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Section 1: Discussion
1. What is a multinational company? Can you tell the names of some multinational
2. What is culture? What are the elements of culture?
3. Can you give some examples of differences in business cultures?
4. Why should managers take cross-cultural management into consideration?
5. What are the advantages and disadvantages of a multinational company adapting its
management methods to the local culture in each country in which it operates?
6. In Vietnam, what gains respect within an organization, long service or achievements?
7. Can a young, dynamic aggressive manager with an MBA rise quickly in the hierarchy?

Section 2: Vocabulary Preparation

 Match the words in the box with the definitions below

Collectivist compromise confrontation connections eye contact glocalization

Improvise interrupt intuition logic lose face status

1. An invented word combining worldwide and regional concerns

2. Thought based on reason and judgement rather than feelings and emotions.
3. A face-to-face disagreement or argument.
4. Reducing demands or changing opinions in order to agree.
5. Understanding or knowing without consciously using reason.
6. People of influence or importance with whom you are associated.
7. To do something when necessary without having already planned it.
8. Respect, prestige or importance given to someone.
9. Believing that the group is more important than the individual.
10. To be humiliated or disrespected in public.
11. To cut into someone else’s turn to speak.
12. Looking directly at the people you are talking or listening to.

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 Fill in each gap with a suitable preposition
1. The conflict _______________ globalization and localization has led to the invention of the
word “glocalization”.
2. Were you successful ____________ persuading him to change his mind?
3. Children need to be aware ____________ the danger of taking drugs.
4. A good manager is one who always makes plans __________ advance.
5. Businesspeople in Britain, the USA and Germany believe _____________ respecting rules,
regulations and contracts.
6. Multi-active cultures in Southern Europe, Latin America and Africa attach more importance
__________ emotions, intuition, and relationships.
7. People in multi-active cultures are good ____________ changing plans.
8. According to universalists, rules should be applied ___________ everybody.
9. People in linear-cultures are not afraid _____________ confrontation.
10. People in multi-active cultures often like to do many things ______________ once.


 Comprehension Questions

1. Why is it important for companies to be aware of local cultures?

2. What are the differences between individualists and collectivists?

3. Who is more likely to think: “I’ll let them speak first.”?


4. Who is more likely to say, about other people: “They can’t be trusted because they will
always help their friends or family” – universalists or particularists?
5. Who is more likely to say: “Oh, you can’t trust them, they wouldn’t even help a friend?

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6. Look at the Lewis Model. What are the implications of each color (blue, red, yellow)?
 Check your understanding
Which type of culture do these people belong to - linear- active (L), multi-active (M) or
reactive (R)?
1. They are punctual
2. They are emotional
3. They are unemotional
4. They often change plans
5. They plan ahead step by step.
6. They are flexible
7. They are people- oriented
8. They are task-oriented
9. They like to do only one thing at a time
10. They like to do several things at once
11. They are impatient.
12. They are patient, but sometimes impatient
13. They react to partner’s actions.
14. They do not talk too much.
15. They avoid offending and upsetting people
16. They often interrupt speakers.
17. They do not interrupt speakers
18. They consider relationships as important issues
19. They give great value to face
20. They always take rules/ regulations into account.
21. They do not like to look at each other in communication.
22. They listen rather than speak.

 What does each of the underlined parts refer to?

1. “. . . if it required only one set of corporate objectives, goals, policies . . . “ (Para. 2)
2. “They are essentially individualist” (Para. 3)

 Find words & expressions with the following meanings:

1. Based on reasons rather than emotions.
2. Take priority
3. Create or devise a plan/ a strategy
4. Reach an agreement with mutual concession


 Speaking Practice
1. Among the three types of culture, which one do you think Vietnamese people belong to?
2. Which type are you typical of? Why?

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 Vocabulary Review - New Context.
Fill in each blank with a suitable word given in the box

Rational – confronted – principles – belief – precedence – inventions – formulate –

eye contact - improvise - compromise – globalization – behavior - emotionally –
aware - intuitions - regulations - represents - reacts – in advance

1. __________________ is the process of making something such as a business operate in a

lot of different countries all around the world.
2. The _______________ of Management are the essential, underlying factors that form the
foundations of successful management.
3. He was highly motivated by his own ______________ in the value of hard work.
4. There is no doubt that our lives would be very different without the ____________ of
Thomas Alva Edison
5. Students are required to give _____________ explanations in their assignments.
6. Can you explain what the bar chart ………………….. ?
7. Nursing is an _________________ and physically demanding job.
8. To _____________ is to make a deal between different parties where each party gives up
part of their demand.
9. Have you ever been ________________ by a hostile, angry person?
10. What do you think about a society where money takes ____________ over everything?

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