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Elasto-Plastic Coupled

Temperature-Displacement Finite
S. M. Kulkarni
Element Analysis of Two-
Graduate Student.
Dimensional Rolling-Sliding
C. A. Rubin
Professor. Contact With a Translating Heat
G. T. Hahn Source
The present paper, describes a transient translating elasto-plastic thermo-mechanical
Center for Materials Tribology, finite element model to study 2-D frictional rolling contact. Frictional two-
Vanderbilt University, dimensional contact is simulated by repeatedly translating a non-uniform thermo-
Nashville, TN 37235 mechanical distribution across the surface of an elasto-plastic half space. The half
space is represented by a two dimensional finite element mesh with appropriate
boundaries. Calculations are for an elastic-perfectly plastic material and the selected
thermo-physical properties are assumed to be temperature independent. The paper
presents temperature variations, stress and plastic strain distributions and deforma-
tions. Residual tensile stresses are observed. The magnitude and depth of these
stresses depends on 1) the temperature gradients and 2) the magnitudes of the nor-
mal and tangential tractions.

The mechanics of elasto-plastic rolling-plus-sliding contact investigated. Except for Newman (1986), who has developed
with friction, but in the absence of heating, has been examined as elasto-plastic finite element model to study the stress fields
by Johnson and Jefferies (1963) and Ham et al. (1988). In in welded plates, all the investigations discussing the subsur-
reality, the heating that accompanies friction will introduce face effects of thermo-mechanical contact, are elastic (Ken-
thermal stresses and locally alter the elastic and plastic proper- nedy and Karpe, 1982; Ling and Mow, 1965; Mow and Cheng,
ties of the material. Existing literature predominantly deals 1967, and Tseng and Burton, 1982). Premature failure due to
with surface limited analyses (Barber, 1971a, 1972, 1973a, overheating of HPOTP bearings used in the Space Shuttle
1976, 1980a, b, 1982; Comninou and Dundurs, 1979; Com- Main Engine (Maurer and Pallini 1985; Bhat and Dolan,
ninou et al., 1981; Hills and Barber, 1986; Korovchinski, 1983), warrant the development of an elasto-plastic thermo-
1965; Mikic, 1974; Panek and Dundurs, 1979), and the con- mechanical finite element model to simulate frictional rolling
tact of rough surfaces, such as, flash temperatures, the local- contact more realistically. A preliminary step in that direction,
ized transient temperatures due to asperity contact (Archard, a stationary thermo-mechanical analysis (Kulkarni et al.,
1959; Blok, 1937, 1963; Holm, 1948; Kuhlmann-Wilsdor, 1988), consists of a conductive half plane with a convective
1985; Nagaraj et al., 1979; Winer and Cheng, 1980; and surface subjected to the combination of mechanical pressure
Zumgahr, 1987). Many studies have examined the competing and different thermal loads (representing the heat generated
processes of: (a) frictional heating at the contact interface and due to friction). Although, the mechanical effect of the sur-
the resulting thermal expansion with (b) heat transfer and face tractions and the cyclic nature of the applied loads was
wear. The unstable increase in the contact stress, known as not considered, the study established the existence of varying
thermoelastic instability (TEI) (Barber 1967, 1968, 1969, levels of residual tensions proportional to the attending
1971b, 1973b; Burton et al., 1973; Dow, 1972; Dow and Bur- temperature gradients. The present paper describes a tran-
ton 1972, 1973; Dow and Stockwell, 1977; and Johnson et al., sient, translating, elasto-plastic, thermo-mechanical finite ele-
1988) and its manifestation as scuffing (Durkee, 1978; Durkee ment model of 2-D frictional rolling contact. The temperature
and Cheng, 1979; and Sovak and Cheng, 1982) have also been variations, stress-plastic strain distributions, and deforma-
tions are calculated for specific contact conditions.

