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By Uygar Durgunay
October 2010
Table of Contents
Abstract ................................................................................................................................................... 3
Compressor Discharge pressure calculation based on Gas Pressure Required at FG1........................... 3
The Operating Temperature Range of Gas Fuel for GT........................................................................... 4
Minimum Start-up Temperature of Fuel Gas...................................................................................... 4
Analysis of the Plant Performance .......................................................................................................... 5
Theoretical Background ...................................................................................................................... 5
The effect of Fuel Gas Temperature on plant performance ........................................................... 5
Fuel Gas Suction Temperature ........................................................................................................ 5
Compression Ratio .......................................................................................................................... 6
Case High (Performance Heater and Scrubber is Present on the Gas Line but by-passed) .................... 6
Discussion of Results for Case High................................................................................................... 10
Case Low (Performance Heater and Scrubber is not present).............................................................. 10
Discussion of Results for Case Low.................................................................................................... 13
Conclusion ............................................................................................................................................. 14
The intent of this study is to investigate whether using performance heater and scrubber on the fuel
gas line commercially beneficial for Gama or not. The results show that not employing performance
heater and scrubber is more commercially attractive for Gama. This result is based on a model
created for estimating the performance of combined cycle for varying fuel gas temperature and
pressure at suction. Several cases are found to be detrimental to the stable operation of Gas Turbine
hence the entire plant. Measures to overcome these short comings should also be investigated yet
this is beyond the scope of this study.

Compressor Discharge pressure calculation based on Gas Pressure

Required at FG1
The most important design parameter for fuel gas is its pressure. Fuel gas should be brought to a
pressure that matches to that of GT air compressor. If the fuel gas pressure is lower than that of GT
air discharge pressure; mixing of fuel and air is not possible. Therefore the fuel gas pressure should
be equal to or above that of required by GE at FG1. Fuel Gas Compressor, however; being the most
demanding auxiliary power consumer in the plant; pressures excessively above that of required is
penalizing both in terms of higher auxiliary electric consumption and due to Joule-Thompson effect.

Gas Compressor discharge pressure is calculated based on considering the pressure losses over the
equipment located on fuel gas line and the pipe line itself. Table 1 below; summarizes the
equipment located on the fuel gas line and the pressure losses taken into account for these
equipment. The lines highlighted with light green shows the equipment supplied by GE and the
pressure losses for these equipment is set by GE. The pressure loss for performance heater and
scrubber is taken from Empresarious Aguparos. The compressor discharge pressure is calculated by
aggregating all of the pressure losses over the minimum required pressure at FG1.

Table 1: Pressure losses over various fuel gas equipment

Min Pressure at FG Module bar(g) 31,73
Duplex coalescing Filter 1,03
Electrical heater for Start up (by-passed) 0,07
Performance Heater 1,03
Scrubber 0,21
Orifice Plate flow meter 0,34
Piping (Customer scope – To be defined) 0,69
SSOV 0,34
Compressor Discharge Pressure bar(g) 35,44

In this report; 2 distinct cases with 20 subcategories will be considered. The two main cases is based
on a classification of gas compressor discharge pressure. For the first case named as Case High the
compressor discharge pressure is set to 36.3 bar(g) with an additional pressure loss margin of 0.8 bar.
The second case discussed in this report is named as Case Low and based on a gas compressor
discharge pressure of 35 bar(g). The 1.3 bar differences comes from the pressure losses over the
performance heater and scrubber of which the report discusses whether the installation of these
equipment is commercially beneficial for GAMA or not.
The Operating Temperature Range of Gas Fuel for GT
The other important consideration for the fuel gas is the temperature. In 9FB technology, the
protection set up is based on Modified Wobbe Index, and consequently linked to temperature.

Based on a nominal gas temperature of 110 °C for the current design of GT:

 T min Start-up = 10 °C at start up and until 45% of gas mass flow and approximately 30% load
 T min Operation =80 °C from 45% to 100% of gas mass flow

In case the gas temperature does not reach the acceptable limit (in our case 80 °C) the premixed
mode is not allowed and the GT cannot go above approximately 30% of load, corresponding to
roughly 45% of gas mass flow.

In case the flow is higher than 45% and the gas temperature decrease below 80 °C, the GT will
initiate a run back decreasing until 45% of gas mass flow (~30% of load). Therefore; the range of
operating gas temperature for GT is 80 °C – 150 °C from 45% to 100% gas mass flow.

Minimum Start-up Temperature of Fuel Gas

From firing to 45% gas mass flow, minimum required operating gas temperature is calculated as 10
°C. This calculation is based on the gas moisture dew point temperature which is -2.5 °C at maximum
gas pressure 37.9 bar (g) for the specified composition of the gas.

