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Does Green Products Can Have a Positive Impact on Brand Attitude?

A Proposal Submitted




Department of Business Administration

In partial fulfillment of

The requirement for the

Degree of




This Project has been

Accepted by the faculty


[Mirza Amin]

Research Facilitation Centre – RFU,

Iqra University

Above all, I thank ALLAH AL-MIGHTY who has given me courage, strength and

knowledge to conduct this research and strength to complete it. I have taken efforts in this

thesis. However, it would not have been possible without the kind support and help of

many individuals. I would like to extend my sincere thanks to all of them. I highly

indebted to Mr. Mirza Amin for his guidance and constant supervision as well as for

providing necessary information regarding the thesis & also for his support in completing

it in given parameters, In the end I would like to thank all those people who served as

respondents and patiently filled out my questionnaire.

Executive Summary

This study aim is to determine the impact of green products on brand attitude. In this

research study primary research has followed. In this method quantitative research has

been used. This research method is adopted because in this research study information on

selected variables, therefore explanatory approach is used in this research. Explanatory

research approach has followed to conclude the effect of independent variable i.e. green

products on dependent variable i.e. brand attitude. Data will be collected through

questionnaire survey. The questionnaire based survey is developed on a 5 point likert

scale. Since the audience is reachable therefore; we have taken a sample of 100

respondents of students, which are aware of green products and have knowledge

regarding green products. Simple random sampling technique was used to collect the

data. Therefore, Simple linear regression is used for statistical analysis for this research.

Result shows that brand attitude have a positive impact on green products and has been

accepted in this study. Future research show how green products are more valuable for

consumer health and green products attributes its benefit to the overall environment

concern. By implementing proper segmentation of green products and creating awareness

of green products and benefits.


Executive summary……………………………………………………………………… ii
List of Figures……………………………………………………………………………..v
Chapter 1 Introduction…………………………………………………………………….1
1.1 Background of the study……………………………………....………………..2
1.2 Problem Statement……………………………………………………………...3
1.3 Purpose of the Study……………………………………………………………4
1.4 Significance of Study…………………………………………………………...5
1.5 Outline of Study………………………………………………………………...5
1.6 Definition of Terms (If required)……………………………………………….5
Chapter 2 Literature Review………………………………………………………………6
2.3 Research Framework…………………………………………………………11
2.4 Hypotheses……………………………………………………………………11
Chapter 3 Research Method………………………………………………………….......12
3.1 Research Approach…………………………………………………..……….12
3.2 Research Design………………………………………………………...........12
3.3 Sampling Design……………………………………………………………...13
3.4 Instrument of Data Collection………………………………………………...13
3.5 Procedure of Data Collection……………………...………………………….13
3.6 Statistical Technique………………………………………………………….14
Chapter 4 Results and Findings…………………………………………………………14
4.1 Descriptive Profile of the Data……………………………………………….15
4.2 Validation of Model…………………………………………………………..15
4.3 Hypotheses Testing…………………………………………………………...15
4.4 Hypotheses Assessment Summary…………………………………………...15
Chapter 5 Conclusion, Discussion, Implications, Limitations and Recommendations….16
5.1 Conclusion……………………………………………………………………17
5.2 Discussion…………………………………………………………………….18
5.3 Implications…………………………………………………………………...19
5.4 Limitations……………………………………………………………………20
5.5 Recommendation……………………………………………………………..21

List of Tables
S. No. Table(s) Page No.

1. 3.4.1 Reliability and/or Validity of the instrument 15

2. 4.1 Regression Test Output 16

3. 4.3 Hypothesis Testing

4. 4.4 Hypotheses Assessment Summary 18

List of Figures

S. No. Figure(s) Page No.

1. 2.3 Research Framework 13

Does Green Products Can Have A Positive Impact On Brand Attitude 1

Chapter 1: Introduction

1.1 Background of the Study

Green can be well-defined in several ways its definition twisted to maintain a

certain point of view. Green” raises in some method, to environmentally better

characteristics for a service. The perception of green goods became somewhat trendier,

and the reputation of promotion goods. As such developed more common in markets.

When concern over global cooking and natural rescore exhaustion created fast impetus.

