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What is a concept paper?

All research projects need a concept paper: a short summary that tells the reader what the project is, why it is
important, and how it will be carried out. Even if no one else ever reads it, the concept paper helps a researcher
spot holes in her or his project that might later prove fatal. It is far better to be clear at the beginning than to put
in a lot of effort for nothing!

Typically, a concept paper contains these elements:

1. A title in the form of a question. This may be the last part of the concept paper that you write, but it should
appear at the heading of the paper.

2. A clear description of the research topic, including a summary of what is already known about that topic.

3. A one-sentence statement of the research question that the project will seek to answer. (This is almost always
something that is not known.) The concept paper should elaborate on how this question can be answered --
something that almost always takes more than one sentence to accomplish.

4. A demonstration of why it is important to answer this research question. What good comes of this answer?
Why is this project worth writing?

5. A description of how the researcher plans to answer the research question. This includes:

a. a description of the data or evidence that the researcher plans to gather or use;
b. a description of how the researcher will analyze these data; and
c. a demonstration of how these data and this analytic method will answer the research question.

Concept papers should range from 1 - 2 double-spaced pages (250-500 words). The point of a concept paper is
to provide a clear summary of the research project. It should enable a casual reader to understand what the
researcher is investigating, why it is important, and how the investigation will proceed.

What Is the Difference between Concept Paper and Project Proposal?

The difference between a concept paper and a grant proposal are their objectives.

The concept paper a written document formulated and addressed to appeal potential buyers in finding a certain
project or program. It has a convincing tone that appeals to the emotions of some promising prominent people.
It is also sometimes regarded by some as an initial step in a marketing proposal. You may also check out
research proposal examples & samples.

On the other hand, a project proposal is another type of a written document that has its main objective of solving
a specific problem. It contains a specific, detailed and logical presentation of information on the steps and
strategies of making a project a success.

How to Write a Business Concept Proposal

Writing a business concept proposal requires thorough research and unmatched skills. However, here are the
steps on how to write a business concept proposal.

1. Create a system. When providing your concept, make sure to outline it in a systematized and logical
manner. This makes your proposal easy-to-understand.
2. Understand the subject. This should be the first step in writing a business concept proposal. Try to
understand the subject matter in order to conceptualize the value statements and ideas.
3. Do your research. Make sure to do an extensive research about business ideas and concepts. The key
to a successful business concept proposal is originality. Make sure that your proposal is unique. You may
also see proposal memo examples & samples.
4. End it with a clear conclusion. When closing out your proposal document, make sure to wrap
everything up starting from your main point up to the least detail. If necessary, reiterate your important

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