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Your class has watched a television documentary about the benefits of helping

immigrants to integrate into their local communities.


Choose two of the areas in your notes. You should explain why the areas are
important and provide reasons in support of your answer.

Immigration is one of the most discussed and important issues in today’s society.
The immigration has increased significantly over the past few years. In this
essay, I will discuss some of the benefits of helping immigrants to integrate into
their local communities.

First of all, it is extremely important that the host country provides language
classes to immigrants. This is because if they know the local language it will be
much more easier (1) for them to communicate with locals and this will lead to
them making contacts that can be very helpful in the integration process. Also,
language is very important when applying for a job.

However, providing language classes to every immigrant can be very expensive

in the long-term and it is something that has to be paid for by using the money
from taxes. Therefore, the country has to make sure that the classes are efficient
and that they will ensure good results resulting in that the person can get a job.

Secondly, another important thing that a host country should help their
immigrants with is something I have already touched upon, to get a job. In order
for a immigrant to really integrate in their new community they have to get the
opportunities to meet local people and understand their culture. By getting a job,
people get these opportunities every single day which is extremely valuable.
Also, providing jobs to immigrants very is (2) beneficial for the country in terms of
more taxes.

Over all, I think that welcoming these people into the country is not only
extremely valuable for the immigrants, it is also extremely beneficial for the

Nowadays immigration is one of the most controversial issues in the modern

world. While some areas are considered to be nice places for living due to the
culture diversity, others tend to be less welcoming for immigrants because of
many problems arising with their arrival. Anyways, all immigrants do not feel
confident in the new environment and it is very important to help them
accommodate and adapt.

Language can be the greatest barrier while moving to another country, so many
people would need professional help in this case. I believe that language courses
have to be provided at lower expenses for the immigrants. First of all, they might
not have enough money to afford the normal price due to moving costs. In
addition, the long-term benefits from knowing the local tongue can be brought if
some of them are skilled workers.
In case the government doesn’t have enough money to provide lower fees to
immigrants, it is possible to make them feel better by respecting their culture and
perhaps giving them some tips on how to not seem ridiculous in some sort of
situations because behaviour patterns might vary a lot especially if immigration is
happening across the globe and requires communication with people of different

Both points discussed in this essay will make immigrants’ life easier and less
stressful and, moreover, show the host country as a welcoming and nice place to
settle down in.

What are the benefits to a country from people spending time abroad?

– business
– culture
– understanding

Choose two of the areas in your notes. You should explain why the areas are
important and provide reasons in support of your answer.

Research has proven that it is beneficial for countries when tourists spend time
abroad. Not only is it liberating to experience a variety of areas in a new kingdom
such as the local businesses, different cultures and one’s overall understanding
of a different way to live, but it also enables a country to grow.

Firstly, financial institutions gain a great deal when people explore their interests
in a new environment. This is evident as the economy will suffer tremendously if
tourists are unwilling to spend their savings in order to satisfy their interests,
thus, leading to a lower income which will affect the remuneration of employees.
Furthermore, workers will opt to seek out other opportunities, depriving (1) a
country financially. With that said, it is crucial for travellers to immerse
themselves in a country as it will support the local enterprises and even provide
more employment opportunities for citizens.

In addition, it is apparent that introducing your nation’s cultures to the minds of

travellers is the key of exploring a new country. For instance, introducing a
country’s cultures to tourists will allow them to explore new traditions, taste new
foods and educate themselves about something bigger than their own world.
Ultimately, resulting in the attraction of a multitude of tourists. When a country is
able provide travellers with a feeling of belonging the word will spread, hence,
allowing a nation to keep abreast with its fellow competitors.

In conclusion, I am of the opinion that tourism is the bedrock for any growing
nation. It has proven to be beneficial to different areas in a country. Inviting
travellers to be a part of a nation enables it to exceed the expectations of what it
was initially set out to be.
Which methods governments should use to prepare young people for working life?
— visits from employers
— apprentice schemes
— work-related subjects at school

Hardly anyone can argue than gaining young poeple when it comes to serious
academic situations can be quite challenging, but there is no doubt that if there’s
one topic that will efficiently gain their attention it has got to be their quickly
upcoming future. Nowadays kids, teenagers especially, are usually surrounded by
the constant pressure that comes with the uncertainities and mystery the times to
come might present. The world’s generally unstable economy and society’s highly
competitive capitalist system leaves them no other choice, so, fortunately for those
who are interested in shaping our future leaders, it comes as no surprise that the
aspect of what their lives might hold once they become independent is the one that
manages to successfully gain their attention and interest. Due to this, the process
of more adequately preparing young people for working life should be fairly easy as
long as the proper methods are implemented. The two more promising suggestions
seem to be the implementation of regular school visits done by experienced
employers, and the addition of extra work-related subjects in schools available for
any student who might be interested in informing themselves about a certain
working branch or profession.

While the second option might sound more attractive to those who trust theorical
education over any other practice, I personally believe the implementation
of employer (5) is the right way to go if we aim to genuinely gain the students’
interest. Not only would this visits (6) be something they would look foward
to (7) thanks to the lightness they’d provide in comparison to other classes, but this
method would also be one that guarantees their direct involvement if designed and
planned correctly.

On the contrary, the addition of new subjects is sure to be a significantly

bigger (8) failure since young people are already burdened with more than enough
work and little to no free time so it seems unlikely that they would actually willingly
add more work to their already thight (9) schedules. Furthermore, even if they were
to accept and participate in this classes, the results would likely be quite unfruitful
due to the reasons previously mentioned.

It goes without saying that the most effective way to go would be to implement both
systems and let each student decide what their personal preference is based on
their own likings, but if there is a need to choose a specific one, I would highly
suggest the implementation of professional’s visits.

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