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Nombre: Andrea del Rosario Garma Falcón Matrícula: 2708917

Nombre del curso: Nombre del profesor:
International environment and Elsy Guerta
business operation
Módulo: Actividad:
Module 2 Assigment 3
Fecha: march 10, 2018

Read the attached document and answer these four questions:

1. What are the potential economic benefits of the trucking provisions in the
NAFTA treaty? Who benefits? Who might lose?

Both countries have benefits of this treatment, because for the companies is
easier and cheaper to pay a truck transport from Mexico than from the U.S.A.
The one who might lose, are the “Teamsters” group, because some of the work
that they could do, will be done by the Mexicans drivers.

2. What do you think motivated the American Teamsters to object the trucking
provisions of NAFTA? Are these objections fair? Why did the US Congress
initially align itself with the Teamsters? Do you think this was a diplomatic failure
for Mexico?

The Teamsters want Mexican drivers out of their roads, because they think they
will lose job and they are jealous that some companies prefer Mexican drivers.
The objections are not fair enough, because if the truck is not so secure, new or
clean, it won’t affect the effectivity of the service and Teamster now that. That is
why they object against Mexican drivers as they can.
The US congress align itself with the Teamsters, because it can cause a national
problem, because the US drivers can make strikes and stop working because of

I think it was not a diplomatic failure for Mexico, because other country is not
following the treatment that it has with you. This action makes Mexico to lose
power and name.

3. Did it make sense for the United States to bear the costs of punitive tariffs as
allowed for under NAFTA, as opposed to letting Mexican trucks enter the USA?
What was the official position adopted by the Mexican government? Was a
retaliation the right answer?

As a strategy that the US government made, it was the best thing to do, because
they preferred to pay those costs than cause a national argue.
The answer from the Mexican government was the best, because if they are not
following the treatment, you don´t have to do as they want, so the retaliation
increasing the duty of the products was good way protecting the country.

4. Why do you think the Obama administration brokered a deal with Mexico to
finally allow Mexican truck drivers to access the United States? As a Mexican
citizen, do you find that deal reasonable?

I think Obamas administration accepted the Mexicans truck drivers to access the
US, because in that moment he needed a good relationship with Mexico.
I don´t find the deal reasonable equal, but it is better than not entering to the US.

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