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C is a general-purpose, high-level language that was originally developed by

Dennis M. Ritchie to develop the UNIX operating system at Bell Labs. C was
originally first implemented on the DEC PDP-11 computer in 1972.
In 1978, Brian Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie produced the first publicly available
description of C, now known as the K&R standard.
The UNIX operating system, the C compiler, and essentially all UNIX application
programs have been written in C. C has now become a widely used professional
language for various reasons:
Easy to learn
Structured language
It produces efficient programs
It can handle low-level activities
It can be compiled on a variety of computer platforms

Facts about C
C was invented to write an operating system called UNIX.
C is a successor of B language which was introduced around the early
The language was formalized in 1988 by the American National Standard
Institute (ANSI).
The UNIX OS was totally written in C.
Today C is the most widely used and popular System Programming
Most of the state-of-the-art software have been implemented using C.
Today's most popular Linux OS and RDBMS MySQL have been written in

Why Use C?
C was initially used for system development work, particularly the programs that
make-up the operating system. C was adopted as a system development
language because it produces code that runs nearly as fast as the code written
in assembly language. Some examples of the use of C might be:
Operating Systems
Language Compilers
Text Editors
Print Spoolers
Network Drivers
Modern Programs
Language Interpreters

C Programs
A C program can vary from 3 lines to millions of lines and it should be written
into one or more text files with extension ".c"; for example, hello.c. You can
use "vi", "vim" or any other text editor to write your C program into a file.
This tutorial assumes that you know how to edit a text file and how to write
source code inside a program file.

C has Become Very Popular for Various Reasons

One of the early programming languages.

Still, the best programming language to learn quickly.

C language is reliable, simple and easy to use.

C language is a structured language.

Modern programming concepts are based on C.

It can be compiled on a variety of computer platforms.

Universities preferred to add C programming in their courseware.

Features of C Programming Language

C is a robust language with a rich set of built-in functions and operators.

Programs written in C are efficient and fast.

C is highly portable, programs once written in C can be run on other machines with
minor or no modification.

C is basically a collection of C library functions, we can also create our own function
and add it to the C library.

C is easily extensible.

What is Compiler in C?
A compiler is a computer program that transforms human-readable (programming
language) source code into another computer language (binary) code.

In simple terms, Compiler takes the code that you write and turned in to the binary
code that computer can understand.
C compiler is a software application that transforms human-readable C program
code to machine-readable code. The process of transforming the code from High-
Level Language to Machine Level Language is called "Compilation". The human-
readable code is the C program that consists of digits letters, special symbols etc
which is understood by human beings. On the other hand, machine language is
dependent on processor and processor understands zeroes and ones (binary) only.
All C program execution is based on a processor which is available in the CPU; that
is why entire C source code needs to be converted to the binary system by the

More about c
Every full C program begins inside a function called "main". A function is simply a
collection of commands that do "

something". The main function is always called when the program first executes.
From main, we can call other functions, whether they be written by us or by others
or use built-in language features. To access the standard functions that comes with
your compiler, you need to include a header with the #include directive. What this
does is effectively take everything in the header and paste it into your program.
Let's look at a working program:

#include <stdio.h>

int main()

printf( "I am alive! Beware.\n" );


return 0;

Let's look at the elements of the program. The #include is a "preprocessor"

directive that tells the compiler to put code from the header called stdio.h into our
program before actually creating the executable. By including header files, you can
gain access to many different functions--both the printf and getchar functions are
included in stdio.h.

The next important line is int main(). This line tells the compiler that there is a
function named main, and that the function returns an integer, hence int. The
"curly braces" ({ and }) signal the beginning and end of functions and other code
blocks. If you have programmed in Pascal, you will know them as BEGIN and END.
Even if you haven't programmed in Pascal, this is a good way to think about their

The printf function is the standard C way of displaying output on the screen. The
quotes tell the compiler that you want to output the literal string as-is (almost). The
'\n' sequence is actually treated as a single character that stands for a newline
(we'll talk about this later in more detail); for the time being, just remember that
there are a few sequences that, when they appear in a string literal, are actually
not displayed literally by printf and that '\n' is one of them. The actual effect of '\n'
is to move the cursor on your screen to the next line. Notice the semicolon: it tells
the compiler that you're at the end of a command, such as a function call. You will
see that the semicolon is used to end many lines in C.

