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Level Hockey
Practice, Practice, Practice:
It seems elementary but it is definitely true. Here are some simple yet effective ways
Like any sport, the more you play it the that you can do to get your child involved in
more you will learn and succeed. youth hockey:

Work on and off the ice: Go to local ice rink for an open skating
There are a number of things that your session. Many ice rinks will hold this
child can do off the ice to complement for people of all ages. This will in-
what he or she is learning off the ice. They crease the exposure of your child to the
include stick handling a tennis ball, shoot- ice along with not having the stress of
ing or passing tennis balls against hard sur- playing actual hockey.
face and getting friends together and play- Defending Zone
ing street hockey. All of those things will If applicable, go to outdoor rinks. If
not only keep kids active in the summer you live in a climate that will allow this
months but will strengthen the skills of to happen, this is were the stars are
your child. Ice time is expensive and is made. Its just one more opportunity to
what makes up most of league fee you will have the exposure and practice of skat-
end up paying. Take advantage of it by ing on ice.
working your hardest every time your on
the ice. Contact local youth association. Not
only will this allow your child a chance
Off-season Camps: to get to play the sport with his/her Neutral Zone
They may be expensive but they do offer peers, it could allow you to get involved
some good benefits. If you choose to send coaching and bonding with your child
your child to overnight camps, this will
Go to a live hockey game. Whether it is Attacking Zone
allow him/her to bond with fellow team-
mates and get them out of the house. Day a NHL game, a amateur level game or
camps are beneficial as well, as they will even a high school hockey game, get
combine off and on ice training during the out there and watch a game live. This
summer months. will get your child excited and give
them a goal for in the future.
Most of all, Have Fun!
Hockey is a great way to keep children ac- Go to a locally owned hockey shop.
tive. It is a physically demanding sport Most large towns will have one and
especially the further on your child pro- generally the owner will be very knowl-
gresses. It also is a lifelong sport and if edgeable on the sport of hockey. Go in Erik Furness

fully developed, the love for the game can and talk to them about anything you
go along ways. need to know.
Beginner Level Hockey Knowledge & Tips

Hockey is among the most expensive youth Hockey is played on a sheet of ice measuring 200 With any sport, an infraction of the rule, or
sport. Below is a breakdown of the equipment feet long by 85 feet wide. Each team has five penalty, will come with a consequence for that
and the various costs, both for a first time pur- skaters and one goalie on the ice during even action. In hockey, there are four different pen-
chase, along with what you can expect to spend strength play. There are three zones in hockey. alty types; minor, major, Misconduct and
in the future, that go along with a first time From your goaltender to the first blue line is con- Match. Depending on the severity of the pen-
hockey player: sidered the defending zone. In-between blue lines alty will depend on which category it is classi-
Skates is the neutral zone. From the far blue line to the fied into. The general amount of time spent in
Now: $50 other end of the rink is the attacking zone. the penalty box is as follows: Minor-2 min.
Future: $200-$1000 Major– 5 min. Misconduct– rest of current
Shin pads Players change on the fly, this means that hockey game. Match- handed down after given a game
is a continuous game. Unlike football which misconduct, various games. The following are
Now: $25
players sub in and out in-between plays, hockey common penalties and their explanation:
Future: $75-$200
players are allowed to change in the middle of the
Breezers or Pants Tripping: Using stick, arm, leg, or by any
Now: $40 other means to trip or make opponent fall.
Future:$100-$300 There are two general rules in hockey:
Elbow pads Offside: Attacking teams player crosses de- Holding: Holding opponent with hands or
Now:$20 fending teams blue line before the puck does so stick.
Future:$50-$80 itself.
Shoulder pads Icing: Attacking team shoots the puck to de- Slashing: Using stick to hit opponent.
Now: $35 fending teams goal line (not on net) from their
Future: $80-$175 side of the redline. Elbowing: Any player that uses his/her elbow
Helmet Both of these infractions result in a stoppage of in any manner to impede an opposing player.
Now: $60 play and an appropriately located face-off.
Future: $75-$200 High Sticking: Carrying stick above normal
Gloves There are two officials on the ice at all times. height of shoulder.
Now: $30 This will change as your child grows up and more
referees will be added to the mix. Hooking: Using stick to “hook” on to opponent
Future: $75-$160
and impede progress
Now: $15 As a fan or even a coach of your child's team, you
could cause a penalty on your team. One of the All the afore mentioned penalties would gener-
Future: $75-$800 ally result in a 2 minute minor. However, any
hardest things for young adults to do is to offici-
League Fee injury or intent to injure would result in a 5
ate any sort of youth sport. Parents and coaches
Various depending on Location. yelling at them does not help their confidence at minute major.
calling a fair game. Any abuse of a referee will
Your initial purchase will be approximately not be tolerated and could result in a bench minor A penalty shot will be awarded when a attack-
$275. Don’t be scared of the future numbers as, for your team and legal troubles for you if the ing player has a break-away from the middle
for example, you will need to buy multiple pairs incident escalates to that degree. red line and then is brought down illegally.
of elbow pads as your child grows.

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