Monitoring Coding Compliance: Richard F. Averill, M.S

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Monitoring Coding Compliance

Richard F. Averill, M.S.

Coding compliance refers to the process consequences associated with coding

of insuring that the coding of diagnoses compliance for the healthcare organiza-
and procedures complies with all coding tion. For example, suppose the claim
coded in Figure 1 were submitted for pay-
rules and guidelines. Detection, correc-
ment. This claim would be assigned to
tion, prevention, verification and compari- DRG 483 (Tracheostomy except for face,
son constitute the five essential mouth and neck diagnoses) with a pay-
components of coding compliance. This ment weight of 16.3395. Clearly, the trau-
article will examine the operational issues matic injury that necessitated the hospital
associated with each of these five compo- admission was the complicated open
wound of the larynx and trachea and not
nents of coding compliance. Alternative
the closed rib fracture. If the complicated
workflows and issues related to the com- open wound of the larynx and trachea was
puterization of the coding compliance the principal diagnosis, the DRG would
function will be discussed. change to DRG 482 (Tracheostomy for
face, mouth and neck diagnoses) with a
payment weight of 3.6031. The original
The implementation of a comprehensive coding of the claim results in a higher pay-
compliance program requires the partici- ment weight because the DRG logic
pation of many hospital departments assumes that the tracheostomy is being
including medical records, billing, admit- performed on a patient who is in respira-
ting, finance, and legal.1 A critical compo- tory failure and needs long term mechani-
nent of any compliance program is coding cal ventilation, as opposed to treatment of
compliance. For inpatient care, coding the open wound of the larynx and trachea.
compliance relates to the accuracy and The payment amount associated with the
completeness of the ICD-9-CM diagnosis claim as originally coded would be approx-
and procedure codes used to assign the imately $75,000. If this claim was deter-
DRGs and determine payment. mined to be fraudulent, the penalty would
Coding errors that are determined to be a base fine in the range of $5,000 to
represent a fraudulent claim can be sub- $10,000, plus an additional fine of three
ject to penalties that include a base fine times the amount of the claim (approxi-
plus three times the amount of the claim.2 mately $230,000). Thus, this single coding
Thus, there can be substantial financial error could have substantial financial con-

Principal Diagnosis: 80701 Facture one rib-closed

Secondary Diagnosis: 87410 Open wound larynx with trachea, complicated
Procedure: 311 Temporary tracheostomy
Figure 1: Example of a claim with a probable coding compliance problem

3M HIS Research Report 4-99 1

sequences. Comparison—comparing coding pat-
terns over time and to external norms
Suppose the erroneous coding in this
example was simply an honest mistake A comprehensive coding compliance
and there was no intent to submit a fraudu- program must address all five of these
lent bill. The Department of Justice (DOJ) components. Computer technology can
stated that it is not its policy to assess greatly facilitate the implementation of
fines and penalties for honest billing mis- these five essential components of coding
takes.3 However, DOJ has also stated that compliance. Computerized encoders and
hospitals must establish adequate internal computerized medical records manage-
procedures to ensure the accuracy of ment systems are now common place in
claim submissions. Failure to establish medical records departments. The follow-
such procedures represents a disregard ing discussion of each of these compo-
for the requirements of the law and can nents will focus on inpatient coding and
turn an honest billing mistake into a false will assume that computer systems are
claim that is subject to penalties. Intent to available to facilitate the coding compli-
defraud is not required for a claim to be ance program’s implementation.
considered a false claim.4 The lack of ade-
quate safeguards can turn any coding Detection
error into a false claim. Ignorance of the
law is not a defense against a false claim.
The detection of potential coding compli-
Because some ambiguity exists in deter-
ance problems requires ongoing monitor-
mining the precise circumstances under
ing of coding for accuracy and
which an honest mistake becomes a false
completeness. One way to monitor coding
claim, the best policy is to assume that
compliance is to perform a random chart
when it comes to coding compliance, there
audit on a sample of records. While such a
are no honest mistakes.
process can detect the existence of some
coding compliance problems, it is very lim-
Components of a Coding Compliance ited and highly inefficient. The risk of a
Program coding compliance problem can vary
greatly depending on the patient’s condi-
A coding compliance program to ensure tion. For example, records for patients
that the claims submitted to Medicare are admitted for routine elective surgery have
accurate and complete should encompass a relatively low risk of a coding compliance
five essential components: problem, while patients with multiple surgi-
Detection—identifying records with cal procedures pose a higher risk for prob-
potential coding compliance problems lems. Furthermore, chart audits are labor
intensive. Since most hospitals have lim-
Correction—performing chart audits and ited resources available for chart audits,
making necessary corrections the monitoring of coding compliance must
result in a precise identification of records
Prevention—educating coders in order
that require a chart audit. Computer sys-
to prevent coding compliance problems
tems can provide the means of monitoring
from occurring in the future
100 percent of all records for coding accu-
Verification—providing an audit trail of racy and completeness. A computerized
all coding compliance actions audit should evaluate all records for coding

