Development Refers To A Process That Creates Progr

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Development refers to a process that creates progress to a positive change or the

addition of physical, economic, social and eviromental components such that.

Development Studies involves the study of multidimensional process involving
major changes in social structure, popular attributes, national institutions, economic
acceleration, reduction in inequality and poverty alleviation's.The following below are
the indicator of development in any society

Economic development is the increase in economic growth and the distribution of

the goods and services among the people.The most frequently used indicators to
measure economical development are national income index, occupation structure &
labour force, population growth,unemployment, welfare index.

National income refers to the total market value of goods and services produced by a
country in a year. This measure on how much a country produces simply the more a
country produce the more develop it becomes there fore developing countries GNP is
relatively low comparing with the developed countries this due to different factors
like level of technology.

Occupational structures and labour force occupation is the work that a person
performs either paid or unpaid. They are three kinds occupations those are
primary occupation this is based much on extraction of resources from raw materials
include activities like mining,fishing,farming,lumbering.
Secondary occupation this bases on changing raw materials into finished goods for
example cotton to shirt, steel manufacture, bread making e.t.c

Tertiary occupational this comprises of commodities in the economy including

retailing & transportation example Mass media, public health, pharmacy e.t.c
Generally the most of developing countries are much on primary occupation due to
lack of capital & low technological levels but developed countries are in secondary
and tertiary.

Life expectancy. It's true that development normally are associated with improving
life expectancy by cross checking and preventing disease including malaria cholera
also with alleviation of poverty for instance most of developed countries life
expectancy are high comparing with the developing countries were by its average its
less than 70 years.
physical infrastructure In measuring the level of development physical
infrastructure are much considered since it has greater contribution in facilitating the
level of production since through infrastructure enables to ensure transportation of
raw materials from where they are produced to the factories and distribution of goods
and services from factories to consumer hence resulting to promotion of economic
development also enhances generations of revenue through international trade to large
extent ie in developed countries infrastructure are well constructed throughout the
country for instance in USA

Welfare index due to the fact that development has aimed at improving standards of
living and consumption levels hence through this aspect as an measure of economic
development , in a country to be considered as developed the resources must be equal
distributed this can enhance high purchasing power to all citizens. For instance if
national income goes up but purchasing power are low we does not consider as
development in economic sense due to the fact that developed countries has high
purchasing power comparing with developing countries.

Political development according to Riggs “it refers to the process of politicization,

increasing participation or involvement of the citizen in the state activities in power
calculation and consequences.” It include indicators like politicalsovereignty, political
autonomy, democracy, equality, human rights.

Political sovereignty sovereignty is the authority or power of a nation in making its

won decisions without being interfered or pressurized with other nations, when a
country make its own decision without being pressurized to do something by other
nation we said it is politically developed.

Political autonomy when a certain country have a self confidence in making sensitive
decisions without requiring help from other countries we said the country is
Descent Politics a country political system and governance if it comes from peoples
concerns and however they do give them the rights like freedom of worshiping, rule

of law, respect of human rights we can say that country is politically developed.

Social development is the process of improving people’s living standards, reducing

poverty and unemployment, enabling people to invest in profitable ventures, widening
trading opportunities and reducing inequalities among the people. these reflect on the
real situation happening on the society at large they include

Access to sufficient transport system improved infrastructures and sufficient

transport system is a good sign of development because transport can help to increase
productivity of the people in the nation. The most developed countries like the G8
countries they have a good and advanced system of transport comparing with
developing countries.

Long life expectations development as development needs people to build up the

economy and other development sectors. If a country death rate is high this can lead
to decline in development but high life expectancy can be a sign of development.
Example Norway has high life expectancy comparing to developing countries

Unemployment This is a situation whereby able and mentally fit people in a country
are jobless and/or do not have formal jobs. There is a high rate of unemployment in
developing countries and it is a serious matter in our societies, particularly among the
youth in urban areas. The high level of unemployment may result in civil unrest, fall
of standards of living, increased crime like drug abuse, robbery, prostitution, theft and
loitering. The other effects are child labour to subsidize family income, separation of
families and increased number of street children.

Level of education knowledge is important in order to create and improve things with
knowledge people become aware of whats happening they can question regarding
how things are done but if illiteracy rate is high nation people wont understand things
in depth example the most developed countries like China,USA they have invested a
lot on education to improve the living standard of the people

Availability of social services social services are the major things which help in
improving the life of the people to obtain development example health sector is very
important in attaining development in a country in most developing countries they are
having problems in provision of social services but the government is trying its best to
improve this sector so as to ensure development

Culture can be defined as a set of behavior and behavioral patterns/schemes that is

common to a group of people. It includes language, traditions, dietary customs,
religion, art, music and such.
Language a system of communication used by a particular country or community. In
Tanzania there are many languages spoken in the country, but no one language is
spoken natively by majority of the population. The Swahili is the official language
spoken in most of the areas in Tanzania apart from English and the local languages.
Religion is a social cultural system of designated behavior and practices that relates
humanity to supernatural or spiritual elements. In Tanzania they are two main
religions which are the Islam and Christianity although they are some who don’t
believe in neither of the religion.
Traditions is the transmission of customs or beliefs from generation to generation
with symbolic meaning or special significance with origins in the past.example the
Haya traditional house is surrounded by a banana plantation; an area in front of the
house used for relaxation and food drying is kept free of debris by daily sweeping.

All in all development is a wider concept as we can see it can not be measured by
using only one indicator for a country or a nation to be developed all the four
(Economic, Social, Politically and Cultural) indicators of development must be
present effectively.

Black, J Dictionary of Economics. Oxford University Press, 2003 (Oxford Reference

Online e-book)
Ellwood, W (ed.), The A to Z of World Development. New Internationalist 1998
(Store (Ref) - Store (Ref) 309/C264)

Forsyth, T. Encyclopedia of international development. London : Routledge, 2005.

(IDPM collection 309/F128)

Welsh, B and Butorin, P (eds.), Dictionary of development: Third World economy,

environment and society. St James 1990. (Store (Ref) - 309/W95)

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