Art Conoscenza

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● Doodle Foodle (Doodling Competition)

1. Single participation event.

2. Materials(marker,A2 size sheet) will be provided.
3. Theme will be given on the spot.
4. All the entries will be displayed on the AAROHI ART WALL.

Registration Fees – Rs.30/-

● T-Shirt Painting

1. Group of maximum 2 members is permitted.

2. Theme will be given on the spot.
3. Materials (Plain white T-Shirt, colours, brushes) will be provided.
4. Participants are not allowed to use any materials except the ones provided.
5. Extra time will not be given under any circumstances.
6. Painted T-Shirt will be given to the participant.
7. All the entries will be displayed on the AAROHI ART WALL.

Registration Fees – Rs.200/-

● Art Exhibition

1. Artists can give any type of artwork for the exhibition.

2. The art will be judged on the basis of votes by the visitors and the invited judges.
3. Multiple entries may be given.
4. Digital art should be renamed with details like name, college and contact number.
5. All the entries will be displayed on the AAROHI ART WALL.

Entry – Free
● String Art Competition

1. Single participant event.

2. Theme will be given on the spot.
3. Materials including string, poster colours, black sketch pen and paper will be
4. Extra materials will not be provided.
5. Participants are not allowed to use any materials except the ones provided.
6. Extra time will not be given under any circumstances.
7. All the entries will be displayed on the AAROHI ART WALL.

Registration Fees – Rs.30/-

● Pieces make a whole! - Collage competition

1. Group of maximum 2 members is permitted.

2. Required materials will be provided.
3. Theme will be given on the spot.
4. Extra materials will not be provided.
5. Participants are not allowed to use any materials except the ones provided.
6. Extra time will not be given under any circumstances.
7. All the entries will be displayed on the AAROHI ART WALL​.

Registration Fees – Rs.50/-

● Street Art

1. Only 3 people are allowed in one group.

2. A part of floor will be alloted to every team and materials including colours,
brushes and plates will be provided.
3. Theme will be given on the spot.
4. Extra materials will not be provided.
5. Participants are not allowed to use any materials except the ones provided
6. Extra time will not be given under any circumstances.
Registration Fees – Rs.200/-

● Poster Relay
1. Group of 3 members, first member will be provided with pencil and eraser, has to
run to the board and draw according to the theme within 2 min 50 sec and run
back to start position, then the second member who’s having colours will run and
colour within the same time, come back to start position and then the third
member will leave, complete the remaining poster and come back to starting
2. Theme and materials will be given on spot.
3. NO Extra time will be given.
4. All the entries will be displayed on the AAROHI ART WALL.

Registration Fees – Rs.60/-

● Tattoo making

1. Group of 2 members is required. (One member will make tattoo on the other
one's hand)
2. Theme will be given on the spot.
3. Materials (Marker pens) will be provided.
4. Participants are not allowed to use any materials except the ones provided.
5. Extra time will not be given under any circumstances.
6. All the entries will be displayed on the AAROHI ART WALL.

Registration Fees - Rs. 60 /-

For queries, contact :

Vaibhavi Kausture : +91 9028484994

Apurva Bijwe : +91 8888397382
Sharya Meshram : +91 7875419197
Mamta Jamgade : +91 8208916494

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