That “Green” departed congenital and initiatsed influencing the observes of product

makers. (Reinhardt, 1998)

The assumption that green specifies environmentally characteristics, the time is rather

ambiguous and focus to various understandings depending on any quantity of features,

comprising native, domestic and universal business practices. (Baumann, 2002)

Green products endorsement courses can also be identical supporting in assessing the

features of green goods as they authenticate that the invention sees positive industry-

independent values. They can also suggest bigger promise to green attributes, (McGraw-


The result of a education shows that the effect of green labelling on purchaser attitude

propose a well-effected green placing approach that can clue to more satisfactory

observation of the product. The study found that, later customers use equally perspective

and emotive method to pick the products. It is finest to provide complete info about a

green products or supportable characteristics. While intravenously attractive to the

emotive benefits of buying and using the products. There must be no uncertainty that a
Does Green Products Can Have A Positive Impact On Brand Attitude 2

green product placing strategy not maintained by applicable globally product features.

(Hartmann, 2005).

1.2 Problem Statement:

Most of the research focuses on understanding towards green products. There is

still lack of awareness about green products. Only 30 percent people actually buy green

products. (Newing, 2011). Research suggest to create awareness towards green products

so they address the gap towards green goods and authentic purchasing behavior (Cronin,


On the additional side people having sensitivity that eco-friendly issues are the problem

and changing the product will make the difference in society. The problem seems

expected to be described by consumer eco-friendly understanding (Mostafa, 2007; and

Kast, 2003), people are compromising on pricing (Mcdonald, 2006; and Peattie, 2001),

therefore green products often perceived as “PR activity” to create awareness of green

products in people’s mind (Peattie and Crane, (2005)

Marketing manager summarized that some of the user’s standards to estimate goods are

fluctuating and as well as industries also answerable towards these demands generating in

market that are promoted as being “environmentally friendly” or “Green”. But still green

goods are consuming low market recognition. (Ottoman, 1998; and Wong, 1996)

It is easily judge that green product are not gathering green user’s creation demands and

consumption procedures. And one of the interesting fact is that while green consumer

notice creation’s greens as an essential fact (Shaw and Shiu, 2003) thus, the

determination of this examination is to discover that does green product can have a

positive impact.
Does Green Products Can Have A Positive Impact On Brand Attitude 3

1.3 Research Questions

Q1: Does green product can have a positive impact.

1.4 Purpose of the Study

This research study aims to understand that green product can have a positive

impact on brand attitude and identify key factors as a result increase emphasis on

manufacturing viable products by firms that made it vital to identify factors influencing

green purchase behavior of consumers.

1.5 Significance of Study:

This research study green marketing products that are supposed to be

environmental safe. In light of previous studies, describing green advertising is not an

easy where numerous meanings interact and oppose all others. In addition, study also

provide different marketing methods which do not just progress, change or improve

current marketing intelligence and practice, but seek to experiment those methods plus

provides a sustainable difference perception.

1.6 Outline of the Study

This study is based on five different chapters. Chapter 1 is the introduction of the

research where further sub headings are back ground, problem of the research, questions

for research, purpose, Significance, outline of research. Second chapter is on literature

review which explains the past researches related to topic it includes research framework

and hypothesis as well. Chapter three comprises on research procedures which comprises

method of data, sampling, and sample no, instrument and model being developed in this

study. Chapter four is based on findings which is further described by understandings of

Does Green Products Can Have A Positive Impact On Brand Attitude 4

results and valuation of hypothesis. The last chapter includes conclusion and discussion

of this research with implications and then opportunities of further research in the area.

1.7 Definition of Terms


Green products are those that have less influence on the atmosphere or are less

harmful to human healthiness than outmoded equivalents. Green products might,

naturally, be shaped or part-designed from recycled mechanisms, synthetic in a more

conventional approach, and delivered to the marketplace with less packing, or

manufactured from local materials to reduce the need for transportation and reduce

carbon footprints.


Brand attitude belief of potential buyers toward a creation. The brand attitude will

state what persons think around for a product or service, whether the creation responses a

customer want, and just how considerable the product is desired by the buyer. A

buyer's brand attitude is ended up of two constituents: The strength of optimistic or

negative memory that a purchaser experiences with affection to a specific brand and the

belief that the optimistic or negative memory is truthful.

Does Green Products Can Have A Positive Impact On Brand Attitude 5

Chapter 2: Literature Review

In the literature it is recognized that a green products are more valuable

than the products which are not green, and it’s also safe for the atmosphere. Green

products distinguish itself and create a squish in the marketplace, but at the same time it’s

a risky project for companies (Bloom, (2004) corporations should deliberate the

dimension of their target marketplace as well as their customer should know about the

differentiation among green products and which are not green products, because there is a

very small segment of green products in companies. It’s better to just focus on creating

awareness on consumer’s mind. (Ginsberg and Bloom, 2004).

