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A Detailed Lesson Plan in Science 11 (Biology)

I. OBJECTIVES: The Learners should be able to:

LC: explain ingestion, absorption, assimilation, and excretion; (8LT-IVa-13)

a. identify the organs that make up the digestive system;

b. describe the process of digestion in human digestive system;
c. perform the activity about human digestive system
d. appreciate the importance of mechanical digestion/ chemical digestion to our


a. Topic: Digestive System (Organs of the digestive system.)

b. Reference: a. Grade 8 Learner’s Material by DepEd, First Edition,
pg. 291-298
b. Types of Animal Digestive Systems – Central CUSD4. Retrieve
on January 20, 2017 from www.cusd4/vimage/shared....
c. . Materials: Projector, White Board Marker, Illustrations, board and chalk
d. Science Concept: The digestive system is responsible for taking whole foods and
turning them into energy and nutrients to allow the body to function, grow, and repair
e. Science Processes: Observing, Describing, Identifying
f. Value: Develop creativity, teamwork and participation


A. Preliminary Activities
1. Prayer
Before we start, Mr/Ms____________kindly lead the Our Father… Amen

Good morning/ afternoon class! Good morning/ afternoon Sir Pitogo
Good morning/ afternoon classmates
You may now take your seats Thank you sir
3. Checking of the Attendance
Who is absent today? None Sir

4. Review
Class, before we start our new lesson, let’s have a
review first about your last topic which is all about
Respiratory System. We all know already that .
respiratory system it is a process wherein the body
takes in oxygen and eliminates gaseous waste
products is called respiration.
B. Developmental Activities

A. Motivation
By this time we will discuss another lesson. And now I
want you to group yourselves into four, count starting
here in front.

All number one will stay on the leftside while all

number two will stay on the rightside all number three
will stay on the back of group one and all number four
will stay on the back of group two.

Do you understand? Yes Sir!!!

Let me remind you that the score that you will get in
every activity, I will add it to your quiz.

Now class, I have a question what have you eaten

during your lunch? Sir meat and rice!
Sir vegetable and rice

Okay! After you put your food inside your mouth, what Sir I will chew the food and swallow it.
are you going to do?

Yes. What do you think will happen to your food after Sir it will be digested in the stomach.
swallowing it?

Correct. So, based on your answers, what is our topic

Sir digestive system
for today?

Very good!

I have here a jigsaw puzzle about our topic today.

What I want you to do is to arrange the puzzle.
( After 5 minutes)

Very good group________ and good work also to the

other group

B. Presentation

Class, what is the reason why we have to eat?

Sir we have to eat because our body needs the
nutrients from the food for us to have energy
to do work.

Very good! How can we get energy? Sir we can get energy from the food after
digesting it, then the nutrients will be absorbed
inside our body.

Yes! Can we immediately absorb nutrients from the Ma’am we have to breakdown down our food
food? through digestion in order for our body to
absorb the nutrients.
Correct! Today, we will be dealing with the organs that
help us get nutrients from food.

In the first activity you arrange the puzzle and it forms

human digestive system

1. Activity

And now we’re going to have another group activity. I

have here an scrambled chain about the digestion of
food all I want you to do is to arranged the chain to Yes Sir
their correct position. I’ll give you only 3 minutes to
finish that activity. Are we clear?

(After 3 minutes)

Okay class the time is over you will know if your

answer are correct after our discussion so just keep it
for now, and your score for this activity will be added to
your quiz.

Today, we will be dealing with the organs that help us

get nutrients from food.

So this are the organs involved in human digestive


Food begins its journey through the digestive system
in the mouth, also known as the oral cavity. Inside the
mouth are many accessory organs that aid in the
digestion of food- the tongue, teeth and salivary
It carries swallowed masses of chewed food along its
The J- shaped organ located at the upper left side of
your body.
Three parts: duodenum, jejunum, ileum
Is a long thin about 1 inch in diameter about 10 feet
long. The entire small intestine is coiled like a hose
and the inside surface is full of many ridges and folds. Digestion starts from the mouth when we take-
These folds are used to maximized the digestion of in and chew the food. Then when the food is
food and absorption of nutrients. By the time food swallowed, it will go down to the esophagus.
leaves the small intestine, around 90% of all nutrients And the half-digested food will move down to
have been extracted from the food that entered it. the stomach where it mixes with gastric juice
and acids. Digestion ends in the small intestine
Is a roughly triangular accessory organ of the digestive
system located to the right of the stomach. The liver where nutrients are absorbed in the villi and
weighs about 3 pounds. The liver has many different the waste that remains after digestion will go
functions in the body, but the main function of the liver to the large intestine where water is also
in digestion is the production of bile and its secretion reabsorb. The waste and water that was not
into small intestine. reabsorbed are temporarily stored in the
“GALL BLADDER” rectum. And eventually excreted out of the
Is a small, pear- shaped organ located just posterior to body through the anus.
the liver. The gall bladder is used to store and recycle
excess bile from the small intestine so that it can be
reused for the digestion of subsequent meals.
It is about 6 inches long and shaped like short lumpy
snake with its “head”. The pancreas secretes digestive
enzymes into small intestine to complete the chemical
digestion of foods.
Is a long, thick tube about 2.5 inches in diameter and
about 5 feet long. It is located just inferior to the

1. It is easier to dissolve the candy if it is

2. Crushing the candy represent the chewing
of food by the use of teeth and tongue.
3. We have to chew our food properly for
easier digestion and faster absorption of
nutrients, like the candy, if it is crushed, it’s
easier to dissolve.

Ma’am we discussed the organs that composes

the human digestive system.

Ma’am we also discussed the process of


Correct! Today, we will be dealing with the organs that Ma’am we also tackled about mechanical
help us get nutrients from food. I have here an
illustration of the human digestive system. I will group digestion.
you into six, and then discuss the process of digestion
with your group based on this illustration. Then choose
one of your group mates to explain your answers in
front. I’ll give you 10 minutes to answer.

Very good! By the way, the food that was digested in

the mouth is called bolus. And digestion that takes
place in the mouth is called mechanical digestion.

b. Application

For your activity, you will have a simple experiment.

Stay with your group. I have here two cups of hot
water, then on one cup I will put a crushed candy and
on the other cup, I will put a whole candy. Observe
how long it takes for the whole candy and the crushed
candy to dissolve. Use a timer. After that, you answer
these questions on a piece of paper, then read and
explain it in front.

1. How does crushing the candy to smaller pieces

affect its dissolution?
2. What does crushing the candy represents in the
process of digestion?
3. How are you going to relate this activity to
mechanical digestion?

d. Generalization

Okay class, let’s have a recap on what we have

discuss today. What did we discuss?

Yes. What else?

What else?

Very good!

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