The next command is getchar(). This is another function call: it reads in a single
character and waits for the user to hit enter before reading the character. This line
is included because many compiler environments will open a new console window,
run the program, and then close the window before you can see the output. This
command keeps that window from closing because the program is not done yet
because it waits for you to hit enter. Including that line gives you time to see the
program run.

Finally, at the end of the program, we return a value from main to the operating
system by using the return statement. This return value is important as it can be
used to tell the operating system whether our program succeeded or not. A return
value of 0 means success.

The final brace closes off the function. You should try compiling this program and
running it. You can cut and paste the code into a file, save it as a .c file, and then
compile it. If you are using a command-line compiler, such as Borland C++ 5.5,
you should read the compiler instructions for information on how to compile.
Otherwise compiling and running should be as simple as clicking a button with your
mouse (perhaps the "build" or "run" button).

Using Variables
So far you should be able to write a simple program to display information typed in
by you, the programmer and to describe your program with comments. That's
great, but what about interacting with your user? Fortunately, it is also possible for
your program to accept input.

But first, before you try to receive input, you must have a place to store that input.
In programming, input and data are stored in variables. There are several different
types of variables; when you tell the compiler you are declaring a variable, you
must include the data type along with the name of the variable. Several basic types
include char, int, and float. Each type can store different types of data.

A variable of type char stores a single character, variables of type int store integers
(numbers without decimal places), and variables of type float store numbers with
decimal places. Each of these variable types - char, int, and float - is each a
keyword that you use when you declare a variable. Some variables also use more
of the computer's memory to store their values.

It may seem strange to have multiple variable types when it seems like some
variable types are redundant. But using the right variable size can be important for
making your program efficient because some variables require more memory than
others. For now, suffice it to say that the different variable types will almost all be

Before you can use a variable, you must tell the compiler about it by declaring it
and telling the compiler about what its "type" is. To declare a variable you use the
syntax <variable type> <name of variable>;. (The brackets here indicate that your
replace the expression with text described within the brackets.) For instance, a
basic variable declaration might look like this:

int myVariable;

Note once again the use of a semicolon at the end of the line. Even though we're
not calling a function, a semicolon is still required at the end of the "expression".
This code would create a variable called myVariable; now we are free to use
myVariable later in the program.
It is permissible to declare multiple variables of the same type on the same line;
each one should be separated by a comma. If you attempt to use an undefined
variable, your program will not run, and you will receive an error message
informing you that you have made a mistake.

Here are some variable declaration examples:

int x;

int a, b, c, d;

char letter;

float the_float;

Advantages of C
C is the building block for many other programming languages.

Programs written in C are highly portable.

Several standard functions are there (like in-built) that can be used to develop

C programs are basically collections of C library functions, and it's also easy to add
own functions to the C library.

The modular structure makes code debugging, maintenance and testing easier.

Disadvantages of C
C does not provide Object Oriented Programming (OOP) concepts.

There are no concepts of Namespace in C.

C does not provide binding or wrapping up of data in a single unit.

C does not provide Constructor and Destructor.

