilton 6 4 2 7 7 4 Amherst 6 3 3 11 4 4
Middlebury 5 4 3 7 8 3 Conn. Coll. 6 4 2 13 5 2
Bowdoin 5 6 1 9 8 1 Williams 6 4 2 9 6 4
Wesleyan 5 6 1 9 8 1 Hamilton 5 5 0 11 7 0
Amherst 4 6 2 6 9 3 Bowdoin 4 5 1 7 7 3
Conn. Coll. 4 6 2 8 8 2 Trinity 0 8 2 5 9 4
Tufts 4 7 1 6 11 1 Wesleyan 0 9 1 6 11 1
Colby 3 8 1 7 9 2


Fri 2/7 @ Hamilton, 7 P.M. Fri 2/7 vs. Amherst, 7 P.M.
Sat 2/8 @ Amherst, 3 P.M. Sat 2/8 vs. Amherst, 3 P.M.


Tufts 6 0 16 4 Tufts 6 0 20 0
Colby 6 1 18 1 Bowdoin 6 1 20 1
Amherst 4 2 14 6 Williams 5 2 16 5
Trinity 4 2 14 6 Amherst 4 2 17 3
Middlebury 4 3 18 3 Trinity 4 2 15 5
Williams 3 4 10 11 Hamilton 3 3 13 7
Bates 2 4 10 9 Conn. Coll. 2 4 7 12
Hamilton 2 4 14 6 Colby 2 5 7 12
Wesleyan 2 4 13 7 Bates 1 5 10 10
Bowdoin 2 5 7 13 Wesleyan 1 5 11 9
Conn. Coll. 0 6 4 16 Middlebury 1 6 12 9


SKIING AWAY WITH IT: Meredith Stetter ’23 (ABOVE LEFT) and Lily Johnston ’21 (ABOVE RIGHT) storm across Fri 2/7 vs. Amherst, 7 P.M. Fri 2/7 @ Amherst, 7 P.M.
a flat en route to finishing the 10k individual start race. Fiona Ahearne ’20 (BELOW) cracks a smile on the way to her
39th-place finish. The Bowdoin women’s team recorded an impressive eight top-30 finishes on the weekend. Sat 2/8 vs. Hamilton, 3 P.M. Sat 2/8 @ Hamilton, 3 P.M.
14 Friday, February 7, 2020

