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TITLE: Kinematic Of Particle Subjected to Projectile Motion.


1.1 To understand and analyze the projectile motion in terms of:

i) Projection range
ii) Projection height
iii) Effect of initial velocity and projectile angle to the motion.


2.1 Fundamental of Projectile Motion

Figure 1: Movement of a mass point under the effect of gravitational forces.

Consider the kinematics diagram illustrated in Figure 1. The projectile is

launched at point (x0, y0). The path is defined in the x-y plane such that initial velocity
is v0, having components (v0)x and (v0)y. When air resistance is neglected, the only
force acting on the projectile is its weight, which causes the projectile to has a
constant downward acceleration approximately ac=g=9.81 m/s2. The basics concepts
of projectile motion are; dynamics, kinematics, horizontal motion, vertical motion,
position, magnitude, direction, displacement, initial velocity, final velocity, constant
acceleration, and gravitational acceleration. It obeys the principles that the horizontal
component of velocity always remains constant during the motion. If the positive y
axis directed upward, then the vertical component of acceleration is opposite to the
gravitational acceleration.

3.1 Ballistic pendulum

3.2 Recording paper
3.3 Steel ball
3.4 Two layers platform support
3.5 Meter scale
3.6 Barrel base
3.7 Timer
3.8 Speed measuring attachment
3.9 Connecting cords

4.1.1 There are 3 platform support is used to determine the range.
4.1.2 Make sure the 1st platform is closed to the Projectile unit.
4.1.3 At 0° adjust the platform level at same level to projection barrel.
4.1.4 The recording strip was make sure on the platform.
4.1.5 The angle of the barrel was set by release the nut at the angle disc. Refer Table
4.1.6 The speed of the barrel was set by pull the handle. Refer Table 1.
4.1.7 Carefully place steel ball to the barrel. At this moment do not release the speed
4.1.8 The speed measuring unit was switched on. Push reset button.
4.1.9 The steel ball was lauched by release the speed handle.
4.1.10 The data was tabulated in Table 1.

dv ds
1. Using a  ,v  and ads  vdv, , derive an equation to determine projection
dt dt
range s and projection height h as a function of v, θ and g. Then calculate the
theoretical results of your experiment. Show the results in a separate table.
2. Construct a graph of Projectile Range, s vs Projectile Angle, θ. The result of
each speed must be shown on the same graph.
3. Construct a graph of Projectile Height, h vs Projectile Angle, θ. The result of
each speed must be shown on the same graph.
4. Construct a graph of Projectile Range, s vs Projectile Initial Velocity, Ve when
Projection Angle, θ is 45o.

5.1 PART (A)
5.1.1 Experimental Result

Table 1
Speed 1 Speed 2 Speed 3
Initial Initial
velocit Distan Heigh Initial Distanc Heigh veloci Distanc Heigh
No Angle
y ce t velocity e t ty e t
. θ0
Ve s [m] h [m] Ve [m/s] s [m] h [m] Ve s [m] h [m]
[m/s] [m/s]
1 35 2.62 0.32 0.12 3.63 0.94 0.22 4.84 1.92 0.39
2 40 2.58 0.36 0.14 3.56 0.97 0.27 4.84 2.02 0.49
3 45 2.55 0.36 0.17 3.59 1.00 0.33 4.84 2.05 0.60
4 50 2.52 0.35 0.19 3.55 0.97 0.38 4.80 1.97 0.69
5 55 2.54 0.32 0.22 3.56 0.90 0.43 4.83 1.89 0.80

Table 2
Speed 1 Speed 2 Speed 3
Initial Initial
velocit Distan Initial Distanc veloci Distanc
No Angle Range Range Range
y ce velocity e ty e
. θ0 s [m] s [m] s [m]
Ve s [m] Ve [m/s] s [m] Ve s [m]
[m/s] [m/s]
1 35 2.62 0.32 0.66 3.63 0.94 1.26 4.84 1.92 2.24
2 40 2.58 0.36 0.67 3.56 0.97 1.27 4.84 2.02 2.35
3 45 2.55 0.36 0.66 3.59 1.00 1.31 4.84 2.05 2.39
4 50 2.52 0.35 0.64 3.55 0.97 1.27 4.80 1.97 2.31
5 55 2.54 0.32 0.62 3.56 0.90 1.21 4.83 1.89 2.23
5.1.2 Theoretical Result

Angle Initial Experimental Theoretical Experimental Theoretical

(°) Velocity, maximum maximum projectile projectile
Ve [m/s] height, h [m] height, h [m] range, s [m] range, s [m]
35 3.70 0.48 0.23 1.39 1.31
40 3.66 0.30 0.28 1.43 1.34
45 3.66 0.37 0.34 1.45 1.37
50 3.62 0.42 0.39 1.41 1.32
55 3.64 0.48 0.45 1.35 1.27


5.2.1 Graph 1

Projectile Range vs Projectile Angle


Projectile Range (m)


1.50 Speed 1

1.00 Speed 2
Speed 3

35 40 45 50 55
Projectile Angle (θ)

5.2.2 Graph 2

Projectile Height vs Projectile Angle

Projectile Height (m)


Speed 1
Speed 2
0.20 Speed 3
35 40 45 50 55

Projectile Angle (θ)

5.2.3 Graph 3

Projectile Range vs Projectile Initial

Projectile Range (m)

1.00 Range
2.55 3.59 4.84
Projectile Initial Velocity (m/s)


6.1 Give 2 examples of projectile motion applications.

 Basketball and golf

6.2 If this experiment is conducted using the ball made from wood, would there be
any different in the results? Explain.
 There is no different in the result because the projectile is affected by the
gravity but is not affected by the mass of object.


6.1 Discuss the results obtained from the graph 1.

 The projectile range,s increase as the the projectile angle,θ increase until
the perfect angle 45o and the projectile range decrease as the projectile
angle,θ continuously increase after 45o.

6.2 Discuss the results obtained from the graph 2.

 The height,h is directly proportional to the projectile angle,θ.

6.3 Discuss the results obtained from the graph 3.

 The projectile range,s is directly proportional to the projectile initial
velocity, Ve
6.4 Compare the experimental and theoretical result. Explain your findings.
 The height of the theoretical result is lower than the experimental result
while the distance of the theoretical result is also lower than the
experimental result. This is because in this experiment, there are several
errors. First, when we took the reading of horizontal displacement,
maybe the platform is moved and would affect the reading. Then, it was
difficult to record the maximum height while the ball still in motion.
This will affect the accuracy of the value for maximum height. Besides,
the initial velocity in this experiment is not constant. It could change
while we repeated the experiment. From my suggestion, we can reduce
the error such as make sure the platform does not move and use another
technique to record the maximum height of the ball. Perhaps we could
use video camera to take video and capture the projection of the ball. So
we can analyse the video in order for us to get the value for maximum
height. Other than that, if it possible get the better result, we could
conduct the experiment in vacuum space to avoid the air resistance.

As the projectile angle, θ increase until perfect angle, 45° the projectile range
will decrease. When the height, h increase, the projectile angle, θ also increase.
The projectile range, s increase when projectile initial velocity, Ve increase. We
also found that there is no relation of velocity with the mass. So, basically, it
can be said that the mass of the projected object does not contribute to the
velocity of the ball. Lastly, the objective is achieved and the experiment that has
been carried out is successful.

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