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Infectious Meningitis: Review

Article  in  Clinical Microbiology Newsletter · March 2015

DOI: 10.1016/j.clinmicnews.2015.02.004

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AbdelRahman Zueter
Hashemite University


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Clinical CMN

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CMN Infectious Meningitis

Vol. 37, No. 6 AbdelRahman M. Zueter, M.L.S., M.Sc., Ph.D.,1 and Amani Zaiter, M.Sc.,2 1Department of Medical
March 15, 2015 Microbiology and Parasitology, School of Medical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Kelantan, Malaysia, 2
Biological Sciences Department, Faculty of Science, Hashemite University, Zarqa, Jordan

I n Th is Issu e
Infectious meningitis is a large public health concern, especially in children and immunocompromised
43 Infectious Meningitis patients. Although the epidemiology of meningitis has shown significant decline in past decades, partly
due to the introduction of vaccines, outbreaks are still reported worldwide. Diagnosis of meningitis is
of critical importance, and it is considered to be one of the most urgent of the microbiological medi-
cal emergencies. In order to improve the treatment strategy, various diagnostic methods have been
developed to detect the presence of infectious agents that cause meningitis, as well as their antibiotic
resistance patterns. This article aims to enhance the understanding of meningitis and to highlight the
most current updates that describe outbreaks of meningitis and the subsequent investigations. We also
describe the current diagnosis and treatment options.

Introduction noninfectious meningitis (2). Noninfectious

Meningitis is an inflammation of the meningeal meningitis can be induced by certain drugs, auto-
layers of the brain and spinal cord. The infec- immune hypersensitivity disorders, neoplasms,
tion involves the arachnoid, the pia mater, and and chemical agents (Table 1). When present in
the intervening cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). The the CSF, noninfectious agents or their products,
inflammatory process extends throughout the such as tumor cell products, act as inflammatory
subarachnoid space of the brain and spinal cord irritants that induce inflammatory processes that
and involves the ventricles. Meningitis can cause can progress to meningitis.
necrosis, decreased blood and CSF flow, and
impaired central nervous system (CNS) func- Infectious Meningitis
tions. The early symptoms are headache, fever,
Infectious meningitis is a serious disease of the
and chills; however, a combination of 2 to 4
CNS that involves inflammation of the meninges
symptoms (headache, fever, stiff neck, and altered
as a result of microbial infection, and it occurs in
mental status) is found in 95% of patients. Death
all age groups. It is caused most commonly by
occurs from shock and other serious complica-
viruses and bacteria, rarely by fungi and para-
tions within hours of the appearance of symp-
sites (9). The clinical presentation of meningitis
toms (1,2).
Corresponding author: depends on the virulence of the causative agent,
AbdelRahman M. Zueter, Meningitis is usually caused by an infection but the pathogenesis of spread to the CNS, and the
M.L.S., M.Sc., Ph.D., Depart- may also occur in response to noninfectious irri- area of CNS involvement (3). Headache, fever,
ment of Medical Microbiology tants introduced into the subarachnoid space stiff neck, confusion, vomiting, and pleocytosis
and Parasitology, School of (1). Noninfectious cases are uncommon or rare are features of meningeal inflammation and are
Medical Sciences, Universiti
compared with the infectious type, particularly common to many types of meningitis (e.g., bacte-
Sains Malaysia, 16150 Kubang
Kerian, Kelantan, Malaysia. with their inability to spread from one person rial, fungal, viral, and chemical) and also to some
Tel.: 0060136709343. Fax: to another (3). Therefore, meningitis could be parameningeal processes. The CSF laboratory
0060197676289. E-mail: divided into two categories according to the findings are most helpful in distinguishing among
­ nature of the causative agents: infectious and these processes (2).

