P.E Activity

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Lesson 1

Nature of Different Recreational

Discussion Points
a) Discuss the importance of aquatics.

Aquatics is important because every person should learn how to swim for
safety reasons, especially for survival. Aquatics is a great way to inculcate
competitive values. It is also a recreational activity that can improve
cardiovascular conditioning, muscle strength, endurance, posture, and
flexibility. Moreover, it can prevent the prevalent obesity among youth.
Snorkeling, one of the popular water activities, can’t just reduce stress
with the mesmerizing view of the underwater world, but can also widen
one’s perspective of the world.

b) Think of a situation when you will have to go through mountain hiking.

Recently, I participated in the municipal arbor day where the

townspeople of Brooke’s Point gather for one common good, which was
planting trees. In order for us to do that, we climbed the steep and muddy
slopes of Tubtub, Brooke’s Point to reach the Eco Park. It was a great
accomplishment for me to not just give back to my community, but to also
do something that is good for my body and my health. The challenges
brought about by the ‘little mountain hiking’ experience made the service
very special and rewarding.

c) Given a choice, which martial art would you like to practice and why?

Given an opportunity, I would like to practice taekwondo. It is because, I

think it is the easiest to learn among the different forms of martial art.
Since its emphasis is more on jumping and kicking techniques, I can just
easily use my legs to kick someone to protect myself at times of great
need. Performing taekwondo can also improve my confidence and self-

Proper Etiquette and Safety in the

Use of Facilities and Equipment
Discussion Points
a) Describe an exercise with proper etiquette in the use of facilities.

An exercise with proper etiquette in the use of facilities is a safe and

effective exercise. When students are aware of the protocol in the use of
the facilities such as waiting for the instructions of the PE teacher before
proceeding with the exercise,their exercise will turn out to be successful
and productive. And, since they listen to their teacher how to properly
use the equipment, they won’t be harmed or put to danger.

b) Why is it important to follow safety procedures in PE class?

It is important to follow the safety procedures in PE class because the

said procedures are meant to secure healthy environment for the
students. Additionally, when students follow safety procedures in PE
class, they avoid potential injuries and can enjoy the activities at its
fullest. This will not only save a life but will also preserve school
resources for future students.
Lesson 2

Nature of Aquatic Sports

Discussion Points
a) What are the three categories of water sports?

The three categories of water sports are: sports played in water that
include swimming, triathlons, water aerobics, water gymnastics, water
polo, synchronized swimming, and snorkeling; underwater sports like
diving, scuba diving, and free diving; and sportsplayed on the surface of
water such as boating, canoeing, dragon boat racing, rowing, kayaking,
sailing, surfing, wakeboarding, and many more.

b) What kind of water sport have you tried? Describe your experience.

I have tried a lot of water sports. I was a swimmer when I was in fifth
grade. I remember being always anxious of my performance, but at the
same time, I felt proud of myself for facing my fears and going out of my
comfort zone. I have tried snorkeling when I went to El Nido with my
family. I was amazed by the life under the water I have seen with my two
eyes with the help of the snorkel and mask. It was amazing that from
time to time, when I would resurface to gasp for air, I would feel
disappointed. Lastly, I have tried kayaking. It was tiring, but, like the
other sports, it was rewarding, especially when I would look behind and
see how far I got because of my hard work.

Optimization of Energy Systems

Discussion Points
a) Name and describe the three sources of energy.

Energy comes from what we eat in the forms of carbohydrates, fat, and
protein. Carbohydrates are found in certain foods such as bread, rice, and
potatoes. Our digestive system changes carbohydrates into glucose or
blood sugar. Our body uses this glucose for energy. On the other hand, fat
is stored under our skin or adipose tissue, serves as fuel when it is broken
down into two types of molecules—glycerol and fatty acids. Fat also
serves as the ‘insulation’ for the body to avoid heat loss. Protein, the last
but not the least, is considered as one of our fundamental building blocks.
It is also used in repairing and growth of our body tissues.

b) What does ATP stands for? Describe the ATP process.