Contributed by the Tribology Division for publication in the JOURNAL OF Description of the Model
TRIBOLOGY. Manuscript received by the Tribology Division January 3, 1990;
revised manuscript received July 9, 1990. Associate Editor: H. S. Cheng. A two dimensional finite element mesh (see Fig. 1) with ap-

Joumal of Tribology JANUARY 1991, Vol. 113/93

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Fig. 1 2-D Finite element mesh, ABCD

propriate boundary conditions has been developed to perform

coupled-temperature displacement elasto-plastic finite element
analyses to simulate 2-D thermo-mechanical rolling contact. Fig. 2 Comparison of the normalized residual circumferential stress,
This mesh consists of eight noded isoparametric plane strain a'xx/k, as a function of normalized depth, y/w, for a frictionless 2-D rolling
calculation at p0lk-5.0 with that from Bhargava et al. (1985a, b)
elements, which are biquadratic in displacement and linear in
temperature. It is 24w long (in the circumferential or X-
direction) and 12w deep (in the radial or F-direction), where w
is the half contact width of the Hertzian pressure distribution
(the out-of-plane or Z-direction can be considered to be the
axial direction). The mesh is graded; it is very fine in the vicini-
ty of the global origin and gets coarser away from it. The
thermo-physical and mechanical properties of the mesh, which
are assumed to be temperature independent, are: <r0 = 393.98
MPa, K=60 W/m-°C, E = 207 GPa, K = 0.3, a=1.2E-5
m/m-°C, p = 7850 kg/m3, cp = 550 KJ/kg-°C.
Appropriate boundary conditions have been used. The
boundary conditions on AB, which is the free surface,
simulate repeated frictional rolling-sliding contact. This is
achieved by translating a thermo-mechanical load across AB.
The thermo-mechanical load is a combination of a mechanical
load, which consists of the pressure given by,
p (N/m 2 )=/? 0 [l-(x 2 /w 2 )] 1 / 2
and the tangential surface traction given by,
/ (N/m2) = ixp0 [ 1 - Cr7w 2 )] 1/2 y/w
Fig. 3 Comparison of the normalized residual axial stress, <r'zz/k, as a
and a thermal load, given by function of normalized depth, y/w, for a frictionless 2-D rolling calcula-
tion at p0lk = 5.0 with that from Bhargava et al. (1985a, b)
q (W/m2) =p0 Vp[ - (x2/w2)]1/2.
The free surface, AB, also loses heat by convection and the
film coefficient, h, was selected to be 50 W/m2-°C. Carslaw (1959) was modified to be applied to the present
The nonsurface boundaries, AD, DC, and BC, are pre- calculation (see Appendix). But it is seen that the thermal gra-
scribed to 1) model appropriate thermal behaviour and 2) to dients are negligible beyond a depth of l.Ow and hence, the
make the mesh simulate a half-plane. The solution for a temperatures at nodes on the bottom surface of the mesh, DC
translating heat source given by Jaeger (1942) and Jaeger and (at a depth of 12.Ow from the surface), are set equal to the am-

a = coefficient of thermal
X = circumferential or in- expansion, m/m-°C
plane coordinate, m P = mass density, kg/m G = shear modulus, MPa
y = radial or depth coor- C
P = specific heat, EPP = Elastic-Perfectly-
dinate, m KJ/kg-°C Plastic
z = axial or out-of-plane p(x) = pressure at any point, = parameter / for the
coordinate, m
= peak pressure, MPa
MPa r residual state
Po w = half contact width, m Vxx = circumferential stress,
k = o0/l.Ti = von Mises shear yield t{x) = tangential traction at MPa
strength, MPa any point, MPa a
zz = axial stress, MPa
p0/k,p0/kk = relative peak pressure p = coefficient of friction = shear stress, MPa
K = thermal conductivity, q(x) = heat flux at any e" = equivalent plastic
W/m-°C point, MPa strain
E = Young's modulus, V = slip velocity, m/s a = K/pc = thermal diffusivity,
MPa h = film coefficient, m 2 /s
V = Poisson's ratio W/m 2 -°C T = temperature, °C

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Table 1 Different calculations
Calculation Number of cycles Heat input (kW)
CAL1 6:4T, 2TM 26
CAL2 6:6T 26
CAL3 3:2T, 1TM 80
CAL4 3:3T 80
T: Thermal, TM: Thermomechanical