Clinical Microbiology Newsletter 37:6,2015 | ©2015 Elsevier 43

The age of the host and other underlying host factors (head Table 1. Noninfectious causes of meningitis
trauma, neurosurgery, or presence of a CSF shunt) contribute to Noninfectious cause/agent Examplea Reference
the etiology and the routes of entry. Initially, infectious agents
Drug hypersensitivity NSAID 4,5
colonize or establish localized infection in the skin, nasopharynx, antimicrobials
respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract, or genitourinary tract of
Systemic diseases SLE 6
the host. From these sites, the organisms invades by circumvent-
ing host defenses (e.g., physical barriers, local immunity, and Neoplastic diseases Metastatic carcinoma 7
phagocytes/macrophages) and gains access to the CNS through Chemical agents Anaesthetics 8
(i) hematogenous spread, the most common route of infection, in a
NSAID, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug; SLE, Systemic lupus erythomatosis.
which the organisms spread via the blood vessels of the brain to
enter the subarachanoid space; (ii) direct spread from an infected
neighboring site contiguous to the CNS; (iii) an anatomical defect 2% and 30%. Permanent sequelae, such as epilepsy, mental retar-
in the CNS structure that resulted from surgery, trauma, or con- dation, or sensorineural deafness, are observed in 10% to 20% of
genital abnormalities, which can allow microorganisms to easily those who survive (11,12).
access the CNS; or (iv) travel along nerves leading to the brain, as
occurs with some viruses. Of note, neonates have the highest risk In general, all human microbes can cause meningitis, but only
of infection because of their immature immune system and the a few species account for most cases of bacterial meningitis. S.
increased permeability of the blood brain barrier (10). Infectious agalactiae and Escherichia coli commonly infect neonates up to 3
meningitis is grouped on the basis of pathogen type (bacterial, months of age and are acquired during the passage of the baby
viral, fungal, or parasitic), host age (neonate, pediatric, and adult), through a colonized vaginal canal. H. influenzae infects unvac-
health status (healthy or immunocompromised), and symptom cinated children between the age of 3 to 6 months and 6 years.
duration (acute, subacute, or chronic [recurrent]). N. meningitidis infects children and young adults and is the only
organism that causes meningitis epidemics. S. pneumoniae occa-
Meningitis is transmitted from person to person through respira- sionally infects children and increases in incidence with age. L.
tory secretions (saliva, sputum, or nasal mucus), through the fecal- monocytogenes appears to be foodborne (dairy products, processed
oral route, or vertically through the colonized vaginal canal. The meat, and uncooked vegetables) and infects people with defective
infection is considered to be acute during the period when signs immunity or those receiving certain therapies (1-3). Some studies
and symptoms of less than 24 hours duration are observed and report a dramatic drop in developed countries as a result of the
subacute when signs and symptoms have been present for 1 to 7 introduction of vaccines against common bacterial agents, such
days. Most cases of meningitis are acute, but some are chronic due as S. pneumoniae, H. influenzae type b, and N. meningitidis (2,11).
to the invasion of pathogens from a neighboring infected site (10).
Data for community-acquired acute bacterial meningitis suggest
The common infectious agents of acute meningitis are viruses that almost 50% of cases are due to S. pneumoniae, 25% to N. men-
(mainly enteroviruses and, to a lesser degree, HIV, herpes sim- ingitidis, 13% to group B streptococci, 8% to L. monocytogenes, and
plex viruses (HSV), and mumps virus), bacteria (Streptococcus 7% to H. influenzae. In contrast, nosocomial meningitis is associ-
pneumoniae, Neisseria meningitidis, Streptococcus agalactiae (group B ated with enteric gram-negative bacilli in up to 33% of cases. The
streptococci), Haemophilus influenzae, and Listeria monocytogenes). most common gram-negative bacterial agents in adults are E. coli
Less common causes of acute meningitis include parasites (Naegle- and Klebsiella/Enterobacter spp. Mortality rates of bacterial menin-
ria fowleri, Strongyloides stercoralis, and Acanthamoeba cantonensis). gitis in adults remain at approximately 20% but rise to at least 40%
Subacute or chronic meningitis is characterized by delayed symp- for those older than age 60 (13). In neonates, S. agalactiae and E.
toms over weeks to months or even years. These patients may coli are the most common agents of meningitis in North America
also have some acute meningitis symptoms, but the onset is more (11), Australasia (14), and Europe (15). The morbidity rate of
gradual, with lower fever and possibly associated lethargy and neonatal meningitis is up to 56%; if not treated, the mortality can
disability. This type of meningitis may be caused by Mycobacteria approach 100% (16). In rare situations, other bacterial pathogens
spp., spirochetes, Cryptococcus neoformans, Candida spp., and Coc- can cause acute meningitis, including coagulase-negative staphy-
cidioides spp. (1,3). lococci, Burkholderia pseudomallei, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, mis-
cellaneous gram-negative bacilli, Staphylococcus aureus, viridans
Bacterial meningitis streptococci, and anaerobic bacteria. Mixed bacterial infections
Bacterial meningitis is a major cause of morbidity and mortal- might occur as complications of neurosurgical procedures (e.g.,
ity, especially among children less than 5 years of age. The rapid spinal puncture) and low immunity status. Meningitis caused by
progression of symptoms and potentially devastating effect of the group A streptococci is uncommon but occasionally occurs after
disease necessitate early recognition and immediate treatment. acute otitis media. In approximately 10% of patients with acute
Shock, coagulation disorders, endocarditis, pyogenic arthritis, bacterial meningitis, the bacterial cause cannot be defined but is
and prolonged fever are the most common bacterial meningitis diagnosed on the basis of other differential laboratory findings (3).
complications (2). Despite many new antibacterial agents, bacterial Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Treponema pallidum and Borrelia burg­
meningitis fatality rates remain high, with reported rates between dorferi are considered to be the most common causes of chronic