ATP stands for adenosine triphosphate. This important biological

molecule is composed of adenine, ribose sugar, and triphosphate or three
phosphate groups, bonded by high energy bonds. There is energy stored
in ATP and is being released only when the third phosphate group is
removed from the molecule, since the bond holding of the said phosphate
group can break easily. The ATP becomes ADP or adenosine diphosphate,
eventually,for containingonly two phosphate groups. A phosphate is
released into the cytoplasm,as well as the energy, and used by the body
for work. ADP will be resynthesized to ATP upon addition of a phosphate
group. ATP process is spontaneous. This means that there is a need for a
free energy for the said process to happen.

c) Identify the three energy systems. Describe one.

The three energy systems are: phosphocreatine energy system, lactic acid
energy system, and aerobic energy system. Phosphocreatine energy
system is the energy system used for instantaneous activity lasting only
several seconds like 100-200-meter dash, shot put, and discus throwing,
among others. Creatine phosphate is the fuel used in this system to make
Lesson 3
Health Behaviors
Discussion Points
a) How does eating habits affect health?

According to a website called Live Strong, “our body needs fuel in the form of
food every day, but the wrong kind of fuel can lead to health problems”.The way
we eat or/and what we eat have a direct proportional relationship with our
health. When we practice good eating habits, it will affect our health in a positive
way. A balanced diet—which consists of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, protein,
low-fat dairy, and that limits cholesterol, sodium, and saturated fats—is good for
our health. People who eat a balanced diet is healthy, strong, and free from
serious health problems brought about by poor eating habits. On the other hand,
when people follow poor eating habits, it will cause for their health to
deteriorate. When we eatin front of the television, eat socially, or/and
emotionally, itmay result to an unchecked diet, thus a negative impact on their

b) Describe one risk factor in detail.

One health risk factor is following a sedentary lifestyle. A person living a

sedentary lifestyle is having a life of little or no physical activity at all. He or she
who is having a sedentary lifestyle has failed to meet the recommendations of the
Center for Disease Control (CDC), that is an individual should perform a
minimum of 150 minutes of moderate exercise, or 75 minutes of a more vigorous
routine.He or she is often sitting or lying down while engaged in activities like
reading, watching television, playing video games, or using gadgets for most of
the duration of the day. It is a health risk factor that may increase the risks of
certain cancers, certain cardiovascular diseases, and obesity, among others.
Types of Eating
Discussion Points
a) List the types of food that are apt for fueling for performance.

The types of food that are apt for fueling for performance are:
 protein – meats, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy, soy foods, beans, nuts, and
 carbohydrates – grains, potatoes, fruits, and vegetables; and
 fats – oils, nuts, seeds, avocado, mayonnaise, and salad dressing.
Foods rich in carbohydrates are fuel sources for endurance and high-intensity
activities. Protein is for strength and muscle rebuilding. On the other hand, fat is
the energy source for longer-duration activities.

b) Describe emotional eating.

When a person is eating to relieve stress and negative emotions due to certain life
events is emotional eating. A person who eats emotionally is taking all the
emotions out into eating or transforms eating into an outlet. Other experts define
emotional eating as “the practice of consuming large quantities of food—usually
‘comfort’ or junk foods—in response to feelings instead of satisfying hunger”.
Moreover, experts estimated that 75% of overeating is caused by emotions.
Lesson 4
Unarmed Self-Defense
How to Self-Assess Health-Related
Fitness (HRF) Status, Barriers to
Physical Activity Participation, and
One’s Diet
Discussion Points
a) Try to gauge your own physical fitness. How fit are you? Why do you say so?

I am not physical fit. Why? Because, I admit, I am living a sedentary lifestyle. I

am the type of person that would spend her entire day on the bed and watch
movies after movies. Also, I would choose riding my motorcycle when going
somewhere near than walk. If I remember it correctly, it has been almost three
years since I last participated in sports, which was track and field.

b) How much of your time can you spend on your own personal workout?

Honestly speaking, I do not spend time on my personal work out at all. I am sad
to say that I somewhat live a sedentary lifestyle. I would rather watch movies
than exercise. There were times I had the opportunity to walk for an exercise, but
instead chose riding my motorcycle or taking a tricycle to go somewhere I want
to go because of laziness.

c) What are the three reasons that prevent you from eating healthily?

