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Plant gene editing through de novo induction

of meristems
Michael F. Maher   1,2,3,6, Ryan A. Nasti2,3,4,6, Macy Vollbrecht   4, Colby G. Starker2,3,4,
Matthew D. Clark5 and Daniel F. Voytas   1,2,3,4*

Plant gene editing is typically performed by delivering reagents such as Cas9 and single guide RNAs to explants in culture.
Edited cells are then induced to differentiate into whole plants by exposure to various hormones. The creation of edited plants
through tissue culture is often inefficient, time-consuming, works for only limited species and genotypes, and causes unin-
tended changes to the genome and epigenome. Here we report two methods to generate gene-edited dicotyledonous plants
through de  novo meristem induction. Developmental regulators and gene-editing reagents are delivered to somatic cells of
whole plants. This induces meristems that produce shoots with targeted DNA modifications, and gene edits are transmitted
to the next generation. The de novo induction of gene-edited meristems sidesteps the need for tissue culture and promises to
overcome a bottleneck in plant gene editing.

lant growth is perpetuated by stem cell niches termed meri- produce flowers and seeds, ultimately transmitting transgenes and
stems, which are located in growing apices. The shoot api- gene edits to the next generation.
cal meristem is the progenitor of all aboveground organs,
including leaves and flowers. Meristem identity is dictated, in part, Results
by developmental regulators (DRs); in Arabidopsis thaliana, they Induction of genetically modified meristems on seedlings. For
include WUSCHEL (WUS), SHOOT MERISTEMLESS (STM) a given dicot species, we reasoned that meristems would be opti-
and MONOPTEROS (MP)1. Because plant cells are totipotent mally induced by different combinations of DRs. To determine
and can be transdifferentiated into other cell types, ectopic expres- these combinations, we developed a high-throughput platform in
sion of specific DR combinations in somatic cells has the potential which constructs that express different DRs under various promot-
to induce meristems. In A. thaliana, for example, meristem-like ers are delivered to young seedlings by Agrobacterium tumefaciens.
structures are generated when WUS and STM or the irrepressible We chose Nicotiana benthamiana as a model plant because it is easy
variant of MP (ΔMP) are expressed in leaf cells2,3. DRs work in to grow, it has a short lifespan (approximately 3 months), and its
conjunction with plant growth regulators, particularly the hor- DNA delivery methods are well established10. To infect seedlings, we
mones cytokinin and auxin, to establish and maintain meristem modified a protocol (AGROBEST) that was developed for the tran-
identity1. In some dicots, ectopic expression of the cytokinin bio- sient transformation of A. thaliana seedlings by A. tumefaciens11.
synthesis gene isopentenyl transferase (ipt) is sufficient to induce Our protocol, called Fast-TrACC (fast-treated agrobacterium co-
shoot organogenesis4,5. culture), involves treating A. tumefaciens cultures for 2 d with two
Expression of specific DRs in plant somatic cells can induce types of medium before culturing seedlings with A. tumefaciens for
other developmental programs. In monocots such as maize and sor- an additional 2 d (Fig. 1a). Fast-TrACC effectively delivered trans-
ghum, expression of maize (Zea mays) Wuschel2 (Wus2) and Baby genes to seedlings, as demonstrated by the expression of a luciferase
Boom (Bbm) promotes somatic cells to form embryos that develop reporter, particularly within the cells of the cotyledons (Fig. 1b).
into whole plants6–8. Co-delivering transgenes with Wus2 and Bbm Fast-TrACC was used to deliver maize Wus2 and A. thaliana
expedites the production of transgenic plants. This approach avoids STM to N. benthamiana seedlings, along with a luciferase reporter
the use of traditional tissue culture, wherein DNA is delivered to (Supplementary Table 1 and Supplementary Fig. 1a). Wus2 and STM
cells in culture and plants are regenerated by exposure of cells to were chosen because their respective roles in meristem cell division
various hormones. Tissue culture is one of the biggest bottlenecks and patterning have been established12 and because ectopic expres-
in the creation of transgenic and gene-edited plants: it can be per- sion of these DRs in A. thaliana promotes de novo growth forma-
formed in only a handful of species, requires up to several months, tion2. Wus2 was expressed from the weak nos promoter, and STM
and often causes undesired and unpredictable changes to genomes9. was expressed from one of three strong promoters (35S, CmYLCV,
The use of molecular reagents such as DRs, which induce specific or AtUbi10).
developmental programs, is a compelling approach to circumvent- Callus-like growths formed at regions that exhibited high levels
ing traditional tissue culture methods. of localized luciferase expression, presumably owing to the expres-
Here we report that the concomitant expression of DRs and sion of the DRs (Fig. 1c and Supplementary Fig. 1b–d). Many
gene-editing reagents creates transgenic and gene-edited shoots growths remained in an undifferentiated callus state; however, a
through de  novo meristem induction. Furthermore, these shoots subset of growths progressed to form meristem-like structures, as

