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TCAD Simulation of Multiple

Quantum Well Infrared Photodetector (QWIP)

We demonstrate the capabilities of SILVACO TCAD tools The principle underlying the operation of a QWIP is that
for the design and simulation of intersubband GaAs/Al- of a quantum particle in a box. A set of quantum wells,
GaAs multiple quantum well infrared photodetectors. We with geometry and composition chosen to support only
compute the photoconductive gain spectrum of the de- one bound state, collectively form a superlattice that
vice self consistently with the charge flow, non-radiative supports a quasi-continuum of extended states carrying
capture-escape, and intersubband transitions in the ac- finite momentum. As a result, a bound state electron ex-
tive region. The solid state calculations provide input to cited into an extended state by a photon generates a finite
a light propagation modeling tool that allows for multiple photocurrent. Thus the bound to extended transitions
reflections in the layered geometry of the active region. form the fundamental absorption mechanism that deter-
From this full calculation, we extract light absorption and mines both the wavelength and the quantum efficiency
quantum efficiency as a function of the angle of incidence of the detector. Perhaps the most attractive feature of a
and the wavelength of a mono-spectral beam of light. This QWIP in this respect is the fact that absorption spectrum
TCAD simulation can be used as a starting point by de- can be tuned by quantum well thickness and the barrier
sign engineers for obtaining guide lines to analyze and composition. On the other hand, the requirement of at
optimize quantum well infrared photodetectors. least 30-50 wells in a single device is still a limiting fac-
Keywords: Intersubband transitions, QWIP, Capture-Escape, k.p,
tor, which arises from the limited ability to control the
TCAD, Zincblende (z.b), Superlattice growth over such thicknesses.

Technology Computer Aided Design by SILVACO pro-

Introduction vides a flexible, cost-effective, and a rapid alternative for
The development of infrared photodetectors (IR) was research and design optimization of QWIP. It allows re-
started after the Second World War, and it has since been searchers to gain insight into the complex physics inside
progressing at a rapid pace. Research in this field has al- a QWIP, and provides the ability to predict the material
ready made important technological impact in thermal and geometrical parameters to create a device with the
imaging, night vision, and other IR applications. The desired operating characteristics. This results in a signif-
first and second generation IR detectors exploited the icantly more effective and efficient use of resources for
intraband transitions, and were dominated by InSb and device fabrication.
HgCdTe (also referred to as MCT). Both these materials
could be used for detectors operating in the mid-wave- Simulation Conditions
length regime (MWIR), with wavelength in the range of
The structure of multiple quantum well we simulate
at 2-5 μm. The long-wavelength regime (LWIR) region
consists of three GaAs quantum wells (n-type doped
is accessible only to MCT via its tailorable energy band
with concentration of 1.2×1018 cm-3), sandwiched between
gap over the range of 1–30 μm, large optical absorption
the wide band gap AlxGa1-xAs (x=0.25) layers, which act as
for high quantum efficiency, and favorable intrinsic re-
barrier for the bound state carriers. The barriers should
combination mechanisms. The MCT based IR technol-
ideally be intrinsic, but we model them more realistically
ogy is often considered matured. However uniformity
with n-type doping of 1011 cm-3. The thickness of quantum
and yield continue to be major limitations for MCT due
well is 4 nm, which we determined by lowering the
to a weak Hg-Te bond that results in bulk, surface and
thickness until only one bound state was supported. We
interface instabilities. These limitations provide strong
chose the thickness of the barriers to be 50 nm to mini-
motivation to search for alternatives to MCT.
mize the coupling of bound states in adjacent quantum
Multiple quantum well infrared detectors (QWIP) based wells, thereby making the wells virtually independent
on GaAs are an attractive alternative due to the well-de- of each other. Inter-well coupling leads to inefficiencies
veloped growth and processing technology. They have due to increased radiative and non-radiative tunneling,
shown promising results, comparable with HgCdTe and affects the spectrum in ways that are difficult to
photodiodes at low temperatures in LWIR and very long control as a function of electrical conditions. The structure
wavelength regions (VLWIR). GaAs based QWIP tech- of the active region and its electrostatic conditions may
nology also provides the flexibility of monolithic inte- be directly compared with the middle of the 50 well region
gration with GaAs electronics and into large focal plane in the structure studied by Bethea et al [2].

