Org and MGT Reviewer

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ORG AND MGT REVIEWER Switching Costs – fixed costs that

buyers face when they change suppliers.

Supply Chain Management – the
Planning – the management function of managing of network facilities and people
systematically making decisions about that obtain materials from outside the
the goals and activities that and organization, transform them into
individual, a group, a work unit, or the products, and distribute them to
overall organization will pursue. customers.
Organizing – the management function Final Consumer – a customer who
of assembling and coordinating human, purchases products in their finished form.
financial, physical, informational, and
other resources needed to achieve goals. Intermediate Consumer – a consumer
who purchases raw materials or
Leading – the management function that wholesale products before selling them
involves the manager’s efforts to to final customers.
stimulate high performance by
Controlling – the management function PROGRAMMED VS NON
of monitoring performance and making PROGRAMMED DECISIONS
needed changes.
Program Decisions – decisions
encountered before, having objectively
correct answers and solvable by using
EXTERNAL AND COMPETITIVE simple rules, policies, or numerical
ENVIRONMENT computations.
Open Systems – organizations that are Nonprogrammed Decisions – new,
affected by, and that affect, their novel, complex decisions having no
environment. proven answers.
Inputs – goods and services that
organizations take in and use to create
products or services. STRATEGIC, TACTICAL, AND
Outputs – the products and services
Strategic Planning – a set of
External Environment – all relevant procedures for making decisions about
forces outside a firm’s boundaries, such the organization’s long-term goals and
as competitors, customers, the strategies.
government, and the economy.
Strategic Goals – major targets or end
Competitive Environment – the results relating to the organization’s long-
immediate environment surrounding a term survival, value, and growth.
firm; includes suppliers, customers,
rivals, and the like… Strategy – a pattern of actions and
resource allocations designed to achieve
Macroenvironment – the general the organization’s goals.
environment; includes governments,
economic conditions, and other Tactical Planning – a set of procedure
fundamental factors that generally affect for translating broad strategic goals and
all organizations. plans into specific goals and plans that
are relevant to distinct portion of the
Demographics – measures of various organizations.
characteristics of the people who make
up groups or other social units. Operational Planning – the process of
identifying the specific procedure and
Barriers to entry – conditions that processes required at lower levels of the
prevent new companies from entering an organization.
Strategic Management – a process that Product Divisions - all functions that
involves managers from all parts of the contribute to a given product are
organizations in the formulations and organized under one manager
implementations of strategic goals and
strategies. Customer and Geographical Divisions
- build divisions around customer or
Strategic Vision – the long-term vision geographical distinctions. Can focus on
and strategic intent of a company. customer needs.


SWOT Analysis – a comparison of
strengths, weaknesses, opportunities,
and threats that helps executives
formulate strategy.
Strengths – what the company has.
More on competitive advantage and
resources. Positive attributes.
Weaknesses – what the company is
lacking. More on deficiency and negative
Opportunities – what is available
externally that can be beneficial to the
company. Something to exploit.
Threats – something that may adversely
affect or harm the company.
Power - ability to influence
Legitimate Power - leader has
organizational authority
Flat Organization – wide span of control
Reward Power - leader has control over
Tall Organization – narrow span of valued rewards
Coercive Power - leader has control
over punishments
FUNCTIONAL, PRODUCT, AND Referent Power - leader has personal
GEOGRAPHIC DEPARTMENTS characteristics that appeal to others and
make them desirous of the leader’s
Functional Organization - Jobs (and approval
departments) are specialized and
grouped according to business functions Expert power - leader has knowledge
and the skills they require (e.g., that others feel will be of benefit to them
production, marketing, R&D, human
resources, and finance)
Value Chain - sequence of activities that
flow from raw materials to the delivery of
a product or service Charismatic Leadership
Divisional Organizations - units - traditional management through
grouped around products, customers, or business transactions
geographic regions
- leaders who manage through using
their legitimate, reward, and coercive
powers to give commands and Risk Propensity – degree to which an
exchange rewards for services rendered entity is willing to take risk (of loss)
- dispassionate leadership that does not risk takers vs risk averse
inspire people to focus on the
interests of the organization Bureaucracy - refers to an organization
that is complex with multi-layered
systems and processes which are
designed to maintain uniformity and
Transactional Leadership controls; methods are more important
- traditional management through than efficiency
business transactions Red Tape Problem – excessive
- leaders who manage through using bureaucracy or adherence to rules and
their legitimate, reward, and coercive formalities
powers to give commands and
exchange rewards for services rendered
- dispassionate leadership that does not
inspire people to focus on the
interests of the organization

Transformational Leadership
- moves beyond transactional leadership
- transforms a vision into reality and
motivates people to transcend their
personal interests for the good of the
- generating excitement - three ways
- they are charismatic
- provide individualized attention -
do not treat everyone alike
- assign challenging work to
deserving people
- provide one-on-one mentoring
to develop their people
- they are intellectually stimulating
- arouse an awareness of problems
and potential solutions
- articulate the organization’s
opportunities, threats,
strengths, and weaknesses
stir the imagination and generate
Machiavellianism – refers to a
personality trait which sees a person so
focused on their interest that they will
manipulate, deceive, and exploit others
to achieve their goals.

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