Windows OS, computer operating system (OS) developed by Microsoft Corporation to
run personal computers (PCs). Featuring the first graphical user interface (GUI) for IBM-
compatible PCs, the Windows OS soon dominated the PC market. Approximately 90 percent of
PCs run some version of Windows.
The first version of Windows, released in 1985, was simply a GUI offered as an extension of
Microsoft’s existing disk operating system, or MS-DOS. Based in part on licensed concepts
that Apple Inc. had used for its Macintosh System Software, Windows for the first time allowed
DOS users to visually navigate a virtual desktop, opening graphical “windows” displaying the
contents of electronic folders and files with the click of a mouse button, rather than typing
commands and directory paths at a text prompt.
Subsequent versions introduced greater functionality, including native Windows File Manager,
Program Manager, and Print Manager programs, and a more dynamic interface. Microsoft also
developed specialized Windows packages, including the networkable Windows for Workgroups
and the high-powered Windows NT, aimed at businesses. The 1995 consumer release
Windows 95 fully integrated Windows and DOS and offered built-in Internet support, including
the World Wide Web browserInternet Explorer.
With the 2001 release of Windows XP, Microsoft united its various Windows packages under a
single banner, offering multiple editions for consumers, businesses, multimedia developers, and
others. Windows XP abandoned the long-used Windows 95 kernel (core software code) for a
more powerful code base and offered a more practical interface and improved application and
memory management. The highly successful XP standard was succeeded in late 2006
by Windows Vista, which experienced a troubled rollout and met with considerable marketplace
resistance, quickly acquiring a reputation for being a large, slow, and resource-consuming
system. Responding to Vista’s disappointing adoption rate, Microsoft in 2009 released Windows
7, an OS whose interface was similar to that of Vista but was met with enthusiasm for its
noticeable speed improvement and its modest system requirements.
Windows 8 in 2012 offered a start screen with applications appearing as tiles on a grid and the
ability to synchronize settings so users could log on to another Windows 8 machine and use
their preferred settings. In 2015 Microsoft released Windows 10, which came with Cortana, a
digital personal assistant like Apple’s Siri, and the Web browser Microsoft Edge, which replaced
Internet Explorer. Microsoft also announced that Windows 10 would be the last version of
Windows, meaning that users would receive regular updates to the OS but that no more large-
scale revisions would be done.


When referring to an operating system, Windows or win is an operating environment created

by Microsoft that provides an interface, known as a Graphical User Interface (GUI), for
computers. Windows eliminates the need to memorize commands for the command line (MS-
DOS) by using a mouse to navigate through menus, dialog boxes, buttons, tabs, and icons. If you
are using a PC (IBM) computer you are most likely using a version of Windows. If you are on an
Apple computer you are using macOS.

Microsoft Windows was first introduced with version 1.0 on November 10, 1983. Since its
release, there have been over a dozen versions of Windows. The most current version of
Windows for end users is Windows 10.
Why is Microsoft Windows called Windows?

Before the release of Microsoft Windows, Microsoft users were used to the single-task
command line operating system MS-DOS. Because Microsoft names most of its products with
one word, it needed a word that best described its new GUI operating system. Microsoft chose
"Windows" because of the multiple windows that allow different tasks and programs to be run
at the same time. Because you cannot trademark a common name like "Windows" it is officially
known as "Microsoft Windows". The first version of Microsoft Windows was version 1.0,
released in 1985.

Historical Features

MS-DOS was the earliest consumer operating system that gained Microsoft worldwide
attention. In the beginning, Windows was regarded primarily as a graphical user interface (GUI)
that did little more than provide an easier and more visually pleasing way to use MS-DOS. What
eventually made Windows a standout operating system was its ability to do what its name
implies--allow a computer user to have more than one program or process operating
simultaneously in various "windows" on the computer screen.


As Windows matured, Microsoft added advances to make the user experience more enjoyable
and the development of software for the operating system easier. Windows 2.0 was the first to
feature Control Panel, a tool that allowed the user to navigate a graphical interface to adjust
settings on the computer. Subsequent advancements included peer-to-peer networking
support, Internet support and dial-up networking capabilities. Software became "plug and
play," which allowed users to insert diskettes (and eventually CD-ROM discs) into their
computer and install software more easily, something that was still at the time difficult on
other operating systems.

Surface Features

Windows 7, released in 2009, is Microsoft's most recent iteration of the Windows operating
systems. On the surface, it features full 64-bit support, remote media streaming, and
touchscreen functionality (when paired with a touchscreen monitor). It also features a new tool
call Jump Lists, which makes accessing your most used media and programs easier. The desktop
features Snap, a new way to organize, order and size the windows on your desktop so that they
are easier to read and compare.

Advanced Features

Taking a cue from Apple's OS X operating system, Windows 7 features "Sleep" and "Resume"
functionality. The search system has been made quicker and easier to navigate. Memory usage
has also been optimized to ensure faster and more reliable performance. Windows 7 has also
been redesigned for better power management through the reduction of background activities,
less power-hungry media drives, automatic screen dimming and the intelligent and automated
removal of power to unnecessary accessory ports.

