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Civil Engineering Board Exam Reviewer

ALGEBRA 1 + n(n−1)(n−2) Sample Problems:

x ❑n−3 y ❑3+...+ nx❑1 y ❑n−1 + y ❑n
3! 1) If 8x = y, then what is 25x – 3 equal to in terms of y?
2) If the product of the roots of the quadratic equation x2 +
Note: 2a2x + a = 0 is equal to 3a + 6, find the sum of its roots.
1) (am)n = amn 1) It starts with xn and ends with yn. 3) What is the value of k in the equation kx2 + 9x + 8 = 0 if the
2) am × an = am + n 2) The power of x decreases by 1 while the power of y
m equation is to have only one root?
a❑ increases by 1. 4) Find the quadratic equation whose roots are the reciprocals
3) = am – n 3) The sum of the powers of x and y in any term is always n.
n of the roots of the equation Ax2 + Bx + C = 0.
a 4) There will be n + 1 terms in the expansion. 5) Find the 6th term in the expansion of (2x3 + 9y)11.
4) a1/n = √n a 5) If the coefficient of a term is multiplied by the power of x in 6) Find the constant term in the expansion of (x + x-3/2)15.
1 that term and then the product divided by the power of y 7) Find the sum of the coefficients of the terms in the
5) a-n = increased by 1, the resulting number is the coefficient of expansion of (4x – 7y)4.
a❑n the next term. 8) Four years ago, the sum of the ages of A and B was 45.
6) (a × b)m = am × bm Six years from now, twice B’s age will be 28 years more
rth Term of Binomial Expansion than A’s age by then. How old is A now?
Quadratic Equation 9) At present, the sum of the parents’ ages is twice the sum of
Ax2 + Bx + C = 0 rth term in (x + y)n = C (n, m) xn – m ym the children’s ages. Five years ago, the sum of the parents’
ages was 4 times the sum of the children’s ages. Fifteen
Quadratic Formula years from now, the sum of the parent’s ages will be equal
−B ± √❑ to the sum of the children’s ages. How many children are
x= there?
❑ n! 10) In 1930, the following question was proposed: A man’s age
C (n, m) =
(n−m)! m! at death was one twenty-ninth of the year of his birth. How
Roots of Quadratic Equation old was he in the year 1900?
−B+ √❑ Age-related Problems 11) A businessman left his office for an appointment and
x ❑1= noticed the hands of the wall clock at past 8 o’clock. After

If x = present age of a person more than two hours, he returned and noticed that the
−B−√ ❑
x ❑2 = x – 3 = age of the person 3 years ago hands of the clock were interchanged. At what time did he
❑ x + 5 = age of the person 5 years hence leave and at what time did he return?
12) It is now past 4 pm. Four minutes from now, the minute
Properties of Roots hand of the clock will be directly opposite the position of the
Note: The age-difference of two persons is constant at any time.
−B hour hand 8 minutes ago. What is the time now?
Sum of the roots: x1 + x2 = 13) At what time between three and four o’clock is the minute
A Clock-related Problems:
hand the same distance from VIII as the hour hand is from
Product of the roots: x1 x2 = If the minute hand of the clock
A will describe an arc x minute 14) A meeting of several transport group leaders was held to
spaces long, then during the decide whether they should strike or not. It was arranged
Binomial Theorem same time span, the hour hand that during the counting, those in favor should remain
standing and those against should sit down. In due course,
n (n−1) will also describe an arc x/12
(x+ y)❑n=x ❑n +nx ❑n−1 y ❑1+ x ❑n−2 y ❑2 minute spaces long. In short, to the acting chairman announced that the motion was carried
2! identify the corresponding by a majority equal to exactly a quarter of the opposition. A
movement of the hour hand, man protested, saying some of them could not sit down
always divide the movement of the minute hand by 12. because there weren't enough chairs. So, the chairman
decided that those who wanted to sit down but couldn’t, will

Civil Engineering Board Exam Reviewer
raise their right hand. He counted a dozen and then clock form 2. -18
announced the motion was lost by a majority of 1. How 3. 81/32
many transport leaders were in that meeting? 16) a 60-degree angle for the first time? 4. Cx2 + Bx + A = 0
17) a 60-degree angle for the second time? 5. 1,745,960,832 x18 y5
For Practice: 18) a 150-degree angles? 6. 5,005
7. 81
1) How many significant digits are there in 0.001040050? 19) Between 3 and 4 o’clock, Kathreen looked at her watch and 8. 28 years old
2) Solve for x from the following: xy = 12; yz = 20; zx = 15. noticed that the minute hand was between 5 and 6. Later, 9. 5
7 (2❑x )−8(2 ❑x−2) Kathreen looked again and noticed that the hour hand and 10. 44 years old
3) Simplify the minute hand had exchanged places. What time was it 11. Left = 8:58:44; came back = 11:44:53
2❑x+1 −2❑x−1 in the second case? 12. 4:49:27
20) If it were two hours later, it would be half as long until 13. 3.23.08
4) Solve for x from x x❑ =10
midnight as it would be if it were an hour later. What time is 14. 207
5) Solve for x from √ ❑ it now?
6) Mike saves 20% of his income. If his expenditure is 21) A year ago, Lea got a crush with Rodel, where the product For Practice:
increased by 35%, how many percent must his income be of their ages was 156. Fortunately, they are now both 1. 7
increased so that he my save 10% of it? sweethearts; and they plan to marry 12 years after, where 2. 3
7) Two students attempted to solve a problem which reduces the product of their ages will be 650. Knowing that Rodel is 3. 10/3
into a quadratic equation. One, in simplifying, made a older than Lea, find the present age of Lea. 4. 1.26
mistake in the constant term and had -2 and 6 for his roots. 22) Find two numbers such that their sum multiplied by the sum 5. 20
The other made a mistake in the coefficient of the first of their squares is 5500, and their difference multiplied by 6. 20%
degree term and had -3 and 5 for his roots. What is the the difference of their squares is 352. One of the numbers 7. x2 – 4x – 15 = 0
correct quadratic equation? is 8. 15
8) A boy is 25 years younger than his father. In 10 years, his 23) When I am as old as my father is now, I shall be five times 9. 60
father will be twice his age. Find the age of the boy. as old as my daughter is now. By then, my daughter will be 10. 9
9) Mang Andoy has lived one-fourth of his life as a boy, one- eight years older than I am now. The combined ages of my 11. 3:06:36
fifth as a youth, one-third as a man, and has spent 13 years father and myself are 100 years. How old is my daughter 12. 2:18:27.6
in his dotage. How old is he? now? 13. 3:16:21.8
10) In the equation kx2 – 54x + 32 = 0, find the value of k if one 24) In a mixed company of Malaysians, Vietnamese, 14. 3:32:43.6
root is 8 times the other root. Singaporeans, Thais, and Filipinos, Malaysians are one 15. 3:49:05.4
11) It is now between 3 and 4 o’clock, and in 20 minutes the less than ⅓ of the Filipinos; and three less than half the 16. 5:16.40
minute hand will be as much ahead of the hour hand as it is Vietnamese. The Filipinos and Thais outnumbered the 17. 5:38.20
now behind it. What is the time now? Singaporeans and Vietnamese by 3. The Singaporeans 18. 5:54.50
12) What time between 2 and 3 o’clock will be the angle and Filipinos form one less than half the company, and the 19. 5:17.20
between the hands of the clock be bisected by the line Singaporeans and Vietnamese form 7/16 of the company. 20. 21:00
connecting the center of the clock and the 3 o’clock mark? How many Filipinos were there? 21. 13
25) Solve for y from the following system of equations: 22. 13
Situation 1. What time after 3 o’clock will the minute-hand x2 – yz = 3 ← Equation 1 23. 13
and the hour hand of the clock be y2 – xz = 4 ← Equation 2 24. 24
z2 – xy = 5 ← Equation 3 25. 1/6
13) together for the first time?
14) perpendicular for the first time? Answer Key
15) in straight line for the first time?
Sample Problems:
Situation 2. How soon after 5 o’clock will the hands of the 1. y5/3 / 8

