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Matthew Rei B.

De Leon

In this experiment, the students examined the physical quantities related to attraction or
repulsion of charge in order to relate the electric field and the potential difference. They prepared a
setup consisting of two electrodes, a positively-charged circular one (8.7 V) and a negatively-charged rod
electrode (0 V). The setup was placed inside an electrolytic tank and was connected to a power supply
and a voltmeter. Voltage readings (1.5 V, 2.0 V, 3.0 V, 4.0 V, 5.0 V, 5.5 V, 6.0 V, 6.5 V) were measured by
moving a potential probe along the tank and the coordinates wherein the voltages occurred were
recorded. The data gathered was used to construct a graph of parabolic equipotential lines . Electric
field vectors at each point of intersection were also illustrated. From the data and graph, the
magnitudes of the electric field at specific points, ranging from 0.77 to 1.33 V/cm, were determined. The
experiment was successful and the students recommend the use of a more sensitive probe for easier
data gathering.

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