Fig. 4 Comparison of the normalized residual circumferential, a'xx/k,

and axial, o'zz/k, stress as a function of normalized depth, y/w, for a 2-D
rolling-sliding calculation at a p0lk = 5.0 with that from Ham et al. (1988)

bient value. For nodes along the sides of the mesh, AD and
BC, the temperatures are not fixed but temperature gradients
in the circumferential or X-direction are set equal to zero. -2 -t5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 15 2
X/ W
To make the mesh behave as a semi-infinite body, the
boundaries are displaced elastically. Equations for the elastic Fig. 5 Surface temperatures just under the translating load, during six
displacements due to a concentrated force acting 1) normal consecutive passes, PASS1 through PASS6, for CAL1 or CAL2 (see
Table 1) as a function of normalized surface coordinate, x/w
and 2) tangential, to the surface have been derived using the
appropriate Airy Stress Function (see Appendix). The applied
nonuniform distribution of tractions, p and t, are discretized boundary conditions, explained above, are applied during
into numerous concentrated forces, each acting on an in- each translational step. Earlier 2-D rolling contact studies
finitesimal area. The elastic displacements at the nonsurface (Bhargava et al., 1985a,b) show that the half-space subjected
boundary nodes due to each concentrated load are then to cyclic mechanical loads attains a steady stress state after
calculated and superposed. For nodes along the bottom sur- two contacts. Hence, in the interest of reducing computer
face, DC, both X- and F-directions are prescribed, while for time, the thermomechanical calculations (CAL1 and CAL3)
those on the sides AD and BC, only displacements in the X- consist of (1) initial thermal cycling (the surface of the half-
direction are calculated using the elastic solution. space subjected to the transient translating heat flux, q) to
A frictionless 2-D rolling calculation was performed at establish appropriate temperature gradients, followed by (2)
p0/k = 5.0, and residual stresses, 1) circumferential, a^/k thermomechanical passes (in addition to q, the mechanical
(Fig. 2), and 2) axial, CT^ (Fig. 3), were compared with the components, p and / are applied) to determine the combined
work of Bhargava et al. (1985a, b). The peak values of the effect (Table 1). However, this does not imply that a thermal
residual stresses are within 15-20 percent. A rolling-sliding steady state has been reached. Analyses CAL2 and CAL4
calculation was also performed atp0/k= 5.0, and a coefficient (Table 1) describe the effect of pure thermal cycling. CAL3
of friction ^ = 0.1; the residual stresses, 1) circumferential, and CAL4 were performed using a higher thermal input i.e.,
o^/k, and 2) axial, orzz, were compared with the work of Ham the same heat rate was allowed a larger time of contact. CAL3
et al. (1987) (Fig. 4). The study by Ham et al. (1987) is for a and CAL4 are approximate representations of CAL1 and
p0/k of 4.5 and /i = 0.2; the residual stress distributions are CAL2, respectively, at a much later time period.
similar to those obtained using the present model. The calculations were performed using the finite element
The HPOTP (Cryogenic Turbopump) bearings in the Space package ABAQUS 4.7 on the CRAY X-MP/48 at the San
Shuttle Main Engine were used as a reference for the thermal Diego Supercompouter Center. Typical CPU time re-
and thermo-mechanical calculations. The coefficient of fric- quirements were, 12 minutes/contact for the thermal calcula-
tion is assumed to be /x = 0.1 and using the diameter of the in- tions and 20 minutes/contact for the thermo-mechanical
ner race, the revolutions/minute and 1 percent slip, the veloci- calculations.
ty, Kis calculated to be 0.9 m/s. The Peclet number is taken as
30, and the half contact width, vv = 0.0005 m. Table 1 presents Results
a brief description of the four different calculations per- The present model represents frictional rolling contact be-
formed. Each computation includes a certain number of ther- tween two components rotating about the Z-axis and the
mal/thermomechanical contact cycles, followed by cooling to results describe the temperature distributions, the stress
the ambient temperature. A contact cycle consists of 43 distributions, the equivalent plastic strain contours and the
spatially unequal thermal/thermomechanical translations distortions.
through a distance of 24w, from point A to point B (Fig. 1). Figure 5 shows surface temperatures for CAL1 or CAL2 .
The time steps used are also nonuniform to maintain a con- [The temperatures are within 1 percent (also for CAL3 and
stant sliding velocity. The first step of a new cycle immediately CAL4) and the thermo-mechanical coupling was used to
follows the last step of the previous cycle. This physically simplify the computations.] The transient thermal load is sym-
models 16 balls/rollers in the bearing race. Appropriate metric about x/w = 0.0 while the temperature distribution is