Civil Engineering Board Exam Reviewer
an = nth term usually the last term
am = a term after a1 but before an 1) How many three-digit numbers are not divisible by 3?
Sn = sum of n terms 2) A contractor who does not meet the deadline on the
construction of a building is fined ₱40,000 per day for each
of the first ten days of extra time, and for each additional
Infinite Geometric Progression (I.G.P.) day thereafter the fine is increased by ₱8,000. If the
contractor is fined ₱1,008,000, by how many extra days
ALGEBRA 2 A G.P. in which -1 ≤ r ≤ 1, r ≠ 0 and n = ∞ was the construction delayed?
3) The numbers 28, x + 2, 112 are the first three terms in a
Arithmetic Progression (A.P.) a❑1 GP. What is the 31st term?
Sn = 4) Find the sum of a sequence of four positive numbers, the
A sequence of numbers is in A.P., if any number after the first is
1−r first of which is 6 and the fourth of which is 16, if the first
Harmonic Progression (H.P.) three numbers form an AP and the last three numbers form
obtained by adding a fixed number to the one immediately
a GP.
preceding it. The fixed number that is added is called the
A sequence of numbers are in H.P., if their reciprocals form an 5) The arithmetic mean of two numbers is 7.5 and their
common difference, d.
A.P. harmonic mean is 4.8. Find their geometric mean.
6) A rubber ball is dropped from a height of 9 m and each time
Example: 2, 5, 7, 11, 14, 17
Example: ½, ⅕, ⅛, 1/11, 1/14, 1/17 it strikes the ground, it bounces to a height ⅔ of that from
which it falls. Find the total distance travelled by the ball
Relationship between Arithmetic Mean, Harmonic Mean, before it comes to rest.
d = a2 – a1 = a3 – a2 = a4 – a3 = …
and Geometric Mean of Two Numbers 7) If the 1st, 5th and 8th terms of an A.P. will form a G.P., what
an = a1 + (n – 1)d or an = am + (n – m)d
would be the common ratio of this G.P.?
n n GM2 = AM x HM 8) A certain physicist, who is always in a hurry, walks up an
Sn = (a1 + an) or Sn = [2a1 + (n – 1)d]
2 2 ongoing escalator at the rate of one step per second.
Motion-Related Problems Twenty steps bring him to the top. Next day, he goes up at
Geometric Progression (G.P.) two steps per second, reaching the top in 32 steps. How
distance = velocity × time many steps are there in the escalator?
A sequence of numbers is in G.P., if any number after the first is 9) A man was enjoying the afternoon rowing leisurely
obtained by multiplying a fixed number to the one upstream when his baseball cap fell in the water. So
Motion in water current or air current
immediately preceding it. The fixed number that is multiplied is absorbed was he in listening to the music from his
If x = velocity of (boat / airplane) in still (water / air)
called the common ratio, r. earphones that it was 12 minutes before he discovered his
y = velocity of the (water / air), then
cap missing. He turned around and recovered the cap 1 km
Example: 2, 6, 18, 54, 162, 486 downstream from where it fell. Assuming constant speed
x + y = velocity when going (downstream / with wind)
and neglecting the time for turnaround, what was the speed
x – y = velocity when going (upstream / against the
Formulas: of the water current?
a❑2 a❑3 a❑4 10) A train, an hour after starting, had to stop due to some
r= = = =… engine trouble. After one hour, it proceeded at 60% of its
Motion in a circle or any closed circuit
a❑1 a❑2 a❑3 Starting from the same point and at the same time
former rate and arrived 3 hours after the time. Had the
an = a1 rn – 1 or an = am rn – m incident happened 50 km farther on the line, it would have
1. Going in the same direction
arrived 1.5 hours sooner. Find the length of the journey.
a❑1 (1−r ❑n ) a❑1 (r ❑n−1) dfaster – dslower = 1 circuit
11) Two trains started at the same time from cities A and B,
Sn = or Sn = 2, Going in opposite directions
1−r r−1 respectively, the first going from A to B and the second
dfaster + dslower = 1 circuit
from B to A. They traveled at uniform but different rates.
where: The first train reached B 4 hours after they passed each
Sample Problems:
other, the second reached A 2 hours and 15 minutes after

Civil Engineering Board Exam Reviewer
they passed. Find the time that each train required to make so on indefinitely. Find the sum of the areas of all the 23) Allan and Brando started at the same time.
the trip. triangles.
12) A and B run around a circular track whose circumference is 14) Benjie set out on a bike at the rate of 6 km/hr. After he had Answer Key
150 m. When they run in opposite directions, they meet gone 2 hours, Jerwin set out to overtake him and went on a
every 5 seconds, but when they run in the same direction bike 4 km the 1st hour, 5 km the 2nd hour, 6 km the 3rd hour, Sample Problems:
from the same point, they are together every 25 seconds. and so on, gaining 1 km every hour. After how many hours 1. 600
What are their rates? were they together? 2. 18
15) An airplane takes 1.5 hours to travel 600 mi with the wind 3. 30,064,771,070
and 1.6 hours to fly back. Find the speed of the plane. 4. 43
For Practice: 16) A boatman rows to a place 48 km distant and back in 14 5. 6
hours; he finds he can row 4 km with the stream at the 6. 45 m
1) Runner A travels at 1200 fpm. Runner B travels 975’ during same time as 3 km against the stream. Find the rate of the 7. 3/4
the 1st minute but goes 150’ further each minute than in stream. 8. 80
the minute immediately preceding. Who will win in a mile 17) A policeman is pursuing a snatcher who is ahead by 72 of 9. 2.5 kph
race? his own leaps. The snatcher takes 6 leaps while the cop 10. 88.89 km
2) Determine x so that x, 2x + 7, 10x – 7 will be a geometric takes 5 leaps, but 4 leaps of the snatcher are as long as 3 11. 7 hrs & 5.25 hrs
progression. leaps of the cop. How many leaps will the cop make before 12. 18 m/s
3) Find the harmonic mean between 3 & 11. he catches the snatcher?
4) A cask containing 20 liters of wine was emptied of one-fifth 18) A train, an hour after starting, had an accident and was For Practice:
of its contents and then filled with water. If this is done 20 detained for an hour, after which it proceeded at ⅗ of its 1. Runner B wins
times, how many liters of wine will remain in the cask? former rate and arrived at the destination three hours after 2. 7; -7/6
5) The arithmetic mean of two numbers exceeds their the time. Had the accident happened 50 km farther on the 3. 33/7
geometric mean by two. Find the numbers if one is 40 less line, it would have arrived one and one-half hours sooner. 4. 0.2306 L
than the other. Find the length of the journey. 5. 81 & 121
6) Insert three arithmetic means between 11 & 14. 19) Two trains, one 350 ft long, the other 450 ft long, on parallel 6. 11.75, 12.5, 13.25
7) Find the common ratio of an I.G.P. in which any term is tracks, can pass each other completely in 8 seconds when 7. 1/4
thrice the sum of the succeeding terms. moving in opposite directions. When moving in the same 8. 76 days
8) A besieged fortress is held by 5,700 men who have direction, the faster train completely passes the slower one 9. 30th term
provisions for 66 days. If the fortress loses 20 men each in 16 seconds. Find the speed of the faster train. 10. 120
day, for how long will the provisions hold out? 20) A battleship started on a 500-mile voyage but was brought 11. 146
9) The first three terms in AP are 20, 16 and 12. Which term is to full stop an hour after starting for military reasons, 12. 1.892
-96? delaying it for a full hour, after which it was ordered to 13. 62.35 cm2
10) In a display window, a grocer wishes to place boxes of proceed at a reduced velocity equivalent to 75% of its 14. 8 hrs of Jerwin
detergent in pyramid form so that the bottom row contains former rate. The ship arrived at its destination 3 hours and 15. 387.5 mph
15 boxes, the next row contains 14 boxes, the next row 3 quarters after scheduled time. If it was desired for the 16. 1 kph
contains 13 boxes, and so on, with one box on top. How ship to arrive one hour and a quarter sooner, how far from 17. 540 leaps
many boxes of detergent are necessary for the pyramid? the destination should the ship have been ordered 18. 88.89 km
11) Find the 8th term in the following series of numbers: 6, 7, stopped? 19. 75 fps
11, 20, 36, … 20. 243.24 mi
12) The arithmetic mean of two numbers is 37 and their Situation 1. Allan can cover a circular track in 50 seconds 21. 20 sec of Brando
geometric mean is 35. What is the difference between their while Brando can cover the same track in 40 seconds. Going in 22. 175 sec of Allan
harmonic mean and geometric mean? the same direction, find the time they will be together if: 23. 200 sec
13) An equilateral triangle inscribed within a circle whose
diameter is 12 cm. In this triangle, a circle is inscribed; and 21) Brando gives Allan a head-start of 5 seconds.
in this circle, another equilateral triangle is inscribed; and 22) Allan gives Brando a head-start of 5 seconds.