Department of Plant and Microbial Biology, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN, USA. 2Center for Genome Engineering, University of Minnesota,
St. Paul, MN, USA. 3Center for Precision Plant Genomics, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN, USA. 4Department of Genetics, Cell Biology and
Development, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN, USA. 5Department of Horticultural Sciences, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN, USA.
These authors contributed equally: Michael F. Maher, Ryan A. Nasti. *e-mail:

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a f
Agrobacterium Seedlings Shoot moved
media germinated in De novo Shoot-like to rooting
treatment liquid culture growths form structures form medium



b c d e











Start seedlings Shoot-like growths
Total growths Full plants formed

Fig. 1 | Ectopic delivery of DRs to seedlings induces meristems. a, The first step in Fast-TrACC is the optimization of A. tumefaciens cultures for gene
transfer. Seedlings are germinated in 6-well plates and co-cultured with the optimized A. tumefaciens strains. After approximately 2 weeks, dark green
growths begin to form and ultimately produce shoot-like structures. The shoot-like growths are then induced to form roots. b, Fast-TrACC is effective in
delivering transgenes to seedlings, as evidenced by luciferase expression. c, When DRs, such as Wus2 and STM (Supplementary Fig. 1), are delivered by
Fast-TrACC, globular growths form at sites of high transgene delivery. d,e, Some growths develop into meristem-like structures with defined tissues, such
as leaflets and stems. The growth depicted in d was formed on the seedling shown in b at the site marked by the orange circle. f, To determine which
combinations of DRs were most effective in creating de novo meristems, pools of A. tumefaciens strains, each with a single DR, were co-delivered to
seedlings (Supplementary Table 2). Five combinations produced de novo meristems and, subsequently, plants.

indicated by the production of leaflets (Fig. 1d) and, ultimately, whole tomato plants could be recovered (Supplementary Fig. 3b).
stems with leaflets (Fig. 1e and Supplementary Fig. 1e–h). These In addition, shoot-like growths that maintained luciferase expres-
shoot-like growths were transferred to rooting medium, and roots sion were created (Supplementary Fig. 3c,d). We expect Fast-TrACC
formed within approximately 2 weeks, enabling the plants to be could be used for other species to define the DRs needed for meri-
transferred to soil. stem induction and formation of genetically modified shoots.
Having demonstrated that Fast-TrACC can be used to induce In addition to creating transgenic plants, we wanted to deter-
meristems, we next tested different combinations of DRs expressed mine whether Fast-TrACC could generate gene-edited meristems
from promoters of varying strengths to determine the best com- and plants that transmit targeted mutations to their progeny. In
bination for the production of full plants. Separate A. tumefaciens the experiment designed to optimize DRs for shoot induction
strains, each carrying expression cassettes for a unique DR, were (Fig. 1f), the treated N. benthamiana seedlings were transgenic
pooled in different combinations for seedling co-culture. Of the and constitutively expressed Cas9 (ref. 13). In addition to a DR,
twelve combinations tested, only five generated growths from which the transfer DNAs (T-DNAs) carried a cassette that expresses a
plants could be derived (Fig. 1f and Supplementary Table 2). Two single guide RNA (sgRNA) that targets a gene involved in carot-
combinations, Wus2 and STM, and Wus2 and ipt, produced up to enoid biosynthesis, phytoene desaturase (PDS). This gene has two
five times as many shoot-like growths and approximately four times homologs in N. benthamiana (Niben101Scf14708g00023.1 and
more full plants than the other combinations. Niben101Scf01283g02002.1, hereafter referred to as PDS1 and
We sought to introduce genetic changes into meristems that PDS2, respectively)14. Biallelic knockouts of both PDS homologs
would then produce flowers and transmit the genetic changes to were expected to result in a white phenotype owing to chlorophyll
seeds. Plants generated from de novo growths induced by Wus2 and photobleaching15. Approximately 15% of the generated shoots
STM (Fig. 2a) were tested for luciferase expression in leaf punches, showed evidence of photobleaching, but these shoots did not form
and luciferase expression was observed in some plants (Fig. 2b). full plants, and their vitality was probably compromised by a lack
A few transgenic plants showed developmental abnormalities, such of chlorophyll (Fig. 3a and Supplementary Table 2). Nevertheless,
as curled leaves, that were probably owing to persistent expression white shoots were evaluated molecularly and found to have biallelic
of the DRs (Supplementary Fig. 2 and Supplementary Table 2). This mutations in both PDS homologs (Fig. 3c). Thus, Fast-TrACC can
was particularly true for plants overexpressing Wus2 and STM. The generate meristems with gene edits.
majority of plants, regardless of their transgene status, produced Twenty-seven plants were recovered after treatment with various
seed-bearing flowers. Seeds from transgene-positive plants were DR combinations (Fig. 1f), and five phenotypically normal green
collected and germinated, and luciferase expression was observed plants showed considerable amounts of editing in somatic cells
in the resulting seedlings (Fig. 2c,d). This demonstrates that a heri- (Supplementary Fig. 4). This frequency of gene editing (approxi-
table transgenic event can be created through de novo induction of mately 18% of plants) is comparable to that attained in transgenic
a meristem. N. benthamiana plants that express Cas9 and sgRNAs16. However,
The Fast-TrACC delivery method permits the optimization our frequency is likely to be an underestimate, as 15% of the origi-
of DR combinations for meristem induction in other dicots. For nal shoots had lethal biallelic mutations in both PDS homologs and
example, we tested combinations of Wus2, ipt and STM for their could not be propogated. Seed collected from two flowers (F4 and
ability to induce meristems on tomato seedlings (Supplementary F6) of one of the green plants (1–7) produced green, white, and
Fig. 3a). Shoot-like growths were induced by Wus2 and ipt, and phenotypically chimeric seedlings (Fig. 3b,d and Supplementary

