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8 Important Tips for Inviting Prospect for

Network Marketing Opportunity

Killer Tips & Tricks to ensure Your Prospects comes to see your
Network Marketing Business Opportunity Presentation
Tip # 1: Invite using Mobile Phone

It’s always better to use mobile phone for inviting your prospects, rather trying to invite them face to face.
If try to invite them face to face, prospect always tries to take as much information from you, and you will
not be able to provide much details then & there.

When you invite prospects on phone & then they ask question / queries, you can simply ask them to meet
you & discuss the things more professionally over a table.

Tip # 2: Don’t talk unnecessary stuff while inviting the prospect

I would ask you to check the meaning of the word “Invitation” in the dictionary. It only says “inviting
someone”. I see many people giving unnecessary information to the prospects while they invite. Telling the
company name, products, business plan is totally not recommended while you are inviting your prospects.

Tip # 3: Be Excited, Maintain CURIOSITY & Talk with Conviction

Very important! Walk & Talk while inviting This will help in keeping your blood circulating going in
your body & your voice will not be dull. Don’t lie down while inviting. You need excitement in your voice
while inviting.

When the person on the other side feels you have got something, he will be willing to meet, as simple as
that. Maintaining the CURIOSITY is very important, if you are able to do that the prospect will
definitely turn up to see the business opportunity.

And obviously whatever you talk, talk with conviction. If you are convinced half the work is done. If the
prospect feels you are not sure yourself about what you are talking, chances are he will not have any
interest in meeting you & listen to what you had to offer.

Tip # 4: KISS, don’t KILL

“KISS: Keep It Short & Simple”

“KILL: Keep It Long & Lengthy”

You invitation call should be maximum 3 – 5 minutes. You can use FORM:

F – Family Chit Chat

O – Occupation

R – Recreation

M – Message

Start like this (in the following example I had used FORM, on telephonic conversation):

Hey Sachin (prospect name), how are you buddy? How’s life going? (give a pause & let Sachin speak)

(Use of F) How’s uncle, aunty, his bro / sis ? (let Sachin reply to your question)

(Use of O) How’s your Job / Business going? You must be earning good by now & enjoying your life, am I
right? (let him speak. Always appreciate prospects profession)

Most of the prospects will say they are not earning sufficient. You can relate it with yourself, saying “even
same was the case with me”, “but now I had found a great opportunity”, “and it seems that financial crunch
won’t remain any more & I will be a free bird soon”

Now the prospect will surely ask you: What you have got? What is that? What you are doing?

(Use R & M) As you know I am in Job / Business, but was not fully satisfied with it, so I was looking for
some extra income options & I came across this project… (give very brief introduction of your

(Now you are giving solution to Sachin by offering your opportunity) Sachin, how about having a look at
the project? If it suits you we shall work together?

Tip # 5: Always give Time Choice to the prospect

After having the above conversation it’s important for you to give 2 Time Choices to the prospect, so that
prospect can choose any of the given Time.

Giving only 1 time option to the prospect to meet you is not recommended because prospect might not be
ready for that. But if you give 2 time choices, psychologically prospect will Accept 1 of the given time.

Tip # 6: Invite the prospect 24 – 48 hours before Business Presentation

You should give an invitation call to the prospect 24 – 48 hours only before business presentation. If you
invite him 5 – 7 days before business presentation, you will again call him a day before or same day of
business presentation to confirm if he’s coming or not.

And the prospect might feel that you need him & you will lose your Posture (I have explained Posture in
next para). In spite of calling him again & again give a call 24 – 48 hours prior to presentation so that the
prospect also remember & you need not call him again & again.

Tip # 7: Maintain Your Posture

This is something very important while inviting the prospect for network marketing business
opportunity presentation. While you are inviting the prospect make sure the prospect SHOULD NOT
feel that you need him.

Always remember / keep in mind, You are GIVING an opportunity to the prospect to help him change his
life. You should always keep your self respect & never beg him to come to see the business presentation.

Important Read: How not to beg Prospects to Join you, rather Maintain your Posture & Get Prospects
interested in joining you!

Tip # 8: Take Confirmation

On the scheduled day when you are suppose to meet the prospect, before leaving for the meeting venue you
should call the prospect & confirm if he’s coming on time for the meeting. This is important so that if in
case due to any reason he’s not coming you can utilize your time.

Here it’s important that while taking the confirmation you should not lose your Posture.

What I do is:

As soon as I fix the meeting, I SMS the Venue address to the prospect (most prospect don’t reply, whether
they have got the SMS or not)

I call them on scheduled meeting day & just ask:

Me: Hi Sachin (prospect name), Vineet this side, how are you? (give a pause, let him speak), Sachin I just
wanted to confirm – you got the venue address for our meeting today?”

Sachin says: Yes

Me: Ok, great! See you soon, take care, Bye

If prospect had earlier replied to my SMS, I still call him on the scheduled meeting day & I start like this:

Me: Hi Sachin, Vineet this side, how are you? (give a pause, let him speak). Sachin I just wanted to
confirm you will be reaching on the given time, i.e. 11AM (meeting Time fixed in previous invitation call
with Sachin) for our meeting today?

This will help you in maintaining your posture & the prospect will not feel you are after him.

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