2 3M HIS Research Report 4-99

compliance along three dimensions: the coding compliance review would be
highly inefficient. Further, many false posi-
Coding—the coded diagnoses and pro-
tives will cause coders to lose confidence
cedures are evaluated to ensure that they
in the system. Conversely, the system
adhere to all Coding Clinic guidelines and
should also minimize false negatives. The
ICD-9-CM coding rules
majority of significant coding compliance
Clinical—the diagnoses, procedures, problems must be detected during the
age, sex, and discharge status of the computerized audit. Otherwise, the com-
patient are evaluated to ensure clinical puterized audit will not be effective in
consistency. For example, all procedures avoiding coding compliance problems.
should be reviewed to insure that there is
The high visibility associated with the
a diagnosis present to justify the proce-
penalties and legal consequences of a
coding compliance problem may be caus-
Resource—the length of stay and ing “defensive” coding in which coding is
charges are evaluated to ensure that they so conservative that hospitals are losing
are consistent with the patient’s condition. revenue to which they are legitimately enti-
For example, a patient with an acute myo- tled. A 100 percent computerized coding
cardial infarction (AMI) discharged alive compliance audit can give coders greater
with a one-day length of stay has a high confidence in their coding decisions since
probability of having a coding compliance every record will be audited. Thus, the ten-
problem dency to code defensively may be
When the computerized audit is per- reduced.
formed, a text description of any potential Finally, while a coding compliance sys-
coding compliance problems (i.e., a work- tem must evaluate records from a coding,
sheet) should be generated for each clinical, and resource perspective, no sys-
record. As a result there are limited tem can address all the unique coding
resources for chart audits, the computer- compliance issues that may be present in
ized audit should prioritize the records a particular hospital. Thus, the computer-
identified for review. Records with potential ized coding compliance audit must allow
errors that are likely to impact DRG users to extend the system by entering
assignment should be given a higher prior- their own coding compliance criteria. The
ity than records with potential errors that user-defined coding compliance criteria
are unlikely to impact DRG assignment. should automatically be evaluated during
Such a prioritization will allow an efficient every computerized audit with the results
scheduling of the limited resources avail- displayed on the coding compliance work-
able for chart audits. sheet. This capability would permit each
The evaluation of records from coding, hospital to adapt the computerized audit to
clinical, and resource perspectives should its unique situation.
minimize false positives. Records identi-
fied with potential coding compliance prob- Correction
lems should have a high probability of
requiring a coding change. If a large per- A computerized audit can only identify
centage of records identified as having records with inconsistencies that raise
coding compliance problems do not suspicion that there are coding compli-
require any code changes upon review, ance problems. The coding on a claim can

3M HIS Research Report 4-99 3

not automatically be changed by a com- adjusted basis. The severity adjustment
puterized audit. Coding changes can only often includes detailed distinctions based
be made through a review by an HIM pro- on the presence of specific combinations
fessional. Thus, once a record has been of comorbid conditions. Thus, severity
identified in a computerized audit as hav- adjustment tends to demand a greater
ing a potential coding compliance prob- level of coding completeness and accu-
lem, the next step is to review the record racy than is necessary for payment. Poor
through a chart audit. These coding com- performance on a mortality comparison as
pliance chart audits should be performed a result of an inaccurate severity adjust-
prior to billing, as failure to do so before ment (due to under-coding) can have a
billing can result in an excessive number substantial negative financial impact on
of resubmissions. Resubmissions should the hospital, as negative publicity may
be avoided since they are highly visible encourage patients to avoid the hospital,
and may trigger expanded external audits thus reducing the hospital’s patient vol-
by government agencies. Conversely, ume.
delays in billing are costly and must also
be avoided. Thus, it is critical that the chart
audit correction process be performed in a Prevention
highly targeted, timely manner.
The emphasis of both the computerized During the computerized audit, work-
audit and the correction process should be sheets are produced for records with
on correct coding—as opposed to an potential coding compliance problems.
exclusive focus on over-coding. Although These worksheets should contain a clear
over-coding receives all the attention, any text description of the nature of the poten-
miscoding is a coding compliance prob- tial coding compliance problems and sug-
lem, even a coding error that results in gestions for possible recoding of the
less revenue for the hospital. Furthermore, record. Relevant Coding Clinic references
while it is critical to avoid payment-related or ICD-9-CM coding rules should be
coding compliance problems, coded data clearly identified. Such information on the
is used for many other purposes besides coding compliance worksheet will make
payment. For example, in many states, the chart audit more targeted and efficient.
comparisons of hospital performance in Further, it will educate coders on the
terms of resource use and outcomes are source of potential coding compliance
publicly disseminated (often referred to as problems, preventing future occurrence of
provider report cards). Most provider com- coding compliance problems. Figure 2
parisons are performed on a severity illustrates the type of coding compliance