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Nature Biotechnology Articles
a d a b


Number of seedlings
40 White Chimera WT

10 c WT:
30 W1:
PDS1 F4: #5 -
b F4: #6 -
26 F6: #9 -
20 9 F6: #10 -
10 22 W1:
PDS2 F4: #5 -
8 F4: #6 -
F6: #9 -
0 F6: #10 -

5- d
no M 4 nd

BQ s: 5-3 d

1- d
M an

M an

d e

TM a
35 :W 2
35 :W -5

Phenotypes of progeny
ST 2
ST 2

ST s2

:S s2
S: us
S: us

S: u

10 u
from flowers F4 and F6
35 s:W

W Phenotype PDS1 PDS2




U no

12 Green WT (44.4%) –1 bp (100%)

Number of seedlings
Luc-positive Luc-negative +1 bp (49.3%)

8 Chimera –1 bp C (35.3%) –1 bp (100%)

+ 1bp (29.7%)
6 –1 bp A (17.7%)
WT (4.4%)
White –1 bp (94.4%) –1 bp (100%)
Fig. 2 | Transgenic shoots transmit transgenes to progeny. a, A plant (5-3) 2

that was generated by de novo meristem induction. Some plants showed 0

F4 F6
distorted and wrinkled leaves, probably owing to persistent DR expression
Green Chimera White
(see Supplementary Fig. 2). b, Many plants, including 5-3, are transgenic,
as indicated by luciferase expression in leaves. c, Luciferase transgenes are
Fig. 3 | Gene-edited shoots transmit mutations to progeny. a, DRs were
transmitted to progeny, as indicated by luciferase-positive seedlings derived
delivered to seedlings that constitutively express Cas9 (Fig. 1f); the T-DNAs
from 5-3. The images in panels a–c are representative of those obtained
also express an sgRNA that targets both homologs of phytoene desaturase,
from three independently transformed plants. d, To determine the frequency
PDS1 and PDS2. Approximately 15% of the shoots were white, suggesting
at which the transgene was transmitted to the next generation, seedlings
that they contained biallelic inactivating mutations in PDS1 and PDS2;
from one luciferase-negative plant (4-5) and three luciferase-positive plants
white shoots could not be grown into full plants. b–d, Some green plants
(5-2, 5-3, 1-3) were germinated and assessed for luminescence.
(for example, 1–7) were chimeric for edits at both PDS loci. Progeny from
flowers F4 and F6 of plant 1–7 had three distinct phenotypes: green, green
Fig. 5a). Target sites for both PDS homologs were assessed molecu- and white chimeric, and white (b,d). DNA was prepared from the white
larly in two white seedlings from each flower, and mutations were shoot in a and from the white progeny of flowers F4 (seedlings 5 and
observed in both alleles of each gene (Fig. 3c). The green and white 6) and F6 (seedlings 9 and 10). In all cases, frameshift mutations were
chimeric seedlings contained the transgene (Supplementary Fig. 5b), observed in both alleles of both PDS loci. The sgRNA target sequence is
suggesting that chimerism arose from ongoing mutagenesis at PDS; shown in blue, the predicted Cas9 cut site is represented by a vertical line,
this is consistent with DNA sequencing data that showed new muta- and mutations are shown in orange. Mutations in parentheses denote
tions emerging in the chimeric plants (Fig. 3e). Based on these col- sequences found at each allele, and mutations with no parentheses
lective data, we conclude that co-delivery of DRs and gene-editing denote identical biallelic mutations (c). e, In contrast to green and white
reagents can produce shoots with mutations and that these muta- seedlings, chimeric seedlings retain the transgene that expresses the