How to heal a papercut
Most college public relations departments don’t undermine college journalism
Clayton Rose’s BSG performance
by actively censoring publications or by restricting access to information or peo-
ple. They undermine college journalism by raising minor but constant complaints
about our choice of words, our interpretations of facts or our presentation of in-
formation. Their strategy is death by a thousand papercuts: to slowly but gradually
only raises more questions
raise doubts about our credibility so that eventually we, too, come to doubt even with issues of “the environment, race and The concerns surrounding Arthur
our own credibility, to make us write with their stock objections always in the back by Diego Grossmann immigration.” A look at the bank’s record, Brooks’ arbitrary appointment as Joseph
of our minds. The frightening thing is that this strategy begins to work. and Benjamin Ray however, tells a different story and pres- McKeen Visiting Fellow also compel us
Op-Ed Contributors
But, thanks to shows of support like Associate Professor of English Ann Kib- ents an institution at odds with the stated to question the College’s commitment to
bie’s op-ed in this week’s Orient, it never fully succeeds. On behalf of the Bowdoin Our first year, President Clayton Rose values and purported concerns of Presi- “moral leadership.” From 2009 to 2019
chapter of the American Association of University Professors (AAUP), Kibbie sub- taught a First-Year Seminar titled “The dent Rose and the College at large. Arthur Brooks led the American Enter-
mitted a statement reaffirming the value of what we set out to do every week—to Moral Leader.” A young Ben Ray wrote Between 2016 and 2018, Bank of prise Institute (AEI), arguably the most
report on news and issues that matter to the Bowdoin community and to empower in his course notes that “an accumulation America was one of the largest financiers influential think tank in U.S. politics.
students to make their voices heard. of moral challenges solved with moral of global fossil fuel production, having AEI is funded by the Koch Brothers,
Do we get things wrong? Of course. Do we make mistakes? Yes. But as Kibbie choices (either based on principles or made available $106 billion to fossil fuel ExxonMobil, Comcast and Phillip Morris
notes in her piece, college journalism fulfills its highest potential when colleges and consequences) paints a picture of the ca- operations. Included in this nauseating among others and, in turn, works to pro-
universities support its efforts rather than highlight its imperfections. pabilities of a leader.” Clayton taught that figure is $20 billion for top fracking com- mote free-market policies like lower taxes
Support from professors is an integral part of this effort. Their encouragement moral leaders have a moral code which panies, $3.6 billion for ultra-deep water on the rich and weaker health, labor and
counteracts the constant nagging from PR departments and administrators; they guides their decisions. Yet Clayton’s own oil and gas (remember Deepwater Hori- environmental protections for the public.
assure us that we aren’t, in fact, crazy and that we are, somehow, on the right track. actions reflect a moral code in disarray–– zon?) and $323 million for Arctic oil and AEI propagates ideologues like Brooks to
For this, we extend our sincerest thanks to the faculty members who have sup- one that fluctuates based on the audience gas projects. Building a fancy new Arctic pursue ‘inquiries’ with foregone conclu-
ported our newspaper. Through your contributions—your op-eds, your letters to in the room. Clayton’s performance at museum and showcasing stuffed polar sions that conveniently neglect to hold
the editor, your willingness to help us in our reporting—you have made our job last week’s BSG meeting demonstrates bears won’t save the Arctic from corporate the corporations and interests that bank-
possible. Through your personal expressions of support—in classes and in office an incoherent value system. He was un- greed—especially when that greed has a roll AEI to account. Of course they fund
hours—you have even made our jobs rewarding. willing to accept responsibility for his seat at the head of the table at colleges like climate change denial and oppose higher