Thus the loyal customer of green products have a positive perception towards

green products (Guagnano, 2001). Many researches shows that consumer reaction to

green products is cognitive. Because people are more aware of non-green products and

they are used to of non-green products. (Essoussi and Linton, 2010) some of the research

paper shows that loyal customer of green products are ready to pay price quality for

products which are green. Loyal customer are willing to pay higher price because of the

quality of products for them quality matters most instead of price.

Some of the brand names product are discovering the products which are green

either as grouping extension. Because they are worried to extend their brand name with

green products. (Keller, 1990) the proceeded with development of the marketplace for

green substances and the expenses of product name advancement consume driven many

organizations to utilize their current image terms, however they confront the hazard that

the subordinate saw nature of green items might antagonistically affect the parental brand
Does Green Products Can Have A Positive Impact On Brand Attitude 6

(Chatterjee, 2009). Situations that several of the consumer prefer to buy the goods from

their loyal products. Many of the research has found they publics have a optimistic

response to second hand products for establishing products but now for the fresh brand

name. They prefer lower quality of recycled components. However, to succeed in green

products is more challenge than to succeed in non-green products. Green products not

only requires a good understanding towards products but it also requires good

understanding towards market and also requires environmental ethics. (Wong, 1996).

Green brand is relayed to the value providing to customer, which is based on

environmental attributes that has implication to their customers. (Hartmann and Ibanez,

2006; Rios, 2006)

Consumer who are aware of green products have a high tendency for buying an

ecological products according to its characteristics and effective green brand positioning

(Lin, (2012). Green brand positioning should be communicate through statement

operations associated to green products could induce an optimistic awareness of green

brand among customer. (Huang, 2014; Mostafa, 2009).

Previous studies shows that customer attitude towards Eco-friendly products

significantly influence their environmental knowledge and green product purchase

intentions (Aman, 2012; Barber, 2009; Flamm, 2009). Research shows that consumer

with positive attitudes towards green products are more well-suited to build up a more

grounded inclination to buy green items by suggesting to its green brands and depend

intensely on green brand positioning.

Does Green Products Can Have A Positive Impact On Brand Attitude 7

Green brand knowledge refers to as a green brand customers memory with a

variety of associations are related to ecological commitment and eco-friendly concerns

(Keller, 1993). Consumer expect to receive reliable knowledge about environmental

issues to boost their knowledge and facilitate green product buying. (Ganapathy, (2014).

Former green marketing studies have noted that consumer optimistic approach

towards the products which are green and can influence their buying intention. (Chang

and Wu, (2015). Additionally, Smithand Paladino (2010) stated that knowledge of

organic foodstuff definitely compressed the progress of organic approaches (Padel and

Foster, 2005) stated that lack of information about green products will effect on purchase

intention. On the other hand if consumer has more knowledge about the green products

than it will moderate the effect of consumer ecological attitude toward green behavior.

Consumer having more knowledge about product have a much better pro-environmental

attitude and have a strong intention to purchase green products for their consumption.

(Huang, 2014; Rokick, 2002).

Green purchasers display an eagerness for element's attributes, for instance,

recyclability and mixture content, absolutely unravelling consumption towards

substances that are organic, energy efficient or have biodegradable packaging (Leonidou,

2010). (Swan (2011) highlight that produce’s design want to realize customer’s

acquisition. Some author sees the consumption behavior wide. They evaluates the five

stages to understand result production procedure. (1) Essential recognition; (2) info

search; (3) assessment of substitutions; (4) buying choice; and (5) post-buying behavior,

towards green products.

Does Green Products Can Have A Positive Impact On Brand Attitude 8

With regards to exploring the consumption behavior towards green products have

to understand some maintainable approaches start with a “comprehensive market

research” into buyer’s “needs”, “attitudes”, “beliefs” plus “knowledge” (Peattie and

Crane, 2005).

It will help in understanding the consumer wants and needs. Because there is still

no pure accepting about green products. At a worldwide level 75 percentage of they are

green or desire green goods then only 30 per cent essentially reflect this purpose with

dependable acquisitions. (Newing, 2011).

Green promotion refers the creation based on eco-friendly benefits. Product aur

services may be globally friendly in itself or shaped in an ecologically way. Green

products are available for daily need. Good for health purpose. They are made from

renewable sources.

Yet essential green advertising is a bit difficult mission where a few implications

meet and negate all other; Green, ecological and Eco-advertising are portion of the fresh

marketing which emphasis on marketing intelligent and provide a significantly

different perspective (Peattie K, 2009).