tions can be transmitted to the next generation. sgRNA (Supplementary Fig. 5). Chimerism is therefore probably caused
by continued mutagenesis at PDS1 (note that PDS2 is a biallelic single bp
Induction of genetically modified meristems on soil-grown deletion). This interpretation is supported by the fact that new alleles
plants. Having shown that meristems could be induced on asepti- appear in the chimeras, whereas alleles are fixed in the green and white
cally grown seedlings, we next sought to determine whether geneti- seedlings (see also Supplementary Data Set). WT, wild type.
cally modified meristems could be induced on soil-grown plants.
Transgenic N. benthamiana plants that constitutively express Cas9
were pruned to remove all visible shoot meristems (Fig. 4a). Cut tissue was collected from all shoots and assayed for luciferase activ-
sites were then perfused with A. tumefaciens cultures expressing ity (Fig. 4c). Groups treated with Wus2 and ipt, ipt alone, or all five
combinations of DRs (Fig. 4b). As before, all DR expression cas- DRs showed luciferase expression in 6–10% of all shoots (Fig. 4b).
settes included a luciferase reporter to monitor transgenesis and By contrast, no luciferase-positive shoots were obtained in mock
an sgRNA targeting both PDS homologs. Sites of perfusion were controls or in plants treated with Wus2 and STM. Based on our abil-
monitored for shoots, which emerged approximately 12–15 d after ity to generate luciferase-positive shoots, we concluded that ectopic
inoculation. As was the case for some shoots induced on seedlings, delivery of DRs can create transgenic meristems and shoots on soil-
adverse phenotypes were observed, such as an abundance of leaves grown plants.
or other developmental abnormalities, and this is probably owing To determine whether de  novo meristems can be induced on
to the expression of the DRs (Supplementary Fig. 6). After 62 d, agronomically important species, asexually propagated potato and

Nature Biotechnology |

Articles Nature Biotechnology

De novo meristem
Delivery site

Grow plant Remove Introduce Meristem Growth Segregation of

existing meristems reagents formation with fixed modification
modifications in offspring
b c


Shoot count

40 Bright-field 114-1


All combo Wus2/ipt Wus2/STM ipt Mock

All shoots Distorted or luminescent shoots Luminescent shoots

Composite 114-1

Fig. 4 | Induction of transgenic shoots on soil-grown plants. a, A method to create shoots that transmit genetic modifications to the next generation.
Plants are grown until apical and axillary meristems are clearly differentiated. Meristems are removed, and DRs and gene-editing reagents are delivered by
A. tumefaciens. Over time, de novo gene-edited shoots form, and editing events are transmitted to the next generation. b, Shoots induced by different DR
combinations. The scored phenotypes included distorted morphology (probably induced by DRs) and luminescence. All combination (All combo) = Wus2,
STM, BBM, MPΔ, and ipt. c, Luciferase activity identifies transgenic shoots. An example of a morphologically distorted leaf is shown on the left. The box
highlights the site of A. tumefaciens delivery; the oval identifies the tissue that was collected (sample 114-1). To the right are bright-field and composite
images showing luciferase activity in the collected sample.

