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Teacher Professional Growth Plan

November 2019
Klim Ovzek

Goal #1: Classroom management

Goal: To improve my ability to manage the behaviour of students that are distracting themselves
and others away from learning (e.g. talking while the teacher is talking, playing when the rest of
the class is paying attention, roughhousing)

TQS Connections:
● TQS 1a). Acting consistently with fairness, respect, and integrity,
● TQS 4f). Employing classroom management strategies that promote positive, engaging
learning environments

● Implementing and following consistent routines for dropping current behaviour (e.g.
ringing a bell signals “hands on top, that means stop”)
● Using routines for capturing the class’s attention before a lesson (e.g. clapping patterns,
“if you can hear me, touch your nose”)
● Positive reinforcement and highlighting for students that are setting a good example (e.g
“I like how this student is sitting on the carpet”)
● Whole-class discussions about inappropriate behaviour and strategies for what students
can do if they see someone else engaging in something that they shouldn’t be doing
● Individually talking with students involved with disruptive behaviour

● Observations of my TA and other teachers
● Sharing strategies with staff and other student teachers

Timeline: November - December 2019

Indicators of success:
● Students are quiet and paying attention more quickly before lessons begin
● Students are more readily and quickly responsive to attention-getting and activity-
pausing strategies, such as bell ringing or clapping patterns
● Fewer instances of disruptive behaviour
● Disruptive behaviour is more frequently stopped or reported by other students before it is
able to escalate

Goal #2: FNMI integration

Goals: To integrate resources, such as art and literature, that allow students to learn about First
Nations, Metis, and Inuit culture, beliefs, and values into the classroom.

TQS Connections:
● TQS 2e) Enhancing understanding of First Nations, Metis, and Inuit worldviews, cultural
beliefs, languages, and values
● TQS 5c) Using the programs of study to provide opportunities for all students to develop
a knowledge and understanding of, and respect for, the histories, cultures, languages,
contributions, perspectives, experiences, and contemporary contexts of First Nations,
Metis, and Inuit

● Utilizing resource bases to find literature and art by FNMI creators or works that have
been approved by communities and Elders for use in the classroom
● Critically evaluating works for cultural authenticity and sensitivity
● Using FNMI teaching strategies, such as talking circles, when appropriate in the

● U of L Curriculum Lab - FNMI Database
● Calgary Public Library
● Fish Creek School Library

Timeline: November - December 2019

Indicators of success:
● A significant portion of the literature brought into the classroom by me is from authentic
FNMI sources
● Students have increased awareness of Indigenous culture, beliefs and practices

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