Green products are energy efficient and have low maintenance requirements.

Often made of recycled products. Green products acquired from local manufacturers or

resources. Green products plays a vital part for corporations to answer efficiently to the

eco-friendly challenge. (Albino, 2009). A lot of customers are responsive for eco-friendly

matters. In the environment era businesses should admit their environment protection as

their responsibility. It is known that current green produce expansion is significant for
Does Green Products Can Have A Positive Impact On Brand Attitude 9

companies for making an extensive period company’s achievement. (Cooper, 1979).

Consumers are conscious for ecological matters so companies pay additional devotion

towards green invention progress. (Chen 2010).

When people are more aware of green products that it will develops more

prevalent (Chen 2008). Green product just not distinguish the product with non-green

products by sustaining ecological wants and also redesign promotion guidelines in the

marketplace. There are 4 differences among green products plus non-green products,

which contain a consideration of ecological concern. Green product emphasis on creation

life cycle, emphasis on strategy also focus on the ecological effects on the complete

source chain. (Pujari, 2003). Therefore, green products are dissimilar from non-green

products. We believe that corporations must develop green transformational control and

green creativeness so it will help in increasing green product development.

We should like to fill the study gap. We have to look after these three steps that

are, green transformational control, green creativeness and green invention growth

performances. Green invention is important for companies because of environmental

issues. Companies can increase their green creation expansion performance through two

things, green transformational control and green creativeness.

One key implication is companies is just not only focusing on their capability to

adventure their current resource plus organization abilities but moreover contending on

their capability to restart and progress structural competences. (Teese and pisano 1994). It

is very important to sustain competitive advantage.

Does Green Products Can Have A Positive Impact On Brand Attitude 10

Dynamic capabilities allow the firm to respond to the fluctuating marketplace and

reintroducing its properties to stable the uncertain environment. Creativeness is important

for the group of fresh and creative thoughts which can main to innovative expansion

products. (wyer, 2010). Creativity is necessary for the environment. Creativity is the first

step towards innovation. Creativeness is the essential step for invention process.

(amabile, 1996).

The expansion of thoughts for the products which are green, facilities, procedures

that are refereed to be innovative. Valuable and ecological. Transformational leadership

will help in invention by encouraging towards advanced level of performance and as well

help the teams to deliberate ingeniously. (Shamir, 1993)

As a consequence, more and more corporations are reshaping and regenerating

their goods into the products which are green. In the eco-friendly period, it is essential for

corporations to assimilate ecological running philosophy with fresh product expansion

(Pujari, 2003) Research has determine the element that brand placing must meet buyer

potentials so they can assistant with the product name. (Wang, 2016). And further

specified that customer having optimistic attitude towards brand have a strong purchase

intention to buy products which are green (Wustenhagen (2006) concluding the customer

with advanced stages of ecological perception are paying extra for ecologically

responsive goods.
Does Green Products Can Have A Positive Impact On Brand Attitude 11

2.3 Research Framework

Green Brand

Product Attitude

Independent Dependent
Variable Variable

2.4 Hypotheses

H1: There is a significant impact of green product on brand attitude.

Does Green Products Can Have A Positive Impact On Brand Attitude 12

Chapter 3: Research Method

In this research study primary research has followed. In this method quantitative

research has been used. This research method is adopted because in this research study

information on selected variables, therefore explanatory approach is used in this research.

3.1 Research Approach

In this research study explanatory research approach has followed to conclude the

effect of independent variable i.e. green products on dependent variable i.e. brand

attitude. Primary research is used in the research to collect the data. Data will be collected

through questionnaire survey.

3.2 Research Design

In this research study quantitative research method has followed. The questionnaire

based survey is developed on a 5 point likert scale. The questionnaire used rating

1. Strongly agree.

2. Agree.

3. Neutral.

4. Disagree.

5. Strongly agree.
Does Green Products Can Have A Positive Impact On Brand Attitude 13

3.3 Sampling Design

3.3.1 Target Population

Since the audience is reachable therefore; we have taken a sample of 100

respondents of students, which are aware of green products and have knowledge

regarding green products.

3.3.2 Sample Size

In this research as we study the impact of green products on brand attitude, so we

collect the data from the 100 respondents so we can evaluate through their response what

the most of the customers which are using green products can have a positive impact

towards green products.

3.3.3 Sampling Technique

Simple random sampling technique was used to collect data from 100 respondents,

which are aware of green products.