Journal of Tribology JANUARY 1991, Vol. 113/95

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1 "7 00E -09

2 "7 ooe-03
3 • 1 40E-O2
4 *a IOE-02
S *2 80E-02
"W 6 *3 HE-02
Fig. 6 Comparison of the normalized residual circumferential, <r'xxlk, 7 • 4 SOE-02
and axial, a'zz/k, stress as a function of normalized depth, y/w, for CAL1 a • 4 S0E-C2
(thermo-mechanical load), after six passes followed by cooling to the s *S EOE-02
ambient temperature 10 •s 32-02
Fig. 8 Residual equivalent plastic strain contours, for a section of the
mesh, for CAL1 (thermo-mechanical load), after six passes followed by


y/w Fig. 9 Displaced mesh, halfway through PASS1 (only thermal load) for
CAL3 (see Table 1). Solid lines-displaced mesh, dashed lines-original
Fig. 7 Comparison of the normalized residual circumferential, a'xxlk, mesh. Mag. factor = 75.
axial, a'^/k, stress as a function of normalized depth, y/w, for CAL2 (ther-
mal contact load), after six passes followed by cooling to the ambient X-»-

asymmetric and the peak value occurs at —0.5 x/w (in the
direction opposite to that of the translation). It is seen that
with successive passes there is a decrease in the temperature in-
crements per pass. The highest value of the temperature after 6
consecutive passes is observed to be 280°C. Figure 6 shows
normalized residual stresses (after the semi-infinite body has
been cooled back to the ambient temperature) as a function of
the normalized depth, y/w. Both, the axial (orzz/k) and cir-
cumferential {a^/k) components are tensile and significant
values extend to a depth of about 1.2w. The axial component
is observed to be about 4 times that of the circumferential
component. Results for pure thermal cycling [CAL2] are
presented in Fig. 7. Both stresses, orxx/k and arzz/k, attain high Fig. 10 Displaced mesh, halfway through PASS3 (Ihermomechanical
values but taper off to small values at a depth of only 0.7w. load) for CAL3 (see Table 1). Solid lines-displacement mesh, dashed
From Figs. 6 and 7 we can see that the translating mechanical lines-original mesh Mag. factor = 23.
load serves to decrease the peak residual tensions but increases
the depth of plastic activity (From 0.7w to 1.2w). For CAL1 the distortion halfway through the third contact (thermo-
this is described in Fig. 8 by way of residual equivalent plastic mechanical load) is seen in Fig. 10. The temperature distribu-
strain contours. The peak activity occurs at a depth of 0.5w. tions in the half-space halfway through the third contact are
Results for a longer time of contact (CAL3 and CAL4) are presented in Fig. 11 while Fig. 12 gives the surface
also presented. Figure 9 shows the displaced mesh for CAL3, temperatures for CAL3 or CAL4 (similar to Fig. 5). The
halfway through the first contact (only thermal load) whereas temperatures, which are asymmetrically distributed, show a

9 6 / V o l . 113, JANUARY 1991 Transactions of the ASME

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P.t.q v

1 •7.00E-05 a •4.90C*Q2
2 +7.00E*01 9 •>S.SOE*02
3 *1.40E*02 ID *6.3DE*<B
11 «7.a£»02
•>2.80E»02 -LIDE-OS
g *3.S0£»O2 -I.0QE«<8
7 •>4.20E»02 •-s.ocE'oa
Fig. 11 Temperature contours, halfway through PASS3 (ther- *i.ooE><a
momechanical load) for CAL3(see Table 1) H.0CE»O8