Three reasons that prevent me from eating healthily:

1) I don’t have sufficient time to prepare my own food, due to the hectic
schedule I have;
2) I am lazy to cook food that takes a lot of time and effort, choosing the
right proportion of fresh and healthy ingredients; and
3) I don’t have a lot of money to spend for healthy foods.
Lesson 5
Armed Self-Defense: Arnis
How to Set FITT Goals Based on
Training Principles to Achieve and/or
Maintain HRF
Discussion Points
a) What does FITT stand for? Describe each component of FITT.

FITT stands for frequency, intensity, time, and type. Frequency answers the question,“how
often the exercise is done”. Intensity is about how hard the activity or exercise is. Time, on
the other hand, is the duration of how long the exercise will take. The kind of activity or
exercise to engage in is what type is all about. According to the experts, a person is
prescribed of an exercise with a frequency of at least five times a week, an intensity in
moderate heart rate of around 50% to 69% of maximum heart rate, a time of performed
around 30 minutes or two sets of 15 minutes, and a type using an activity that is not impeded
by personal deterrents.

b) Describe the overload principle in detail. How does it apply in arnis training?

Overload principle is a belief that relies on the idea that in order to improve, “the muscle
must produce work at a level that is higher than its regular workload”. The said principle
states that a person must perform a more difficult workout to develop. For example, in arnis
training, in order for an arnispractitionerto improve his or her strikes, he or she must focus
on defending against and/or reacting to the angles of attack rather than just particular

c) Describe the progression principle in detail. How does it apply in arnis training?

According to the experts, “for a program to achieve more gains, it must be progressive”.Also,
“as the body adapts to the initial overload, the overload must be adjusted gradually”.
Improvements are the results of changing or progressing exercises. In arnis, a practitioner
progresses from a white-belter to a black-belter because of pursuing technical skills that are
adjusted from time to time. That is from performing basic stances to proficiently performing
combinations of advanced stances, strikes, blocks, counter strikes, and disarming little by
little with the adaptation of the body.

d) Describe the specificity principle in detail. How does it apply in arnis training?

Specificity principle explains, from the word itself, ‘specific’, that each form of exercise would
result to different outputs. “If one has specific gains in mind, one must apply plan and execute
activities that would target those goals”. For example, if an arnis practitioner wants to be a
black-belter, he or she must do exercises that would lead him or her to proficiently perform
the following: basic stances; basic strikes and blocks; basic strikes and movements; basic
counter strikes; combinations of advanced stances, strikes, blocks, counter strikes, and
disarming; etc.
School and Community Resources
in Case of an Injury or Emergency
Discussion Points
a) Write the name, address, and phone number of the hospital nearest to your school.

Name of the hospital nearest to Brooke’s Point National High School:Leoncio General
Address: Barangay Pangobilian, Brooke’s Point, Palawan
Contact Number: 0917 860 4860

b) What are the important school and community resources available for you in case of
emergencies? Write them down.

School resources available in case of emergencies:

 School Clinic with a nurse or a doctor

 Medical equipment such as first aid kit ad medicines
Community resources available in case of emergencies:

 Barangay centers
 Barangay clinics like the Rural Health Unit (RHU)
 Public and private hospitals
 Ambulance
 Evacuation Center
 Fire Truck
 Police
 Barangay tanod
Lesson 6
Community Recreation: Light and
Low Impact Physical Activities
How to Analyze Physiological
Indicators such as Heart Rate, Rate
of Perceived Exertion, and Pacing
Associated with MVPAs to Monitor
and/or Adjust Participation or Effort
Discussion Points
a) Write the Prediction Equation formula. Indicate what it measures.

The formula of Prediction Equation is the following:

The Prediction formula measures a person’s maximum heart rate based on his or
her age. It only gives an estimate, meaning it only gives a tentative or
approximate value of the maximum heart rate of a person. Also, this formula is
affected significantly by the aging factor. As one gets older, his or her maximum
heart rate decreases.
b) What is the Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE)? Why do we need it?