44 Clinical Microbiology Newsletter 37:6,2015 | ©2015 Elsevier

bacterial meningitis (13); 1% of patients suffering from tuber­ in patients with low immunity or after neurosurgery procedures.
culosis progress to complicated CNS tuberculosis (17). Chronic cryptococcal and candidal meningitis may mimic chronic
meningitis that is caused by M. tuberculosis (52).
Viral meningitis
Viral meningitis is more common than bacterial meningitis but is Parasites can infect the meninges and cause aseptic meningitis;
much less severe. The clinical course of viral meningitis is usually they can also infect brain tissue, causing acute meningoencepha-
self-limited, with complete recovery in 7 to 10 days. Most cases of litis. From warm freshwater, the free-living amoeba N. fowleri
community-acquired aseptic meningitis are the result of viruses. (the most virulent) invades the brain via direct extension from the
Aseptic meningitis is suspected when CSF cultures for routine nasal mucosa and causes meningoencephalitis that is lethal within
bacteria are negative and there were no antibiotics given before 1 week in most cases, predominantly in children and young adults.
the lumbar puncture (16). Acanthamoeba species are commonly found in soil and primarily
infect immunocompromised patients, usually through inhalation
Enteroviruses account for 85 to 95% of aseptic meningitis (3,18).
or skin wounds, causing encephalitis, which can be acute or chronic
Enteroviruses are single-stranded RNA viruses and, along with
(3,10). A listing of uncommon pathogens is provided in Table 3.
rhinoviruses, represent a major group in the genus Enterovirus
in the family Picornaviridae. Recent classification systems rely on Approaches for Laboratory Diagnosis
RNA homology, which classifies the enteroviruses into four spe-
Diagnosis of an infection involving the CNS is considered to be
cies designated human enteroviruses A through D, encompassing
a medical emergency. Combining the physical examination with
many serotypes of group A and B coxsackieviruses and enterovi-
confirmatory laboratory tests and a clinical history of the patient
ruses, echoviruses, and polioviruses (3).
provides the strongest evidence of meningitis. Over the last few
Mumps virus, HIV-1, and HSV-2 may cause chronic recurrent years, many approaches have been developed and used for the
meningitis (2), a recurrent infection that occurs after full recovery. diagnosis of meningitis. Currently, several diagnostic methods
The exact incidence of viral meningitis is known to be underes- were evaluated in order to achieve sensitive, rapid, and specific
timated, due to poor reporting practices. In temperate regions, detection of meningitis etiology (10), especially in the case of bac-
seasonal aseptic meningitis usually peaks in summer and early terial meningitis, which requires immediate diagnosis and rapid
autumn, reflected by the seasonal pattern of outbreaks. Some institution of antimicrobial therapy (2). When meningitis occurs,
enteroviral serotypes (e.g., echoviruses 6, 9, 13, 18, and 30 and inflammatory immune cells flow into the CSF and are usually
coxsackievirus B5) cause widespread outbreaks, while coxsacki- detectable on examination of the fluid. Therefore, the collection