Principal Diagnosis 5119 Unspecified pleural effusion

Secondary Diagnosis 4280 Congestive heart failure
Procedure 9671 Cont mech vent <96 hrs
Discharge status 01 Home, self care
DRG 475 Respiratory system diagnosis with ventilator support
LOS 2 Days
Payment weight: 3.7291
Figure 2: Example of a record with potential coding compliance problems

4 3M HIS Research Report 4-99

problem identification and suggested have continuous mechanical ventilation
recoding that should be present on a cod- performed. But because the patient had
ing compliance worksheet. This record continuous mechanical ventilation, it is
has potential coding compliance problems likely that the he or she also had respira-
relating to coding, clinical and resource tory failure. Therefore, the respiratory fail-
issues. ure (code 51881) should be coded as a
Coding—the diagnosis 5119 (unspeci- secondary diagnosis. The two-day length
fied pleural effusion) should not be coded of stay would be highly unusual for a
as principal diagnosis when diagnosis patient on continuous mechanical ventila-
4280 (congestive heart failure) is present. tion, so the procedure and length of stay
Code 4280 (congestive heart failure) should be confirmed.
should be coded as the principal diagnosis
(Coding Clinic, Third Quarter 1991) Based on the guidance from the mes-
sages on the coding compliance work-
Clinical—the procedure 9671 (continu- sheet, Figure 3 shows the probable
ous mechanical ventilation <96 hours) is recoding of the record that will result from
not usually performed for any of the diag- a chart audit. The principal diagnosis is
noses. Confirm the procedure or add the changed to congestive heart failure and
diagnosis for which the procedure was
the pleural effusion is a secondary diagno-
sis. Respiratory failure is added as a sec-
Resource—the LOS is unusually short ondary diagnosis. The recoding of the
for the procedure 9671 (continuous record changes the DRG from 475 (respi-
mechanical ventilation <96 hours) ratory system diagnosis with ventilator
The above three messages should support) to DRG 127 (congestive heart
appear on the coding compliance work- failure) with an associated change in pay-
sheet. The 1991 third quarter Coding ment weight from 3.7291 to 1.0199. While
Clinic states that when the underlying the addition of the secondary diagnosis of
cause of pleural effusion is congestive respiratory failure did not influence the
heart failure, the congestive heart failure DRG assignment, in this case, the addition
should be coded as principal diagnosis. of the respiratory failure secondary diag-
Congestive heart failure in and of itself is nosis could have a substantial impact on
not a sufficient justification for continuous the severity assigned to the patient. Fail-
mechanical ventilation. The vast majority ure to code the respiratory failure could
of congestive heart failure patients never result in the assignment of an inappropri-

Principal Diagnosis 4280 Congestive heart failure

Secondary Diagnoses 5119 Unspecified pleural effusion
51881 Respiratory failure
Procedure 9671 Cont mech vent <96 hrs
Discharge status 01 Home, self care
DRG 127 Congestive heart failure
LOS 2 Days
Payment weight: 1.0199
Figure 3: Example recoded record

3M HIS Research Report 4-99 5

ately low severity level for the patient, compliance database makes it easier to
which could negatively impact the hospi- identify patterns in coding compliance
tal’s performance on publicly disseminated problems and take corrective action.
comparative reports.