Fig. 13 Axial stress, azz, contours halfway through PASS3 (thermo-

mechanical load) for CAL3 (see Table 1)


2 •S.DOE-03
3 •I.20E-O2
1 ••l.BCE-02
Fig. 12 Surface temperatures just under the translating load, during 5 '5.40E-02
three consecutive passes, PASS1 through PASS3, for CAL3 or CAL4 ~ W s •3.00E-O2
(thermal contact only) as a function of normalized surface coordinate, 7 •>3.KE-02
x/iv a •4.20E-02
9 •H.80E-02
10 *S.«E-02
ii •6.SK-02

peak value of 740°C after the third pass. It is interesting to Fig. 14 Residual equivalent plastic strain contours, for a section of the
mesh, for CAL3 (thermo-mechanical load), after three passes followed
note that tensile stresses are observed ahead of and behind the by cooling
translating transient thermo-mechanical load in the vicinty of
the surface, (azz shown in Fig. 13) in addition to the high com-
pressive stresses present in the vicinity of the load. Figure 14,
shown for a section of the mesh, for the case when the mesh stress distribution, however the high heat case (Figs. 15 and
has been cooled to the ambient temperature after three con- 16), does not have this effect.
tacts (CAL3), indicates that high values of the equivalent
plastic strain extend beyond a depth of 2w. This is confirmed Discussion
in Fig. 15 describing the normalized residual stresses, orxx/k The complex nature of the cyclic stresses and strains at-
and arzz/k, as functions of normalized depth, y/w. Significant tending frictionless 3-D contact has been described elsewhere
tensile values extend all the way to a depth of 4.5w. In contrast (Kulkarni et al., 1990a,b and c). This might result in surface
with Fig. 15, Fig. 16 describes the residual state due to a purely (due to the translating tensile stresses close to the surface) or
thermal cycling (CAL4). The mechanical load produces very subsurface (due to the rotating principal directions) crack in-
small differences in the values of the residual tension in the itiation and propagation by a suitable mechanism. The
vicinity of the surface and no effect is seen on the depth of the presence of friction and possible pressure peaks closer to the
plastic activity. surface (due to asperity contact) may also move crack initia-
Considering Figs. 6, 7, 15, and 16, it may be noted that the tion sites closer to the surface. But in cryogenic turbopump
effect of the mechanical load on the residual stress state of a bearings of the Space Shuttle Main Engine, where evidence of
thermo-mechanical contact depends on its magnitude relative high temperatures has been found and whose life is found to
to the thermal influx. For the case of low heat input (Figs. 6 be limited (Bhat and Dolan, 1983), crack initiation, propaga-
and 7) the mechanical load significantly changes the residual tion and the eventual failure might have thermal origins. The