Best Features of Windows Operating System


Even aside from incompatibilities and other issues that many people had with Vista, one of the
most straightforward was speed – it just felt too sluggish compared to XP, even on pumped up
hardware. Windows 7 brings a more responsive and sprightly feel and Microsoft has spent a lot
of time and effort getting the Start Menu response just right.

Microsoft has also recognized the need for improved desktop responsiveness, which gives the
impression that the computer is responding to the user and that they are in control –
something that was often lacking with Vista.

You can also expect faster boot times. And the boot sequence is now not only prettier than it
was with Vista, but it’s speedier too.

2. Compatibility

In simple terms, compatibility on Windows 7 will be far better than it was with Vista. Many
programs that individuals and companies used on Windows XP did not work immediately and
required updates, but with Windows 7 almost all applications that work on Vista should still
3. Lower Hardware Requirements

Vista gained a reputation for making even the beefiest hardware look rather ordinary. Windows
7, however, will run well on lower end hardware, making the transition from Window XP less

Microsoft is even pushing Windows 7 for netbooks. This could provide a modern replacement
for Windows XP, which has found a new lease of life as the OS of choice on netbooks,
supplanting Linux. The downside is that Windows 7 Starter Edition, as it will be called, will be
limited to only three applications running at the same time.

4. Search and Organization

One of the best things about Windows 7 is the improved search tool, which now rivals Mac OS
X’s Spotlight to be able to find what you need quickly and easily. For example, typing ‘mouse’
will bring up the mouse option within the control panel or typing a word will display it and split
it up neatly into files, folders and applications.

Also introduced is the concept of Libraries, which takes the ‘My Documents’ concept a stage
further. The various Libraries, such as Documents and Pictures, will watch multiple locations
which you can add yourself, so you don’t have to keep everything in one place.

5. Safety and Security

New security features in Windows include two new authentication methods tailored towards
touchscreens (PINs and picture passwords), the addition of antivirus capabilities to Windows
Defender (bringing it in parity with Microsoft Security Essentials) Smart Screen filtering
integrated into Windows, and support for the "Secure Boot" functionality on UEFI systems to
protect against malware infecting the boot process. Family Safety offers Parental controls,
which allows parents to monitor and manage their children's activities on a device with activity
reports and safety controls. Windows 8 also provides integrated system recovery through the
new "Refresh" and "Reset" functions, including system recovery from USB drive. Windows 8's
first security patches would be released on November 13, 2012; it would contain three fixes
deemed "critical" by the company.

6. Interface and Desktop

Windows introduces significant changes to the operating system's user interface, many of
which are aimed at improving its experience on tablet computers and other touchscreen
devices. The new user interface is based on Microsoft's Metro design language, and uses a Start
screen similar to that of Windows Phone as the primary means of launching applications. The
Start screen displays a customizable array of tiles linking to various apps and desktop programs,
some of which can display constantly updated information and content through "live tiles". As a
form of multitasking, apps can be snapped to the side of a screen. Alongside the traditional
Control Panel, a new simplified and touch-optimized settings app known as "PC Settings" is
used for basic configuration and user settings. It does not include many of the advanced
options still accessible from the normal Control Panel.

7. Taskbar/Start menu

At first glance, the task bar looks like nothing has much has changed since Vista. In fact, that’s
not the case and it’s a lot more powerful. Microsoft is now making best use of its aero
technology. By default, taskbar icons are now larger and items are grouped together and are
not labelled with clumsy text.

If you have multiple Word documents or Windows Explorer windows open then you’ll see a
stack appear on the task bar. Hover the mouse over the app and each Window will be visible in
a thumbnail. Hover over each thumbnail and it will become visible, while all other open
windows temporarily disappear, save for their outlines. You can close each document or
Window down from the thumbnail directly or click on it to bring it to the front.

In the Start menu, a small arrow to the right of applications such as Word now expands to give
a list of recent documents and any can be pinned so you can keep one permanently on the list.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Microsoft Windows

 The biggest advantage of Windows is that it provides ready-made solutions that can be
implemented by just about anyone who’s ever used a computer.

 Microsoft Office is also 100% compatible with any file or document produced in the
office space in America. In fact, MS Office isn’t compatible with other software and
systems, so much as other software and systems strive to be compatible with Office!

