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Workbook 7 | How to Choose the Best Herb for You

How to Choose the Best Herb for You

An Herbal Jumpstart Course

Workbook VII: Sweet

Text and photos by Rosalee de la Forêt.

©2019 Rosalee de la Foret, LLC. All rights reserved.

No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part, or stored in a retrieval system, or
transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise,
without written permission of the author.

The herbal and plant information in this Workbook is for educational purposes only. The information
within the Workbook is not intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your physician or other
medical professional. If you have or suspect that you have a serious health problem, promptly contact
your health care provider. Always consult with a health care practitioner before using any herbal remedy
or food, especially if pregnant, nursing, or have a medical condition.

Published by Rosalee de la Forêt, LLC, Carlton, WA

First digital edition, April 2019. Published in the U.S.A.

Need Herbs?
Look for high quality herbs at your local apothecary or natural health foods store.
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Mountain Rose Herbs offers high quality organic herbs. Click here to visit their online store.

Workbook 7 | How to Choose the Best Herb for You

Table of Contents

Going Deeper..........................................................5
Ashwagandha and Banana Smoothie...................7
Ashwagandha Energy Balls....................................8
About Rosalee.........................................................9

Workbook 7 | How to Choose the Best Herb for You

The sweet taste is about .

herbs are mostly found within the sweet taste.

Sweet herbs can be demulcent, they can tissues with their gooey slimy
nature - is a good example of this.

Sweet herbs can also modulate the system and are frequently relied
upon to improve .

Ayurveda classifies ashwagandha as a rasayana, an herb that rejuvenates and

promotes .

We use the of the plant.

Energetically ashwagandha is slightly and a bit .

One of the best indications for ashwagandha is people who are and who have a
depleted system.

Because ashwagandha builds tissue and supports overall health, it can help people with
illness regain their .

One way ashwagandha helps is by restoring healthy cycles and by relieving

“I use ashwagandha in adaptogenic formulas for all my patients with during and after
chemotherapy, radiation, and . The immune-modulating activities of ashwagandha
have been well researched and are significant.”
Donald Yance

Ashwagandha is commonly used as a , but it can also be used as a and

dried herb.

Ashwagandha works best when taken for at least at the appropriate dosage (around
6 grams or more) for the best effects.

Ashwagandha is a member of the family and so some people with sensitivities

might not tolerate ashwagandha, although this seems to be a small percentage of people.

Workbook 7 | How to Choose the Best Herb for You

Ashwagandha is a herb that’s broadly helpful to the immune system.

It’s ideal for people who are burnt out, frazzled or having trouble with .

It’s ideal for people who frequently get a . It’s a really great excuse for
using images.

It’s used to support natural especially because it can reset those cycles.

And it’s best used in quantities for an extended period of time.


We began by exploring how you are .

Herbs work best when they’re chosen for , not solely for a .

The four qualities of herbal energetics are , , ,

and .

Bringing it all together you can choose the best herbs for you by knowing ,
understanding herbal , using sense-based experiences instead of ,
and knowing specifics about herbs.

Going Deeper
Considering your health goals and constitution, does ashwagandha sound like an ideal herb for you?
Why or why not?

Workbook 7 | How to Choose the Best Herb for You

Have you ever taken adaptogen herbs? What differences did you feel over time?

A good approach to using herbs is to start out taking small amounts. Why do you think that is the best
strategy when using herbs?

As you consider all that we’ve explored in this Herbal Jumpstart Course, what stands out for you the
most? What big “Ahas” did you have? How will you use this information moving forward?

Workbook 7 | How to Choose the Best Herb for You

Ashwagandha and Banana Smoothie

Shared with permission from

Alchemy of Herbs:
Transform Everyday
Ingredients Into Foods &
Remedies That Heal by
Rosalee de la Forêt.

Workbook 7 | How to Choose the Best Herb for You

Ashwagandha Energy Balls

A delicious way to get the nourishing qualities of adaptogenic plants into your daily life.

• ½ cup ashwagandha powder (Withania

• ½ cup shatavri powder (Asparagus racemosus)
• ½ cup eleuthero powder (Eleutherococcus
• ¼ cup licorice powder (Glycyrrhiza glabra)
• 1 teaspoon cinnamon
• ½ teaspoon nutmeg
• ½ teaspoon cardamom

• 1 cup tahini (sesame paste)

• 1/3 cup almond butter
• ½ cup honey
• ½ cup chopped almonds

• ½ cup of cocoa nibs (can substitute chopped

chocolate chips if necessary)
• 1 cup of shredded coconut

Begin by mixing all the powdered herbs together. Set them aside once they are combined well.

Over low heat gently warm the nut butters and honey, stirring constantly. The goal of this isn’t to cook
the mixture but rather to warm it just enough to help mix it together.

Once it has warmed enough to form a consistent mixture remove from heat. Immediately stir in the
chopped almonds followed by the herbal powder mixture. The end result should be a soft and pliable
dough mixture.

After the paste has cooled down add the cocoa nibs. If added too soon the heat from the mixture could
melt them.

After everything is combined, form about a tablespoon of the dough into a ball. You can then roll this
ball in a bed of coconut.

These balls can be stored in an airtight container in the fridge. In our house we eat one to three a day.

Workbook 7 | How to Choose the Best Herb for You

About Rosalee

osalee de la Forêt, is passionate about
helping you explore the world of herbalism
and nature connection. She is the Education
Director at LearningHerbs, a registered herbalist
with the American Herbalist Guild, and the author
of the bestselling book Alchemy of Herbs: Transform
Everyday Ingredients into Foods and Remedies
that Heal as well as the online courses The Taste
of Herbs, Herbal Cold Care, and Apothecary: The
Alchemy of Herbs Video Companion.

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