Civil Engineering Board Exam Reviewer
7) The sides of a triangle are in the continued ratio 3:5:7. Twice new majority is to the former as 8:7. How many changed
the longest side decreased by half the sum of the other two their minds?
sides is 30 cm. Find the perimeter of the triangle.
8) Albert, Bryan, and Carl are partners who share profit in the For Practice:
ALGEBRA 3 ratio of their capital. Albert’s capital is ₱5 M and Bryan’s is
₱25 M. In 2018, the profit was ₱3.5 M, in which Carl’s 1) Find the quotient when x4 – 10x2 – 9x – 20 is divided by x –
share was ₱1.5 M. Find Carl’s capital. 4.
Mixture Problems:
2) Find the remainder when 2x3 – 4x2 is divided by x + 3.
Variation Problems: 3) The remainder when f(x) is divided by (x – 1) is equal to the
1) A given alloy contains 20% copper and 5% tin. How many
x varies directly as y remainder when f(x) is divided by (2x + 1). If f(x) = ax3 + 6x2
pounds of copper and of tin must be melted with 100 lb of
→ x ∝ y or x = ky + 12x + d, find the value of a.
the given alloy to produce another alloy analyzing 30%
x varies inversely as y 4) When a polynomial f(x) is divided by (x – 3) the remainder is
copper and 10% tin? All percentages are by weight.
1 -9 and when divided by (2x – 1), the remainder is -6. Find
2) What percentage of a mixture of sand, gravel, and cement
containing 30% cement should be replaced by pure cement
in order to produce a mixture that is 40% cement.
or x= k ( 1y ) the remainder when f(x) is divided by (x – 3)(2x – 1).
5) Kevin can finish a job in 8 hours. Melvin can do it in 5 hours.
x varies jointly as y and z If Kevin worked for 3 hours and then Melvin was asked to
3) In what ratio must tea costing ₱240 pero kg be mixed be tea
→ x ∝ yz or x = kyz help him finish it, how long will Melvin have to work with
costing ₱340 per kg so that a profit of 20% is made by
Kevin to finish the job?
selling the mixture at ₱360 per kg?
9) The electrical resistance of a cable varies directly as its 6) A job could be done by eleven workers in 15 days. Five
length and inversely as the square of its diameter. If a cable workers started the job. They were reinforced with four
Work Problems:
600 m long and 10 mm in diameter has a resistance of 0.1 more workers at the beginning of the 6th day. Find the total
ohm, find the length of a cable 20 mm in diameter with a number of days it took them to finish the job.
4) An elevated concrete tank is filled through its inlet pipe and
resistance of 0.15 ohm. 7) A man and a boy can do in 15 days a piece of work which
then is emptied through its outlet pipe in a total time of 9
10)The stiffness of a beam varies jointly as its breadth and could be done by 7 men and 9 boys in 2 days. In how many
hours. If water enters through the inlet pipe and is
depth and inversely as the square of its length. Find the days could one man finish the work alone?
simultaneously allowed to leave through the outlet pipe, the
change in stiffness if each of the three dimensions is 8) How much water must be evaporated from a 15-liter 12%
tank is filled in 20 hours. How long will it take to fill the tank
increased by 10%. dye solution to obtain a solution that is 20% dye? Assume
if the outlet is closed?
The Remainder Theorem & Factor Theorem that the total amount of dye is not affected by the process
5) Working together, observation planes A, B and C can map a
of evaporation.
certain region in three hours. After working for one hour, A
● If a polynomial f(x) is divided by x – r, the remainder ® is 9) A radiator has 25 liters of 30 percent antifreeze solution.
developed engine trouble and had to stop. As a
equal to f(r). How much of this should be drained and replaced with pure
consequence, B and C had to continue working for the next
● If f(x) is a polynomial and r is a real number, then x – r is a antifreeze material to make 45% antifreeze?
four hours to complete the job. It turned out, however, that
factor of f(x) if and only if f(r) = 0. 10)In an organization, there are CE’s, GE’s, and ME’s. The sum
half of the photographs taken by A were spoiled. The
of their ages is 2160; the average age is 36; the average
following day, C was sent to photograph that part of the
11)When a certain polynomial f(x) is divided by (x – 1), the age of CE’s and GE’s is 39; the average age of GE’s and
region for which A’s photographs were spoiled. It took C
remainder is 12. When the same polynomial is divided by ME’s is 32, and 8/11; the average age of the CE’s and ME’s
one and a half hours to complete the task. How long will it
(x – 4). The remainder is 3. Find the remainder when f(x) is is 36 and ⅔. If each CE had been 1 year older, each GE 6
take each plane to map the region alone?
divided by (x – 1)(x – 4). years and each ME 7 years older; their average age would
6) A job can done by 20 laborers in 30 days. To finish the job
12)A box contains 8 white balls, 15 green balls, 6 black balls, 8 have been greater by 5 years. Find the number of CE in the
earlier, 25 men were hired. However, after working for 20
red balls, and 13 yellow balls/ How many balls must be group and their average ages.
days, 10 men quit and were not replaced. Find the total
drawn to ensure that there will be three balls of the same 11)A and B run a 1.5-kilometer race. In the first heat, A gives B
number of days to finish the job.
color? a start of 11 meters and beats him by 57 seconds. In the
13)A proposal was lost in which 600 people voted; the same second heat, A gives B a start of 81 seconds and is beaten
Proportion Problems:
persons having voted again on the same proposal, it was by 88 meters. Find the rate of A in km/hr.
carried by twice as much as it was before lost by and the 12)If 4, 2, 5, and 18 are added respectively to the first four