 Finally, software services are in large supply when it comes to Windows. From
Microsoft’s official services, to Maryland software support, to Microsoft certification
training for individuals, there is no lack of software support for Windows.

 Of course, Windows detractors will tell you that there is more need for software
services when it comes to Windows. And while this worldwide operating system is far
from trash, it is often not as stable as its Mac or Linux counterparts.

 The only other major disadvantage of using Windows in the workplace is that over 95%
of all viruses and malicious software are written for the Windows OS. This means you
have to double-down all security measures if you’re using Microsoft software across the


This project introduces THE HOTEL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. It explains how seat
booking is done in a hotel. Generally in a hotel seat booking can be two types-
Current booking
Advanced booking
On the other hand there has to be a check out system for those seats which had been
booked before hands and are to be left out now.
The hotel department maintains the seat availability and booking details in a certain
database. It contains the details of the different rooms available in that particular hotel,
for instance there might be rooms with A.C and non A.C. facilities which might further be
classified into single, double and triple bedrooms.
The database also consist a record of the seats that are already booked and the once
yet to be booked.
A bright feature of this software is the inclusion of The Time Scheduling feature, which
makes it more user friendly, more efficient and provides it high flexibility.
This Project is a fine thought to make the complex procedure of the
Hotel management system to an easy manner which is systematic, modular
designed, selective menu based user display. The modular design and
constructed system is very much user oriented in which user can easily
understand the tools and can do edit of his own choice. The system is not any
tough more and does not possesses many applications but it is made by
focusing on the maintaining records employee’s actions in a computerized
system rather than time taking and cumbersome manual system.
The project is a software application that can be easily handled by minimum
educated and simple computer knowledge person without any option of error.
Two kinds of users can handle the system.
1. Online Users, 2. Administrator or Hotel Management.
The Online users are the customers or the staff who can see the news and
updates of the Hotel and the Administrator are responsible for updating the Hotel
details on computer. The Administrator is the authorized user who has power to
change or edit the updates as well as the Password. In case of the forgetting of
password there is provision to password recovery and Logout and Login in the
The Purpose of the whole process is to ease the daily or regular activities of the
Hotel Management into an automatic computerized retrievable process. The daily
activities includes the Room activities, Entering details of the new customer
check in, To allocate a room as per the customer need and interest, Recording
the checkout time and details, Releasing or Empty of room and to record the
process in a computer system for future.
Due to time constraint and the minimum resources, the system is not made for
the high level use. But the Management system can use the application in a very
easy and minimum effort.
The application of the Hotel Management System bears the following functions to
use by the Administrator.
1. Room status
2. New Room inauguration
3. Allocated Room Modification
4. Details for the Customer Check in and Check out
5. New Customer Admission
6. Allocation of Room as per the Customer Interest
7. Statement and Transactions of the Customer
8. Total Customers Present In The Hotel
Separate Customer Report.

Existing Hotel Management System

Currently in hotel all the work done manually. When a guest make a reservation,
all the reservation details (including guest details) are recorded in a hotel
register. At the time of checkout of customer, calculations of bills and inventory
items are done manually too. Doing all the work manually and storing
information on register takes much time and wastes much precious man hours.
Manually calculation of bill is also error prone. If management want any old
information like room record or reservation details then finding old records is
very tiresome task and it takes a lot of time to find records form old files.

Following are the main problem in managing hotel manually

 Manually keeping records is very time consuming.

 Data is not always reliable as it is hand written and some human errors
might have occurred example wrong telephone number among other.
 Slow process of reservation. User has find manually whether room is
available or not.
 Hotel information data are not secured. It can be easily theft or altered.
 Finding records are very time consuming.
 Retrieval of guest records is extremely difficult. User has to manually
search each records to find the required information. It takes lot of time.


Difficulty in location of guest files: due to the large number of guests’files, location of guest files
during checking in, updating of daily expenditures, receipt generation and checkingout is
extremely difficult for the hotel employees.

Large storage space: the physical files occupy too much space of about two rooms full of
storage cabinets. This occupies the hotel’s space that could have otherwise been used for
income generation by the hotel

Human and computational errors: many errors enabled by the system due to
tediouscomputations required during data processing cost the hotel management heavily.

