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Pakistan Sweet Home

(NGO working to provide Shelter, Education and Food to Orphans)

Final Report.

Group Members:
Ali Shahzad 23232
Asif Mehmood 23198
Zohaib Tahir 23165
Fiza Kazmi 23198
Faisal Sarwar 23186

Submitted to:
Miss Mehwish Atiq.

Introduction: ................................................................................................................................................. 6
Vision:........................................................................................................................................................ 6
Mission: ..................................................................................................................................................... 6
Objectives: ................................................................................................................................................ 6
Specific: ................................................................................................................................................. 6
Measurable: .......................................................................................................................................... 6
Attainable:............................................................................................................................................. 7
Realistic: ................................................................................................................................................ 7
Time: ..................................................................................................................................................... 7
SWOT Analysis: ............................................................................................................................................. 7
Strengths: .................................................................................................................................................. 7
Weaknesses: ............................................................................................................................................. 7
Opportunities: ........................................................................................................................................... 8
Threats: ..................................................................................................................................................... 8
Micro Environment: ...................................................................................................................................... 8
Company: .................................................................................................................................................. 8
Top Management:................................................................................................................................. 8
Finance Department: ............................................................................................................................ 8
R&D Department: ................................................................................................................................. 8
Purchases: ............................................................................................................................................. 9
Accounts department: .......................................................................................................................... 9
Supplier: .................................................................................................................................................... 9
Intermediaries:.......................................................................................................................................... 9
Competitors: ............................................................................................................................................. 9
Publics: ...................................................................................................................................................... 9
Local public: .......................................................................................................................................... 9
Media public: ........................................................................................................................................ 9
Internal publics: .................................................................................................................................... 9
Macro Environment: ................................................................................................................................... 10
Demographics: ........................................................................................................................................ 10
Economic Environment: .......................................................................................................................... 10
Natural Environment: ............................................................................................................................. 10

Technological Environment: ................................................................................................................... 10
Political Environment: ............................................................................................................................. 10
Cultural Environment: ............................................................................................................................. 10
Marketing Mix And 7p’s Of Marketing: ...................................................................................................... 10
Product:................................................................................................................................................... 10
Price: ....................................................................................................................................................... 11
Place: ....................................................................................................................................................... 11
Promotion: .............................................................................................................................................. 11
Physical Evidence: ................................................................................................................................... 11
Physical Evidence from Donor’s points of view: ................................................................................. 11
Physical Evidence from Children’s point of view: ............................................................................... 11
Process: ................................................................................................................................................... 11
People: .................................................................................................................................................... 11
Financial Intermediaries: ............................................................................................................................ 11
People who can support less the 10 children: .................................................................................... 12
People who can support 10 or more children: ................................................................................... 12
People who can support 50 or more children: ................................................................................... 12
People who can support more than 100 children: ............................................................................. 12
Target market: ............................................................................................................................................ 12
Geographical: .......................................................................................................................................... 12
Demographics: ........................................................................................................................................ 12
Age: ..................................................................................................................................................... 12
Gender: ............................................................................................................................................... 12
Income: ............................................................................................................................................... 12
Family members:................................................................................................................................. 12
Psychographics:....................................................................................................................................... 12
Interest: ............................................................................................................................................... 12
Activities:............................................................................................................................................. 13
Opinions: ............................................................................................................................................. 13
Behavioral: .............................................................................................................................................. 13
Positioning: ................................................................................................................................................. 13
User Positioning: ..................................................................................................................................... 13
Competitive Positioning: ......................................................................................................................... 13

Benefit Positioning: ................................................................................................................................. 13
CRM:............................................................................................................................................................ 13
Sponsors:..................................................................................................................................................... 13
Conclusion: .................................................................................................................................................. 14
Recommendations: ..................................................................................................................................... 14


Pakistan Sweet homes is an NGO which is working to provide Education, Food and Shelter to
the orphans living in Pakistan. It is a project of Pakistan Bait-UL-Mal. This NGO came in to
existent in 2009 when a small orphan boy from Swat, KPK was handed over to MR Zammurd
Khan. At that time Zammurd Khan was working as a managing Director of Pakistan Bait-UL-Mal
and Instead of handing over the child to Orphanage he decided to make an Organization where
this and many other orphans can live and can get all the basic necessities of life. That’s how
Zammurd Khan became the founder of Pakistan Sweet Homes. Now they provide them quality
education food and place to live.
In 2012 Pakistan Sweet Homes established a center exclusive for orphan girls as they believe in
equality of the girls in the society. They strongly believe that the girls have equal right to get
education and to avail all the facilities of the life.
Now in 2016 they have establish 31 center across the country and having more than 3500 boys
and 100 girls.
In 2018 there project of an Old Age Home will be completing. Than they will be able to provide
all the necessary facilities to the old age people who are left alone by their children or have no
one who can take care of them.

