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Rodney P.

BS CS 1Y2-1
What is an Intellectual Revolution?
It is the period where paradigm shifts occurred. It is where the scientific beliefs that have been
widely embraced and accepted by the people where challenged and opposed.
COPERNICAN - This caused the paradigm shift of how the earth and sun were placed in the
heavens/universe. It is the idea that rejected Ptolemaic model that earth is the center of the solar
system and proved the heliocentric model that sun is the center of the solar system having the
earth revolving around it. The shift from geocentric to heliocentric slowly happened through the
contribution of different persons like Tycho Brahe’s careful observation of the star called
Cassiopeia, Johannes Kepler’s on his discovery that all planets move in elliptical orbits and the
sun at the center. Galileo Galilei’s on developing his own telescope and observed Venus and Sir
Isaac Newton’s law of gravitation. It influences conceptual changes in cosmology, religion,
physics, and philosophy. It changes the belief of the people about the placements of the Earth.
DARWINIAN - This has brought a great impact on how people approach Biology forever. This
revolution provided a different than the "theory of Creation". The Darwinian revolution started
when Charles Darwin published his book "The Origin of Species" that emphasizes that humans
are the result of an evolution. The theory describes how organisms change over time as a result
of changes in heritable physical or behavior traits. The changes that allow an organism to better
adapt to its environment can help it survive and have more offspring.
FREUDIAN - This theory has started to revolutionize Psychiatry with Sigmund Freud. This
includes the "Freudian Theory of Personality" that involves the human development contributes
to his/her personality and also his "psychoanalysis" that is the process for achieving proper
functioning if a human does not complete his/her developmental stage. Freud also described that
the brain can be segmented into compartments. Freudian revolution may be viewed as the
discovery of a way of locating in the mind objective entities which can be studied like physical
INFORMATION - This has been the era in which technology has been prevalent. It is also
known as the Computer Age that has brought so much change on how are we living today like
Alan Turing’s machine that introduced the idea that thinking and being conscious could be
attributed to nonhuman entities. The information revolution started from the Sumerian
pictographs. The invention of Gutenberg’s printing press in 1455 and the use of typewriter and
telegraph also become part of the information revolution. Today, these technologies are used
widely which became easier with the help of the internet.
MESO-AMERICAN - It has contributed a lot ideas or discoveries for Archaeology. The temples
and pyramids left a lot about of Architecture that leads us to study more of it.
ASIAN REVOLUTION - The revolution itself taught Asian countries about freedom and
independent nationhood along the improvement brought by it internally. Traditional Chinese
medicine, acupuncture and herbal medicine were practiced. The four great inventions of Ancient
China include the compass, gunpowder, papermaking and printing and can still be used in
modern day.
MIDDLE EAST REVOLUTION - The revolutions in the Middle East were a product of the
development and growth of individual nationalism, imperialism, for the efforts to westernize and
modernize Middle Eastern societies, and to push the declining power of the Ottoman Empire in
the Arab region. The Arab applied the Romans principles and improve the watermill known as
noria. The Middle East is known for their machined designed and improvement for irrigation,
industrial work and war. The windmill and watermill are used for crushing sugarcanes, grinding
grain, and pumping water.
AFRICAN REVOLUTION– Africa is known for the production of kola nuts and coffee in
Ethiopia Kola nuts stimulant mostly found in West Africa and is the basis of the popular cola
drink. Coffee was developed as a consumable drink that spread to Arabia and then throughout the

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