David Benson Errata Sheet Oct 6 2016 PDF

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A Life of Happiness and Fulfillment

Indian School of Business


& Exercises
& More
On behalf of Dr. Rajagopal Raghunathan, we the mentors of the class would like to welcome
you to the class. We hope that you thoroughly enjoy the class as much as we have and that
your happiness levels increase as you learn practical ways of changing the momentum in your

We have compiled a list of things that we know are not “completely right” with the course.
The course has been offered a number of times and each time, someone tells us that the class
misused the Canadian flag when it is showing the silhouette of America. This way by using the
errata sheet each week, you can see where we already know that there are “glitches” and you
don’t have to report it in the forums. Although sometime in the future, the videos may be
changed it requires a lot of time and financial resources to do so and fixing them is not in the
immediate future. We apologize for any inconvenience.

We have also listed the requirements for each week with regard to the exercises. Some
can be done in a couple of hours but some require that you are working on them throughout the
week. It is important that you check the time requirements each week so that you don’t find
yourself between a rock and a hard space.

Some helpful advice is that not only should you complete all the requirements for the
course but you should also spend some time in the forums. We know that your time is a
valuable resource but you will find that your level of understanding of the material increases as
you post and also answer other student’s questions. It is important to ask questions if you have
them but it is equally important to contribute to others by posting on their threads. By posting
and interacting in a more dynamic manner not only do you learn more but you increase the
connectivity of the class; your contributions make the class better.

As mentors we have taken the class, completed all the requirements and were active in
the discussion forums. Being mentors does not mean that we are perfect or that we have all
the right answers. It just means we have done this before and were selected to help out. We
can in general point you in the right direction but in many cases, your family and those close to
you can offer more precise insight into your life as they are closer to you and know you better.
In some cases, the level of assistance required may be beyond our level as mentors and you
should seek local, professional help for your challenges. We will try and answer all questions in a
timely manner but in some cases our lives require that we give our time and resources to other
things. Once again, we have flaws and we apologize beforehand for any situations in which our
contributions will not meet the standard of perfection. It is our sincere hope that you fully
enjoy this course and that it transforms your life.

One thing that we as mentors can’t really do is help you on quizzes and tests. Although
we would like to help you in all situations, the fact is that on those endeavors you are submitting
your own work without any outside assistance. If we help we are violating Coursera policy. It is
for this reason that we don’t have threads about those topics.
Week 1
Module 1 & Module 2

Exercises Assignment 1 This exercise involves two components: i) defining

happiness, and ii) incorporating happiness. The final report for this exercise should, ideally,
consist of two components:

A definition of happiness, and

A list of 3-4 things that make the student happy in the way that he/she has defined it

This is a peer graded assignment and you must also grade other students

***Answers need to be entered twice once on Qualtrics link and once in “my submission” link ***

Video #1 Spelling of ___________ in Hindi is incorrect.

Video #11 The picture is of the movie “Before Sunset” while “Before Sunrise” is
Week 2
Module 3

Exercises Assignment 2 Note that the 2nd assignment (the 2nd happiness
exercise: expressing gratitude) is a self-graded one for which you DO NOT need to upload your
report. However, you will need to complete the next "quiz" so as to give yourself a score from 1
through 10 for this assignment. You will write a letter of gratitude and read it to the

Video #3 Coursera is referred to as “course setter’s”
Video #8 At 2:31 in the video quiz “if you spent 1,000 hours” should be “if you spend
1,000 hours/year.”
Video #8 At 8:10 in the video quiz “High Low should read “High flow”
Week 3
Module 4

Exercises Assignment 3 This exercise involves playing an “altruistic prank” on

someone while adhering to the “three rules of giving” (contain cost of giving, make it fun for
both parties, and register the impact), and then recording how one felt as a result.

This is a peer-graded assignment and you must also grade other students

Video#1 *** Warning at 4.00 there is video of a monkeys experiencing trauma from
separation from their mother. It illustrates a point in the class but some
students have been extremely agitated from the viewing and viewer
discretion is advised. ***

Video #2,#3 The in video quiz pops up at the beginning of the video rather than at the
#4,#5 points at which it should.

Video #7 At 4:44 the Canadian flag has been superimposed on the US flag.

Video #9 At 1:00, the second bullet point “We feel more in competent and capable”
should be “We feel more competent and capable.”

Video#9 At 6:50 ( quiz ) The answer is marked wrong if ‘giver’ is not spelled with a
capitol G.
Week 4
Module 5

Exercises Assignment 4 Note that the 4th assignment (the 4th happiness
exercise: healthy lifestyle) is a self-graded one for which you DO NOT need to upload your
report. However, you will need to complete the next "quiz" so as to give yourself a score from 1
through 10 for this assignment. The instructions for this assignment can be found under the
"assignments" tab. This assignment deals with eating right, exercise and getting the right
amount of sleep. You should check on this assignment on the first day of the week in order to
understand the requirements and complete it before the end of the week.

*** if daily reminders are not working email Catherine Xavier@isb.edu ***

Video#2 The optional reading link is broken. You can get it from the FB group or from the
Discussion Forums by providing your email to a mentor.
Video#5 At 5:50 the world “anxitey” should be “anxiety.”
Video#9 At 0.08 “Cha-on” and Cha-chi” should be “Chao-anh” and “Chao-chi. ( Chao is hello
and anh is for male and chi is for female.
Week 5
Module 6 & Module 7
Exercises Assignment 5 This exercise involves writing a letter of forgiveness to
someone who’s treated you badly. It constitutes three main steps:

Step 1: Recalling the incident

Step 2: Writing your letter of forgiveness

Step 3: Achieving psychological closure on the event

This exercise is optional and non-graded.

Assignment 6 Your task in this exercise is to recall and write, for each day for 7 days,
about 3 things that started out as mildly negative events that later turned out positive.
(Detailed instructions can be found in Week 5, Video 12). Then, on the 8th day, you will answer
three questions in your report. You need to keep track of these things every day this week so
you must start your project at the beginning of the week.

This is a peer-graded assignment and you must also grade other students

*** for daily reminders email Catherine Xavier@isb.edu ***

Video #13 At 0.05 in the balloon “Summary of Week 6” should read “Summary of Week 5”
Week 6
Module 8 & Module 9

Exercise Assignment 7 Note that the 7th assignment (the 7th happiness exercise:
presence practice) is a self-graded one for which you DO NOT need to upload a report.
However, you will need to complete the next "quiz" so as to give yourself a score from 3.33
through 10 for this assignment. The instructions for this assignment can be found under the
"assignments" tab. This is an assignment about practicing mindfulness meditation.

Final Exam Part 1

Final Exam Part 2 grade other students exam

Video#4 *** Warning: Graphical surgical procedure and viewer discretion is advised.***

Video#7 At 3:56 “thougts” should be “thoughts.”

Video#13 1st quiz may freeze. Try clicking “play again” a few times if this happens.

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