One day every orphan will have access to quality living standards and education across the glob.

To reach every poor orphan across the country to provide them quality education, food and
place to live where they can learn how to live life with dignity.

Following are the Objectives of Pakistan Sweet Home.
They want to bring all the orphans under this umbrella and to do that they have
different techniques to bring sponsors to support their Organization.
They have measured the ratio of orphan children present all over in Pakistan and when
any child is included in the organization they move slowly towards achieving their targets.
Basically they want to have 30000 kids under the shed of Pakistan Sweet Home.

When they started the setup there was only 1 child but now they have 3500 boys and
100 girls in six years. Many other institutes are working from several years but did not achieve
this level. Pakistan sweet home has become the largest organization among Asia in terms of
Infrastructure. This shows that this is totally attainable.
They have realistic approach due to research they have come to know that which
sponsor can support how many children, so they try to find the right sponsor to make their
mission realistic.
In 15 to 20 years they will achieve their mission.

SWOT Analysis:
Following are the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats for the NGO.

Their strengths are the local donors with in Pakistan. They receive huge amount of
donations from many institutions in terms of money, food, clothes and many other basic
necessities of life. For example: Savor foods provide them free food, Madina Fabric provide
them cloths, Alkausar flour mills provide them free flour and many other local donors are there
Now there 2nd strength is the participation of youngsters in the promotion of NGO.
Many youngsters from different universities are taking part in the promotion and fund rising
activities. For example: Pakistan sweet home had arrange a concert for the fund rising purpose
MR Asif Mehmood took part in this activity. He collected 50000 RS from Iqra University by
selling the passes on behalf of NGO. This is just one example such as many other students and
youngsters are playing there different parts in the wellbeing of the NGO and humanity. This
shows that they are becoming the strengths of the organization.

They are lacking behind a bit in their education sector. They think there should be more
teachers and facilities available for the student. They are planning to build their own college
and university till the creation gets complete they have to be dependent on the government
and private universities and colleges to support and sponsor their children.
There promotion strategies are not up to date. Finance department don’t give them
money for promotion. Finance department thinks this is the money of orphans so it should be
invested on orphans rather than on promotions.

When any new or existing firm or institution is willing to sponsor orphans financially,
academically or in term of food or shelter NGO find this as an opportunity. They visit the institution and
try to convince them to support their NGO by using different techniques.

Arranging different types of activities such as concerts, art exhibitions, and other event to raise
funds for the NGO. In concerts and other events fund is collected from sponsors and in art exhibitions
they sell the pictures and art pieces created by the students of NGO. This always become a great
opportunity for the NGO to generate funds and get publicity.

Pakistan Sweet home is except form the Taxes but if the polices get change and government
starts to impose taxes on such them this can be a threat for them.

But they sometimes get worried about the sponsor if any sponsor stops supporting them it
becomes a threat to find a new sponsor at the same time.

Any sponsor stop supporting them and move on to other NGO like Eddie, SOS village, Roshni
Homes and others. If this happens there competitors can become a threat for them.

Micro Environment:
Followings are the factors impacting the NGO at micro level.

In Certain ways the decisions made by the management can impact the Micro environment.

Top Management:
The main motive of the organization is to provide basic necessities of life to the poor orphans
but top management takes a decision which have nothing to do with the welfare of children can affect
the micro level. For example: despite of having funds, place of residence and space of new children, top
management orders to stop adopting more children. In this way the NGO’s mission will never be

Finance Department:
The circulation of money is in the hands of finance department. If management wants to raise
the funds through a concert. They have to ask the finance department to provide funds but at that time
finance department refused to give away money by saying this money belongs to orphans go and find
your on sponsors for the concert. This will affect the whole environment.

R&D Department:
The work of R&D department in this organization is to find orphans who are needy they deserve
to be in this NGO. If R&D department did not conduct a proper research and bring a child in the
organization who is not needy or not an orphan will affect the organization because public will start
losing their trust on the organization.

Purchases department have to analyze the need of the children at the time of purchase. For
example: Children need books to study rather the purchasing books purchases department keeps on
purchasing cloths will affect the organization.