Journal of Tribology JANUARY 1991, Vol. 113/97

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1- sile stresses associated with the cooling of the bearing [Figs. 6,
7, 15 and 16], The distortions (Figs. 9 and 10) and the extent of
the residual plasticity (Figs. 8 and 14) that might be expected
to occur, have also been presented. One point to note is the
importance of the relative magnitudes of the thermal and
mechanical loads. Residual tensile stresses, similar to those in
the present study, were also observed by Muro et al. (1973) in
\ their rolling-sliding experiments and by Newman (1986) in her
v. \ finite element simulation of the welding process. The origin of
this residual tension appears to be the compressive thermal
H. stresses due to the steep temperature gradients followed by the
nonuniform thermal contraction (during cooling).
\ As a specific application, consider the cryogenic turbopump
bearings of the Space Shuttle Main Engine. The bearings are
0.4- legend subject to overloading generated by loss of bearing internal
3 <r„r/k clearances from localized overheating (Bhat and Dolan 1983).
* e„r/k This eventually leads to a reduction in the heat transfer film
coefficient, h, increased conduction into the bearings, stable
1 1 elevated temperatures, exceeding 700°C, and premature
failure by thermo-cracking of the inner raceway of the bear-
Fig. 15 Comparison of the normalized residual circumferential, <r'xx/k, ing. The relatively low temperature independent value of the
and axial, a'zzlk, stress as a function of normalized depth, y/w, for CAL3
(thermo-mechanical load), after three passes followed by cooling to the shear yield strength with perfect plasticity used in the analysis
ambient temperature is not unreasonable, even for bearing steel, because the high
temperatures (>700 °C) will soften the material. However,
accurate characterization of strain-hardening behavior is
At this point, a qualitative discussion of the temperature
dependence of other properties appears appropriate. A de-
tailed discussion of the thermo-physical properties involves
complicated concepts of solid state physics (Grimvall 1986).
Of the thermal properties, a, the thermal diffusivity, usually
co-varies with the thermal conductivity, K, at intermediate
and high temperatures. As a rule, p decreases and c increases
with increasing temperatures, while k increases or decreases
with temperature, depending on the material. Consider two
different steels (Incroperra and DeWitt, 1985); for AISI 1010,
k decreases from 58.7 W/m°C at 127°C to 30.0 W/m°C at
727°C while for AISI 304 it increases over the same
temperature range from 16.6 W/m°C to 25.4 W/m°C. The
most important thermal parameter is h{T), the film coefficient
or the convection coefficient for forced convection. The ac-
curacy in determining the temperature distribution is to an ex-
tent dependent on the success of predicting h(T), analytically
y/w or empirically. h(T) in forced convection typically varies bet-
Fig. 16 Comparison of the normalized residual circumferential, a'xxlk, ween 10 and 104 W/m2°C and will be unique for a particular
and axial, a'^lk, stress as a function of normalized depth, y/w, for CAL4 problem (the geometry, the flow conditions and the physical
(thermal load), after three passes followed by cooling to the ambient properties). An attempt at a boundary layer analysis to solve
temperature the heat transfer problem and define h(T) is recommended for
each specific contact situation. Of the mechanical properties,
present investigation tries to analyze and explain such a situa- E, the Young's modulus decreases, while, v, the Poisson's
tion. It represents further progress (Kulkarni et al., 1988) ratio, increases by some power law with increase in
toward developing an elasto-plastic finite element technique or temperature. The coefficient of thermal expansion, a, in-
model to simulate conditions involving repeated transient creases with temperature increase.
translating thermo-mechanical contact. On a general level, for the kinds of velocities, mechanical
pressures, coefficients of friction and consequently,
In spite of the numerous assumptions made- temperatures observed in many engineering applications and
• temperature independent mechanical and thermo- also those used in the present calculation, it is important to
physical properties consider friction-regime maps. Lim et al. (1989) present such a
• elastic-perfectly plastic behaviour of the half-space map for the unlubricated sliding of steel surfaces, in which
• arbitrarily selected heat transfer coefficient film coeffi- several regimes have been enumerated, namely: (a) seizure, (b)
cient, h and plasticity, (c) mild or severe oxidation, and id) melting. The
• representation of the bearing material as a continuum, consideration of one or more of the above regimes might be
not considering the metallurgical transformations accom- required for a reasonable characterization of most thermo-
paying the high temperature mechanical phenomena.
the present study successfully describes the factors leading to The present model, still in the developmental stage, is very
possible thermo-cracking; specifically, 1) the temperature general and has the potential of being applied to different
distributions and gradients, [Figs. 5, 11, and 12] 2) the high thermo-mechanical situations, provided sufficient informa-
compressive stresses in the vicinity of the transient translating tion is available, specifically 1) mechanical and thermo-
thermo-mechanical load, [Fig. 13] 3) high transient tension physical properties as functions of temperature and 2) an
ahead of and behind such a load, [Fig. 13] and 4) residual ten- analytical or empirical relation to calculate the heat transfer