The Simulation Standard Page 10 April, May, June 2013

Figure 1. Spatial profiles of conduction band edge and electron Figure 3. The lowest travelling state wavefunction above the
quasi Fermi level for a QWIP biased at 0.15 V. The structure top of the leftmost quantum well. Note the abrupt phase shifts
consists of 3 GaAs quantum wells of thickness 4 nm separated at well boundaries and the increasing oscillation frequency ap-
by Al0.25GaAs0.75. proaching towards the collector. Both these require a high spa-
tial resolution of the mesh.

To bias the active region, we include 100 nm thick GaAs CPU, memory, and simulation time. However, this does
n-type contacts at the top and bottom of the active re- not affect the conclusions reached in the simulation due
gion, and doped to the same concentration as the wells. to the fact that the quantum wells are independent to
The conduction band diagram with electron quasi-Fermi a very good approximation. Thus their optical response
are shown in the Figure 1. In Figure 2, we show the pro- is additive. An additional difference arises from the fact
files of bound states acting as the initial states, and in that the quasi-continuum of extended states of the full
Figure 3 we show the profile of a typical traveling state device is replaced by a discrete spectrum in the smaller
acting as the final state in optical absorption. The bound device modeled here. This is easily accounted for with a
states decay sufficiently rapidly in the barriers that the physically reasonable yet sufficiently large broadening of
well states can indeed be considered decoupled. In absorption line shape. Nonetheless, the users also have
Figure 3 we note that the extended states are character- the ability to model absorption into a 1D continuum with
ized by highly oscillatory structure. Since the Schroding- its edge at the first extended state above each well.
er equation solves (see below) for the entire profile, these
We found from the simulation that the highly oscillatory
oscillations require a mesh with large spatial resolution.
nature of the extended states results in a very slow conver-
We simulated 3 quantum wells instead of the full 50 well gence of the magnitude of the optical transition matrix el-
device in [2] because the large oscillations of quantum ements with respect to spatial resolution. This only affects
states require spatial resolution of less than 1 Angstrom, the magnitude of the spectral response, while its shape
such that the simulation domain becomes limited by the converges rapidly at much coarser mesh spacing. Thus the
meshes or nodes play a significant role for the accurate
estimation of the range of detectable wavelengths, as well
as the peak detection wavelength. The present simulation
also provides an accurate estimate of quantum efficiency
as a function of the incidence angle, taking into account
both the fact that intersubband transitions are driven
purely by TM modes (see below), as well as the effects of
multiple reflections at material interfaces. Depending on
the desired accuracy of magnitude of efficiency per well,
users may need to further refine the mesh, resulting in
longer simulation times.

The Schrodinger and Poisson equations may introduce

non-linear corrections as the active region is lengthened.
However, the electrostatic potential obtained from the
self consistent solution provides us with a measure to
Figure 2. Bound state wavefunctions in each of the three GaAs gauge the importance of these corrections. This is so be-
quantum wells. The wells support only one bound state.
cause the potential essentially determines the location

April, May, June 2013 Page 11 The Simulation Standard

of energy levels and the wavefunction profiles, which in CNBS, then all B bound states are reported. In the pres-
turn completely determine the intersubband transitions ent case, we use this feature to verify that only one bound
and absorption spectrum. From Figure 1 we note that the state is supported by physical conditions of well thickness
quasi Fermi-level shows a linear drop of 0.15 V across the and material affinities. We set WELL.CNBS=2, and then
active region, which translates to about 3 V across the 50 verify below (see Results and Discussion) that only one
well counterpart of this active region. Thus the electro- state is indeed reported. The users can adjust the barrier
static potentials relative to the well depth, and thus the height via the AFFINITY parameter on the MATERIAL
Hamiltonians governing quantum states in each well, statement and also verify that more bound states appear
are expected to be similar in both cases. in the results as barrier heights increase.