A coding compliance program that The focus of the detection, correction,

includes only detection, correction and prevention, and verification functions is
prevention does not constitute a compre- introspective— they represent an internal
hensive coding compliance program. A evaluation of coding compliance. The
verification that the detection, correction comparison function provides a bench-
and prevention functions are being actively mark to external coding norms. It allows a
performed is necessary. Thus, a detailed hospital to determine how its coding prac-
audit trail of all code changes and coding tices compare to the coding practices of
compliance-related actions must be main- other hospitals. Figure 4 is an example of
tained for verification. In the context of a a coding compliance benchmark compari-
coding compliance system, this means son report. AMI, angina, and chest pain
that three complete sets of codes for each represent an acute cardiac cluster of three
admission should be maintained within the clinically-related sets of diagnoses. Figure
coding compliance database. 4 shows the percentage of Medicare med-
Original version—the final set of codes ical admissions with AMI, angina, and
assigned prior to the first computerized chest pain within the acute cardiac cluster
audit in a hospital in 1997 and 1998 and in
national data (each column totals to 100
Billed version—the final set of codes at
percent). As shown in Figure 4, the per-
the time of the initial bill, reflecting any
cent of admissions in the hospital with an
code changes made after computerized
AMI within the acute cardiac cluster
audit and any chart audit
increased between 1997 and 1998, from
Post-billed version—the final set of 58.2 percent to 60.1 percent. This percent-
codes after claim submission, reflecting age is much higher than the national data
internal or external audits, fiscal intermedi- (48.9 percent). The statistical test of signif-
ary adjudication and any other reasons for icance (the P-value) in Figure 4 shows that
rebilling the distribution of admissions in the acute
By maintaining all three versions of the cardiac cluster in the hospital is signifi-
codes, the hospital can reduce reports cantly different statistically than the
documenting the results of coding compli- national distribution in both years. The
ance activities. The coding compliance comparison in Figure 4 suggests that the
database should also maintain a record of hospital may be over-coding AMIs. How-
the nature of all code changes (e.g., miss- ever, this evidence is merely suggestive, it
ing secondary diagnosis) and the reason is by no means conclusive. It does indicate
the code changes were necessary (e.g., that the hospital should review its coding
insufficient physician documentation, of AMIs to ensure that a coding compli-
coder error). Such detail in the coding ance problem does not exist.

6 3M HIS Research Report 4-99

Acute Cardiac DRG Cluster Comparison
DRG Hospital 1997 Hospital 1998 National
AMI 58.2% 60.1% 48.9%
Angina 18.6% 16.9% 22.4%
Chest Pain 23.2% 23.0% 28.7%
Test of Significance P(<0.05) P(<.01)
Figure 4: Example of coding compliance benchmark comparison report

Integrating a Coding Compliance compliance problems

System into the Medical Records • The coder makes any necessary coding
Department changes based on guidance from the
messages on the coding compliance
For a coding compliance system to be worksheet
efficient and effective, it must become part • The coding supervisor or auditor reviews
of the normal workflow of the medical the record if the coder cannot resolve all
records department. The integration of a coding compliance issues identified on
coding compliance system into the medi- the worksheet
cal records department requires choosing
• The completed set of codes assigned
between two alternative workflows:
after the coding compliance review is
• Coding compliance performed by the sent to billing and stored in the coding
coder as the record is being coded compliance system database
• Coding compliance performed indepen-
In this workflow, the coding compliance
dently by an internal or external auditor
system must maintain copies of the set of
These two workflows represent radically codes as originally assigned and as
different approaches to coding compli- assigned after the coding compliance
ance. The choice between these two work- audit. Maintaining versions of the codes at
flows impacts virtually every aspect of the both points in time is essential in order to
coding compliance process, and each maintain the audit trail of coding compli-
workflow setting has its own advantages ance actions necessary for verification that
and disadvantages. there is an active coding compliance pro-
gram. The advantages of having the cod-
Coding Compliance Performed by the ing compliance functions performed by the
Coder coder are:
• The chart is available
A workflow in which coding compliance
• The coder is familiar with the chart
is performed by the coder would occur as
follows: • The coder receives immediate educa-
tional feedback
• The coder completes the initial coding of • Billing delays are minimized
the record
• The need for independent auditing
• The set of codes, as originally assigned
resources is reduced
by the coder, is stored in the coding
compliance system database • The emphasis is on prevention
• A coding compliance worksheet is gen- The disadvantages of having the coding
erated, identifying any potential coding compliance performed by the coder are:

3M HIS Research Report 4-99 7

• The coding compliance review is less • Substantial independent auditing
independent resources are required
• Coding productivity is reduced since • The emphasis is on detection
coders are performing both the coding
and coding compliance functions Choosing one of these two distinct work-
flows is a key decision in the implementa-
tion of a coding compliance program. The
Coding Compliance Performed by an
fundamental difference between the two
Independent Auditor
workflows is the distinction between detec-
tion and prevention. The emphasis of an
A workflow in which coding compliance
independent audit is on the detection of
is performed by an independent auditor—
coder errors. The emphasis of a com-
internal or external—would occur as fol-
puter-assisted coder self-audit is on coder
education through immediate feedback.
• The coder completes the initial coding of Thus, the computer-assisted coder self-
the record audit emphasizes prevention through edu-
• A set of codes, as originally assigned, is cation.
stored in the coding compliance system
Technical Challenges
• Coding compliance worksheets are gen-
erated as coding is completed (or on a
The implementation of any computer
batch) basis and sent to the indepen-
system always creates certain technical
dent auditor
challenges. For a coding compliance sys-
• The independent auditor makes any tem, the technical challenges relate prima-
necessary coding changes based on the rily to the interface between the coding
coding compliance worksheets compliance system and the encoder and
• A set of codes, as assigned by the inde- abstracting system used in the hospital. If
pendent auditor, is sent to billing and is the workflow utilized is based on a com-
stored in the coding compliance system puter-assisted coder self-audit, there must
database be a seamless interface between the cod-
The advantages of having the coding ing compliance system and the encoder
compliance performed by an independent software. The coding compliance work-
auditor are: sheets must be able to be generated at
any time during an encoder session.
• Coder productivity is maintained When a coder is using the coding compli-
• Coding compliance review is indepen- ance worksheet, she or he may recode
dent and regenerate worksheets several times
The disadvantages of having the coding in rapid succession until coding of the
compliance function performed by an inde- record is finalized. Thus, a smooth transi-
pendent auditor are: tion between the encoder and coding com-
pliance software is essential. In an
• Charts may not be readily available independent audit workflow, the abstract-
• The auditor is not familiar with the chart ing system and coding compliance system
• There is less direct feedback to the must interface. The abstract system must
coder pass completed records (usually in batch)
• Billing delays may occur to the coding compliance system in order

8 3M HIS Research Report 4-99

to have coding compliance worksheets While the focus of this discussion has
generated. The abstract system must also been on inpatient coding compliance, the
pass the records as coded to the coding general issues and conclusions apply
compliance system in order to create a equally to outpatient coding.
complete audit trail. In either workflow, the
abstract system must communicate to the Conclusions
coding compliance system when the
record has been sent to billing in order to Implementing a comprehensive coding
ensure accuracy of the audit trail. In gen- compliance system can have many direct
eral, close data coordination between the and indirect benefits, including:
abstract system and coding compliance
• Meeting coding compliance require-
system is necessary to ensure the consis-
tency between the two systems of coded
• Reducing the need to add additional
• Reducing the chance of triple damages
Essential Features of a Coding penalties
Compliance System • Reducing billing delays
This discussion has identified a series of • Avoiding bill resubmissions
features that should be present in any • Reducing the tendency to code defen-
comprehensive coding compliance sys- sively
tem. The key features are: • Correcting both over and under coding
• Improving performance on severity
• Provide for 100 percent computerized adjusted provider report cards
audit of all records
• Evaluate coding compliance from a cod- Thus, the implementation of a compre-
ing, clinical, and resource perspective as hensive coding compliance system need
well as based on user defined criteria not be a financial burden on hospitals.
• Emphasize correct-coding and not just Implemented correctly, the positive bene-
over-coding fits of a coding compliance system can far
outweigh the cost of its implementation.
• Produce a worksheet that clearly speci-
fies the nature of any coding compliance
problems and suggested coding
• Prioritize records with potential coding
compliance problems
• Minimize the occurrence of false posi-
tives and false negatives in the comput-
erized audit
• Maintain a detailed audit trail with origi-
nal, billed, and post billed copies of the
• Provide comparisons to external norms
• Support alternative workflows
• Interface to hospital encoder and
abstract systems

3M HIS Research Report 4-99 9

1. Prophet, S., and C. Hammen. “Coding
Compliance: Practical Strategies for Suc-
cess.” Journal of AHIMA 69, no. 1 (1998):
2. False Claims Act, 31 USC 3729.
3. Janet Reno, speech to American Hospital
Association, annual meeting, February 2,
4. False Claims Act, 31 USC 3729.

© 3M 1999

10 3M HIS Research Report 4-99

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