Accounts department:
If accounts department didn’t keeps a proper record of the daily transaction it can all end up in
the mess. At the last of the year when you are checking your assets the organization have to suffer due
to the incomplete records.

Savor foods provide them food if they stop supplying or reduce the supply of food the Ngo will
suffer they have find a new supplier of food through which they can cover up the sort fall. Or there
finance department have to lift up the responsibility until they find a new supplier

Similarly Madina fabrics provide them cloths, Alkausar mills provide them flour and many other
if stops or reduce their supplies NGO environment will get affected the same way.

If Geo becomes their marketing intermediary and at the same time Geo is also an intermediary
of Eddhi so the attention of the intermediary will be divided in two groups in this way due to some
reasons or personal likeness Geo staff might be much focus on Eddhi and Pakistan Sweet Homes have to
suffer. This is how the intermediaries can affect the environment.

If the competitors like Eddhi, Roshni homes or SOS village manage somehow to steel way
Pakistan sweet homes supplier in term of food, money or shelter, who environment will be suffer
because all the burden will be on the finance department until they find a new supplier.

Followings are the effect of public on the NGO.

Local public:
If people living in the area start to say bad things about organization like they are not working
for the wellbeing they just adopt children and take work from them like painting cleaning etc. Due to
this the donors will lose their trust over the NGO.

Media public:
If media start to say bad things about the organization like it happens in past days. Due to the
lack of attention by the kitchen staff they put some wrong ingredients in the meal. After eating that
many children got ill and were admitted in the hospital. Media makes it a head line that Pakistan sweet
home didn’t provide healthy food to the children. Those headline make a bad impact on the reputation
of the NGO ending up with a lot of questions asked by the donors and lack of trust.

Internal publics:
When the staff member of NGO speaks against the NGO. Everyone take those negative words by
the staff member very seriously because they think he or she knows much about the internal situations

of the NGO he or she is speaking truth. For example: A staff member says MR Zammurd Khan had
purchase car for his personal use from the donation. Everyone will think this is true.

Macro Environment:
Followings are the factors effecting the Macro environment of the NGO

As we all know people make markets and if they move there orphanage into a less populated
area or in a village where the roads are not properly constructed. In such case less people can visit the
NGO which means less awareness in public that will eventually lead to less donations and end up with
the difficulty in survival of NGO.

Economic Environment:
People get encourage to save more which means less donations for the NGO. For Example. If
such policies by the banks are announced on which the profit ration is high everyone will become focus
on saving money rather than donating to NGOs.

Natural Environment:
If any natural disasters takes place in the country like floods, earthquake or any other reasons.
The NGO will get less donations because everyone is donating to those who are the victims of the
disaster. The focus of the public will be on the victims.

Technological Environment:
As we all know this is the age of E-banking if they didn’t open any bank account, people living
abroad cannot send them there donations and in Pakistan life is getting busy day by day everyone wants
there work to be done while seating at home so they have a bank account number on which you can
donate without any where going through E-banking. This is how technology can affect the environment.

Political Environment:
These NGO’s are exempt from the taxation polices of government. If the condition get change
and government impose tax on them this will make problem for the NGO.

Cultural Environment:
The culture of the environment is very friendly. Children from all the cultures are living together
without any favoritism. If they start to prefer the children of only one culture then there will be
favoritism involve there. It will affect their donations as well

Marketing Mix And 7p’s Of Marketing:

Following are the principles of marketing implemented on an NGO.

Their product is basically provide shelter, food and education to the orphans living in Pakistan
and are the part of the NGO.

The average amount spent on 1 child per month is 6000 and they have round about 3600
children in there NGO. So they want the maximum donation from the donor to at least full fill the

They have 32 office across the main cities of Pakistan including Kashmir and Gilgit Baltistan.
Anyone can visit there any time to make him or her selves satisfied.

Promotion means more funds for the organization. It means it is critically important for the
NGO. For promotion NGO workers do direct marketing, Publicity, Sponsorship relations. They conduct
special events like they had done 4 weeks before with the name of “The Rising Pakistan”. It was a mega
carnival and fund raising event. Social media platform also played an important role in promoting those

Physical Evidence:
Physical evidence include

1- Physical evidence from donor’s point of view

2-Physical evidence from children’s point of view.

Physical Evidence from Donor’s points of view:

Whenever the donors donate to the Ngo they give them a proper slip as a proof. They keep
these slips as a record that this person has donated a specific amount for specific days. After the
completion of the specified period they get an automatic message as a remainder.