Poorly generated records: poorly generated records encourage omission of someimportant

data by the employees. Such data as the guests’ luggage is omitted. This leads to security
problems at the hotel such as armed robberies.

Complains from guests: due to poor management of documents encouraged by themanual

system, several cases were reported where guests complained of overcharging, chargingof
services not used by the guests.
Poor communication: due to poor communication between the departments, guests areoften
served with services they didn’t order.

Difficulty in data analysis:The accountants usually found it difficult to analyze the guests’ data
during generation of expenditure bills due to missing of some records.



 To enable online booking via the internet.

 To enable automated data entry methods.
 Ensure efficient and reliable communication within the hotel.
 Avoid data entry errors by use of input masks. Enable easy authorized
modification of data.
 Enforce security measures to avoid unauthorized access to guest records.
 Enable fast and easy retrieval of guest records and data for fast reference


The system will cover; booking, accommodation, meals, and accounts details.
Moreover, special services such as laundry, ironing and room service will be automated
by the system also, not to forget the additional facilities information that will be efficiently
handled by the system. To help the system smoothly carry out its intended purpose to
meet the hotel management needs, the following tables will be used to store data:1.

booking table-

The table contains guest details that will be input when the guest books into the hotel.
For booking, the system will give room for online booking, personal visit to the booking
office, telephone calls or facsimiles. For online booking, the guest will have to log on to
the hotel’s website and fill his/her personal details in the booking web page provided by
the system. For telephone call the guest provides his personal details over the phone as
the hotel’s booking staff do the actual entry of the details into the system. For personal
visit to the hotel, the guest provides his details verbally which the booking staff enters
into the computer system. The table has the following fields:(regno, fname, sname,
nationality, id card no, gender contacts address,email, Date)
Accommodation table.

The table contains the accommodation details of a guest. Like sname, id card no, Room
no, Category, Telephone ,charges, amount charged,Total charge, Rcpt no, Payment,

Admission table

The table contains guest details input on admission of the guest into the hotel at the
reception.This information keeps track of the duration that the guest has stayed at the
hotel. If the guestintends to stay for more than a day, he has to book in for
accommodation in advance; else, hisinformation will be input into the system at the
reception. The guest luggage information isentered in the system to ensure maximum
security of luggage at the hotel. For this to become areality, the following fields have
been used :

(room no, out date, in date, luggage, Id card no,nationality, sname, fname, regno)

Meals table

The table contains the hotels catering transactions information. This information is vital
as thisdepartment is the backbone of any hotel aspiring to achieve its goals and realize
its maximumpotential. The table contains the following records:

(date, regno, fname, sname, id card no, Meal,charges, rcpt no, payment, Nationality,
Amount charged, Total amount, Room service). The system will enable automatic
calculation of the total amount charged for the meals offered toguests. Room service
refers to provision of meals to guests in their rooms. Room service ischarged 5% of the
charge of the meal.

Laundry table

The table contains laundry details for clothes washed at the hotel laundry. The table
contains the following fields(date, fname, sname, regno, id card no, linen, type, charges,
rcpt no, payment, Nationality, Number of clothes, Amount charged, Total amount)

Transport table

The table contains information of the transport services offered to the guests at an extra
cost. The guest is charged depending on the type of vehicle used. fields used to store
transport department information-
(Date, Regno, Fname, Sname, Rcpt No, id card no, vehicle, Nationality, payment,
Charges, commission, Total amount)8

Conference table.

This is a facility table that contains information on the conference facility services
offered to the customers at an extra cost. The table keeps track of the hotel’s
conference rooms in use and the amount generated from the facility per meeting. The
following are the fields that help the table fulfill its purpose at the hotel:(date, type, fnam
, sname, regno, amblreg no, Rcpt no, duration(days), charges, payment)

Employees’ details table

The table contains valuable and delicate information about the employees. The table is
for use by the hotel management to keep track of the employee records and
performance at the hotel to enable the hotel realize its maximum potential and reduce
any possible irrelevant expenditure. The table has the following fields that enable it
ensure maximum operability and co-operation (residence, mobile no, account no,
salary, position, department, position, office tel, office number, email, address, contacts,
id card no, staff names, staff no)


