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What is BIM?

BIM is Building Information Modeling. It is an integrated workflow built on coordinated,

reliable information about a project from design through construction and into operation.

Two things lie at the heart of BIM: collaboration and sustainability. BIM allows you to bring all
your designs, including CAD models, into a single database. Using the cloud, BIM provides
access to this database to all project members. You’ll all work on the same models, which allows
for quick changes as needed. When used correctly, BIM helps the entire team visualize the
project. In fact, this is one of the main benefits of BIM in construction. The team can spot project
issues before construction even starts.That’s because of the sustainability aspect of BIM. The
methodology allows you to design every aspect of a building. In addition to the building itself,
BIM models feature electrical wiring and other important aspects of design. This creates a more
realistic digital representation of the final product.

You might think of BIM as the bridge between CAD and construction. When used correctly,
BIM can expand on your basic CAD designs, providing more information to project stakeholders
in the process. That’s a simplification of the relationship between CAD and BIM. However, it’s
still valid.
BIM Advantages and Disadvantages

Though many in the industry have switched to Business Information Modelling, it’s still not
perfect. BIM comes with its own pros and cons, so let’s look at them here.


There are several BIM advantages, including the following:

• BIM offers a more complete representation of a building’s design. It takes more than the
building’s core components into account. For example, BIM allows you to design
electrical and HVAC systems, as well as the building itself. This means the project team
can take full advantage of the space and resources available.
• BIM pulls your documents into a single database. Several people can work on the same
model and save it to the cloud. This allows for instant updates, so you won’t waste time
searching for documents when you need to make changes.
• A BIM model will allow you to prefabricate important components ahead of time. You
won’t have to adjust them based on the building design. Instead, such components are
part of the initial design.
• You can provide much more to your clients using BIM than you could with CAD. The
models you give to your clients update constantly as you work on your project. Your
client can check in any time, which leads to quicker approval for milestones and more
efficient project development.
• Resource tracking is a key component of BIM models. You’ll be able to figure out how
much of each resource you need during the design stage. This improves the flow and
efficiency of construction.


There are drawbacks to using BIM, some of which are related to the methodology’s newness:

• Many in the architecture and engineering industries have not yet adopted BIM. As a
result, you may run into problems trying to use it with some partners. As time goes on,
this will become less of an issue. BIM has already grown as a concept because firms are
rapidly converting to the methodology.
• The newness of the methodology also means there is a lack of experts in BIM when
compared to CAD. This becomes obvious in the extra training you must undertake to
understand the model. You may find it difficult to locate suitable professionals for your
BIM training.
• You will need to spend a lot of money on new technology and software if you make the
switch to BIM. While the BIM methodology will pay back its initial outlay over time,
you may find the initial investment too large.
Softwares using BIM technology

Building information modeling (BIM) software is widely used by many construction businesses
big and small especially in the AEC (architecture, engineering, construction) sector. With plenty
of BIM software solutions available today, the challenge lies in narrowing down products to
choose from. An excellent place to start is to look at the best building information modeling
software solutions.

1. Autodesk BIM 360

Another product by the CAD company, is a project delivery and construction management
solution that unifies the processes of project, design, and construction. BIM 360 is a cloud-based
web service that provides teams access to data to improve decision-making and avoid expensive

The tool lets you completely manage your project’s entire lifecycle. Some of Autodesk BIM
360’s main features include a controlled work-sharing environment, design review, deliverable
coordination, BIM coordination, change visualization, quality and issue management, safety
program checklists, and RFIs and submittals. This package contains numerous modules to
provide a 360-degree control over your construction operations.
2. Tekla BIMsight

It is an easy-to-use construction collaboration software. It expedites the way you combine

models, check and identify conflicts, and communicate issues with your team. This solution is
built for advanced BIM and structural engineering teams. By streamlining your construction
workflow, you can easily identify and solve issues even during the design phase to ensure they
are addressed before construction.