The multiple quantum well structure is illuminated by

Calculation Methodology a black body source at room temperature. Planck’s for-
The quantum well modeling, including its optical re- mula completely specifies the spectral distribution of a
sponse, is activated by specifying the QWELL model black body in terms of the wavelength λ (in μm) and the
for the quantum well regions. The model discretizes the temperature T (in Kelvin). The absorption of this light
Schrödinger equation along the direction specified by occurs via intersubband transitions from the bound to
SP.GEOM, which in this case is along the length of the extended states in each quantum well, and the presence
active region. The discretized equation is solved via the of WELL.CAPT parameter specifies this connection be-
method of finite differences. The spatial dependence of tween the QWELL and SLATT models.
effective mass is taken into account via the current con-
To calculate the spectrally resolved absorption of long
servation boundary conditions.
wavelength infrared radiation, the models consider the
The SLATT model activates the calculation of extended electromagnetic field to be a plane wave of frequency
states over the union of regions for which this model is ω = 2πc/ λ. The coupling between the electronic states
specified. This model also solves a discretized Schro- and the electric field, E, is described by the interaction
dinger equation, but the solutions at each energy satisfy Hamiltonian,
boundary conditions of a plane wave of the same energy
escaping into the contact regions. The effective mass and (1)
band edge parameters are derived from the multiband
k.p model. The bound wavefunction is assumed to van-
where dnm are the vectorial matrix elements of the dipole
ish outside this range. Users have the option to set the
operator between the electronic states n,m. In the present
wave function penetration length in microns via the
simulation both n and m represent the different sub-
WELL.MARGIN parameter. In the present case, the pen-
bands of the same conduction band, in other words, the
etration length into barriers is 0.01 μm.
matrix elements dnm represent intersubband transitions.
The carriers in the states above the barrier band edge
When differences between the effective masses of the con-
comprise a current flow that is essentially 3D and semi-
duction bands in the wells and the barriers do not change
classical in nature. The carriers from these states are
the wavefunctions significantly, the intersubband transi-
captured by bound states via phonon emission, and they
tions yield dnm = dnm s, where s is the direction normal to
escape from these bound states via phonon absorption.
the surface and dnm is the magnitude of the matrix element.
This in- and out-flow of carriers is included in the self
Since s.E yields the TM component of E, we obtain the fa-
consistent drift-diffusion model for the entire device
miliar experimental fact that only the TM component of
by selecting the WELL.CAPT model, and is specified
the incident light contributes to intersubband transitions.
by a phenomenological time constant (WELL.TAUN)
The steady state TM gain coefficient is extracted using the
for carrier capture lifetime. This introduces an addi-
Fermi Golden rule, and takes the form,
tional balance equation between the 3D semi-classical
and 2D quantum mechanical bound state densities. The
WELL.CAPT model modifies the conduction and va- (2)
lance bands in the barrier region to avoid bound states
at edges. The resulting coupled drift-diffusion, Poisson, Note that the gain formula as reported in literature is dif-
and Schrödinger equations are all solved until self con- ferent from the one in Eq. (2) in that the gain is expressed
sistency is reached amongst them at each bias point. in terms of the photon energy associated with incident
The QWELL model automatically searches for all bound wave, instead of its frequency. Here, n r is the real part
states, and includes in the optical response only up to a of refractive index, and is the dipole matrix element be-
maximum of WELL.CNBS many states of the conduction tween initial and final states, and in the direction perpen-
subbands. If the number of bound states, say B, support- dicular to the plane of the quantum wells. is the density
ed (as dictated by the Hamiltonian) is less than WELL. of transverse states in two dimensions (a constant), and

The Simulation Standard Page 12 April, May, June 2013

Γ is the line width due to Lorentzian broadening arising
from the scattering of the electrons with lattice vibra-
tions, as well as collisions with interface roughness. Em,n
is the difference between energies En and Em of the initial
and final subbands of the same carrier type respectively.
f n and f m are the Fermi-Dirac distribution functions for
the initial and final intersubband states, and integrated
over the entire transverse energy range Et.