Electrical heater’s sole purpose is to bring the fuel gas to the required minimum start-up
temperature and therefore it is designed to bring the fuel gas to a minimum temperature of 10 °C
until 45% of gas mass flow that means electrical heater is designed for an increase of 10 °C with a
maximum flow of 7.5 kg /s.

Moisture superheat is calculated with the formula mentioned in GEI-41040 chapter III.C. (Page 14
GEI-41040.PDF) and the formula yields 12.3 °C. (See attached for easy reference)

Considering the above data, the minimum operating gas temperature at FG1 is calculated as 9.8 °C.

Therefore; we have taken into account a temperature increase of 10 °C for the electrical heater
(considering minimum gas temperature is 0 °C)
Analysis of the Plant Performance
Fuel gas temperature has an effect on the plant output and heat rate. At different compression ratios
and suction temperatures of the fuel gas, gas compressor power consumption also varies along with
the heat energy required to bring the gas to nominal temperature of 110 °C.

An excel model is created to model the cases. Please note that the model presented in the excel
sheet takes the variations in the exhaust energy into account for different fuel gas temperatures and
hence; gives an indicative value for the overall plant performance considering Steam turbine output.

Yet the response of the system to variations in the fuel temperature is complex and the performance
figures presented for combined cycle should be treated as only indicative which may be subjected to

Theoretical Background

The effect of Fuel Gas Temperature on plant performance

The effect of fuel gas temperature on the Gas Turbine is plotted in figure 1:


Ratio to nominal

Heat Rate
Heat Consumption


-50 0 50 100 150 200
Fuel Gas Temperature

Figure 1: Effect of Fuel Gas Temperature

As seen Fuel Gas temperature has an effect on thermodynamic efficiency of GT and hence in
conjunction it has an effect on the overall plant thermodynamic performance. This study strives to
model this effect. The differences on the slopes of heat consumption curve and heat rate curve will
create the different response of the overall plant response than that of GT to variation in the fuel gas

Fuel Gas Suction Temperature

As the fuel gas suction temperature increases Gas compressor power consumption and discharge
temperature increase; heat load decreases.
Compression Ratio

As the compression ratio increases power consumption and discharge temperature increase; heat
load decreases.

These intricate correlations complicate the system response and put the fuel gas line design at the
apex of plant engineering.

Case High (Performance Heater and Scrubber is Present on the Gas

Line but by-passed)
The discharge pressure of the gas compressor is fixed to a set point of 37.3 bar(a). This set point is
calculated considering the losses over the pipe line and the gas conditioning equipment including
performance heater and scrubber. If the performance heater and the consequent scrubber are by-
passed the pressure losses over the equipment will not be present and the stop-speed ratio valve of
the GT will have to throttle to bring the gas to the correct pressure. This adiabatic throttling will
induce Joule Thompson effect which will cause a further reduction in the temperature of the fuel gas.

What’s more, suction temperature and the compression ratio also effect the gas compressor
consumption. Basically; as the suction temperature and/or compression ratio increase the power
consumption of the compressor increases. Since the gas compressor procurement is still on-going the
power consumption of the compressor can only be estimated for the moment. Likewise the fuel gas
line is still under development and depending on the pressure losses over the fuel gas line
compression ratio can be decreased or increased which further complicates the estimation of the
performance figures.

Due to all of the above stated reasons; the overall response of the combined cycle is complex and
the figures presented are only estimations which should be treated as indicative estimated values
that are subjected to change.

The main concern for this study is the identification of cases at which the GT will not be operational
at full speed 100% load.

During the analysis; only one case is found to be critical for the operation of the GT. This case is
presented with the reference Case 1a. For Case 1a; the temperature and pressure of the gas at the
customer terminal point considered as 0 °C and 15.5 bar (g) respectively. The discharge temperature
of the fuel gas compressor for this case is estimated to be 77.5 °C and the temperature at FG1 is
considered to be 76.5 °C due to Joule Thompson Effect. For this condition the GT will initiate a run
back decreasing until 45% of gas mass flow (~30% of load).

Currently; we are not in a position to confirm the operation of the GT below 80 °C for loads higher
than approximately 30%. From a controls philosophy stand point; the transient response of the GT at
case 1a will be HUNTING. If the fuel gas temperature is 76.5 °C GT will initiate a run-back and reject
fuel supply. At 7.5 kg/s flow Gas compressor will be running in recirculation mode and the
consequent result is temperature increase thus GT will take load again yet the gas compressor will
get out of re-circulation mode thus the fuel gas temperature will decrease again. This loop is named
as hunting from a controls stand-point and the operation of GT will be extremely unstable.
For all of the other cases GT will be operational at Full Speed, 100% load stable with the estimated
performance figures for combined cycle.