Thank you. and the College’s public actions. At the Bowdoin. wages, net neutrality and Wall Street regu-
meeting, Clayton even publicly asked Ben As a member of its board and owner lation; it’s what they’re paid to do.
This editorial represents the majority view of the Bowdoin Orient’s editorial board, if he regretted being in the seminar. The of over 15,000 shares in Bank of America Brooks simply says what his audience
which is comprised of Emily Cohen, Maia Coleman, Roither Gonzales, Julia Jen- short answer is no; in order to stand up to stock worth more than $840K, Clayton wants to hear for a fee, distracting us from
nings, Sabrina Lin, Alyce McFadden and Ian Ward. systems of power, it’s necessary to watch is directly implicated in the profits of the the human consequences of the policies
them struggle to articulate their own past and current partnerships with com- he and AEI have worked to advance.
contradictory frameworks. This ongoing panies and projects that will lock in new Last fall, his performance on campus
struggle was on display last Wednesday carbon emissions for decades to come. only affirmed his moral and intellectual
and demands a response. Clayton openly acknowledges that a por- bankruptcy; his premier tactic of engage-
Clayton outright dismissed the claim tion of his income results from the bank’s ment with our academic community
ESTABLISHED 1871 that some faculty and staff hesitate to ongoing financing of the detention of was to muddy the waters, dodge hard
express criticism of the College in public, migrant families and disastrous schemes questions and obscure a counterfactual 6200 College Station Brunswick, ME 04011
stating “all you have to do is show up at by the financial elite to facilitate the en- ideology with rhetoric of love and com-
The Bowdoin Orient is a student-run weekly publication dedicated to providing news and information a faculty meeting. There’s no one on the gines of the rapidly-accelerating climate passion. His appointment also extends
relevant to the Bowdoin community. Editorially independent of the College and its administrators, faculty that has an issue talking to me. catastrophe. Clayton’s lip service to issues the influence of AEI on campus, drawing
the Orient pursues such content freely and thoroughly, following professional journalistic standards in That’s true outside of faculty as well.” This like immigration and the environment is, credulous students to value AEI as a vir-
writing and reporting. The Orient is committed to serving as an open forum for thoughtful and diverse is a nonsense argument that fails to take at best, complacent ignorance––at worst, tuous institution. One look at the Career
discussion and debate on issues of interest to the College community. power into account. Throughout the past willful complicity in the face of humani- Exploration and Development website,
two years, multiple workers and faculty ty’s largest failures. with numerous “Bowdoin-preferred” job
Editor in Chief Editor in Chief members have exposed repeatedly that Clayton isn’t the only one with these listings for AEI, only confirms this agen-
Emily Cohen Alyce McFadden there is a culture of fear and intimidation contradictions. Nearly 50% of the Bowdo- da. Of course, this all reflects an ongoing
at Bowdoin. Clayton cannot dismiss their in Board of Trustees is made up of white trend by institutions of higher education
Digital Director Managing Editor News Editor claims outright, and this dismissal is even men in finance. After learning about their to attract conservative donors, disguised
Steven Xu Maia Coleman Andrew Bastone logically incoherent: how can he say that “really good work,” is this who we trust to as the pursuit of “intellectual fearlessness.”
Anna Fauver Aura Carlson people not talking to him is evidence that govern our school? The case of Jes Staley, Even according to Clayton’s corporate
Photo Editor Roither Gonzales people are not afraid to talk to him? and Clayton’s subsequent response, only logic, students deserve honest answers
Ann Basu Rohini Kurup Features Editor
This response is also unsurprising. further erode our trust. Staley was fined regarding Brooks’ compensation. We’re
Ian Ward Emma Sorkin
From faculty meetings where Clayton $841,580 in 2018 for illegal financial and stakeholders at this institution; financial
