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Glory to God Mass of Christ the Savior Dan Senutte Mag ea Glory to God, Glory to God inthe nigh= Wi ay = wee oetg we g Glory to God, SS ely Pwel ral Lp === 4 SS Sa will. praise you. we bless you, we 8 - dare you, we glovi-fy you, we oe a Se} R & SS SSS SSSI ive you thanks for your great glory, Lord. Gnd, heav'a~ ly ‘ 3 Gee == t pet beSee] 2—==E ry [De a + x f f 6% fs ES Z - t Bod, al - mighty Fa ther sgt SS Fe : eed , Lamb of God, Son of the Fa-ther, Christ, Dn ly Be-got-ten ey thoes Po m4 ae Ped ee da 0 PRE eEE fpr EF i= {=e rERe , Se _——_ SSS Sa ae a sins of the mer - on us; way the sins of the py + + + + + Qe Le bell seated et the righthand, == Sj ' J Fe de LT OM as ie . . Le 8 ae ieee at eee ae bh aE i SS SE = qj aa = Fa ‘ther, have mer ~ cy on us. oe ro = a I+ 7 se Pe See =h PLM TEU P Tad is ap te you @tone are the Ho-ly One, you atone are the Lord, youa-jone are the an a fof Thee a Sd le it The pL. Sapa For you @tone are the Ho-ly One, you alone arethe Lord, youe~lone are the 5 ° coal HT Ws He, Girt, wiitolosy Syn” ny Gal bo eee = =r GNESI Se apes Most High, Je-sus Christ, withthe Holy Spirit, in the glo-ry of God the ae ge ae Most High, Je-sus Christ, withthe Ho=Iy Spirit, in the glo-ry of God the 1 ne se va 2542018

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