Temperatu Pressure at
re at Customer Temperatu
Customer Terminal Discharge Discharge re
Terminal Point Pressure Compressi Temperatu decrease Temperatu
Point °C bar(a) bar(a) on Ratio re °C °C re at FG1
Case 1a 0 16,5 37,3 13 77,5 1 76,5
Case 2a 5 16,5 37,3 13 83,9 1 82,9
Case 3a 10 16,5 37,3 13 90,3 1 89,3
Case 4a 15 16,5 37,3 13 96,7 1 95,7
Case 5a 20 16,5 37,3 13 103,1 1 102,1
Case 1b 0 16 37,3 67 81 1 80
Case 2b 5 16 37,3 67 87,2 1 86,2
Case 3b 10 16 37,3 67 93,7 1 92,7
Case 4b 15 16 37,3 67 100,2 1 99,2
Case 5b 20 16 37,3 67 106,7 1 105,7
Case 1c 0 15,5 37,3 93 84 1 83
Case 2c 5 15,5 37,3 93 90,7 1 89,7
Case 3c 10 15,5 37,3 93 97,3 1 96,3
Case 4c 15 15,5 37,3 93 103,8 1 102,8
Case 5c 20 15,5 37,3 93 110,4 1 109,4
Case 1d 0 15 37,3 14 87,8 1 86,8
Case 2d 5 15 37,3 14 94,4 1 93,4
Case 3d 10 15 37,3 14 101,1 1 100,1
Case 4d 15 15 37,3 14 107,6 1 106,6
Case 5d 20 15 37,3 14 114,2 1 113,2
Table 2: Cases considered for Case High
effect of Gas Comp. Consumption)
Heat Rate kJ/kWh(Without the

6477 Pressure 15.5 bar(g)

6476 Pressure 15 bar(g)

Pressure 14.5 bar(g)
Pressure 14 bar(g)
0 5 10 15 20 25

Temperature deg C
Figure 2: Effect of Fuel Temperature on Heat Rate of Overall plant for Case High

Efficiency(Without the effect of Gas

Comp. Consumption)



0.5558 Pressure 15.5 bar(g)

Pressure 15 bar(g)
Pressure 14.5 bar(g)
0.5556 Pressure 14 bar(g)


0 5 10 15 20 25

Temperature Deg C
Figure 3: Effect of Fuel Temperature on Efficiency of Overall plant for Case High

Plant Net Output MW (Without the
effect of Gas Comp. Consumption) 428200


427800 Pressure 15.5 bar(g)

Pressure 15 bar(g)
Pressure 14.5 bar(g)
427400 Pressure 14 bar(g)


0 5 10 15 20 25

Temperature Deg C
Figure 4: Effect of Fuel Temperature on Output of Overall plant for Case High


LD in Euros (Thousands)



400 Pressure 15.5 bar(g)

Pressure 15 bar(g)
Pressure 14.5 bar(g)

200 Pressure 14 bar(g)


0 5 10 15 20 25

Temperature Deg C

Figure 5: LD for different conditions

Discussion of Results for Case High

The effect of Gas Compressor electric consumption is found to be dominating over all other effects of
fuel gas. This deduction is based on the steep increase observed in the LD rate curve slopes with
increasing suction temperature and increasing compression ratio which aggravates gas compressor
consumption. Similar effect is expected for Case low that the effect of gas compressor auxiliary
consumption is dominant over all other effects.

Case Low (Performance Heater and Scrubber is not present)

The discharge pressure of the gas compressor is fixed to a set point of 36 bar(a). This set point is
calculated considering the losses over the pipe line and the gas conditioning equipment excluding.

What’s more, suction temperature and the compression ratio also effect the gas compressor
consumption. Basically; as the suction temperature and/or compression ratio increase the power
consumption of the compressor increases. Since the gas compressor procurement is still on-going the
power consumption of the compressor can only be estimated for the moment. Likewise the fuel gas
line is still under development and depending on the pressure losses over the fuel gas line
compression ratio can be decreased or increased which further complicates the estimation of the
performance figures.

Due to all of the above stated reasons; the overall response of the combined cycle is complex and
the figures presented are only estimations which should be treated as indicative estimated values
that are subjected to change.

The main concern for this study is the identification of cases at which the GT will not be operational
at full speed 100% load.

