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Relevant Data: Nursing Care Plan Concept Map

(subjective/objective data – be Evaluation/Reassessment:

patient specific) List data r/t outcomes &
Irregular breathing patterns, Client Initials: D.B. determine if outcome met, not
Cyanosis noted form uneven met, or partially met. Outcome
Medical Diagnosis: met, stimulation provided to stop
distribution of gasses ←←←←← Apnea
Absence of chest wall movement apnea episodes, baby responded
Goal (opposite of problem)
Outcome met: CPAP provided to
Mother will maintain respiratory status to
relieve stress and energy on the
baseline parameters for pattern rate, depth,
Nursing Dx: baby. Pulse oximeter remained on
and ease, blood gasses within normal range.
98% to 100%
Desired Outcomes: (opposite of relevant
Ineffective Breathing Pattern r/t data)
Impaired regulation aeb Apnea during Pulse oximeter remained within normal
active labor. ↓ range.

Nursing Interventions
Intervention: Intervention:_ Diagnostic/ Therapeutic/ Educational
Assess the frequency and Assess skin, nail beds,
pattern of breathing; skin, mucous membranes Intervention: Intervention:_ Intervention:
Observe presence of apnea for pallor or cyanosis. Use of Nasal Administer methylxant Avoid prolonged
and changes in the heart Rationale: Continuous positive hines (e.g., suctioning; Discourage
rate._ Reveals presence of airway pressure (CPAP). (theophylline, caffeine) taking rectal
hypoxemia Rationale ↓ as prescribed. temperatures and tube
Rationale causing cyanosis from an Indicated when ↓
the Rationale: feedings.
Infants with apnea have uneven distribution of infant remains to have Used as a
periods of cessation of ↓-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------↓
gases and blood in the episodes of apnea smooth muscle relaxant Vagal stimulation may
breathing over 15-20 ↓ ↓ ↓ a ↓ muscle ↓
despite producing and a cardiac cause bradycardia,
lungs, and alveolar
therapeutic level of and central nervous triggering apneic
seconds accompanied by hypoventilation caused by

bradycardia. ↓
airway obstruction and methylxanthine._______ system stimulant. episodes.
absence of chest wall ___________________ Citation: J. F. Pagel
movement. ___ J. F. Pagel The Journal of the
J. F. Pagel The Journal of the American Board
Citation Citation: J. F. Pagel American Board of Family
The Journal of the American of Family Medicine July 2007, 20
J. F. Pagel The Journal of the Medicine July 2007, 20
Board of Family Medicine (4) 392-398; DOI:
The Journal of the American American Board of Family (4) 392-398; DOI:
July 2007, 20 (4) 392-398;
Board of Family Medicine Medicine July 2007, 20 04.060201
July 2007, 20 (4) 392-398; (4) 392-398; DOI: abfm.2007.04.060201
m.2007.04.060201 DOI: abfm.2007.04.060201

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