Rate of Perceived Exertion or RPE, along with the Prediction Equation, is used
to measure exercise intensity. An assigned number—from 1 to 10—has a
corresponding subjective feelings of exercise exertion. With that, there is an
assigned ratio scale. The higher the number given by the exerciser, the higher the
level of exertion is. We need it to be able to monitor how hard we are working
our body out. With RPE, we are able to regulate our exercise intensity. We will
know if we have toincrease our efforts or to decrease it so that we may avoid
How to Observe Personal Safety
Protocol to Avoid Dehydration,
Overexertion, Hypothermia, and
Hyperthermia during MVPA
Discussion Points
a) How can one avoid dehydration? How much should one drink during exercise?

Dehydration, or loss of fluids, caused by excessive exercise and physical activity,

can be avoided through drinking fluids before, during, and after exercise.
According to the experts, one person must drink fluids as follows during exercise:

o One to two (1 – 2) cups of fluid must be consumed around thirty minutes

to one hour prior to exercise
o Half to one (1/2 – 1) cup of fluid must be consumed every ten to fifteen
minutes of exercise
o Three to four (3-4) cups of fluid must be consumed after thirty minutes of
exercise, even if one is not thirsty.

b) What are the instances when hypothermia happens to an athlete? What specific sports
are most inclined to have cases of hypothermia?

Some of the instances when hypothermia happens to an athlete are:

 when an athlete’s body experiences a decrease in core temperature during
training in cool and/or windy environment, and
 when the athlete does not wear appropriate cold weather technical
clothing during training in a cold environment.
Some specific sports that are most inclined to have cases of hypothermia are cold
weather sports or winter sports such as:
 ice hockey,
 ice skating,
 ice skiing,
 speed skating, and
 snowboarding, among others.
Lesson 7
Community Recreation: Other
Recreational Activities
Health-and Fitness-Related Career
Discussion Points
a) List at least three career opportunities for recreational activities.

Three of the many career opportunities for recreational activities are:

1) Physical Education (PE) teaching
2) Personal training
3) Coaching or handling a competitive sports team

b) If you want to teach recreation to younger children, what activity would you choose and why?

If I want to teach recreation to younger children, I would choose to be a Physical

Education teacher. Since most of the younger children are in the school to learn, being a
PE teacher would have a higher possibility of being able to teach recreational activities.
PE teaching is not just about classroom lectures, it also encourages the application of
these theories and principles through games and activities. The PE teachers, most of the
times, also become the coaches during annual sports events in school. By being coaches,
they were also able to impart knowledge about recreation to young generations.
How to Organize a Fitness Event for a
Target Health Issue or Concern
Discussion Points
a) Give three fitness events that are popular today

1) Fun Run
2) Yoga
3) Fitness Walking

b) What are the steps in organizing a fun run? Describe in detail.

 Pick the event date, time, and place of the fun run.
Deciding on the time, make sure to play close attention to what other activities
are happening in the community and choose a time for the fun run that won’t
have any conflict with other events. This is to draw the attention of people
towards the said activity.
 Get the permissions needed.
For an instance, if you have decided to conduct the fun run on your school
grounds, a consent from the school principal is needed.
 Next is planning the course, after securing the place where the fun run will take place.
The course must be easy to follow. Another tip is to have the Start Line and
Finish Line loop back to the same general area.
 Makingthe budget is next step on how to organize a fun run.
Costs to be considered are: permits or fees associated with the location of the
fun run; if you are organizing a color fun run, color powder costs must be put
to consideration, depending on the number of color stations you will have;
costs for the starting and finish lines, cones, and signage to mark the course;
race registration costs; portable restrooms if public restrooms are nowhere
near the course; water and water stations; prizes, and many more.
 Determine the goal and the target issue to address.
Another step in organizing a fun run is to identify the goal to achieve or the
reason why the fun run has to happen. Also, part of the step is to determine
the target health issue to address. Usually, the health concern that fun runs
address is weight management or obesity.
 Build your team
No man is an island. One person can’t manage the entire fun run alone.
Establishing a reliable fun run team is a must so that tasks are well delegated
for efficiency. There should be committees to handle the following
responsibilities such as: the venue and logistics, promotion, finance,
registration, and many more.
 Promote it!
Send flyers! Post on social media pages! Announce all the specifics to people
and invite them to have fun and get healthy through participating in the fun
 Document!
Don’t forget to take pictures and videos before, during, and after the fun run.
Also, put all of it in written form. It will be necessary for post-event reporting
and evaluation.

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