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Predictive Homoeopathy
International Workshop

Dr. Prafull Vijayakar and Faculty

Mumbai, January 2015

Renate Greißl

19.01.2015 – Dr. Prafull Vijayakar Page

Reasons for failure 1
Different approaches 3
Syphilitic symptoms 7
CASE 1 – live – albinism – Cuprum 9
Cancer 12
CASE 2 – live – breast cancer – Stramonium 14
CASE 3 – live – hemangioma eye – Mercurius corrosivus 18

20.01.2015 – Dr. Prafull Vijayakar

Materia medica: Mercury 20-30
CASE 4 – heart-disease – Mercurius corrosivus 21
Rubric: Clinging to persons or furniture 23
Questions 29
CASE 5 – live – disabled boy cyst – Fluoricum acidum 31
CASE 6 – live – MND – Arnica 33
CASE 7 – live – lung-disease - Bismuthum 34

21.01.2015 – Dr. Prafull Borkar

Hering´s law of cure 38
8 Examples for law of cure 39-43

21.01.2015 – Dr. Prafull Vijayakar

CASE 8 – live – DMD - Lycopodium 44-50
Development of an embryo 47
CASE 9 – live – glaucoma – Phosphorus 50
CASE 10 – live – Parkinson´s disease – Nux vomica 53

22.01.2015 – Dr. Prafull Vijayakar – Camp

Hope-for-the-hopeless-Camp in Ghatkopar – 24 CASES 55-64
23.01.2015 – Dr. Prafull Borkar
CASE 1 – renal failure – Manganum aceticum 65
Rubric: Development arrested 65
CASE 2 – development disorder – Phosphorus 69
CASE 3 – live – hypertension, CRF – Pulsatilla 72
CASE 4 – live – CML – Petroleum 74

24.01.2015 – Dr. Prafull Borkar

Syphilitic rubrics 78
CASE 5 – live – Schizophrenia – Mercurius iodatus flavus 81

25.01.2015 – Dr. Prafull Vijayakar – Mega Seminar

CASE 11 – sclera cornea, no vision – Mercurius iodatus ruber 84
CASE 12 – ALL – Bromium 89
What is possible with Homoeopathy – 8 Examples 93
Coma 96

27.01.2015 – Dr. Prafull Vijayakar – Clinic

CASE 13 – backache, anal fistula – Zincum phosphoricum 98
CASE 14 – FU – Vertigo – Carcinosinum 100
CASE 15 – autism, speech arrested – Mercurius solubilis 100
Questions and answers 102

27.01.2015 – Dr. Ambrish Vijayakar – Clinic

A day of practice with Dr. Ambrish Vijayakar – 16 CASES 103

28.01.2015 – Dr. Prafull Vijayakar – Clinic

CASE 16 – ALL – Lycopodium 112
CASE 17 – cerebral palsy – Sulphur iodadum 113
CASE 18 – vision problem after injury – Fluoricum adidum 114
CASE 19 – Down´s syndrome – Sulphur 114
CASE 20 – microcephaly, molluscum – Thuja 115
CASE 21 – congenital erythropoietic disorder – Silica 116
CASE 22 – glioma, DM – Natrium carbonicum 117
28.01.2015 – Dr. Ambrish Vijayakar – Clinic
A day of practice with Dr. Ambrish Vijayakar – 7 CASES 120

29.01.2015 – Dr. Prafull Vijayakar

Miasms 124
CASE 23 – cervical pain with suicidal tendency – White marble 127
CASE 24 – endometrioma – Psorinum 130
CASE 25 – depression – Psorinum 132
Rubric: Fear of poverty 133

30.01.2015 – Dr. Prafull Vijayakar

Men-types and remedy-types 136
Materia medica: Iodum 140-144
Children who do not smile 143
Materia medica: Medorrhinum 145
Questions and answers 150
Hope for the Hopeless-Camp in Ghatkopar – 22.01.2015 – Dr. Prafull Vijayakar
22.01.2015 – Dr. Prafull Vijayakar – Camp

Case 1 – FU – boy 8 yrs. – microcephaly, blind – Sulph

He was not able to see anything, just lying in bed like a vegetable; now
he can see the pen lying on the table and grasp it.
He started to follow orders.
He could not move at all, now he is moving about on his knees, can
squat, will go and bring things for mother.
He started hearing also and will clap his hands when hearing music.