Some of Tekla BIMsight’s main offerings include 3D navigation, automatic clash detection,
mark-ups, IFC support, multiple model viewing, and object or model coloring and transparency,
among others. It also runs on Windows 7 and 8 tablet computers with a touch-user interface so
you can take your models on-site anytime.

3. Revit BIM software

It is a building information modeling tool for structural and MEP engineering, construction, and
architectural design. It is one of the most popular software packages developed by the CAD giant
Autodesk. It is designed for use by MEP engineers, architects, designers, contractors, and
landscape architects, among others. This robust platform offers an intelligent model-based
approach to planning, designing, and constructing infrastructures and buildings. It is compatible
with Microsoft Windows only.

The tool also minimizes the risk of errors caused by miscommunication as all process goes
through a single system. Coordination is also achieved via its multiple project contributors
features to avoid rework and clashes. Revit also lets you simulate and reiterate designs for
systems and structures. This 4D BIM is capable of tracking the construction process’ entire
lifecycle from conceptualization to maintenance, and even demolition.

4. Navisworks

It was also built by Autodesk. The difference between Navisworks and Revit is that Navisworks
functions as a project review software tool for AEC professionals. This 3D design review
package is compatible only with Microsoft Windows. It complements other Autodesk 3D design
packages for opening and combining 3D models, reviewing the model, and navigating around it
in real-time.
This tool is crucial during preconstruction as it allows you to gain control and ensure successful
project outcomes. Its features include model coordination and clash detection. These enable you
to spot, anticipate, and reduce the potential risk of clash and interference issues. Animation,
model simulation, and data aggregation into a single model are some of its main features.

5. BIM project

It is a BIM content platform that is available for free. It is a cloud solution used by architects,
engineers, contractors, and designers to access manufacturer-specific BIM objects. Users can
easily access the platform by filling in a registration form with no limit. You can search
for thousands of BIM objects in categories under construction, construction materials, and
doors–and that’s just for starters. There are also various brands, types, file types, and regions. To
find the right match, you can narrow down your choices through its advanced filtering options.
6. BIMx

It is a collection of desktop and mobile software tools to present BIM models in 3D models and
2D documentation. The integrated 2D and 3D building project navigation bridge the gap between
the design studio and the construction site. It can be viewed with native viewer applications
compatible with operating systems such as Android, iOS, Microsoft Windows, and Mac OS
X.This tool offers a Hyper-model concept that gives you quick and direct access to drawing
sheets from the 3D uilding models where the virtual environment is generated.
7. Archicad

Another product developed by Graphisoft, is a 3D architectural BIM tool for design and
modeling. Compatible with Mac and Windows desktops, it is used by urban planners, architects,
and designers to enhance their design workflow processes. Its CAD solutions are designed to
cater to all aspects of the entire design process for the construction environment, including its
engineering and aesthetics.

Regarded as one of the first BIM implementations, ARCHICAD is a pioneer of CAD tools that
can create both 2D and 3D geometry. It is a complete design suite with various building
information modeling and visualization functions to support the majority of the needs of
architectural firms.

8. Trimble Connect

It is a cloud-based platform that specializes in connecting the right data to the right people at the
right time. This solution is designed for architects, engineers, general contractors, subcontractors,
and owner-operators. It brings people, technology, and information together in an environment
that empowers collaboration. The tool is crucial to various phases of your workflows.
9. Hevacomp

Next on the list of best building information modeling software is Hevacomp, a solution that
specializes in building energy analysis. It has various products under its wing: Dynamic
Simulation, Electrical Designer, and Mechanical Designer. This tool enables you to construct
energy-sufficient infrastructures through the prediction of accurate, real-world performance.For
instance, the Hevacomp Dynamic Simulation product enables you to design building simulations
in compliance with UK building regulations. It uses a single standard building model for
simulations and calculations to streamline the building analysis process.

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