9 8 / V o l . 113, JANUARY 1991 Transactions of the ASME

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film coefficient, h. Of considerable importance is the study of Contact Under Oiliness Lubricating Conditions," General Discussion on
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1. The present study describes a transient translating elasto- 46, p. 849.
Comninou, M., Dundurs, M., and Barber, 3. R., 1981, "Planar Hertz Con-
plastic thermo-mechanical finite element model to study 2-D tact with Heat Conduction," ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics, Vol. 48, p.
frictional rolling contact. 549.
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plastic strain variations and distortions. tion, Northwestern University.
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4. Residual tensile stresses are observed; they result from TION TECHNOLOGY, Vol. 95, pp. 71-75.
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5. The static or residual tension and the alternating or tran- trated Simple Sliding Contacts," Dissertation, Northwestern University.
sient tension (associated with the translating thermo- Durkee, D. B., and Cheng, H. S., 1979, "Initial Scuffing Damage Studies in
Simple Sliding Contacts," Proc. Int. Conf. on Wear of Materials, St. Louis,
mechanical loads) suggest a possible mechanism for thermo- Mo. 1979, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, New York, pp. 81-88.
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6. This model is very general and can be applied to different Cylinder Subject to Surface Heating and Convective Cooling," ASME JOURNAL
OF TRIBOLOGY, Vol. 106, p. 120.
situations once 1) the temperature dependence of the Grimvall, G., 1986, Thermophysical Properties Of Materials, North Holland,
mechanical and thermo-physical properties is known and 2) Amsterdam.
the convection properties are accurately defined. Ham, G., Rubin, C. A., Hahn, G. T., and Bhargava, V., 1988, "Elasto-
Plastic Finite Element Analysis of Repeated, Two-Dimensional Rolling-Sliding
Contacts," ASME JOURNAL OF TRIBOLOGY, Vol. 110, pp. 44-49.
Acknowledgments Hills, D. A., and Barber, J. R., 1986, "Steady Sliding of a Circular Cylinder
over a Dissimilar Thermally Conducting Half-plane," Int. J. Mech. Sci., Vol.
This research was supported by the National Science Foun- 28, No. 9, pp. 613-622.
dation under grant No. DMR-8418097. Additional support Holm, R., 1948, "Calculation of the Temperature Development in a Contact
was provided by NASA Marshall Space Flight Center, Heated in the Contact Surface and Application to the Problem of the
Huntsville, Al. The authors are grateful to Hibbitt, Karlsson Temperature Rise in a Sliding Contact, Journal of Physics, Vol. 19, pp.
and Sorensen, Inc. for use of their finite element program 361-366.
Jaeger, J. C , 1942, "Moving Sources of Heat and the Temperature at Sliding
ABAQUS 4.7 and to the San Diego Supercomputer Center for Contacts," Proc. Roy. Soc. N.S.W., Vol. 56, pp. 203-224.
use of their CRAY X-MP/48. Jaeger, J. C , and Carslaw, H. S., 1959, The Conduction of Heat in Solids,
Oxford University Press, London.
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Boundary Conditions for Nonsurface Nodes
Describing the boundary conditions at the nonsurface
boundary nodes, consists of
1. Prescribing the boundary temperatures due to the
translating thermal load and Fig. A2 A concentrated vertical force, Pv, acting on the surface of a
half plane
2. Prescribing the boundary displacements due to the
translating thermo-mechanical load.
Boundary Displacements
The First Boundary Value Problem of Elasticity, with polar
Boundary Temperatures coordinates, is used to obtain the solution for these
In this section the work of Carslaw and Jaeger has been ex- displacements. The stresses must satisfy the equilibrium equa-
tended to predict temperatures in a half space due to a tions as well as the boundary conditions, the strains must
translating non-uniform heat source. satisfy the compatibility equations and the stresses must be
Using their solution, for the temperature distribution in an related to the strains, by Hooke's law. A suitable Airy Stress
infinite solid due to a line heat source, inserting a nonuniform Function can be found to satisfy the equilibrium equations,
heat source, distributed over a width 2w, given by the boundary conditions and the compatibility equations.
From the Airy Stress Function, the stresses are calculated,
then strains are found using Hooke's law and the
9W = «P.K(l--J-) displacements are obtained from the strain-displacement rela-
tions and the boundary conditions.
and considering that this heat source has been moving infinite- (a) Vertical or Normal line load at the surface of a half-
ly long at a velocity ' V across the half-space (see Fig. Al) and plane:
finally integrating with respect to time from 0 to oo, with the The appropriate Airy Stress Function is
present time being oo,
£/= rdsin 0
K0{- -[(x-x')2+y2 1/2
2-KK J-M.' 2K The displacements for plane strain are found to be
P(l + v)
(--£-) dx' Ur=-
-[4(y-l)cos 01n r + 2(l-2^)(cos 0-0sin 0)]

