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1 Test Cases

6.1.1 Test Case for Login: -

Test-Case Identifier: TC-1, Logging In

Pass/Fail Criteria: The test passes if the user enters an email password
combination that is contained in the database.

Input Data: UserName, Password

Test Procedure: Expected Result:
Step 1. Submit blank fields Application displays “Please fill out this
field.” and does not process the request

Step 2. Submit an unknown email Application re-directs the user to the

address, password combination home page and displays “Incorrect email
or password.”

Step 3. Submit a valid email address, Application re-directs the user to their
password combination respective ‘My Account’ page

Table 6.1.1 Test case of Login

6.1.2 Test Case for Registering: -

Test-Case Identifier: TC-2, Registering
Pass/Fail Criteria: The test passes if the user attempts to register an account with
a unique email address
Input Data: Full Name , Email ,Mobile Number, UserName, Password
Test Procedure: Expected Result:
Step 1. Submit a request without Application displays “Please fill out this
filling all the required fields field.” and does not process the request

Step 2. Submit the request with a Application re-directs the user to the
User_name an email address that registration page and displays “The email/
already exists in the database User_name is already in use.”
Step 3. Submit a request where the Application re-directs the user to the
two password fields do not match registration page and displays “The
passwords do not match.”

Step 4. Submit a unique email The system creates a session and re-directs
address, password fields that match, the user to the account page
and the other requested information

Table 6.1.1 Test case of Registering

6.1.3 Test Case for Schedule Input: -

Test-Case Identifier: TC-3, Schedule Input

Pass/Fail Criteria: The test passes if User enter Proper Details.

Input Data: User Location , Trip Time

Test Procedure: Expected Result:
Step 1. Submit blank search fields. Application displays “Please fill out this
field.” and does not process the request

Step 2. Submit only trip time. Application automatically detects the

user location and re-directs to the places

Step 3. Submit with proper location Application re-directs to places page.

and time.

Table 6.1.3 Test case of schedule input.

6.1.4 Test Case for Feedback: -

Test-Case Identifier: TC-4, Feedback

Pass/Fail Criteria: The test passes if user enters all details properly.
Input Data: Rating , Suggestions
Test Procedure: Expected Result:
Step 1. Submit Blank Fields Application displays “Please fill out this
field.” and does not process the request

Step 2. Submit With All Fields Application Displays “ThankYou For

Properly Filled Up. Your Suggestions”.

Step 3. Clicks on Remind Me Later Application Redirects to Home Page.

Table 6.1.4 Test case of Feedback

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