During the analysis; two cases are found to be critical for the operation of the GT. These cases are
presented with the reference Case 1a and Case 1b. For Case 1a; the temperature and pressure of
the gas at the customer terminal point considered as 0 °C and 15.5 bar (g) respectively. For Case 1b;
the temperature and pressure of the gas at the customer terminal point considered as 0 °C and 15
bar (g) respectively. The discharge temperature of the fuel gas compressor for case 1a is estimated to
be 74 °C. The discharge temperature of the fuel gas compressor for case 1a is estimated to be 77 °C.
For these conditions the GT will initiate a run back decreasing until 45% of gas mass flow (~30% of
load). Currently; we are not in a position to confirm the operation of the GT below 80 °C for loads
higher than approximately 30%.

From a controls philosophy stand point; the transient response of the GT at case 1a will be HUNTING.
If the fuel gas temperature is below 80 °C GT will initiate a run-back and reject fuel supply. At 7.5 kg/s
flow Gas compressor will be running in re-circulation mode and the consequent result is temperature
increase thus GT will take load again yet the gas compressor will get out of re-circulation mode thus
the fuel gas temperature will decrease again. This loop is named as hunting from a controls stand-
point and the operation of GT will be extremely unstable.

For all of the other cases GT will be operational at Full Speed, 100% load stable with the estimated
performance figures for combined cycle.
Table 3: Different Cases for Case Low
Temperature Pressure at
at Customer Customer
Terminal Point Terminal Point Discharge Compression Temperature
°C bar(a) Pressure bar(a) Ratio at FG1
Case 1a 0 16,5 36 2,322580645 74
Case 2a 5 16,5 36 2,322580645 80
Case 3a 10 16,5 36 2,322580645 87
Case 4a 15 16,5 36 2,322580645 93
Case 5a 20 16,5 36 2,322580645 99
Case 1b 0 16 36 2,4 77
Case 2b 5 16 36 2,4 84
Case 3b 10 16 36 2,4 90
Case 4b 15 16 36 2,4 96,5
Case 5b 20 16 36 2,4 103
Case 1c 0 15,5 36 2,482758621 80,6
Case 2c 5 15,5 36 2,482758621 87
Case 3c 10 15,5 36 2,482758621 94
Case 4c 15 15,5 36 2,482758621 100
Case 5c 20 15,5 36 2,482758621 106,5
Case 1d 0 15 36 2,571428571 84
Case 2d 5 15 36 2,571428571 91
Case 3d 10 15 36 2,571428571 97
Case 4d 15 15 36 2,571428571 104
Case 5d 20 15 36 2,571428571 110


effect of Gas Comp. Consumption)

Heat Rate kJ/kWh(Without the 6477



6474 Pressure 15.5 bar(g)

Pressure 15 bar(g)
Pressure 14.5 bar(g)
Pressure 14 bar(g)


0 5 10 15 20 25

Temperature deg C

Figure 6: Effect of Fuel Temperature on Heat Rate of Overall plant for Case Low

Efficiency(Without the effect of

Gas Comp. Consumption)



Pressure 15.5 bar(g)
0.556 Pressure 15 bar(g)
0.5559 Pressure 14.5 bar(g)
0.5558 Pressure 14 bar(g)


0 5 10 15 20 25

Temperature Deg C
Figure 7: Effect of Fuel Temperature on Efficiency of Overall plant for Case Low

Plant Net Output MW (Without
the effect of Gas Comp.
Consumption) 428200

428000 Pressure 15.5 bar(g)

Pressure 15 bar(g)
Pressure 14.5 bar(g)
427600 Pressure 14 bar(g)


0 5 10 15 20 25

Temperature Deg C

Figure 8: Effect of Fuel Temperature on Output of Overall plant for Case High

LD in Euros (Thousands)



Pressure 15.5 bar(g)
200 Pressure 15 bar(g)
150 Pressure 14.5 bar(g)

100 Pressure 14 bar(g)


0 5 10 15 20 25
Temperature Deg C
Figure 9: LD for different conditions

Discussion of Results for Case Low

The effect of Gas Compressor electric consumption is found to be dominating over all other effects of
fuel gas. This deduction is based on the steep increase observed in the LD rate curve slopes with
increasing suction temperature and increasing compression ratio which aggravates gas compressor
consumption. Similar effect is also observed for Case high that the effect of gas compressor auxiliary
consumption is dominant over all other effects.
It is found that the benefit of increasing the fuel gas temperature does not offset the auxiliary
consumption of the gas compressor. The penalty of higher pressure requirement of performance
heater and scrubber assembly is well above the gains associated with increased gas temperature. For
the commercially most attractive solution GAMA needs to lower the consumption of the gas
compressor. This is achievable by decreasing the temperature at suction and reducing the
compression ratio as much as possible. The gains associated with these measures are also limited to
a certain extent; yet these marginal cases are beyond the scope of this study.

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