eviruses A9, B3, and B4 are associated with endemic infection. of CSF specimen via lumbar puncture is one of the first steps in
Echovirus 30 has been implicated in European outbreaks every the workup of a patient with suspected meningitis (2,13).
3 to 5 years. Its distribution covers large geographical areas, and CSF collection
infections are more common in children. On the other hand, no Routinely, CSF is collected into three sterile tubes from the same
seasonal preference has been reported for HSV and HIV (18). puncture after considering the proper intracranial pressure. The
Table 2 describes the recently published surveys and outbreaks of first tube is used for chemical and immunological testing due to
acute meningitis worldwide. the potential for cell contamination during collection. To avoid
Fungal and parasitic meningitis surface flora contamination, the second tube is selected for micro-
Fungal meningitis is rare but poses a significant challenge, span- biological and molecular testing. The last volume collected best
ning a wide array of hosts, including immunocompetent and represents the actual cellular composition of the CSF and is ideal
immunosuppressed individuals, patients undergoing neurosurgical for cytological testing. In cases where a low volume of CSF is
procedures, and those with implantable CNS devices. C. neofor- collected, the sample is triaged for microbiology, cytology, and
mans and Aspergillus spp. are the most common fungal pathogens chemistry, respectively, to optimize findings. After collection, the
(51). C. neoformans infection is acquired by the inhalation route sample is assessed for normal color, clarity, and viscosity and then
and can be asymptomatic and limited to the lungs in immuno- sent for further laboratory examination (65).
competent hosts. Upon immunosuppression, hematogenous Cytology
dissemination to the meninges may occur, which can end with a
Direct microscopy provides a screening method of CSF samples.
fatal outcome in the absence of prompt management. Lympho­
Various cell types in CSF should be evaluated and studied, yet
proliferative malignancies, steroid therapy, diabetes mellitus, and
few have established usefulness in diagnosing infectious menin-
AIDS are the most common predisposing factors for cryptococ-
gitis. A microscopic examination includes total and differential
cal meningitis (51). C. neoformans is the most common cause of
white blood cell (WBC) counts, as well as counts of red blood
meningitis in immunosuppressed and AIDS patients; the mortal-
cells (RBCs) and other cell types that could be uncommon or
ity rate in that population ranges from 10 to 30% and from 13 to
abnormal (13).
44% in developed and developing countries, respectively (52,53).
In one retrospective study performed in India, the prevalence of A total CSF cell count is usually performed manually using a
C. neoformans among HIV patients was 14.3% (53). Candida spp. hemacytometer chamber. Automated electronic-impedance-based
cause acute meningitis indistinguishable from bacterial meningitis CSF cell counters increase precision and reduce turnaround time.

Clinical Microbiology Newsletter 37:6,2015 | ©2015 Elsevier 45

Table 2. Recent surveys and outbreaks of acute meningitis in selected countries worldwide

Country Age group Predominant pathogensa Study interval Diagnostic methodc Reference

