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Update on MerpMOD tools installation (to build on Windows 10)

Install Renesas High-Performance Embedded Workshop (HEW for short).

You need to go to here:

and download the following:

Once installed, double click the application

follow the prompts with the Standard Install

Load the HEW and confirm its working.

Install the GNUSH toolchain
Close any instance of the HEW you have open.

Go to and download the following (may need to use IE or firefox). Note:
make sure its GNUSH you are downloading, not gcc or GNURK or anything. The website is a little

Then double click on the file:

Folow the prompts until you get to here and tick I am a registered user:

Go to here: and click

This will give you, your activation code:

Note: any issues, contact support as my codes didn’t work and they gave me a new one.

Put your activation in here.

Follow the steps to here and make sure the tick box is ticked.

Follow the prompts, make sure its integrated in each of the screens and click finish.
Using Renesas HEW:

When you click HEW

You can use the Create a new project workspace (or open the merpmod.hws document in the root

folder you cloned to your PC)

Make sure you select the right GNUSH toolchain, (not the SuperH Standard)
That’s it for the install. Enjoy and happy Patching/coding! 😊

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