Sulph 200 (2yrs. before – single dose)

Case 2 – FU – girl 9 yrs. – retarded – Phos

Could not walk or talk at all; started walking; started talking

She even could tell when she had to go to the toilet – but this has
stopped again!
First teeth are still there together with the second teeth.
First she got Tub – but it did not work.
Phos 200 was given 2012 – improvement started – 2013 she got
Phos 50M.
Now we have to go back to Phos 200.

In such cases the higher potencies should not be given – when growth axis is affected
200 is the best potency; we only have to remove the obstacle and everything will
come. Higher potencies are good when an already grown tissue goes into autoimmune
disease or genetic degeneration.

Case 3 – FU – boy 8 yrs. – retarded – Ars

Mother is happy to tell us, that he has so much improved during the
last year. He can now hold his head, can understand everything,
can talk what he wants; he will ask for food if hungry, and knows
what belongs to whom.
He started sitting.
Mother is happy that the child´s intelligence has improved so much,
he doesn’t like praise at all – he starts crying when mother tells
anybody that he is a good boy: “what I am I am”.
There is a clock inside him: exactly at 4 pm he wants tea, at 9 am
he wants breakfast.

Script Renate Greissl© 55

Hope for the Hopeless-Camp in Ghatkopar – 22.01.2015 – Dr. Prafull Vijayakar

He got Phosphorus but it was not right, he only is improving in mind (precocity = syc),
body is lacking behind – he cannot stand or walk. A healthy mind comes into a healthy
body – body has to improve first!
He cannot be Phos, because he doesn’t like people praising him. Phos is only partial
Simillimum! It has brought the mind into Sycosis but body is still in Syphilis.
P: Could he be Arsenic?
PV: Yes, he is very systematic and time conscious.
Ars doesn’t like unnecessary praise; If he is Ars there has to be the basic genetic traits
like conscientiousness!
When asked mother tells us, he loves everything to do with school; he holds a
newspaper as if reading it. He will not wear any cloth which is not ironed.
 Ars 200
Now his mind will stop progressing, body will improve. He should also stop being so
exact, this is syphilitic.

Case 4 – female – bladder problems – Ambr

Has dripping urination – a lot of allopathic treatment was given

There has to be a problem with domain (animals mark their domain with
urine). If there is dripping urine, the thought process has to be “I am
losing control over my domain.”
Domain can be husband, property, child etc.
Irritation about that – Psora – UTI
Losing control – Syphilis – dripping urination
If there is a shock involved there will be cancer.
She has one child, going out of her hand – she is angry and shouts at her and her
daughter goes away from her. Husband tells that she talks about suicide (jumping from
the building).
She only has thoughts, did not really try to commit suicide.
She is desperate, because the problems are for a long time and don’t go away.
Rubric – Suicidal thoughts from despair: Ambr, ant-c, carb-v, hyos, rumx, sep, verat
She is a very embarrassed person, doesn’t go to public toilet etc.  Ambra 1M

Case 5 – FU – girl, 22 yrs. – mentally retarded – Calc-p

4 yrs. ago she was not able to walk, would fall down because had
no balance; continuous drooling, tongue was out, could not talk full
sentence. Mother was so tired, because they went from doctor to
doctor with her.
Now she has so much improved, that they are thinking about
getting her married.
Her remedy is Calc-p!
If somebody makes a mistake, she will correct him, has a sense of
right and wrong; very religious, she knows how to dress up,
behaves like an adult now.