India Allb S. aureus, Klebsiella spp., E. coli, Acinetobacter spp., 2009-2010 Culture 19
N. meningitidis, S. pneumoniae
Japan Neonates H. influenzae, S. pneumoniae, S. agalactiae, E. coli 2008-2010 Culture 20
Japan Adult Enteroviruses, mumps virus, VZV, HSV 2004-2014 PCR, culture 21
China All S. pneumoniae, N. meningitidis, H. influenzae 2006-2009 Agglutination, culture 22
China Pediatric Enteroviruses, adenoviruses 2006-2012 PCR, culture 23
China Pediatric Enteroviruses (echovirus 30, coxsackievirus B5) Outbreak PCR, culture, 24
2008, 2012 genotyping
Australia All Enteroviruses (echoviruses 6, 4, 30, 25, and 2007-2013 PCR, culture, 25
coxsackievirus A9) genotyping
Middle East
Jordan Pediatric Enteroviruses 1999 Culture, IFA 26
Palestine Adults Enteroviruses (echovirus 27) 1978-2012 Culture, serology 27
Kuwait Pediatric Enteroviruses (echoviruses 9, 11, 30) 2006-2009 PCR, hybridization 28

France, Italy, Greece, All Enteroviruses (echovirus 30) Outbreak, PCR, culture, 29,30-32
Finland, Bulgaria, 2009-2013 genotyping
Serbia, Latvia, Spain,
Turkey Children S. pneumoniae, N. meningitidis, H. influenzae 2005-2006 PCR, culture 38
Denmark All S. pneumoniae, N. meningitidis, 1998-2010 Agglutination, 39
streptococcus groups A, B, G culture
UK Neonates S. agalactiae, E. coli, S. pneumoniae, N. meningitidis 2010-2011 Gram stain, culture 40
Iceland Children N. meningitidis, H. influenzae 1975-2010 Gram stain, culture 41
S. pneumoniae, S. agalactiae
Spain Adults, N. meningitidis, S. pneumoniae, L. monocytogenes 1982-2010 Gram stain, culture, 42
Elderly S. pneumoniae, L. monocytogenes, agglutination
Gram-negative bacilli
Brazil, Panama All Enteroviruses (echovirus 30) 2005, 2008 PCR, culture, 43,44
Brazil All N. meningitidis, S. pneumoniae 2004-2006 Gram stain 45,46
H. influenzae 2000-2010 PCR, agglutination
USA All S. pneumoniae, N. meningitidis 1998-2007 Culture 11
USA All Enteroviruses (echoviruses 30, 6) 5 yr PCR, culture, 47

Malawi Neonates S. agalactiae, S. pneumoniae, S. enterica 2002-2008 Gram stain, culture 12
Burkina Faso Children H. influenzae, S. pneumoniae, N. meningitidis 2004-2012 Gram stain, 48
PCR, culture
Niger All N. meningitidis, S. pneumoniae, H. influenzae 2002-2010 PCR, culture, 49
South Africa Pediatric Enteroviruses (echoviruses 4, 9, and 2010-2011 PCR, culture, 18
coxsackievirus B5 genotyping
Kenya Pediatric S. pneumoniae, N. meningitidis, H. influenzae 2014 Culture, Gram stain 50
Pathogens are listed in the order of highest frequency to lowest frequency. VZV, varicella-zoster virus.
All includes pediatric patients, adults, and the elderly.
IFA, immunofluorescence assay.