Layout Editor Sports Editor speaks to captive audiences—meetings corporate malpractice, and he cultivated a decisions should include our input, reflect
Emma Bezilla Executive Editor Dylan Sloan meant to stifle worker organizing ef- personal and lucrative business relation- our values and be in our best interest. Yet
Jaret Skonieczny Eliana Miller
A&E Editor forts—the College’s leadership has often ship with sex criminal and disgraced fi- Clayton only evades pressing questions:
Ian Stewart Reuben Schafir
Cole van Miltenburg responded to criticism with indifference, nancier, Jeffrey Epstein. Even after Epstein How much is Brooks getting paid? How
Data Desk Editor outright antagonism or simple denial. pleaded guilty to soliciting prostitution can he defend Bank of America? Why is Jes
Associate Editor Opinion Editor Any member of the Bowdoin communi- from a minor, Staley and J.P. Morgan con- Staley still on the board? We’re simply ask-
Gwen Davidson
Drew Macdonald Conrad Li Diego Lasarte ty––a tenure track professor, a concerned tinued to work with him for years. Staley ing the most pressing questions, yet others
George Grimbilas (asst.) Sabrina Lin housekeeper, a critical student––who feels also chaired the Presidential Search Com- remain. How is the legacy admissions
Lucie Nolden Page 2 Editor
Nimra Siddiqui (asst.) Lily Randall afraid to speak up should not be brushed mittee that ultimately hired President system not tied to wealth? By what metric
aside. Rather, the College should express Rose. This might help explain why Clay- does Clayton present Bowdoin’s low wages
Head Illustrator Copy Editor Calendar Editor concern about these issues and seek to ton seems so unwilling to express deep as indicative of a “leadership position in the
Sara Caplan Sebastian de Lasa Jane Godiner generate a productive and inclusive con- concerns about a Bowdoin trustee having state of Maine” when high schools down
Devin McKinney versation in response. a personal relationship with Epstein, or at the road are already paying custodial staff
Social Media Manager Danielle Quezada Senior News Reporter
Clayton can claim to value free speech least detail the findings of the Governance starting wages of $21 an hour?
Ayub Tahlil Emily Staten Horace Wang
all he wants, but these claims are not be- Committee’s “very thorough review” of President Rose’s consistent failure to
The material contained herein is the property of The Bowdoin Orient and appears at the sole discretion of the ing reinforced by concrete action. These Staley and Epstein’s relationship to the take the concerns of students, faculty
editors. The editors reserve the right to edit all material. Other than in regard to the above editorial, the opinions contradictions call into question his true Bowdoin community. Clayton’s stand- and workers into account reflects an ad-
expressed in the Orient do not necessarily reflect the views of the editors. priorities and motivations, as does his offishness at concerns regarding Staley’s ministration that is increasingly out of
commitment and financial obligation to illegal actions and troubling relationships touch—whose attention we struggle to
the Bank of America Corporation. leaves us with little confidence that our secure, whose interests we struggle to un-
Last Wednesday, in response to crit- school’s administration truly “cares deep- derstand and whose actions they struggle
QUESTION OF THE WEEK icism of Bank of America’s ongoing ly about the character of the trustees.” to justify. We must keep asking these hard
financing of migrant detention centers Clayton: show our community the care, questions so long as these contradictions
on the southern border, Clayton spoke concern and explanations we deserve. persist. If he doesn’t answer us, after all, a
ARE YOU REGISTERED TO VOTE IN MAINE? as a board member of the bank––not as
President of the College. As such, he de-
We deserve leadership with integrity,
but Clayton’s actions and Staley’s presence
larger question remains: who does Clay-
ton answer to?
fended Bank of America as doing “really on the Board do not align with our Col- Diego Grossmann and Benjamin Ray
Answer at good work” when it comes to engaging lege’s mission and stated values. are members of the Class of 2020.