3.4 Instrument of Data Collection

For this research the instrument is used is questionnaire which is filled by the 100

respondents. Through these questionnaires data is collected to understand that while

using green product what is the level of satisfaction, what feelings are and believe of

customers towards brand attitude. The research is based on primary data collected

through a questionnaire based survey. The questionnaire consisted of 21 statements

where the respondent had to express his opinion by selecting the appropriate scale from 1

to 5. The responses were then fed into the SPSS data form.
Does Green Products Can Have A Positive Impact On Brand Attitude 14

3.4.1 Reliability and/or Validity of the instrument

Case Processing Summary

N %

Cases Valid 100 100.0

Excluded 0 .0

Total 100 100.0

a. List wise deletion based on all variables in the


Reliability Statistics


Alpha N of Items

.869 13

The Cronbach’s Alpha value is being found out to be 0.869. It infers that the instrument

used in this study is 86.9% reliable.

3.5 Procedure of Data Collection

The study based on primary research is used for the collection of green products can

have a positive impact on brand attitude. Questionnaire is being used to collect primary

data to identify the research hypotheses.

A total of 100 survey forms could be collected in the time available for the survey from

Does Green Products Can Have A Positive Impact On Brand Attitude 15

3.6 Statistical Technique

Simple linear regression is used for statistical analysis for this research. Statistical

analysis was carried out using SPSS 17.

Does Green Products Can Have A Positive Impact On Brand Attitude 16

Chapter 4: Results & Findings

4.1 Descriptive Profile of Data

Descriptive Statistics

N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation Variance

Statistic Statistic Statistic Statistic Std. Error Statistic Statistic

Green_Product 100 2.69 5.00 4.0289 .04434 .44560 .199

Brand_Attitude 100 2.13 5.00 4.0495 .04604 .46270 .214

Valid N (listwise) 100

The data collected from 100 respondents was fed into SPSS 17. It can be analyzed

from the descriptive profile of data (Table 4.1) that most of respondents marked that

questions regarding green products and brand attitude variability on agree and strongly

agree options.

4.2 Validation of Model


Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

1 Regression 13.424 1 13.424 166.445 .000a

Residual 7.985 99 .081

Total 21.409 100

a. Predictors: (Constant), Green_Product

b. Dependent Variable: Brand_Attitude

The significance value of ANOVA test was 0.000, which is smaller than 0.05

which infer that simple linear regression model is fit for the purpose of this research and
Does Green Products Can Have A Positive Impact On Brand Attitude 17

satisfactory results can be obtained from the data collected for the purpose of this


4.3 Hypothesis Testing

Model Summary

Std. Error of the

Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Estimate

1 .792a .627 .623 .28399

a. Predictors: (Constant), Green Product

b. Dependent Variable: Brand Attitude

The value of R-square test is 0.627 that means 6% influence have been formed on
dependent variable. The value of adjusted R-square is 0.623, which shows slight amount
in brand attitude described by the green product variable.

Unstandardized Standardized Collinearity
Coefficients Coefficients Statistics

Model B Std. Error Beta T Sig. Tolerance VIF

1 (Constant) .737 .258 2.852 .005

Green .822 .064 .792 12.901 .000 1.000 1.000


a. Dependent Variable: Brand Attitude

The data for 100 respondents was fed into spss 17 and simple linear regression test is

used. Ho has been accepted as the sig value of green products is 0.000 which is less than

0.05 which means ho is accepted.

Does Green Products Can Have A Positive Impact On Brand Attitude 18

4.4 Hypotheses Assessment Summary

S.No Statement of Hypothesis Sig Value Empirical

H1 There is a significant impact of green product on brand attitude. 0.000 ACCEPTED

Hypothesis result shows that brand attitude have a positive impact on green

products and has been accepted in this study. I

Does Green Products Can Have A Positive Impact On Brand Attitude 19

Chapter 5
Conclusion, Discussions, Implications, Limitations and
5.1 Conclusion

Various researches have been conducted to find out the impact of green product

on brand attitude. According to (Aaker and Stayman, 1992) consumer are aware of

environmental issues, there are consumer who are willing to buy the products which do

do not harm the environment. In fact, it was seen that there is a segment for green

products that differentiate the non-green products. The segment should be analyzed by

marketers so it will have help in segmenting a correct positioning towards the customers

who are loyal towards green products and also define the sustainable marketing

programmers. It is therefore to be concluded that those marketers that do not positioned

there green products in market, the products that are save for environment will bare a risk

sin some consumers eye who are more concerned with environmental issues. In terms

that used green product will have a advantage to attract more consumers in future.

