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By Noelle Gwendolyn Dana, STEM 1201

The infamous poem of Max Ehrmann entitled Desiderata delineates a broad
spectrum of the ways on how a person should live and view his life. It suggests ideals of
kindness, contentment, patience and courage. However, in line with what Luwee Francia
(2018) has disclosed in one of her articles, an individual cannot have everything he or
she wants. This essay seeks to tackle about the 6th stanza of Ehrmann’s Desiderata that
conveys the theory that a person exists in this world with a purpose and that he or she is
important, otherwise known as Essentialism.
“You are a child of the universe,
no less than the trees and the stars;
you have a right to be here.
And whether or not it is clear to you,
no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.”

Essentialism, in simplest words, is the theory that everything has essence and
deems importance. This theory was introduced by William Bagley during the 1930's in the
field of education.
The excerpt from the poem deals with Mereological Essentialism where certain
parts of a whole holds its own importance and the whole will fail to function if this part
ceases to exist. According to Cynthia Duncan (2018), the idea of this stanza explains that
the universe has a plan for every existing creature walking in the soils of the Earth. And
in order to follow the said plan, people should follow the natural inclinations the world
leads every individual on.
Furthermore, practice of the theory projects contentment in life as stated by
Michelle Briggs (2019). Essentialism allows people to see the good in everything and it
builds a culture of respect and praise that promotes a healthy environment for everyone.
Moreover, essentialism advocates the idea of doing less but gaining more by only
investing only to what is important. It discourages the mindset of people that is always in
pursuit for more (Mckeown, 2011).
In conclusion, a person should instill to his self that he is important, he has value
and that he has a purpose here in this world. He is not existing by chance or by mistake
but rather being solely handmade for a specific purpose for his life.

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