46 Clinical Microbiology Newsletter 37:6,2015 | ©2015 Elsevier

Moreover, the nature of normal CSF cell constituents represent by different microorganism types. Confirmatory tests should be
cells in low density, which interferes with the working principle performed (2,18).
of the automated counter, thus resulting in values higher than
Normal CSF glucose levels range from 50 to 80 mg/dl, which is
“normal” cell counts. Therefore, the impedance-based technology
approximately 60% to 70% of the plasma concentration. In con-
may not be routinely applicable, since most CSF samples tested in
trast, CSF lactate is unrelated to plasma and is present in normal
the laboratory are in the normal/low cell count range (65). Some
concentrations of 10 to 22 mg/dl. More than 50% of infectious
studies have reported agreement of cell counts performed on
meningitis cases cause decreases in the CSF glucose level due
automated analyzers that use flow cytometry and flow cell digital-
to defects in glucose transport across the blood brain barrier or
imaging principles with those from the manual hemacytometer
increased glucose consumption within the CNS. Increased lactate
method (66). Unfortunately, automated systems cannot identify
is an indicator of anaerobic metabolism within the CNS due to
pathologic cell types, such as neoplastic cells, lipophages, and sid-
decreased oxygenation and blood supply.
erophages. A differential cell count is best performed by Wright’s
stain of CSF sediment smear prepared by cytocentrifugation. The The CSF total protein assay assesses the integrity of the blood
normal CSF does not contain RBCs; however, normal adult CSF brain barrier. The total CSF protein level varies with the age and
contains a total of 0 to 5 WBCs/µl, specifically, lymphocytes and the site from which the CSF is obtained and is higher when col-
monocytes. In children, the total WBC count is 0 to 10 WBCs/ lected from the lumbar region. A CSF total protein level of 15 to
µl; in healthy neonates, counts as high as 30 WBCs/µl, with a pre- 45 mg/dl is considered normal. Protein screens include assessment
dominance of monocytes, can be normal (2,65). of CSF proteins and immunoglobulins by electrophoresis, and the
definitive concentrations are measured by nephelometry (2,65).
Chemical examination
Numerous chemical constituents in the CSF sample are evalu- Microbiological examination
ated, but few give useful diagnostic data for meningitis etiol- Microbiological staining is used for visual detection of causative
ogy. Since result values differ in response to the different types agents in the CSF sediments. The sediment could be concen-
of microorganisms involved, assays such as glucose, lactate, and trated or smeared, dried, and stained with Gram stain, India ink,
various proteins assays can provide diagnostic information (Table and Ziehl-Neelsen stain for bacteria and yeast, Cryptococcus spp.,
4) and help classify the type of meningitis, but results from cytol- and Mycobacteria spp., respectively. Wet-mount preparation can
ogy and chemistry laboratories cannot conclusively determine be used for parasite detection (10). Direct microscopy and stain-
whether the infection is bacterial, viral, fungal, or parasitic due to ing of concentrated CSF sediment provide rapid presumptive
similarity of results that may be obtained in response to infections diagnosis of meningitis in 60% to 80% of untreated patients and

Table 3. Recent cases of meningitis of chronic and uncommon etiologies

Age/gender Meningitis etiology Risk factora Complication Diagnostic methodb Outcome Reference
50 yr/male Rhodotorula glutinis AIDS Gram stain, culture Cured 54
34 yr/male C. neoformans AIDS Reversible blindness Culture Cured 55
42 yr/male C. neoformans HIV-induced IRIS Agglutination Relapsed 56
19 mo/male A. cantonensis Poor hygiene Permanent Microscopy Cured 68
neurological sequelae
64 yr/male Abiotrophia defectiva Neurosurgical Culture, genotyping Cured 57
17 mo/male M. tuberculosis Disseminated PCR Cured 59
18 mo/male M. tuberculosis Disseminated Communicating CT scan Cured
tuberculosis hydrocephalus
52 yr/female Pantoea calida Post surgery Culture, genotyping Cured 60

36 yr/male Salmonella enterica Salmonella Virchow Culture Cured 61

serovar Virchow carrier
21 yr/female Mycobacterium chelonae Culture, RFLP Cured 62
6 yr/male N. fowleri Contaminated water Microscopy Cured 63
8 mo/male Methicillin-resistant MRSA sepsis Culture Cured 64
S. aureus (MRSA)
IRIS, immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome.
CT, computed tomography; RFLP, restriction fragment length polymorphism.