Last issue’s response: HAVE AN OPINION?

Q: DID YOU LIKE YOUR FIRST-YEAR SEMINAR? Submit an Op-Ed or a Letter to the Editor to
YES: 81% NO: 19% by 7 p.m. on the Tuesday of the
Based on answers from 125 responses.
week of publication. Include your full name and phone number.
Friday, February 7, 2020 OPINION 15

A statement from the AAUP regarding student journalism

some of the principles, and some valuable role in facilitating re- model of civic engagement that we we note that these impediments press freedom, Bowdoin again
by Ann Kibbie of the concerns, articulated in this quests for records and interviews, proudly call “the common good,” can extend to attempts to prevent risks attracting unwanted scrutiny
Op-Ed Contributor
statement: they obstruct the work of student this statement issues the following faculty and staff from speaking from the national media about
In 2016, a committee consist- 1. “Administrative efforts to journalists and do a disservice call to a “cultural readjustment”: freely to our own student journal- the gap between its purported
ing of representatives from the subordinate campus journalism to the public when they impede 5. “Ultimately, ensuring a ists. Perhaps no college or institu- ideals and administrative actions.
American Association of Uni- to public relations are inconsistent the fulfillment of those requests. campus environment conducive tion is immune to these kinds of As a recent article in The Atlantic
versity Professors (AAUP), the with the mission of higher educa- Policies requiring faculty and staff to substantive journalistic cover- threats to the ideal of journalistic Monthly observed, in an era of
College Media Association, the tion to provide a space for intel- to clear media interactions with age requires a significant cultural freedom. Here at Bowdoin, we “fake news” and partisan spin,
National Coalition Against Cen- lectual exploration and debate.” a campus public-relations office readjustment that begins with call on all of those who are in- student newspapers are more
sorship and the Student Press Law 2. “The growing tendency of create an intimidating atmo- those at the topmost levels of terested in the life of our College necessary than ever. Yet even
Center issued a statement titled college and university administra- sphere that is inimical to the free higher education. It is fashion- (members of the community on well-meaning administrators,
“Threats to the Independence of tions and their governing boards exchange of ideas.” able for colleges and universities campus and beyond) to commit eager to preserve institutional
Student Media.” The statement to conduct business ‘behind closed 4. “No postsecondary institu- to embrace ‘civic engagement’ as themselves to the kind of cultural comity, are imperiling one insti-
acknowledges what all readers doors’ and thwart access to critical tion should require its faculty or part of their educational mission, readjustment described above. tution that has time and again
of student newspapers are pro- information and documents has staff to clear interactions with the but effective citizen engagement We must hold ourselves responsi- proven vital to the free exchange
foundly aware of: “candid jour- extremely troubling implications student media through an institu- in campus affairs depends on ble for “walking the walk.” of ideas and opinions at American
nalism that discusses students’ for college … governance and the tional public-relations office, nor well-supported news coverage The stakes for walking the walk colleges and universities.
dissatisfaction with the perceived academic freedom of the faculty should campus public-relations with meaningful and timely ac- are significant. First, protecting As the Bowdoin Orient proud-
shortcomings of their institutions as well as for the integrity of stu- offices obstruct student journal- cess to information. Few colleges and promoting the freedom of ly proclaims on its masthead, it is
can be uncomfortable for campus dent media. Even where student ists from gaining direct access and universities are ‘walking student newspapers is an exten- the oldest continuously published
authorities.” journalists are not directly barred to those in positions of official the walk’ of civic engagement in sion of our stated institutional college weekly in the nation. Our
“Nevertheless,” it asserts, “this from publishing unflattering authority. The community is enti- their governance of journalism, principles of teaching the liberal campus AAUP chapter asks the
journalism fulfills a healthful civic information, image-conscious tled to hear directly from campus and too many are abandoning arts and upholding the “common Bowdoin community to do every-
function.” institutions may often achieve the officials about how they perform higher education’s traditional good.” Second, student journal- thing it can to support this singu-
In the spirit of affirming and same result by choking off access their jobs and wield their author- commitment to free and inde- ism at Bowdoin has long been the lar part of student journalism in
fostering the important civic to information.” ity—through face-to-face interac- pendent journalistic voices.” pathway for our students to find America.
function that a free student press 3. “Many institutions increas- tion with journalists, not simply The writers of the document meaningful work after graduat- Ann Kibbie is an associate pro-
must play on our own campus, ingly filter access to information prepared statements.” we have quoted from are address- ing as reporters, writers, teachers, fessor of English and the President
the Bowdoin chapter of the and to campus decision-makers Finally, in words that must be ing what they see as increasingly public officials or in numerous of the Bowdoin chapter of the
AAUP would like to take this through public-relations offices. especially relevant to the Bowdoin widespread impediments to the private-sector careers. Finally, by American Association of University
opportunity to call attention to While these offices can serve a community, given its embrace of a work of student journalists. And not upholding the principles of Professors.