 The system enables easy and fast access to the guest files.
 The system provides better data management facilities.
 The system enable online booking of guests into the hotel hence international
guests can easily book into the hotel.
 The system provides performance evaluation of the employees to ensure
maximum output from the employees.
 The system provides security measures to access to the hotel’s information
lowering data security threats.
 The system help reduce the congestion of guests ensuring best service output
for customer satisfaction purposes.
 Easy update of the guest records. High customer service standards attract more
guests to the hotel.
 Reduction 0of data entry and processing errors. Greatly reduce paper use at the

 The system will undergo system entropy hence an extra cost of updating will be
incurred to keep the system competitive in the ICT and BUSSINESS world.
 The hotel will incur an extra cost on the electricity and internet bills due to
computerization of the hotel management.
 The hotel will be required to train its employees on how to manage the system
hence the hotel output capacity will reduce a bit during this period

A Hotel management system is a computerized management system.

This management system has been developed to form whole management system including
Employees, workers , , recidents, Bills, and Complains etc. This system also keeps the
records of hardware assets besides software of this organization. The proposed system will
keep a track of Employees, workers, recidents, Accounts and generation of report regarding
the present status. This project has GUI based software that will help in storing, updating
and retrieving the information through various user-friendly menu-driven modules.


The project “Hotel Management System” is aimed to develop to maintain the day-to-day
state of admission/vacation of recidents, List of workers , List of Bills etc.

 There are following main objectives of the hotel:

 Records of salary structure of the employees of Hotel by billing approach.
Keeping records of admission of resident.
 Keeping user satisfaction as at most priority.
 Scheduling the allotment of user with room to make it convenient for user.
 Scheduling the services of workers and properly so that facilities provided by
Hotel are fully utilized in effective and efficient manner.
 Keeping records of user registration details accurately arranged order so that the
treatment of Customers becomes quick and satisfactory.
 Keeping details about the users, their needs and payment detail reports etc.
 Keeping the best hotel facilities .
Booking a hotel room is a little like buying a big-screen television. If you don't do your
homework beforehand to find the best combination of features, quality, and price, you're
likely to feel burned when you find out after buying it that another store had a better TV for
less money. Getting burned with a hotel room is arguably worse because not only do you
have to live there, the better deals are staring you right in the face, because they're probably
the next hotel over. To avoid this situation, use some of the following tips on how best to
book a hotel room.

Before Booking

 To book a hotel room with the best chance of satisfying your wallet and your needs,
you'll spend almost all of your time searching for the right place. To maximize these
efforts you should take advantage of internet travel sites, consumer reviews, and
travel agents. Follow these steps and you should be in good shape:

 Browse travel websites. Many trips and hotel bookings are now purchased through
commercial websites such as,,, and Be sure to shop around sites for the best deal and don't forget to visit the
hotel website itself. Individual hotel websites often have deals that don't appear on
commercial sites. And be sure to read reviews of the hotel on these commercial
booking sites.
 Take a look at cancellation policies. If you do book on a commercial website, be sure
to research their cancellation policy. While most sites have stopped charging steep
cancellation fees (sometimes the entire cost of the booking), you need to make sure
that you can book on the site and cancel without a fee the hotel reservation if you
have to.
 Read the reviews.
 Check out consumer review sites like, which gathers and aggregates
reviews of hotels by former patrons. is a good resource because it
organizes reviews by the type of stay (e.g., couples, business trip, young travelers,
etc.) so that you can search for people most like yourself and see what they had to say
about the hotel. Often, the reviews will speak to whatever attributes you're looking
for in a hotel and you can make better decisions based upon them.
 Dig deeper on deals that are too good to be true. If a deal seems substantially lower
than surrounding hotels, check to make sure the hotel isn't being renovated or there's
not another reason for the low price (e.g., it's in a high crime area or is very old and
run down).
 Look up the location. If you have a target geographic area, punch in the address into
Google maps. You can zoom in to see exactly where it is as well as the surrounding
area (the map will tell you surrounding stores, restaurants, etc.), and you can take
advantage of Google's street view feature to see exactly what your hotel and surround
area look like.
 Call ahead. Once you've targeted a hotel or whittled your list to several hotels, be sure
to call them and ask about your needs or concerns. For example, if you'll want to
make a lot of phone calls, you'll want to ask if they have free local calling and how
much they charge for long distance calls. Or you want to know how big the pool is and
whether they have a lifeguard on duty. Whatever your concerns, ask the concierge on
the phone so you can book with confidence.
 Contact a travel agent for exotic or remote destinations. If your trip involves a more
exotic or remote location, you should probably consult a travel agent who knows the
area, the culture, and the businesses in the area. Travel agents can be very useful in
avoiding the pitfalls that come with booking exotic travel online.
 Booking and Arrival

