Rizal in Dapitan

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Useful and Peaceful Life in Dapitan

Among his family members who visited Rizal were:

1. His mother
2. His sisters Trinidad, Maria and Narcisa
3. Nephews Teodosio, Estanislao, Mauricio and Prudencio
Rizal built a house by the seashore of Talisay surrounded by fruit trees, a school for boys, and a
hospital for his patients.
Rizal’s Encounter with the Friar’s Spy
 Pablo Mercado – assumed name of the spy who visited Rizal at his house and pretended
to be a relative by showing a photo of Rizal and a pair of buttons with the initials P.M. as
evidence of kinship.
 The spy offered to be Rizal’s courier of letters for the patriots in Manila. Rizal became
suspicious and wanted to throw the spy outside but considering his values and late hour
of the night, he offered the spy to spend the night at his house. The next day, he sent the
spy away
 Florencio Namanan a.k.a Pablo Mercado, single and about 30 years old who was hired by
the Recollect friars to spy on Rizal’s activities
As Physician in Dapitan
 Dona Teodora and Maria lived with Rizal for a year and a half. It is here when
Rizal operated his mother’s right eye. Though the operation was successful, his
mother had a wound infection after ignoring Rizal’s instruction of not removing
the bandages. However, the infection was immediately treated
 Don Ignacio Tumarong Rizal’s patient who was able to see again after his
operation; he paid Rizal P3,000
 Rizal prescribed medicinal plants to his poor patients.
Rizal as Engineer
 As a perito agrimensor (expert surveyor), Rizal applied his engineering knowledge
by constructing a system of waterworks to furnish clean water to the townspeople
Community Projects for Dapitan
 Drained the marshes to get rid of malaria that was infesting Dapitan
 Equipped the town with lighting system using P500 one of his patients paid him.
The lighting system consisted of Coconut oil lamps
 Beautified the town of Dapitan by remodeling the town plaza and making a huge
relief map of Mindanao out of earth, stones and grass
Rizal as Teacher
 Rizal established in Dapitan a school. It began with 3 pupils who increased to 16 and
eventually 21.
 16 of his pupils did not pay tuition. Instead of charging them fees, Rizal made them work
in his gardens and construction projects.
 Formal classes were between 2:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. He also applied the “emperor”
system like that of Ateneo
 During recess, pupils built fires to drive away insects, pruned fruit trees and manured the
 Outside class hours, students had gymnastics, boxing, wrestling, stonethrowing,
swimming, arnis and boating
Hymn to Talisay
A poem Rizal wrote in honor of Talisay which he made his pupils sing.

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