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New developments in

lift slab construction

Figure 1. The lift slab technique reduces costs for multistory buildings by eliminating most formwork. A typical lifting
sequence is illustrated above.



ift slab construction was a revolutionary idea in connected to each hydraulic jack synchronizes the num-

L the early 1950s when it was developed by the

Youtz-Slick company. Since then it has become a
basic method of economical concrete construc-
tion, especially for office buildings, apartments, parking
g a ra g e s, hotels and other structures chara c t e ri zed by
ber of turns of the check nuts to assure that the concrete
slab is being raised the same amount at all points.
Lift slab can be used for heights up to about 16 sto-
ries. Economical column spacing ranges from 22 to 32
feet. Columns may be pipe, tubes or wide flange sec-
repetitive framing from floor to floor. tions; concrete columns may be used in 3- to 4-story
buildings not requiring splices.
What is lift slab construction? The big advantage of erecting concrete buildings us-
Basically, the method entails casting floor and roof ing lift slab construction is elimination of most form-
slabs on or at ground level and jacking them up into po- work, an especially important factor in areas where labor
sition. The traditional lift slab construction sequence is costs are high. Concrete floor construction at ground
illustrated in Figure 1. Flat plate floors are commonly level is convenient and requires no shores, scaffolds or
used because they are so well suited to stack-casting, re- c ra n e s. Slabs can be cast and protected easily during
quiring formwork at only the edges of the slab and at cold weather without expensive heating and enclosures
floor openings. required for ordinary construction. Another advantage is
Special lifting collars or shearheads are provided in reduced handling and hoisting of materials and supplies
the slabs at the columns. Bond breaking compounds are that can simply be placed on top of the slabs and lifted
applied between slabs to separate them. After the slabs with them.
have cured long enough to reach a prescribed strength, Because lift slab uses concrete, the technique offers
powerful hydraulic jacks mounted on top of the columns good fire resistance and good acoustic ratings. Mass de-
lift the slabs into their respective positions. A console signed into walls, floors and roofs helps to reduce the
Another refinement controls the amount of lift at each
column. A steel tape runs from each column to a central
sensing device in a console which monitors the relative
movements and automatically operates the pumps,
switching them off and on as necessary to keep the floor
perfectly level as it moves upward at approximately one
inch per minute.
Safety is provided by electrically driven nuts which fol-
low the movement of the hydraulic cylinders. If a gap de-
velops above a nut, an alarm first goes off. When the gap
grows to more than 3/8 inch, the associated pump stops,
in turn stopping the entire lifting operation. This assures
fall-back protection in case of hydraulic failure.
Using these improvements, a firm in Florida has con-
structed twenty 2- and 3-story buildings with reported
time savings up to five weeks per building and cost sav-
ings up to 20 percent, even though the roofs were only
framed with wood. The elevated concrete floors cost
$3.45 per square foot, complete. Second floor slabs are
lifted in one day, a job with second and third floor slabs
requires 3 days. The same firm has recently constructed
a 350,000-square-foot, 6-story building for HUD and
produces about one million square feet of lift slab build-
ings per year.

Floors and walls lifted at same time

A new lift slab system has evolved in which concrete
bearing walls are lifted simultaneously with the slabs. Al-
though untried so far in the United States, this method
has been employed by a contractor in Latin America for
building over 20,000 apartment units totaling 14 million
Figure 2. Recent changes in lift slab construction include square feet of space.
supporting the hydraulic jack off the column by a welded Concrete bearing walls are cast flat in the same stack
plate. The old approach used jacks mounted on top of the with the slabs and attached to the slab with loops of
columns. Columns can now be up to 6 stories tall without plastic rope, forming hinges. As the slab is raised, each
field splices. wall panel automatically unfolds into position.
Since the walls are load-bearing, there is no need for
effects of daily temperature changes. Concrete has a expensive steel columns or lifting collars as used in con-
thermal storage capacity that delays and reduces tem- ventional lift-slab work. The steel columns used for erec-
perature swings in response to solar radiation, outdoor tion are removed and reused elsewhere.
temperature changes and indoor heating. In addition, Figure 3 shows the construction procedure at seve ra l
concrete flat plate floors and roofs reduce building stages. In the background is a building already lifted; lit-
cubage, which lowers taxes and heat and wall costs. tle finishing work is required. On the roof of the build-
ing in the foreground are the diesel pumping unit (the
An improved lifting procedure console is just out of sight on the roof) and two “balance
Developments in the construction field have changed beams” with trapezoidal ends showing.
lift slab techniques over its 33-year history. For one The third-story floor slab is partially raised, lifting hav-
thing, increased use of pumping and prestressing has ing been temporarily halted. Note the automatically un-
made cast-in-place flat plate work more efficient. Recent folding walls with their window openings cast in. The
improvements in positioning of the jacks has brought laborer on the second floor is cleaning up the sand and
further advances. In the conventional system hydraulic thin concrete coat which had filled the window opening
jacks are mounted on top of the columns, limiting the when the slab immediately above it was cast at ground
height of the columns and making it necessary to re- level. The only weight on the ground story walls at this
move the jacks before splicing on the next upper column time is that of the second floor slab and half of the weight
tier. The new approach allows columns to be erected as of the unfolding walls above; the bulk of the weight of the
tall as 6 stories without field splices. The jack is support- building is in the stack hanging from the jacks above.
ed off the column by a welded plate that is later used to The crew on the ground, using a bottle jack and shore,
support the slab shearhead (Figure 2). lifts the second floor slightly at local points to allow final
Note that the columns have been stabilized by secur-
ing them to the second floor slab. Winches on the
columns are rigged to the bridge (truss) through pulleys
on top of the columns. The bridges, supported on shear
pins through the columns, support the jacks; bars from
the jacks support the balance beams; each beam is at-
tached to the stack of slabs by rods at its ends. Thin, 5-
inch-thick, floors are made possible by short spans both
during lifting and when in place.
Walls of only 4-inch thickness are adequate because
they have a long bearing length. The openings in the
walls will be filled with masonry walls, precast panels or
other curtain wall materials.
The perimeter forms have already been stripped and
are probably in use on the next building being cast. The
columns and bridges, reusable up to several hundred
times, can be taken apart for easy transport to the next
job. The absence of decking formwork shores, scaffold-
ing, hoists and cranes further illustrates the simplicity
of the lift slab operation.

Figure 3. A lift slab system used extensively in Latin

America involves casting concrete bearing walls flat in the Editor’s note
stack along with the floor slabs. The wall panels are hinged For a more detailed description of the system for lifting
to the floor with plastic rope, allowing them to unfold floors and wall simultaneously, see CONCRETE CON-
automatically as the stack is raised into position. STRUCTION, September 1981, page 717.

plumbing of the ground story wall; the man at left is pry-

ing the top of the wall panel for final adjustment. The PUBLICATION #C860115
cart frame for relocating some internal walls is in the Copyright © 1986, The Aberdeen Group
opening at the right. All rights reserved

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