Civil Engineering Board Exam Reviewer
terms of an arithmetic progression, the resulting series is a acid, using 2 times as much of the 75% solution as the
geometric progression. What is the common difference of 30% solution. How many liters of 15% acid solution should
the arithmetic progression? be used?
13)A man covers the distance A to B in 5 hours and 30 minutes. 22)What time after 4 o’clock will the angle between the minute-
During the second half of the distance he traveled ½ km hand and the hour-hand of a clock be bisected by the 5
less per hour than during the first half. In the return trip o’clock mark?
from B to A, by traveling 1 km/hr faster than during the first 23)If x + y = 5 and xy = 6, find the value of x3 + y3.
half of his trip from A to B, he consumed 3 and ¾ hours. 24)The sum of the first n terms of a series is 3 n + 2 – 6. Find the
Determine the distance AB. fifth term of the series.
14)A battleship started on a 500-mile voyage but was brought to 25)The sum of the reciprocals of two consecutive integers is
full stop an hour after starting for military reasons, delaying 17/72. Find the sum of the integral numbers.
it for a full hour, after which it was ordered to proceed at a 26)A and B compete in a race. A run at a constant rate of 126
reduced velocity equivalent to 75% of its former rate. The in/min while B runs 145 m the first minute, 143 m the
ship arrived at its destination 3 hours and 3 quarters after second minute, 141 m the third minute and so on. When
scheduled time. If it was desired for the ship to arrive one will A and B be together again?
hour and a quarter sooner, how far from the destination 27)Find the term that is independent of x in the expansion of (2
should the ship have been ordered stopped? + 3/x2)(x – 2/x)6.
15)A man passed one-sixth of his life in childhood, one-twelfth 28)Robert is 15 years older than his brother Stan. However, y
in youth, and one-seventh more as a bachelor. Five years years ago, Robert was twice as old as Stan. If Stan is b
after his marriage, a son was born who died four years years old now and b > y, find the value of b – y.
before his father at half his father’s final age. What was the 29)The side of a square is 10 m. A second square is formed by
man’s final age? joining, in the proper order, the mid-points of the sides of
16)A marksman fires a target 420 m away and hears the bullet the first square. A third square is formed by joining the mid-
strikes the target 2 seconds after he pulled the trigger. An points of the second square, and so on. Find the sum of the
observer 525 m away from the target and 455 m away from areas of all the squares if the process will continue
the marksman hears the bullet strikes the target 1 second indefinitely.
after he hears the report of the rifle. What is the velocity of 30)After 8:00 pm, a ride in a cab cost ₱25.00 plus ₱3.00 for
the bullet? every fifth of a kilometer traveled. If a passenger traveled x
17)A bus travels a distance of 350 km in exactly the same time kilometers, what is the cost of the trip in pesos, as a
that a car travels a distance of 600 km. If the car is 50 kph function of x?
faster than the bus, how fast was the bus?
18)In what time would A, B, and C together do work if A alone
could do it in six hours more, B alone in one hour more,
and C alone in twice the time?
19)Mary is 24 years old. Mary is twice as old as Ann was when
Mary was as old as Ann is now. How old is Ann now?
20)Two planes leave Manila for Tokyo, a distance of 900 miles.
The four-motored plane A travels at a ground speed of 90
mph faster than the two-motored plane B. Plane A arrives
in Tokyo 2 hour 15 minutes ahead of plane B. What is the
ground speed of plane B?
21)A chemist has three different acid solutions. The first acid
solution contains 15% acid, the second contains 30% acid, ALGEBRA 4
and the third contains 75% acid. He wants to use all three
solutions to obtain a mixture of 216 liters containing 25%

Civil Engineering Board Exam Reviewer
Partial Fractions: a time is
n! 1) Resolve into partial fractions:
Resolve the following into partial fractions C(n, r) = nCr = x +2
2 r ! (n−r)! 1a)
3 x ❑ + 32 x−51 2
x ❑ −7 x +12
( x−1)(x−2)(x+3) Theorem 5: The number of combinations of n objects taken 1 at 2
4 x ❑ +7 x +8
at time, 2 at a time, 3 at a time, and so on until n at a time is 1b)
x ❑4−x ❑3+ 14 x ❑2−2 x +22 N = 2n – 1 x ( x+ 2)❑3
( x+ 1)(x ❑2 +4)( x ❑2−2 x+ 5) 1c)
3) In how many ways can 5 different trees be planted
3a)in a row? 3 x ❑4−19 x ❑3 +60 x❑2−91 x +64
Permutation and Combination
3b) in a circle? x (x ❑2−3 x+ 4)❑2
Fundamental Principle of Counting: 4) How many ways can 6 people be lined up to get on a bus? 2) Calculate the value of E in the following:
If a thing can be done in any of m different ways and if a second 4a) If a certain 3 persons insist on following each
thing can be done in any of n different ways, then it follows that other, how many ways are possible?
the number of ways in which the first and the second can be 4b) If a certain 2 persons refuse to follow each 2 x ❑4 +3 x ❑3 +7 x ❑2+10 x +10 A Bx+ C Dx
other, how many ways are possible? 2 2
= + 2
+ 2
done is m × n. (x−1)( x ❑ +3)❑ x−1 x ❑ +3 (x ❑
5) How many three-digit numbers can be formed from the
Permutation digits 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 if each digit can be used only
once? 3) In how many different ways can you arrange four identical
an arrangement of objects in a definite order. Algebra books, one Calculus book, and three identical
5a) how many are greater than 330?
6) How many different permutations can be made of the Mechanics books in a shelf by taking all the books in each
Theorem 1:The number of permutations on n different objects arrangement?
taken r at a time is letters in the word MISSISSIPPI?
7) How many ways can 7 people be assigned to 1 triple and 4) In how many ways can the books in Math, Hydraulics, and
n! two double rooms? Structural Engineering be arranged on a shelf if Math has 3
P(n, r) = nPr =
(n−r )! 8) A committee of 5 members is to be formed from a group of volumes, Hydraulics has 2 volumes, and Structural
5 lawyers, 4 engineers, and 3 accountants. Engineering has 4 volumes? Books of the same subject
8a) In how many ways can the committee be must be altogether.
Theorem 2: The number of permutations of n objects taken all
formed? 5) If repetitions are not permitted, how many three-digit even
at a time in which n1 of the objects are alike, n2 are alike, n3 are
8b) What if there must be 2 lawyers, 2 engineers, numbers can be formed from the digits 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8,
alike, and so on, is
and 1 accountant in the committee? and 9? How many different four-digit integers can be
n! formed if they are to be greater than 6000? How many
P= 9) The HR Manager of Ayala Land Corporation is to hire three
n❑1 ! n❑2 ! n❑3 ! out of ten equally qualified applicants. How many ways can different numbers can be formed from the given integers if
the HR Manager choose? they are to be greater than 900,000 and of different digits?
Theorem 3: The number of ways of partitioning a set of n 10) A shipment of 12 television sets contains 3 defective sets. 6) There are 6 people lining up to pay telephone bills. If two
objects into r cells with n1 elements in the first cell, n2 elements In how many ways can a hotel purchase 5 of these sets people don’t want to follow each other, how many different
in the second cell, and soon is and receive at least 2 of the defective sets? line ups is possible?
11) Of 12 points in a plane, no 3 points lie on the same line 7) In how many ways can 5 engineers and 4 nurses be
n! arranged in a round table if the nurses insisted to be sitting
P= except 5 points which all belong to the same line. How
n❑1 ! n❑2 ! n❑3 ! ... many lines can be determined by these 12 points? side by side?
Combination 12) How many diagonals can you form in a polygon of n sides? 8) There are 36 lines that can be drawn from an n-cornered
differs from permutation in that it does not involve the 13) In how many ways can you color a poster if there are 5 convex polygon. How many corners are there all in all?
arrangement of objects nor the order of selection. different colors available? 9) In how many ways can a panel of 5 judges declare a winner
in a beauty contest?
Theorem 4: The number of combinations of n objects taken r at For Practice: 10)Four married couples have bought 8 seats in a row for a