Physical Evidence from Children’s point of view:

Ngo send reports to the donors to make them sure their money is invested on the children and
how. They send them all the details about the investment they make on the children.

They follow a proper process of generating funds from the donors and invest them in the
activities which are beneficial for the society and for the children of the NGO. They visit the sponsors
and tell them about the activity then they get money or support from the donor.

Pakistan sweet home are completely people oriented organization. Non-paid volunteers who
help them on various projects are the most important people involved in an every Ngo same like as
Pakistan sweet home.

Financial Intermediaries:
Ngo has divided the market in the following financial intermediaries.

1-People who can support less the 10 children

2-Poeple who can support 10 or more children

3-People who can support 50 or more children

4-people who can support more than 100 children.

People who can support less the 10 children:

There are some people who can support 1 to 9 children in terms of food, shelter and education
are included in this segment. People running small business are the examples of this category.

People who can support 10 or more children:

There are some people in the market who can support more than 10 children up to 49 are
included in this segment. People running large business like shops in blue area and raja bazar are the
examples of this category.

People who can support 50 or more children:

There are some people in the market who can support from 50 to 99 in terms of food, shelter
and education. Organization like Iqra University, Savor food and many other are the examples of this

People who can support more than 100 children:

They can support more the 100 children at a time. Organizations like Mobilink, Zong and many
others are the example of this category.

Target market:
Following is the target market of Pakistan Sweet home.

They are targeting both rural and urban area because there are many families in both area who
cannot support themselves.

They are targeting the people of age 5 to 6 years.

They are targeting both genders male and female.

Very low income level or having no income at all.

Family members:
They child who left alone.

They are targeting a child who is interested in getting education.

They are targeting children who are involve in cultural activities

They target a child who is having an opinion that education can change his life and he can live
with dignity.

Their children are loyal to the Ngo because of their efficient services. Whenever a new child
joins the Ngo all children use to tell him or her that they are in the save hands. Ngo has gain the trust of
all the children now Children trust on the management of the NGO.

According to positioning Pakistan sweet homes one at number 1 in the donors mind whenever
they have to donate to NGO related to orphans.

User Positioning:
They have the advantage of user positioning because they already have some donors who are
willing to donate for the orphans. Like Savor foods, Iqra University and Saddiq Public school.

Competitive Positioning:
They have competitive advantage because they are totally focused on orphans. There
competitors such as Eddhi they have a lot of segments to deal such as old age homes, homeless women
and many others. So when it comes to donation for orphan Pakistan Sweet homes comes at number 1 in
donors mind.

Benefit Positioning:
When Ever it comes to donation to orphans Pakistan sweet comes in donors mind because they
are totally focused on the wellbeing of the orphans.

They have 32 centers linked up together through a CRM system. They use excel and QuickBooks
as there CRM. They have all the data about their supplies, children and donors recorded there. They also
keep a record of children activities along with their pictures.

Followings are the sponsors and main donors of Pakistan Sweet homes.

1- Dawn bread

2- Telenor

3- Siddeeq public school.

4- Comsats

5- Bata

6- Nust

This report shows that even a non-profit organization like Pakistan Sweet homes need
marketing strategies to survive in the market. Marketing is the most important aspect for the smooth
run of the business. They have pretty well analyzed the market and due to the help of segmentation
they clearly know which part of the population is to target for donation. They have some very good
sponsors to run their Ngo smoothly. There 32 branches all over the market give them an edge over
many of their competitors.

Followings are the recommendations for the Pakistan sweet homes to run their NGO more

1- They should conduct awareness programs to make develop some knowledge in public about the Ngo.
More the knowledge more the donations.

2- They are planning to build their own university and college for many years. They should now start to
build those in such way they will be less dependent on other universities and colleges.

3- They should conduct concerts and activities for children more frequently because all there events are
covered my media groups which means publicity.

4- They should make popular TV channels like Geo ARY Hum etc there sponsors which will help them to
get popular among public.

5- They should give equal importance to all there donators’ weather they are supporting child or 100
children because your donors are your assets you cannot afford to lose them.

6- Should invite donors to the Ngo to survey and visit children. It will eventually do three things.

 Will create an urge in the children to be like these donors and successful in life.
 Will create more sympathy in the hearts of donors and they will donate more.
 Will develop donors trust on the organization.

7- They should increase their youth volunteers from different universities and colleges.


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