Clinical Microbiology Newsletter 37:6,2015 | ©2015 Elsevier 47

in 40% to 60% of treated patients (65). Culture is considered the are specific for some viruses (10,65). The latex slide agglutination
gold standard for several protocols. The organism could be grown test for C. neoformans antigen shows moderate to high sensitiv-
on special nutritive medium that supports its growth after proper ity (60% to 99%) and specificity (80% to 99%). In addition, the
incubation under suitable atmosphere and temperature. Culture is antigen titer serves as a good prognostic indicator (65). However,
routinely used for bacterial and fungal diagnosis. Traditional labo- CSF serology for detection of bacterial antigens is not widely used
ratory diagnostic culture methods for the identification of bacte- because it has lower sensitivity and specificity than Gram stain and
rial meningitis pathogens take up to 36 hours or more and enable culture (3,10,65).
the isolation of common types of bacteria in 80% to 90% of cases
Molecular methods and applications
(65,67). Unfortunately, in many clinical settings, the administra-
tion of short-course antibiotic therapy prior to lumbar puncture Molecular assays have become widely applied in the microbiol-
reduces the chance of isolation of bacteria in CSF culture, decreas- ogy field as diagnostic and research tools. Molecular techniques
ing the diagnostic accuracy for bacterial meningitis to only 30%. are used for confirmatory diagnosis and have been gradually
Therefore, a growing discrepancy exists between the numbers of introduced for routine primary diagnosis of viral meningitis (10).
clinically suspected and culture-confirmed cases of bacterial men- Nucleic acid assays, mainly PCR and its variants, have been used
ingitis. Thus, negative CSF cultures in patients suspected to have in diagnosis involving direct detection of microorganisms in CSF
meningitis can be confirmed by other methods that are not affected specimens, confirmation of bacteria and viruses grown in culture
by antibiotic administration (67), such as PCR (3). media and cell lines, genotyping of viruses beyond identification
for molecular epidemiology and phylogenetic purposes, and iden-
Cell lines for viral culture are part of routine laboratory diagnosis tification of antimicrobial resistance for certain bacteria.
for viral meningitis in countries where viral meningitis outbreaks
Molecular methods shorten diagnosis time (up to 4 hours) and
are endemic. In some cases, the purpose of viral culture is more
have increased specificity and sensitivity of diagnosis. Addition-
often focused on molecular genotyping applications that require
ally, they solve the discrepancy problems in suspected patients who
isolation of the viral genome than on primary diagnosis (3,25).
show culture-negative results. These combined characteristics pro-
Enteroviruses are isolated in cell line culture with sensitivities of 65
vide advantages for PCR over any other laboratory test (10,23).
to 75% and takes 4 to 8 days. HSV-2 can be cultured from CSF in
Reverse transcription (RT)-PCR targeting the 5' non-translated
approximately 75% of patients with aseptic meningitis (2). Devel-
region (NTR) of the enteroviral genome, which is the most con-
opment of CSF PCR panels for diagnostic purposes is ongoing.
served genomic region, is essential for enteroviral-meningitis diag-
Immunodiagnostics nosis and delivers results in as little as 5 hours, thereby shortening
inpatient hospital stays and minimizing the unnecessary use of
Immunoassays are based on the principle of antigen-antibody reac-
empirical antimicrobial agents. In comparison with cell line cul-
tion for identification of microbial agents. Microbial structures,
ture, RT-PCR sensitivity and specificity in CSF are 85 to 100%
such as capsules, can be targeted as an antigen and then detected
and 90 to 100%, respectively. PCR for HSV-2 DNA is usually
by a reagent antibody. Rapid antigen detection from CSF has been
positive in the CSF of patients with initial episodes of meningi-
largely accomplished by the principles of latex agglutination, coag-
tis. PCR is also is positive in approximately 80% of patients with
glutination, immunoassay, and counter-immunoelectrophoresis.
benign recurrent meningitis caused by lymphocytic choriomen-
Immunoassays represent a screening tool for primary diagnosis,
ingitis virus (2,18).
along with other screens for microbial detection and cell counting.
Currently, immunologic tests are applicable for the detection of A systematic review and meta-analysis study was performed to
several types of bacteria and fungi that cause meningitis, includ- evaluate the accuracy of broad-range 16S rRNA PCR in the diag-
ing S. pneumoniae, S. agalactiae, H. influenzae, N. meningitidis, Coc- nosis of bacterial meningitis. The study judged the benefit of PCR
cidioides immitis, M. tuberculosis, and C. neoformans. Additionally, for diagnosis in emergency departments (68). Fourteen articles
certain kits are used to detect either antibodies or antigens that were analyzed, in which 488/2,780 CSF samples were proven to