In previous research it has been highlighted the importance of environmental

concern. In green marketing its difficult to reduced individual benefits perceived by

customers, thus its a challenge for marketers to increase the understanding of individual

benefits by adding emotional value to green products. Green marketing still have long

way to go in research.
Does Green Products Can Have A Positive Impact On Brand Attitude 20

5.2 Discussions

Adopting a green product will provide sustainable benefits to an organization

because green products are environmentally friendly. Consumers of green products have

a positive perception towards green products. Many researches shows that consumer

reaction to green products is cognitive. Consumers are willing to pay price premium for

green products. Therefore it is important for companies to segment the green products

for environmental concern. This research have been made in order to study the impact of

green products on brand attitude. In this study green products have been used as

independent variable. This research was conducted in Karachi and data was gathered

from different customers. The primary objective of this research is to come up with the

perspective of people, loyal towards green products. Targeting the write segment will

help in creating more awareness towards green products.

5.3 Implications

This research is to be successful in finding the impact of green products and

brand attitude. How green products are more valuable for consumer health and green

products attributes its benefit to the overall environment concern. By implementing

proper segmentation of green products and creating awareness of green products and


5.4 Limitations

This research is conducted in Karachi and data was collected for the purpose of

this research from different customers. Therefore its easily identified about the awareness

of green products and people concern towards green products.

Does Green Products Can Have A Positive Impact On Brand Attitude 21

5.5 Recommendations

This study will create awareness towards green products which are beneficial for

environmental concerns. The research will provide a importance of green products

which are Eco-friendly. Further study on this topic is highly recommended to be made in

different geographical areas.

Does Green Products Can Have A Positive Impact On Brand Attitude 22


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Does Green Products Can Have A Positive Impact On Brand Attitude 24



Dear Respondent,

The following questionnaire is designed to provide me with the data for my thesis work. The
questionnaire tends to take your opinion over this subject. “Does green product can have a
positive impact on brand attitude”? Your responses as well as your personal data will remain


Strongly Strongly
Agree Neutral Disagree
Questions Agree Disagree

The green product development project contributes a

key source of revenues to the company.

The green product development project develops

excellent green products.

The green product development project continually

improves its development processes over time.

The green product development project is more

innovative in green product development than its

The green product development project can meet its

environmental goals in green product development.

I intend to buy green product because of environmental


I am glad to purchase green product because it is

Does Green Products Can Have A Positive Impact On Brand Attitude 25

environmental friendly.

I expect to purchase green product in the future

because of its environmental benefits.

I feel that green product’s environmental reputation is

generally reliable.

I feel that green product’s environmental performance

is generally dependable.

I feel that green product’s environmental claims are

generally trustworthy.

Green products environmental concern meets my


Green products keep promises and responsibilities for

environmental protection.
Does Green Products Can Have A Positive Impact On Brand Attitude 26

Brand Attitude
Strongly Strongly
Agree Neutral Disagree
Questions Agree Disagree

Brand name keeps it promises.

I can rely on the brand name to deliver outstanding


Installing products from brand name are easy.

I trust my data is secure with brand name.

The features integrate well with my other products

brand name.

I am able to find answers to my questions on the brand

name support website.

I like to buy brands.

It is value for money to buy brands.

Does Green Products Can Have A Positive Impact On Brand Attitude 27


Case Processing Summary

N %

Cases Valid 101 100.0

Excludeda 0 .0

Total 101 100.0

a. Listwise deletion based on all variables in the


Reliability Statistics

Alpha N of Items

.869 13

Model Summaryb

Adjusted R Std. Error of the

Model R R Square Square Estimate

1 .792a .627 .623 .28399

a. Predictors: (Constant), Green_Product

b. Dependent Variable: Brand_Attitude


Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

1 Regression 13.424 1 13.424 166.445 .000a

Residual 7.985 99 .081

Total 21.409 100

a. Predictors: (Constant), Green_Product

b. Dependent Variable: Brand_Attitude
Does Green Products Can Have A Positive Impact On Brand Attitude 28


Unstandardized Standardized Collinearity

Coefficients Coefficients Statistics

Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig. Tolerance VIF

1 (Constant) .737 .258 2.852 .005

Green_Product .822 .064 .792 12.901 .000 1.000 1.000

a. Dependent Variable: Brand_Attitude

Data view
Does Green Products Can Have A Positive Impact On Brand Attitude 29

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