56 Script Renate Greissl©

Workshop Mumbai – 30.01.2015 – Dr. Prafull Vijayakar

 SYCOSIS is the second defense after inflammation fails to repair the trauma.
 Cell or organism starts feeling fragile.
 Fragility, insecurity, unsure of one´s safety / existence makes the organism go into
o Constant anticipation/fear of being hurt
o Reinforcement defense (thickening)
o Alertness of senses

Boy from the Camp: He had big bumpers on his whole back; it was
not diagnosed exactly, what it was, but it had to be for protection.
There was not much history.
In such weird structural illnesses we have to enter through the
structure, we have to understand, why the structure is there –
interpret in terms of Miasm and then try to find out the cause. I
asked him “Did you get beatings from your parents?” – Yes, he was
not studying well and mother had to beat him a lot. He developed a
phobia when sitting to study: somebody would come from behind
and hit him. This thought process brought about the change in the
tissue. This was a fear, which was emanating from real happenings =
If it is not real but imaginary = Lachesis / Ophedia – someone is
behind, they are afraid of him, turn and look behind – if this goes on for years, gradually
the body turns and develops kyphosis, torticollis or scoliosis (right side Crotalus, left side
Lachesis); but Ophedia have not so much Sycosis.
We have to understand, why the structure has changed!

Anticipation, fear of being hurt is – at mental level:

These people are fearful of anything UNSEEN that they cannot defend against.
Unseen fears are mostly IMAGINATIONS:
 Fear of being alone esp. at night
 Fear of ghosts, supernatural things (superstitious)
 Fear someone is behind
 Fear of poverty
 Fear of DARK
 Fear of future
 Fear something may happen; something HORRIBLE or TERRIBLE will happen
 Fear of IMPENDING danger
 Fear of DEATH
 Fear of CANCER; of incurable illness
 Fear of animals
 Fear of EVIL
 Fear about SALVATION
 Fear of UNKNOWN
 Fear of large water bodies, of deep sea

Script Renate Greissl© 145

Workshop Mumbai – 30.01.2015 – Dr. Prafull Vijayakar


and Desires sweet and sour HURRIED
criticism ABDOMEN

 They are afraid of an attack on them from back. So they become anticipatory always
expecting the worst.
 There is a fear someone is behind him or following him.
 There is always a fear of being caught UNAWARE.
 This makes the person ANTICIPATORY, SUPERSTITIOUS and so much alert, that
he can hardly fall into deep sleep. This makes them remain alert or half awake and
hence they can ANSWER IN SLEEP (Arn, Bapt, Hyos, Ph-ac).

When the anticipation goes beyond normal limits, he acquires clairvoyance.

 ANTICIPATION general matters, for, before they occur, and generally correctly
 PROPHESYING disagreeable events, of
Example: Boy with brain tumor, who prophesized the tsunami. Nobody believed him,
because they thought it was only a dream. He got cured with Medorrhinum.
 Cannot bear to be HURT MENTALLY, mentally fragile (physically fragile = Thuja)
 Sensitive to reprimands, reproaches
 Hates CRITICISM; Criticism sends him into DESPAIR.
 Restless legs, MOVES CONSTANTLY

Syphilitic Medorrhinum
 MEMORY WEAK – forgets names, forgets names of well-known streets, his own
name, forgets spelling, what he was about to say or do
 Starts talking correctly but loses the thread
 SADNESS, harsh word, from a seemingly
 DESPAIR from slightest criticism
 DELUSION SEES ANIMALS; INSECTS; PEOPLE where there is none (Bell, Cimic)
 Everything is UNREAL
 Delusion, what happened today happened one week back (misinterpretation of
length of time)
Example: A patient went away with the medicine; after an hour he rung me up and
said: “Doctor, I want to tell you that last time when I met you …” I said: “There was no
last time, you were here just one hour ago.” He said: “That was 15 days back!”
 Time FAR OFF sensation
 As if in a dream

146 Script Renate Greissl©

International Workshop Mumbai – 2015

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