Table 4. Common laboratory results in meningitis in children and adultsa

Clinical status WBCs (cells/µl) Predominant cell type Glucose (mg/dl) Protein (mg/dl)
Normal 0-5 None 45-100 15-50

Bacterial meningitis >1,000 Neutrophils; lymphocytes in early infection <40 >100

Tuberculosis-meningitis 100-500 Lymphocytes, monocytes ≤40 >50

Viral meningitis 5-500 Lymphocytes Normal 50-150

Fungal meningitis 5-500 All differential cells ≤40 >100

Parasitic meningitis 2-200 Eosinophils, neutrophils ≤40 >50

Modified from references 2, 10, and 65.

48 Clinical Microbiology Newsletter 37:6,2015 | ©2015 Elsevier

be culture positive. Pooled analysis showed a sensitivity of 92% and asthenia for months. Introduction of mumps vaccine reduces
(95% confidence interval [CI], 75 to 98%), a specificity of 94% aseptic meningitis due to mumps virus.
(95% CI, 90 to 97%), a positive likelihood ratio of 16.26 (95% CI,
No approved antiviral chemotherapy is available for enterovi-
9.07 to 29.14), and a negative likelihood ratio of 0.09 (95% CI,
ral meningitis. Intravenous acyclovir is used to treat hospital-
0.03 to 0.28). PCR also amplified 30% of culture-negative cases
ized, symptomatic patients with HSV-2 meningitis. In patients
(68). Many recent studies applied and evaluated various PCR-
with frequent recurrences of HSV meningitis, it is reasonable to
based methods, showed their utility, and compared them with
attempt prophylaxis with oral antivirals: valacyclovir, famciclovir,
other detection methods to investigate for common meningitis
or acyclovir (2). For patients with cryptococcal CNS infection,
infectious agents, but they are beyond the scope of this review.
amphotericin B plus flucytosine, followed by fluconazole, is the
Recently, molecular typing approaches to enteroviruses targeting ideal treatment. Most experiences with therapy of Candida men-
the VP1 region of the enteroviral genome that encodes serotype- ingitis have been with amphotericin B, often in combination with
specific neutralization epitopes have been successfully applied flucytosine because of the latter agent’s ability to penetrate the
during enteroviral-meningitis outbreak investigations in many blood brain barrier (70).
countries worldwide (18,23,24,25,27,33,34,44,47). They have For patients with cryptococcal CNS infection, amphotericin B plus
provided details of enteroviral molecular phylogeny that help us flucytosine, followed by fluconazole, is the ideal treatment. Most
to understand its association with specific disease manifestations experiences with therapy of Candida meningitis have been with
and possible clonal geographical clustering (34) (Table 2). amphotericin B, often in combination with flucytosine because of
the latter agent’s ability to penetrate the blood brain barrier (70).
Therapeutic Management Many cases of fungal meningitis and meningioencephalitis are fatal
The ideal antibiotic for CNS infection would be inexpensive and because of the course of the disease, the considerable toxic effects
would cover a broad range of gram-positive and -negative bacteria of amphotericin B, and other anti-fungals, such as miconazole,
(13). If the infecting organism is observed on examination of the ketoconazole, and flucytosine (2,18).
Gram-stained smear of the CSF sediment collected from a patient Conclusion
with suspected bacterial meningitis, specific therapy is initiated;
Infectious meningitis is a large public health concern. Continu-
otherwise, empirical antimicrobial therapy should be initiated.
ous diagnosis improvement is necessary to minimize disease mor-
Prompt treatment of bacterial meningitis usually results in rapid
tality and life-threatening complications. Continued updates to
recovery of neurologic function.
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such as beta-lactams, cephalosporins, aminoglycosides, fluoro- outbreaks provides a clearer picture for virus epidemiology and
quinolones, and other drugs, like trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole geographical distribution and helps predict the emergence of new
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