Equation (2) gives the number of photons with TM polar-

ization generated by inter-subband electronic transitions
per unit length. For a beam of light incident at an angle
with respect to the normal to the well, the dependence of
s.E on the incidence angle with the TM component of the Figure 5. Spectrally resolved radiative capture rate, which when
field yields the final gain coefficient, which is also input integrated over the shown energy range yields an effective time
constant of about 100 ps.
to the optical propagation module, as

(3) Due to thermal excitation, a very small fraction of car-

riers is expected to populate the extended states at 300
K, and contribute to dark current. The downward tran-
The factor of ½ in this formula arises from taking the beam sitions from these states to the bound states are domi-
to be unpolarized [2]. The incidence angle specifies only the nated by phonons with a time constant WELL.TAUN = 1
plane of the electric field, and for a polarized beam for which ps. However, there is also very small contribution from
the angle of the field within this plane is φ, the inner product emission of photons representing the reverse process of
|s.E|2=sin2(θ)cos2(φ). An unpolarized beam contains a uni- photocurrent generation. This radiative capture rate is
form distribution of all φ, so that integrating the gain over all spectrally resolved in Figure 5 and its integral with re-
cos2(φ) over 0 to 360 degrees produces the factor ½. spect to energy yields a total radiative time constant of
100 ps. Thus we also confirm that, as is normal in QWIP
Results and Discussion systems, the radiative capture is of negligible importance
We begin with a discussion of the electronic transitions. compared to non-radiative capture emission included in
Figure 4 shows the TM gain for the device. Note that the self consistent model.
absorption is simply the negative of the gain, and it is The absorption results can be clearly interpreted in terms
clear from the figure that the device is absorptive over of the energies of the bound states, which in turn can be
the entire range of wavelengths shown. The spectral directly related to quantum well widths and material
bandwidth for absorption is approximately 2 μm, while composition of barriers (in particular the barrier height).
the peak absorption occurs at approximately 10 μm. The We can thus tune the peak detection wavelength by sim-
spectral broadening in this calculation is 10 meV, and ab- ply adjusting the well width.
sorption above each well is limited to 5 traveling states
above the local barrier height.

Figure 6. Total absorption as a function angle of incidence for

Figure 4. TM gain versus wavelength. Note that negative gain an unpolarized mono spectral beam of wavelength 10 µm. Note
simply means positive abosroption of the same magnitude. that the ratio of photocurrents represents quantum efficiency.
The vertical axis is dimensionless.

April, May, June 2013 Page 13 The Simulation Standard

We have assumed that all the photons absorbed in the
quantum well excite the bound carriers and generate a
photo current. The internal quantum efficiency of quantum
well infrared detector can thus be computed by dividing
the Source Photo Current to the Available Photo Current.

In the present simulation, only 3 wells are considered,

and clearly, the maximum internal quantum efficiency
η for these wells is very low. However, as pointed out
above, addition of more wells would result in a linear
increase in absorption with respect to the number of
wells. This also explains why 50 or even more quantum
wells are required to obtain a practical detector, as also
reported in literature.
Figure 7. Total absorption as a function wavelength at the inci- The spectral current responsivity of the quantum well
dence angle of 30 degrees with respect to the normal. Note that
infrared detector is the figure of merit and may be cal-
the ratio of photocurrents represents quantum efficiency. The
vertical axis is dimensionless. culated from the gain and quantum efficiency data. The
spectral current responsivity of QWIP is

