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Trouble shooting


Climate Setting: Has the instructor
Communicated the benefits of cooperation and team work?
Implemented class building or climate setting activities?
Provided information on group dynamics?
Team formation & Teambuilding: Are teams
_______ Formed by the instructor?
_______ Heterogeneous on the basis of achievement, skills, ethnicity, gender, or experience?
_______Composed of three to five members?
_______Stable (they change no more than twice during the semester)?
_______ Given team building activities?
_______Given an opportunity to process how well how well they worked together?
_______ Other?
Social Skills Development: Dose the Instructor regularly
_______Directly teach or model social skills?
_______Assign roles and rotate them among team members?
_______ Ask students to reflect on how successfully they used certain skills?
Monitor the teams and give feedback on their success with the skills?
Matching CL to Appropriate Content:
Is the content difficult or time consuming enough to a require a group effect?
Are multiple viewpoints beneficial?
Does cooperation meet the instructional need (e.g., getting students to practice a skill, chacking for
comprehension, etc.?

Structure: Has the instructor

Given students a specific task, such as solve a problem, create a model compare/contrast, etc.
Given instructions in writing?
Provided graphic organizers?
Specified how students should work together by choosing an appropriate structure for the assignment?
Principles: Does the lesson design build in
Positive interdependence through goals, material, or reward?
Individual accountable by requiring individual public performance?
Equal participation through roles or structure?
Management: Has the instructor
Specified the academic objectives/criteria for the assignment or reminded students about social skills?
Specified the social skills objectives for the assignment or reminded students about social skills
Prepared extension activities?
Monitored the teams?
Interviewed when teams got off track or stuck?
Debriefed the assignment?
Assigned homework or given a quiz ensure preparation?
Modeled the activity?
Arranged the room appropriately?
Allowed contact before work?


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