Bowdoin students should LETTER TO THE EDITOR

register to vote in Maine Classical Myths are as relevant as ever

To the Editor, become more and more obvious, and I pres-
by Maddie Hikida RR
IS ent these investigations before my Bowdoin
Op-Ed Contributor A
H In your January 31 editorial board opinion, students. Thus, claims that “the ancient world
As a first year at Bowdoin, I HO Classical Mythology is called out for seeming is not our world,” and that “we should move
was beyond excited to cast my “tangentially related to current issues of social to modern examples” ironically fail to see how
first-ever vote in the 2018 mid- differences.” Classical literature, and Myth es- the perspective of Classical Myth helps us
term election. I’ve always held pecially, have always reflected a deep concern come to grips with our own biases and gives us
great respect for voting, largely with the issues of social difference, not to men- multiple viewpoints from which to re-exam-
because of my dad, who was tion the roles of power and inequity. Indeed, I ine issues that we are rightly concerned about.
born in Canada and became an take the ESD requirement very seriously, and Myths may be ancient, but their relevance is as
American citizen when I was I have continually modified the content of this modern as ever.
11. Becoming a citizen is a long course over the years to reflect the importance
and difficult process, but he of this requirement to the class. In fact, as I vis- Sincerely,
believed it was worth the effort it and re-visit my material each year, the ways Michael Nerdahl
to be able to participate in the Myth compels a rethinking of modern issues Senior Lecturer, Bowdoin Classics Department
democratic process.
When I turned 18 and became
eligible to vote, I chose to register
here in Maine because Bowdoin
would be my home for the next LETTER TO THE EDITOR
four years. I believe it is both
important for democratic rep-
resentation, and in my interest
as a citizen, to vote where it will
affect me the most. Of course, I
up for reelection this year and
has been polling precariously
Knowing the statistics and the
stakes, I decided to get to work
Savage puts Greens in good position
still feel a strong connection to since she cast the deciding vote registering my peers here on To the Editor, people have a chance to weigh fairly and clearly
my home state of New York, and to elevate Brett Kavanaugh to campus to vote in Maine. Since the stands that the different candidates take on
I have no way of knowing what the Supreme Court. Our votes as November, I have been working Who will be the rising star on the political hori- crucial issues. Student debt is one of them. Health-
the coming years will bring. But newly-registered Mainers could as a Bowdoin campus fellow zon this coming year? care for all is another. Dealing effectively with
for now, I live in Brunswick. be the difference between a Re- with NextGen America, the I am every day more and more convinced that climate change is arguably the most important of
For Bowdoin students, vot- publican- and Democratic-con- largest youth voter mobilization Lisa Savage ’77 is the one. Thank you for featur- all, the answer to which, via a Green New Deal, is
ing in Brunswick is an opportu- trolled Senate, which could lead organization in the country. As a ing her op-ed in last week’s Orient. Lisa and her closely tied to revamping our economy for peace-
nity to make an impact both in to sweeping change nationwide, member of its Maine team, I am rousing team of volunteers are now gathering sig- time jobs for all and a fair distribution of the fruits
national politics and in our day- or at the very least a strengthen- working to help Bowdoin reach natures for her to be on the ballot in the general of our labors.
to-day experience as residents ing of checks and balances. its highest-ever level of student election this fall for United States Senator. You will find, as the debate starts in a big way,
of Maine. We live in Brunswick As young people, we often feel voter turnout for the 2020 gen- Never has the outlook been so auspicious for that Lisa Savage has by far the most compelling,
for nine months out of the year, like our votes don’t matter. Like eral election. To achieve this, I a statewide Maine Green Independent Party can- comprehensive, credible and caring case to be
abiding by state laws, driving on the fate of our country is decided believe that we students should didate. I have assisted all of them since 1994. And made to meet bravely and resolutely the incredible
the state and town roads, paying by a handful of Baby Boomers register to vote here in Maine, each time we were hampered, in fact stifled, by threats to our lives and livelihoods.
state sales tax and complaining in Michigan and Florida every both because this is where we the unfair rules of the game imposed by the two Think Savage! This is a vitally important year.
about the town’s snow plowing. election. That doesn’t have to be live and because it is where our major parties. Helping her to get ballot status to even the playing
Every single day, we are affect- the case. votes can do the most good. The rules have now been changed for elec- field will enliven the debate this spring, summer
ed by the decisions of elected Thirty-seven percent of eligi- My dad became an American tions to federal office. Ranked-choice voting and fall so that all the crucial issues are fully aired.
officials in Maine. It is both our ble voters are under the age of citizen so that he could vote to is now the law. The voter does not have to And Lisa may well emerge the winner. Signature
right and our responsibility to 35. If we turn out at the same protect and improve my future. withhold their vote for a candidate they want collectors will be in Thorne Hall on Friday, Febru-
have a say in these decisions— rate as retirees, this election Now, I’m registering my peers to for fear that in doing so they will assure the ary 7 and Friday, February 14; the times are 11:30
from whether Maine should could be decided by the millions vote so that we can take control victory of the candidate they fear or despise. a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and 5 to 7 p.m.
declare a climate emergency, of young people who will live of our own futures. If you are in- The voter is free to choose whom they want.
to whether Brunswick should and lead the future of this coun- terested in getting involved with Spoiler-ism is not a factor in this race. Nor Sincerely,
move the farmers’ market far- try. Because of Maine’s older NextGen or if you want to regis- does your signature on Lisa’s petition to be on John Rensenbrink
ther from campus. voting population, high youth ter to vote in Maine, please email the ballot obligate you to vote for her in No- Topsham, Maine
In 2020, the stakes are much voter turnout holds more po- me at, or vember. It just means that Lisa’s name is added
higher than deciding the lo- tential power here than almost come chat in person if you see me to the Democratic, Republican and Indepen- Professor Emeritus Department of Govern-
cation of the farmers’ market. anywhere else in the country. around campus. I’ll be the one dent candidates for the November election, ment and Legal Studies, 1962 - 1995
Maine could help flip the Senate The way to start wielding that riding a purple, light-up bike! enhancing your choice. Co-Founder, United States Green Party
from Republican control be- collective power is by voting Maddie Hikida is a member of I can’t wait for Lisa to get on the ballot so that Co-Founder, Maine Green Independent Party
cause Senator Susan Collins is where we live. the Class of 2022.
16 Friday, February 7, 2020