 Once you're ready to book a hotel room, there are still a few more questions that you
should confirm before committing and certain actions you should take to
preemptively avoid hassles and headaches upon arrival.

Check for these before. Before committing to book

your room, find out:
The amount of the deposit.

The cutoff date for cancelling your reservation with incurring a penalty (for most hotels it is
24-48 hours before arrival, or else you will be charged the first night's stay on your credit

Any discounts the hotel offers (senior discount, government discount, military, etc.)
Check-in and check-out times. If you're going to be checking in very late, be sure to inform
them so they don't give your room to another patron. Hotels have a custom of overbooking
rooms, and have been known to bump very late arriving guests.

If they charge any extra fees for your stay (resort fee, parking, etc.)

Request the type of room. When you make the reservation, be sure to request the type of
room you want. For example, if noise is an issue, you'll want to be placed away from
elevators, ice machines, and in a room not facing the street. If it's a resort and they have a
night club at the pool, you'll want to be on a side not facing the pool. Whatever your needs,
communicate them clearly to the concierge.

Book with a credit card. Book your hotel with a credit card rather than an debit card. Credit
cards offer consumers far more protection in the event of fraud. If there is a fraudulent
transaction, you'll only be on the hook for $50 and the credit card will fight the wrongdoer on
your behalf and cover expenses incurred on the card over $50. With a debit card, however,
you will likely to have fight the entire charge on your own.

Confirm the reservation. Call the hotel a few weeks before your stay to confirm they have
your reservation and to confirm they have your special requests (e.g., room away from

Get it in writing. Ask for written confirmation for all reservations. Almost all hotels will send
you an email confirmation of your reservation or will fax you confirmation if you don't have
email access. Be sure to bring a copy of your reservation when checking in, just in case the
hotel loses you in their system.

When it comes to hotel cancellation policy there is so much confusion that we
decided it is time to shed some light on this topic. It has recently become even
more confusing as the number of traveling sites have rapidly grown . As a first
suggestion, and relatively obvious one to some, we recommend that if you think
you may need to cancel your hotel booking remember to read the small print to
ensure that you will not pay any extra fees when canceling hotel reservations.
So, let's begin with the easy stuff:

When you booked your hotel directly from the hotel you have two options.

1. If you booked your hotel directly from the hotel through an ordinary
program, most likely you will be able to cancel your hotel reservation even 24
hours before your arrival date and will get back most of the amount you paid or
won't be charged if you haven't paid yet. This usually is the easy case.

2. If you booked your hotel as an advanced purchase then Canceling your hotel
reservation will not be as easy, since from the hotel's point of view, you already
received a relatively good price and they don't want to give up on you so easily.

Now it gets more complicated as we are moving forward to canceling your hotel
rooms booked via traveling sites or traveling booking engines.

Hotel Cancellations

As you have probably have learned, booking online no longer means that you
are shopping among sites. Nowadays you have special booking engines that
allow you to shop around among different booking sites all within one booking
engine. As you may have noticed most hotel booking engines allow you to
review the cancellation policy of the hotel you just booked. This is usually is
shown on your hotel booking page. However, you should watch out for sites
that promise "Free Cancellation". This can mean one of two things:

1. That you will have no cancellation fee up to a certain time period before the
check in date. It may sound like a fair deal, but you need to check how long this
time period is since it can even be up to a month before the check-in date.
Considering the fact that in many cases hotels allow you to cancel even 24 hours
before the check in date, this is not considered to be good terms.

2. "Free Cancellation" can also mean that the booking site doesn't charge you a
cancellation fee but the hotel will. In this case you need to contact the hotel and
find out what it means exactly. Hopefully their information will differentiate
between the different fees and programs so that you can be clear which which
cancellation policy applies to you.

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