We now show the results of total absorption of a mono Here, λ is the wavelength, η is the quantum efficiency, h
spectral beam of light incident on this device at various is the Planck’s constant, c is the velocity of light, q is the
angles and wavelengths. Figure 6 shows absorption and electron charge, and G is the photoelectric current gain.
the ratio of available to source photocurrent as a func-
tion of the angle of angle of incidence. The source pho- The dark current characteristics of a QWIP is shown in
tocurrent is the incident beam power converted to units Figure 8 This can be performed by performing a series of
of electrical current, while the available photocurrent is simulations with the same bias voltage scan but different
the photocurrent generated by absorption. Thus in the temperature specified on the models statement. The cur-
absence of other loss mechanisms for IR photons, and rent plotted on a logarithmic scale is computed for a large
the generated electrons, the ratio simply reproduces the bias range than in order to display its typical profile. Com-
absorption curve. parison f the dark current curves for the present device at
77 K and 300 K shows the temperature dependency. The
In Figure 6, the dependence of absorption on the angle of dark current is almost zero under zero bias condition, as
incidence θ shows the characteristic sin 2(θ) form at small biasing increases the current varies linearly. The curves
angles. We note that the maximum lies around 70 de- clearly show the striking increase in dark current at high-
grees, and not at 90 degrees as would be expected from er temperature. This results from the much higher ther-
sin2(θ) alone. As the angle of incidence increases the mal excitation at higher temperature. On the other hand,
beam propagates a greater distance along the surface, the differential dependence on the voltage remains very
and thus a lower fraction interacts with the wells before similar in both temperature regimes.
being reflected back out of the device. The Luminous
module in Atlas properly accounts for all the reflections
to compute the actual angular dependence of the total
absorption, and it clearly shows the expected drop in ab-
sorption as compared sin2(θ) as incidence angles reach
60 degrees and beyond.

Figure 7 shows results of the calculation in which we

vary the wavelength of the mono spectral beam while
keeping its incidence angle at 30 degrees with respect to
the normal. Here, as expected, we see that the total ab-
sorption follows the gain curves since the intersubband
transitions are the only source optical loss in the spectral
range shown. The peak of the curve is again near 10 μm,
and the curve follows the gain curve of the well nearest
the optical source. Thus most of the total photocurrent is
generated from this well. Figure 8. Dark current as a function of bias voltage at low and
high temperatures.

The Simulation Standard Page 14 April, May, June 2013

The sensitivity of dark current to temperature also re- Conclusion
veals the further need for optimization with respect to We demonstrated the use of SILVACO TCAD tools for
the bound states. One the one hand, single bound state is design and optimization of quantum well infrared pho-
necessary to ensure that all optical transitions generate todetectors based on GaAs in the long wavelength re-
a current, which increases efficiency. On the other hand, gion. We performed room temperature infrared absorp-
this also prevents us from having a deep bound state tion, and dark current-voltage analysis. Although GaAs
from which the thermal excitation can be suppressed based QWIP technology has undergone aggressive de-
even at high temperature. TCAD tools can be highly velopment, improving the quantum efficiency remains a
useful in finding an optimal balance between efficiency, continuing challenge for researchers in this field. TCAD
detection wavelength, and dark current. Another prom- tools provide insight into the physical mechanisms plac-
ising application of these tools is to search for alternative ing fundamental limitations on efficiency, and the ability
designs where these issues can be uncoupled and opti- to develop strategies to minimize their impact.
mized independently.

Finally, we comment on various simplifications made in References

this simulation. We have neglected the effects tunneling 1. B.F. Levine, G. Hasnain, G.B.Bethea & Naresh Chandra,
assisted excitation, which further modify the response Appl. Phys. lett. 54 (26), pp. 2704 1989.
of the detector. The interface between the barriers and 2. C.G.bethea, B.F.Levine, V.O. Shen, R.R.Abbott, S.J.Hseith,
wells is taken to be ideal, i.e. without any interfacial de- IEEE Trans Electron Dev., 38, pp. 1118, 1991.
fects or traps. The defect assisted tunneling is the major 3. P.K.Saxena, Infrared Physics & Technology, vol. 54, pp.
noise source in QWIP at low temperatures. We have not 25–33, 2011.
taken any noise into consideration in the above discus- 4. Hyun-wook Shin, Kangsoo Kim & Jeong-woo Choe, Journal of
the Korean Physical Society, 59 (1), pp. 150-155, July 2011.
sion. Users can incorporate the different types of noise
associated with quantum wells using various noise 5. ATLAS User’s Manual, Device Simulation Software, Silvaco
International, Santa Clara, CA 95054.
models in the SILVACO model library. Finally, the resis-
tance area product can be obtained by the differentiation
of the dark current density with respect to voltage.

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