Civil Engineering Board Exam Reviewer
concert. In how many ways can they be seated… 23)Divide 253 into 4 parts proportional to 2, 5, 7, 9. What is the 3. 280
10a) at random? value of largest part? 4. 1728
10b) if each couple is to sit together? 24)What is the angle between the hands of a clock at 3:35 pm? 5. 90; 360; 5760
10c) if all men sit together to the right of all 25)A freely falling body, starting from the rest, falls 16 ft during 6. 480
women? the 1st second, 48 ft during the 2nd second, 80 ft during the 7. 2880
11)How many arrangements can be made from the letters of 3rd second, etc. Calculate the distance it falls during the 15 th 8. 9
the word MATHEMATICS if the consonants are to be second. 9. 16
together? 26)Franco is a tile installation contractor. He estimated that one 10a. 40,320
12)What is the coefficient of the 5th term of the expansion of of his two tilers would take 9 hours to complete a certain 10b. 384
(2x2 + 3y3)10? How about the sum of the exponents of the floor area and the other 10 hours. He knew from 10c. 576
terms in the expansion? experience that when these two tilers workers together, 10 11. 75,600
13)Find the sum of the coefficients of the expansion (x + 2)4. fewer tiles got laid per hour. Since he has a deadline to 12. 1,088,640; 275
14)A and B working together can do a job in 4 days, B and C beat, he put both men on the job and it took them exactly 5 13. 65
together can do the job in 3 days, and A and C together hours to cover the entire area. How many tiles did this floor 14. 6
can do it in 2.4 days. In how many days can A do the job area contain? 15. 57 gallons
working alone? 27)The side of a square is 10 m. A second square is formed by 16. 726,000 ft-lb
15)From a tank filled with 240 gallons of alcohol, 60 gallons are joining, in the proper order, the mid-points of the sides of 17. 625 m
drawn off and the tank is filled up with water. Then 60 the first square. A third square is formed by joining the mid- 18. 80,640
gallons of the mixture are removed and replaced with points of the second square, and so on. Find the sum of the 19. 2:18:27:6
water, etc. How many gallons of alcohol remain in the tank areas of all the squares if the process will continue 20. 1.5 mph
after 5 drawings of 60 gallons each are made? indefinitely. 21. 7 years old
16)The kinetic energy E of a body is proportional to its weight 28)How many five-digit even numbers greater than 40,000 can 22. 20
W and to the square of its velocity v. An 8 lb body moving be made using the digits 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 exactly one 23. 99
at 4 ft/sec has 2 ft-lb of kinetic energy. Find the kinetic each? 24. 102.5°
energy of a 6000 lb truck speeding at 88 ft/sec. 29)The amount by weight of gold, silver, and lead on alloys A, 25. 464 ft
17)An army of troops is marching along a road at 5 kph. A B, and C are respectively in the ratios: 4:3:2, 3:5:1, and 26. 900
messenger on horseback was sent from the front to the 2:2:5. It is desired to make a 10-grams alloy containing 27. 200 m2
rear of the column and returns immediately back. The total equal amounts of gold, silver, and lead. How many grams 28. 18
time taken being 10 minutes. If the messenger rides at the of alloy B should be used? 29. 2 grams
rate of 10 kph, determine the length of the column. 30)Solve for the x in the following equation: x + 4x + 7x + 10x + 30. 2
18)A man and his wife invited 8 of their friends to dinner. They … + 64x = 1430.
are to be seated around a round table. How many
arrangements can be made if the man and his wife are to Answer Key
sit side by side?
19)What time between 2 and 3 o’clock will be the angle For Practice:
between the hands of the clock be bisected by the line 6 5
connecting the center of the clock and the 3 o’clock mark? 1a. −
20)It takes 2 hours to row 9 miles with the current and 6 hours x−4 x−3
to return against the current. Determine the rate of the 1 1 2 5
current. 1b. − + −
x x+2 (x +2)❑2 ( x +2)❑3
21)Two years ago, a man was six times as old as his daughter.
In 18 years, he will be twice as old as his daughter. How 4 x−2 2 x−3
old is his daughter? 1c. − + 2
x x ❑ −3 x+ 4 ( x −3 x+ 4)❑2
22)If 8 men take 12 days to assemble 16 machines, how many
days will it take 15 men to assemble 50 machines? 2. -1

Civil Engineering Board Exam Reviewer
If events A and B are mutually exclusive, then the rule can be as likely to occur as an odd number. Find the probability
simplified to that if this die is rolled, a number less than 4 occurs.
4) What is the probability of drawing a Queen or a diamond
P(A or B) = P(A) + P(B) from a standard deck of cards?
5) In a poker hand consisting of five cards, what is the
This simplified rule can be extended to any number of mutually probability that…
exclusive events. 5a. all 5 are diamonds?
5b. 2 are clubs and 3 are hearts?
Conditional Probability 6) If six cards are selected at random from a standard deck,
what is the probability that there will be no pairs?
The probability of an event occurring given that another event 7) Given a class of 12 girls and 10 boys. What is the probability
has already occurred. The conditional probability of event B that a committee of five, chosen at random from the class,
ALGEBRA 5 occurring, given that event A has occurred is denoted by P(B / consists of:
A). 7a. only girls?
7b. at least one girl?
The Multiplication Rule
8) In a room of 23 people, what is the probability that at least 2
number of favorable outcomes The probability that two events A and B will occur in sequence people have the same birthday? Assume birthdays are
P= is uniformly distributed across the year and there is no leap
number of all possible outcomes
year complication.
P(A and B) = P(A) × P(B / A)
If an event can happen in h ways and can fail in f ways and all 9) A real estate agent has 8 master keys to open several
these are equally likely to occur, then the probability of its If events A and B are independent, then the rule can be homes. Only 1 master key will open any given house. If
happening is p = h / (h + f) and the probability of its failing is q = simplified to 40% of these homes are usually left unlocked, what is the
f / (h + f) and that p + q = 1. probability that the real estate agent can get into a specific
P(A and B) = P(A) × P(B) home if the agent selects 3 master keys at random before
Mutually Exclusive Events leaving the office?
Mutually exclusive if it is impossible for more than one of This simplified rule can be extended for any number of
them to happen in a single trial. independent events. 10)The probability that a doctor correctly diagnoses a particular
illness is 0.7. Given that the doctor makes an incorrect
Independent Events At Least One Condition diagnosis, the probability that the patient enters a lawsuit is
If the happening of one does not affect the probability of 0.9. What is the probability that the doctor makes an
occurrence of the other. The probability that an event will occur at least once in n trials is incorrect diagnosis and the patient sues?
Dependent Events where: 11)Urn 1 contains 5 white balls and 7 black balls. Urn 2
If the happening of one affects the probability of happening Q = probability of the event to totally fail. contains 3 whites and 12 blacks. A fair coin is flipped. If it
of the other. shows heads, a ball from urn 1 is drawn; if it is tails, a ball
Sample Problems: from urn 2 is drawn. Suppose a white ball was selected.
The Addition Rule What is the probability that this ball was taken from Urn 2?
1) A coin is tossed twice. What is the probability that at least
The probability that event A or B will occur, P(A or B), is given one head occurs? 12)Gunfighters A, B, and C are to fight a three-cornered pistol
by duel. All know that A’s chance of hitting the target is 0.3,
2) Suppose you toss a coin and then roll a die. What is the C’s is 0.5, and B never misses. They are to fire at their
P(A or B) = P(A) + P(B) = P(A and B) probability of obtaining a tail and then rolling a 1? choice of target in succession in the order of A, B, and C,
3) A die is loaded in such a way that an even number is twice cylically (but a hit man loses his turn and is no longer shot