+ C,sin 0+C 2 cos 0

where K0(x) is the modified Bessel function of the second kind
of order zero. For the calculations, K=0.9 m/s, K _ and
1.4E-5 m 2 /s and the smallest value of the argument of K0 P(l + v)
comes out to be 192.0 and its value tends to zero and 0 tends to u„ = . _ [ 4( 1 - y)sin 01n r - 2( 1 - 2e)0cos 0 + 4vsin 0)
0O. Hence, the temperatures on the bottom of the mesh are fix-
ed to ambient values and the effect of these temperatures in + C, cos 0 - C2sin 0 + Br
calculating the boundary displacements is neglected. The constants CX,C2, and B are calculated using the following

100 / Vol. 113, JANUARY 1991 Transactions of the ASME

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(b) Horizontal force at the surface of the half plane:
The appropriate Airy Stress Function for this case is the
same as above but the definition of 0 is different and so the
equations in terms of CltC2, and B are the same as above. But
the boundary conditions are different: (a) For 0 = ir/2 and
r = d, there is no vertical displacement, i.e., (u r ) 9=l/2ir= rf = 0.

(b) Also, for 6 = ir/2 and r = d, there is no lateral displacement

i.e., («e)'e9== i72,r = d = 0.
4(1 - i01n d+ 4 v - C 2 + Bd= 0
(c) And, for 0 = TT/2 and r = d, (dur/dd)e=r/lil.=d =0
- My - l)ln d-Ml- 2v) - C2 = 0
Fig. A3 A concentrated horizontal force, PH, acting on the surface of a From (b) and (c) above,
half plane
boundary conditions-o) Points on the vertical axis have no and
lateral displacement, i.e., ue = 0 for 0 = 0.
B= -_[4(i.-l)]
Ci=B = 0 d
(b) For 0 = 0 and r = d, there is no vertical displacement, i.e.,
Substituting for C 1 ; C2 and B and inserting the numerical
(" r )» = 0,r = d = 0
values for the elastic properties, the displacements in terms of
P(\ + v) the horizontal force, PH, (see Fig. A3) are
C, [4(>-l)ln/- +2(1-2*/)]
2-KE « r = P w x 9 . 9 E - 1 3 [ - 2 . 8 c o s 01n (r/d)
Substituting for C,, C2 and B and using Poisson's ratio, -0.8(cos 0 + 0sin 0)+1.256sin 6}
c = 0.3, Young's modulus, E = 207E9 Pa and (1 + c)/
2%E = 9.9E— 13, the final equations in terms of the vertical and
force, Pv, (see Fig. A2) are
« r = P K x 9 . 9 E - 1 3 [ - 2 . 8 cos 0 In ( r / d ) - 0 . 8 6 sin 6)] u» = P „ x 9 . 9 E - 13 J2.8sin din (r/d) -O.80cos 0
« 9 = P K x 9 . 9 E - 1 3 [ 2 . 8 sin 01n ( r / d ) - 0 . 8 fcos 6> + 2sin 6>] + 2.8sin 0+1.256cos 6-
These equations transformed are from the polar to the carte-
sian coordinate system before calculating the boundary and the transformation equations from polar to cartesian
displacements, coordiante system are
ur = ursm d + u„cos 6 ux = uesin 6-urcos 6
and and
uy = urcos 0 - w9sin 0 uv = u.sin 0 + Mflcos 0

Call For Papers

Advances in Information Storage Systems
AISS is a new series of books to be published by ASME Press. Each volume will contain state-of-the-art
reviews as well as contributed research papers, both to be refereed to rigorous archival standards, covering
the wide interdisciplinary scope of magnetic or optical storage technology. Send manuscripts (5 copies) to:
Bharat Bhushan, Editor, IBM Almaden Research Center, Dept. K64/803, San Jose, CA 95120-6099, USA.
Tel 408-927-2104, FAX 408-927-2100.

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