Scenario Nursing

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Student number:

CNA253 AT2 Scenario: Mr Robert Brown

In the following table, list the data that you consider to be normal/abnormal (not included in word count)

Normal (Subjective & Objective) Abnormal (Subjective & Objective)

Subjective Subjective
Pain in the wound site of 3/10 - Patient found mumbling that it hurts
- An Adjacent patient mentioned that Robert was up half the night and found him
Objective getting lost when he went to the bathroom.
Patient is 30 years old male
Respiratory rate (RR) =18 Objective
SPO2= 98 - Patient’s GCS level dropping down to 13 (E-4, V-4, M-5).
BP= 132/78 @2200 Although movement was purposeful, patient was not obeying to commands and
BP=126/80 @2300 answer the specific questions accurately.
GCS =15 @2300 - Patient requires orientation as he seems unsure of where he is.
Temp= 36.6C - Patient found confused and with decreased memory recall as he was found asking
about the location of his dog to other patients. However, he was already informed
about his dog being safe at his home by his girlfriend.
- Other observations are within the flags except BP 160/95 mmHg which is
hypertensive and hearth Rate (Pulse): 111bpm which is tachycardia @0800 (Pain
et al. 2016)
- 5cm wide Split skin wound on occipital area. The dressing was found partly off
and the dressing was soaked with blood. His pillow was found with smears of


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