Audubon’s “Birds of America” Page Turning
Special Collections and Archives and English and
Environmental Studies major Sylvia Bosco ’21 will host the
monthly page-turning of John James Audubon’s double-
elephant folio, “Birds of America.”
Special Collections and Archives, Hawthorne-Longfellow
Library. 12:30 p.m.

“Southern before Soul Food:
Domestic Citizenship and the Black
Land Grant System — 1914-1945”
Jessica Kenyatta Walker, postdoctoral fellow in the
department of American Culture at The University of
Michigan, Ann Arbor, will explore the intersection of Black
cultural products, such as soul food and Black femininity.
Beam Classroom, Visual Arts Center. 2 p.m.


Student Gallery Talk :“African/American: HAPPY BIRTHDAY: In celebration of James Joyce’s birthday on February 2, Harrison King McCann Professor of English Marilyn Reizbaum invited
students and members of the Bowdoin community read aloud from “Ulysses.”
Two Centuries of Portraits”
Members of the Black Student Union and Multicultural Coalition
will discuss artwork from the ongoing Bowdoin College
Museum of Art exhibition.
Museum of Art. 3 p.m. MONDAY 10 WEDNESDAY 12
A Night with Comedian Ty Barnett Ripples of the Transatlantic Slave Trade “Poetry, Race and History in Claudia
The Student Center for Multicultural Life will host critically Daniel Minter, artist and co-founder of the Portland Freedom Rankine’s ‘Citizen’”
acclaimed comedian Ty Barnett for an evening performance. Trail, a walking tour of abolitionist movements in Portland, will Assistant Professor of English Samia Rahimtoola will
Kresge Auditorium, Visual Arts Center. 7 p.m. present and discuss his internationally-renowned artwork. discuss Claudia Rankine’s “Citizen,” a poetic meditation on
Shannon Room, Hubbard Hall. 4:30 p.m. literature and its role in modern American race relations.
Refreshments will be served.
Lancaster Lounge, Moulton Union. 4 p.m.


Brock Clarke Book Launch
A. Leroy Greason Professor of English Brock Clarke will
present his latest novel “Who Are You, Calvin Bledsoe?” A
PERFORMANCE discussion and question and answer session will follow.
One-Act Festival Voter Registration Drive Faculty Room, Massachusetts Hall. 5 p.m.
Masque and Gown will hold their annual one-act festival, in
Bowdoin Votes will register students to vote, help students
which student actors will perform student-written plays.
request absentee ballots and provide the Bowdoin
Wish Theater, Memorial Hall. 7 p.m.
community with more information on the upcoming election.
Morrell Lounge, David Saul Smith Union. 10 a.m.

The View from Washington
SUNDAY 9 Kevin Sullivan will discuss his experience at the Washington
Post, reporting from more than 75 countries on six continents
and publishing countless literary and journalistic pieces.
EVENT Kresge Auditorium, Visual Arts Center. 4:30 p.m. EVENT
Oscar Screening Party Chryl Laird Book Launch
The Bowdoin Film Society will host a screening of the EVENT Assistant Professor of Government and Legal Studies Chryl
92nd Academy Awards. They will provide snacks, ballots Spread the Love: Valentines Making Laird will present her new book, “Steadfast Democrats: How
to cast predictions and prizes for students who predict The Craft Center will provide paper for making valentines Social Forces Shape Black Political Behavior.” Refreshments
the most winners. and paper flower bouquets. will be served.
Smith Auditorium, Sills Hall. 8 p.m. Morrell Lounge, David Saul Smith Union. 6 p.m. Nixon Lounge, Hawthorne-Longfellow Library. 4:30 p.m.

14 15 PERFORMANCE 16 17 18 20 EVENT 21 EVENT

Chamber Players Dimensions of

Pub Trvia Night Freedom

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