Civil Engineering Board Exam Reviewer
at) until only one man is left unhit. What should A’s strategy probability that it is blue or white. 15)In a population of 100,000 females, 89.835% can expect to
be? live to age 60, while 57.062% can expect to live to age 80.
A. Shoots B first. 8) A spider eats three flies a day. Until he fills his quota, he has Given that a woman is 60, what is the probability that she
B. Shoots the ground an even chance of catching any fly that attempts to pass. A lives to age 80?
C. Shoots C first. fly is about to make the attempt. What are the chances of
D. Shoots himself. survival, given that five flies have already made the attempt 16)Three marksmen simultaneously shoot and hit a rapidly
today? spinning spherical target. What is the probability that the
three points of impact lie on the same hemisphere?
9) To encourage Elmer’s promising tennis career, his father
For Practice offers him a prize if he wins (at least) two tennis sets in a 17)Which of the following events is more likely that a person
row in a three-set series to be played with his father and gets:
1) A face of a coin is either heads or tails. If three coins are the club champion alternately: A. at least 1 six when 6 dice are rolled.
tossed, what is the probability of getting three tails? B. at least 2 sixes when 12 dice are rolled.
Series A: FATHER - CHAMPION - FATHER or C. at least 3 sixes when 18 dice are rolled.
2) A bag contains 3 white and 5 black balls. If two balls are Series B: CHAMPION - FATHER - CHAMPION D. all of the above are equally likely.
drawn in succession without replacement, what is the
probability that… according to Elmer’s choice. The champion is a better 18)A bin contains 25 light bulbs, 5 of which are in good
2a)both balls are black? player than his father. Which series should Elmer condition and will function for at least 30 days of use, 10 of
2b) both are white? choose? which are partially defective and will fail on the second day
2c)one is black and the other is white? A. Series A of use and 10 of which are totally defective and will not light
2d) both have the same color? B. Series B up. Given that a randomly selected bulb initially lights up,
C. Either A or B what is the probability that it will still be working after one
3) One bag contains 4 white balls and 3 black balls, and a D. Neither A nor B week?
second bag contains 3 white balls and 5 black balls. One
ball is drawn at random from the second bag and is placed 10)From where he stands, one step toward the cliff would send 19)The probability that an automobile being filled with gasoline
unseen in the first bag. What is the probability that a ball the drunken man over the edge. He takes random steps, will also need an oil change is 0.25; the probability that it
now drawn from the first bag is black? either toward or away from the cliff. At any step, his needs a new oil filter is 0.40; and the probability that both
probability of taking a step away is ⅔, of a step toward the the oil and filter need changing is 0.14.
4) The probability that a family owns a washing machine is cliff ⅓. What is his chance of escaping the cliff? 19a) If the oil had to be changed, what is the
0.78 and the probability that it owns a VCR is 0.71. The probability that a new oil filter is needed?
probability that it owns both a washing machine and a VCR 11)A certain statistical observation found that it has a probability 19b) If a new oil filter is needed, what is the
is 0.58. What is the probability that a randomly selected of failing once equal to 0.422, twice equal to 0.141 and probability that the oil has to be changed?
family owns a washing machine or a VCR? thrice equal to 0.016. Determine the probability that it will
fall once or thrice. 20)Luis takes a 20-question multiple choice exam where each
5) The probability that both stages of a two-stage missile will question has five answers. Some of the answers he knows,
function correctly is 0.95. The probability that the first stage 12)In a family of five children, what is the chance that there are while the others he gets right just by making lucky guesses.
will function correctly is 0.98. What is the probability that three boys and two girls? Suppose that the conditional probability of knowing the
the second stage will function correctly given that the first answer to a randomly selected question given that he got it
one does? 13)A store has three kinds of toys given in every purchase. right is 0.92. How many of the 20 questions was he
What is the probability of getting all three toys in five prepared for?
6) When 100 coins are tossed, what is the probability that purchases?
exactly 50 are heads? 21)The probability that a house in an urban area will be
14)A piece of six-sided die is rolled 8 times. Determine the burglarized is 8.5%. If 45 houses are randomly selected,
7) From a box containing 5 white balls, 7 blue balls, and 10 probability that exactly five times the die will turn up 1 or 2. what is the probability that four of the houses will be
black balls, one ball is drawn at random. Determine the burglarized?

Civil Engineering Board Exam Reviewer

Answer Key

For Practice:
1. 1/8
2a. 5 / 14
2b. 3 / 28
2c. 15 / 28
2d. 13 / 28
3. 29 / 64
4. 0.910
5. 0.969
6. 0.08
7. 6 / 11
8. 3/4
9. D
10. 1/2
11. 0.438
12. 5 / 16
13. 0.6173
14. 0.008
15. 63.52%
16. 1
17. A
18. 1/3
19a. 0.56
19b. 0.35
20. 14
21. 0.2038

Civil Engineering Board Exam Reviewer
√❑ d du/dx
DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS 1 d 1) (arcsin u)=
¿ dx √❑
dx d −du/dx
The Limit of a Function
d dv du 2) (arccos u)=
7) (uv )=u + v dx √❑
Limit is a number such that the value of a given function dx dx dx d du/dx
remains arbitrarily close to this number when the independent d dw dv du 3) (arctan u)=
variable is sufficiently close to a specified point. 8) (uvw)=uv +uw + vw dx 1+u2
dx dx dx dx d −du /dx
Theorems on Limits d dv 4) (arc cotu)=
9) (cv )=c dx 1+ u2
dx dx d du/dx
1) lim k f (x )=k lim f (x ), k being constant . (arc sec u)=
x→ a x→ a d u v (du /dx)−u (dv /dx) 5)
dx u √❑
10) ( )=
2) lim [ f (x) ± g ( x) ]=lim f ( x)± lim g( x ) dx v v2 d −du/dx
x→ a x→a x→a
d c −c (du / dx) 6) (arc cscu)=
lim [ f (x) g(x ) ] =lim f (x )lim g ( x) 11) ( )= dx u √❑
x→ a x→ a x →a dx v v2
lim f ( x) lim f ( x) Differentiation of Logarithmic Functions
dy dy du dy /du 1
= x →a
, provided lim g (x) ≠ 0. 12) = ⋅ = =
4) dx du dx dx /du dx /dy d du / dx
g (x) lim g( x ) x →a 1) (log a u)=
Differentiation of Trigonometric Functions dx u ln a
lim sin x d du /dx
5) x→a
=1, x is∈radian . 2) (ln u)= ; u≠ 0
d du dx u
x 1) (sin u)=cos u
dx dx d M (du /dx)
Differentiation of Algebraic Functions d du 3) (log u)=
2) (cos u)=−sin u dx u
dx dx 1
d where: M = log e = =0.43429
1) (0)=0 d du ln(10)
dx 3) (tanu)=sec 2 u
dx dx M = modulus of common logarithm
2) (x )=1 d du
dx 4) (cot u)=−csc 2 u Differentiation of Exponential Functions
dx dx
d du
3) (u)= d du d u du
dx dx 5) (secu)=sec u tan u 1) (a )=au ln a
dx dx dx dx
d du dv
4) (u+ v)= + d du d u u du
dx dx dx 6) (csc u)=−csc u cot u 2) (e )=e
dx dx dx dx
d n n−1 du
5) (u )=nu d v du dv
dx dx Differentiation of Inverse Trigonometric Functions 3) (u )=v u v−1 +uv ln u
dx dx dx
The Derivative

Civil Engineering Board Exam Reviewer
Sample Problems:
Derivative of y = f(x) is the limit of the ratio of the incremental 14) y = sec2 (t) – tan2 (t)
change of x to the incremental change of y as the incremental Situation 1. Evaluate the following: 15) y = sec4 (x) – tan4 (x)
change of x approaches zero. 16) x = (2)cos2 (t/2)
In symbol: 2
lim ( x ❑ −x+2) 17) y = tan(x sin x)
1) 18) r = cos t cos t
lim Δ y lim f (x+ Δ x)−f (x ) x→ 2
19) y = arctan (4/x)
Δx →0
= Δ x→ 0 | x|
Δx Δx
2) lim ( ) 20) y = arcsec √ ❑
x→ 0 x 21) y = arccot x + arctan [(2 + x) / 1 – 2x]
dy 3 22) y = log √ ❑
y'= =f ( x)=Dx y 3) lim ( ) 23) y = log sin2 (4x)
dx x→ 2 x −2 24) ln(xy2) = xy
1 25) y = 53x
The Differential 4) lim sin ( ) 26) y = ecos (2x)
x→ 0 x
27) eln (4x) + eln(4y) = 1
The differential of a variable is equal to the increment of that 2 1 28) y = xln(x)
variable. That is, for variable y, the differential is ∆y or dy and
5) lim x sin( )
x→ 0 29) y = x ❑e
for variable x, the differential is ∆x or dx. The ratio ∆y / ∆x 2
is called difference quotient. 5 x ❑ + 3 cos(x )−3 30) y = tan(h) (4x + 1)/5
6) lim ( ) 31) y = sec(h2)(4x)
x→ 0 2x 32) If x2 + y2 = a2, find y”. Ans. -a2/y3
Meanings of Derivative
1 4 33) If y = cos(x), find y . (98)
7) lim ( − ) 34) Find y if y = y’ = y” = y”’ = … = y(n) and y ≠ 0.
1) Slope of the curve x→ 2 x −2 x ❑2−4
The slope of the curve y = f(x) at any point is identical to 35) If y = xn, find y(n + 1).
8) Limit of (x2 – 1) / (x – 1) as x approaches 1.
the derivative of the function or y’. 36) Find the slope of the curve y = x3 + 3x + 14 where the curve
9) Limit of (x3 – 2x2 + 7) / (2x3 + x – 3) as x approaches infinity.
crosses the x-axis.
Slope at any point, m = y’ = dy / dx
10) lim [ ( 1−cos( x ) ) / ( x 2 ) ] 37) Find the slope of the curve x2 + 2y2 – 3x – 4y + 2 = 0 at (1,
x→∞ 2).
2) Rate of change Find the slope of y(3x – y2) = 10 at (3, 2).
The derivative of a function is identical to its rate of change.
Thus, the rate of change of the volume V of a sphere with
11) lim
( 4√x−1
❑ )
39) Find the points on the curve y = 2x3 – 3x2 – 12x + 6 where
the tangent is parallel to the x-axis.
respect to its radius r is dV / dr. 40) Find the vertex of the parabola by means of the derivative:
lim f ( x ) a) 9x2 + 6x – 18y – 35 = 0
12) x→4 given that f(x) =
Curvature and Radius of Curvature b) 2y2 – 6x + 3y – 11 = 0
For the curve y = (1 – x)2 / x, find the rate of change of
yn slope at (2, ½).
1) Curvature, k= 3 /2 13) Given that f(x) =
41) Given the function y = x(x + 1)3. Determine the value of its
[ 1+( y ')2 ] x → 2❑ f ( x )+¿ second derivative at x = 1.
42) If f(x) = x(2x), then f’(1) is equal to:
y right rline a) Find
¿ lim ¿ 43) Determine the derivative of y with respect to x of the
¿ equation x = y3/3.
2) Radius of curvature, p = 2 3 /2
1 [1+( y ') ] lim f ( x)
= ¿
b) Find
x →2 ❑

a) (3x)3/2
b) (3x)-3/2
c) (3x)2/3
d) (3x)-2/3
What is the slope of y = 2sin x at x = 1°?
Situation 2. Find the first derivative of the following functions. 45) Find the 2nd derivative of y = x-2 at x = 2.

Civil Engineering Board Exam Reviewer
46) Determine the slope of the polar curve r = tan� at � = �/3.
47) Find the radius of curvature of the curve x = y3 at (1, 1). y (y + 12) – (x – 12) = 1
48) What is the equation of the tangent to the curve y = 3x3 – x = 55 + x – y = 23 ← Equation 2
15 at x = 2? 12
49) Given the following curves: y From Equations (1) and (2)
Curve 1: y = x2 + 7x + 6 x– = 55 ← Equation 1 x = 115
Curve 2: x – 2y = 6 y = 92
What are the slopes of Curve 1 at points of intersection?
50) At what value of x will the slope of the curve x3 – 9x – y = 0 x N = x + y = 207
y = 40 +
be 18? 12
51) Given the function f(x) = (3x2 + x) / (3x2 – x). Find the value −x
of f’(x). + y = 40 ← Equation 2 Practice Problem No. 25
52) The function f(x) satisfies f’(x) = 3x2 – sin(�x). Then the 12
slope of the line tangent to the graph of f(x) at the point x = Multiply Equations (1), (2), and (3) by y, z, and x, respectively.
2 is: From Equations (1) and (2) x2y – y2z = 3y
53) The parametric equation of the curve is x = 2cos3�, y = x = 58.74 y2z – xz2 = 4z
2sin3�. Find the equation of the normal to the curve at � y = 44.9 xz2 – x2y = 5x
= �/4.
54) At the point (1, 2) of the curve x2 – xy + y2 = 3, find the rate Time he leave = 8:58.74 5x + 3y + 4z = 0 ← Equation (4)
of change with respect to x of the slope of the tangent line Time he return = 11:44.9
to the curve. Multiply Equations (1), (2), and (3) by z, x, and y, respectively.
55) Determine the second derivative of y in terms of x of the Sample Problem No. 12 x2z – yz2 = 3z
equation x3 – y3 = 8. y2x – x2z = 4x
56) What are the equations of the tangent to the curve y = x3 – x 8 yz2 – xy2 = 5y
7x + 6 at its points of intersection with the x-axis? x + 4 = 20 + – + 30
57) Find the equation of the tangent and normal line to the 12 12 4x + 5y + 3z = 0 ← Equation (5)
curve y = 3x2 – 2x at (1, 1). 11 136
58) Find the equation of the tangent to the parabola y2 = 6x – 3 x =
4 × Equation (5) – 3 × Equation (4)
perpendicular to the line x + 3y = 7.
12 3
x = 49.45 x + 11y = 0
59) Find the equation of the tangent to the ellipse x2 – xy + 2y2 x = -11y
– 4x + 2y + 2 = 0 parallel to the line x – 4y = 2.
60) Find the rate of change of y with respect to x at the point (3, Time = 4:49.27
5 × Equation (5) – 4 × Equation
2) if 7y2 – xy3 = 4. 13y – z = 0
61) Make the cubic y = ax3 + bx2 + cx + d be tangent to the line Sample Problem No. 14
z = 13y
y = 12x + 13 at (-1, 1) and have a horizontal tangent line at
the point (1, 5). The motion was lost. From Equation (1),
x = in favor (-11y)2 – y(13y) = 3
y = against 108y2 = 3
x – y = 0.25y 1
x – 1.25y = 0 ← Equation 1 6
The Motion was carried.
x – 12 = in favor
Sample Problem No. 11 y + 12 = against

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3 112

ALGEBRA 2 A31 = 31ŷ = 30,064,771,070

Sample Problem No. 1 Note:

ŷ = Shift : 1 : Stat : 5 : Reg
Three-digit numbers: 100, 101, 102, 103, …, 999;
N = 900 Sample Problem No. 4
Divisible by three: 102, 105, 108, 111, …, 999
← AP, d = 3 For A.P.
an = a1 + (n – 1)d y = 2x – 6
999 = 102 + (n – 1)(3) For G.P.
n = 300 y 16
Not divisible by three = N – n = 600 = → y2 = 16x
x y
Sample Problem No. 2
∴ (2x – 6)2 = 16x
4x2 – 24x + 36 = 16x
Penalty in the 1st ten days = 40,000 × 10 = ₱400,000 4x2 – 40x + 36 = 0
x = 9 and 1
11th day penalty = ₱48,000 y = 12 and -4
12th day penalty = ₱56,000
13th day penalty = ₱64,000 The positive numbers are: 6, 9, 12, 16
… Sum = 6 + 9 + 12 + 16 = 43
Arithmetic Progression
d = 8,000
Sample Problem No. 5
A1 = 48,000

400,000 + Sum of A.P., S = 1,008,000 Let x and y = the numbers

S = 608,000 x, AM, y ← Arithmetic Progression

y – AM = AM – x
1 x + y = 2AM
n [2a1 + (n – 1)d] = 608,000
n=8 x, GM, y ← Geometric Progression
y GM
The construction was delayed for 18 days. =
GM x
Sample Problem No. 3 xy = GM 2

x, HM, y ← Harmonic Progression

Mode : 3 : 6
1 1 1
X Y , , ← Arithmetic Progression
1 28 x HM y

Civil Engineering Board Exam Reviewer
1 1 1 1 s = 80 steps
− = − Sample Problem No. 7
HM x y HM Sample Problem No. 9
1 1 1 1 A.P. → a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8
+ = +
HM HM x y ↓ ↓ ↓ s = �t
G.P. → a1 a5 a8 1 = y(24/60)
2 y+x
= y = 2.5 kph
HM xy From A.P.
2 2 AM an = a1 + (n – 1)d Sample Problem No. 10
= a5 = a1 + 4d
HM GM ❑2 a8 = a1 + 7d Engine trouble occurred after 1 hour.
GM 2 = AM × HM
From G.P. d d −υ
Relationship between Geometric Mean, Arithmetic Mean, and a❑8 a❑5 +3=1+ 1+
Harmonic Mean of Two Numbers = υ 0.6 υ
a❑5 a❑1 d 5d 5
GM 2 = AM × HM a1a8 = a52 +3=2+ −
a1 (a1 + 7d) = (a1 + 4d)2
υ 3υ 3
a12 + 7a1d = a12 + 8a1d + 16d 2 2d 8
From the problem, =
GM 2 = 7.5 × 4.8 a1d = -16d 2 3υ 3
a1 = -16d
GM = 6 d
=4 ← Equation 1
Sample Problem No. 6
Hence, a5 = -12d and a8 = -9d υ
Common ratio of G.P. Had the engine trouble occurred 50 km farther,
2 2 2 2 3 a❑5 −12 d tslow – tfast = 1.5
d=9+2[ ( 9) ]+2[
¿ (9) ]+2[
¿ (9) ]+2[
3 3 r= = = 50 50
3 a❑1 −16 d 4 − =1.5
¿ ¿ 0.60υ υ
2 4 100 3
¿ (9) ]
Sample Problem No. 8 =
3 3υ 2
¿ For the escalator, 1 9
+… s = number of steps =
16 32 64 128 � = velocity in steps/second υ 200
d = 9 + 12 + 8 + + + + +…
3 9 27 81 From Equation (1)
First Day
→ ←
s – 20 = �(20) 9d
s – 20� = 20 ← Equation 1 =4
Common ratio, r = ⅔ 200
First term, a1 = 12 d = 88.89 km
Next Day
s – 32 = �(16)
12 s – 16� = 32 ← Equation 2 Sample Problem No. 11
d=9+ =9+ 2 = 45 m
1−r 1− From Equations (1) and (2), �1t = 2.25�2 �2t = 4�2

Civil Engineering Board Exam Reviewer
2.25 υ ❑2 4 υ ❑1 a1 , a1 + d , a1 + 2d , a1 + 3d ← 1st 4 terms of A.P.
t= t= a1 + 4 , a1 + d + 2 , a1 + 2d + 5 , a1 + 3d + 18 ← G.P.
υ ❑1 υ ❑2
From G.P.,
Hence, Thus, ai +d +2 ai +2 d+ 5 ai +3 d+ 18
4 υ❑1 = =
2.25 υ ❑2 4 υ ❑1 ai + 4 ai +d +2 ai +2 d+ 5
= t= 4 = 3 hrs
υ ❑1 υ ❑2 υ ❑1
3 ai +d +2 ai +2 d+ 5
4 =
�2 = �1 ai + 4 ai +d +2
3 (a1 + d + 2)2 = (a1 + 4)(a1 + 2d + 5)
a12 + d2 + 4 + 2a1d + 4a1 + 4d = a12 + 2a1d + 5a1 +
Time for each train to make the trip, 4a1 + 8d + 20
t1 = 3 + 4 = 7 hrs ← train from A to B d2 – 4d – 5a1 = 16 ← Equation 1
t2 = 3 + 2.25 = 5.25 hrs ← train from B to A

Sample Problem No. 12 ai +2 d+5 ai+ 3 d+ 18

Running in opposite directions: ai+ d +2 ai +2 d+5
dfaster + dslower = 1 loop (a1 + 2d + 5)2 = (a1 + d + 2)(a1 + 3d + 18)
�f (5) + �s (5) = 150 ← Equation 1 a12 + 4d2 + 25 + 4a1d + 10a1 + 20d = a12 + 4a1d +
20a1 + 3d2 + 24d + 36
Running in the same direction: d2 – 4d – 10a1 = 11 ← Equation 2
dfaster – dslower = 1 loop
�f (25) + �s (25) = 150 ← Equation 1 Equation (1) – Equation (2)
5a1 = 5
From Equations (1) and (2), a1 = 1
�faster = 18 m/sec
�slower = 12 m/sec From Equation (1),
d2 – 4d – 21 = 0
d = 7 and -3


Practice Problem No. 12


Civil Engineering Board Exam Reviewer
Sample Problem No. 1

3 x ❑2+ 32 x−51 A B C
= + +
( x−1)(x−2)(x+3) x−1 x−2 x +3
3x2 + 32x – 51 = A(x – 2)(x + 3) + B(x – 1)(x + 3)
+ C(x – 1)(x – 2)

Set x = 1 : -16 = A(-1)(4) A=1

Set x = 2 : 25 = B(1)(5) B=5
Set x = -3 : -120 = C(-4)(-5) C = -6

Sample Problem No. 2

x ❑4−x ❑3+ 14 x ❑2−2 x +22 A Bx +C Dx+ E

2 2
= + 2
+ 2
( x+ 1)(x ❑ +4)( x ❑ −2 x+ 5) x+ 1 x ❑ + 4 x ❑ −2 x+5
x4 – x3 + 14x2 – 2x + 22 = A(x2 + 4)(x2 – 2x + 5) + (Bx
+ C)(x + 1)(x2 – 2x + 5) + (Dx + E)(x + 1)(x2 + 4)

x4 – x3 + 14x2 – 2x + 22 = A(x4 – 2x3 + 9x2 – 8x + 20)

+ B(x4 – x3 + 3x2 + 5x) + C(x3 – x2 + 3x + 5)
+ D(x4 + x3 + 4x2 + 4x) + E(x3 + x2 + 4x + 4)

Set x = -1 : 40 = 40A A = -1
Equate coefficients of x4 : 1=A+B+D
B = -D
Equate coefficients of x3 : -1 = -2A – B + C + D + E
Equate coefficients of x2 : 14 = 9A + 3B – 3C + 4D = 4E
Equate coefficients of x : -2 = -8A + 5B + 3C + 4D + 4E

2D + C + E = 1 D=0
D–C+E=5 C = -2
-D + 3C + 4E = 6 E=3

Prepared by: Engr. Romel Tarcelo F. Verterra


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