grape cuttings in sterile culture jars were injected with A. tumefa- and we therefore removed and discarded shoots that appeared in the
ciens strains delivering DRs and a luciferase reporter. In both grape first 20 d. Abundant shoots emerged regardless of whether the DRs
and potato, a subset of plants produced bioluminescent shoots were on the same T-DNA or on T-DNAs from different A. tumefa-
(Supplementary Figs. 7,8). In the case of grape, bioluminescent ciens strains (Fig. 5c). When DRs were present on the same T-DNA,
shoots at the three-leaf stage were evident as early as 40 d after the for example, 46 shoots were recovered from 76 perfusion sites. Of
delivery of the A. tumefaciens strains. Consistent with the results these shoots, 16 had a distorted phenotype indicative of transgene
of Fast-TrACC on tomato (Supplementary Fig. 3), DRs can induce expression, and four were white or had white sectors, indicative of
transgenic shoots on diverse dicot species. PDS targeting. In contrast, the negative control produced no white
In the N. benthamiana experiment (Fig. 5a and Supplementary shoots; however, some shoots were initially distorted owing to trim-
Fig. 6), a subset of the induced shoots were white, suggesting bial- ming but ultimately developed a wild-type growth pattern.
lelic inactivation of the two PDS homologs. To assess gene editing, One shoot emerged that was chimeric for white and green tis-
genomic DNA was prepared from all of the tissues collected for sue, but it was otherwise phenotypically normal and non-biolumi-
the luciferase expression assays. The sgRNA target site was PCR- nescent (Fig. 6). The white tissue produced a flower that set seed,
amplified for PDS2 and submitted for next-generation sequencing. and when germinated this seed produced only white seedlings
In total, targeted edits were observed in six tissue samples, and the (Supplementary Fig. 10). The white seedlings had biallelic muta-
percentage of sequencing reads with mutations suggests that the tions in both PDS homologs, and the frameshift mutations trans-
edits were fixed in a heterozygous or homozygous state (Fig. 5b and mitted to the progeny were present in the parental white tissue.
Supplementary Fig. 9). From these data, we conclude that shoots Neither the parental tissues nor the seedlings were transgenic for
with targeted gene edits can be generated on soil-grown plants the vectors delivered by A. tumefaciens, as indicated by a lack of
through the use of DRs in combination with gene-editing reagents. luciferase expression and an inability to detect the transgene cas-
None of the N. benthamiana shoots with developmental abnor- sette by PCR (Supplementary Fig. 11). Seeds and tissue were also
malities or the pds phenotype set seed. Only one of the six shoots collected from the associated green chimeric sector. Germinated
with gene edits (carrying a 3 bp deletion in one PDS allele) pro- seeds segregated in an approximately 3:1 ratio for the pds pheno-
duced viable seed (Supplementary Fig. 9 and Supplementary Table type (Fig. 6 and Supplementary Fig. 12). The mutations in the seed-
3). To determine whether we could obtain additional gene-edited lings were the same as those observed in the parental green tissue;
shoots, we performed a second experiment in which Wus2 and ipt however, they were distinct from those observed in white sec-
were delivered on the same T-DNA or on separate T-DNAs (that tors. The green shoot that was produced in the initial experiment
is, a mixed infection with separate strains). Rather than monitor- was also shown to transmit mutations to progeny seedlings
ing the total number of shoots produced, we monitored the number in the absence of a detectable T-DNA (designator 5-14-1-08;
of shoots that emerged from each perfusion site. Previous experi- Supplementary Table 3). In conclusion, in three independent cases,
ments had suggested that initial shoots were often not transgenic, we induced the formation of meristems on soil-grown plants that

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Nature Biotechnology Articles
Phenotype of
parent tissue:

Genotype of
parent tissue:
PDS1: –1/–1
PDS2: –48/–1

Phenotype of
progeny from
green seed pod:
PDS2 3:1 green:white
WT :
5 - 13 - 3 - 12 : seedlings (27:9)
7 - 19 - 2 - 11 :
7 - 19 - 2 - 12 :
7 - 19 - 2 - 13 :
5 - 14 - 1 - 08 :

Injected sites Phenotype of
progeny from
Total sites (all plants)

Shooting sites
white seed pod:
50 White shoots
Distorted shoots 100% white
seedlings (10/10)

Wus2/ipt Wus2 + ipt No DR
Phenotype of
parent tissue:
Fig. 5 | Induction of gene-edited shoots on soil-grown plants. a, The left white
panel shows a representative image of a plant with newly formed shoots
that displays photobleaching at two delivery sites. The magnified images to Genotype of
the right show that the upper shoot has a wild-type morphology, whereas parent tissue:
PDS1: +1/–1/–2/–3
the lower shoot displays developmental abnormalities. The two white
PDS2: –48/+1/–1
shoots are representative of nine white shoots obtained in the experiment
described in panel c. b, DNA sequence of gene edits in induced shoots.
Blue bases denote the sgRNA target site. Mutations are shown in orange; Fig. 6 | Transmission of gene edits to progeny. A shoot with wild-type
parentheses denote sequences found at each allele of PDS2. c, Gene- morphology that is chimeric for green and photobleached tissue. Both
edited shoots induced by Wus2 and ipt delivered on the same T-DNA or tissues produced viable flowers and seeds (orange circles). To the left are
on T-DNAs from different A. tumefaciens strains. Scored shoot phenotypes the phenotypes and genotypes of the parental green and white tissues
included distorted morphology and photobleaching. (blue circles). Note that the −48 bp deletion is in-frame and maintains PDS
activity. The phenotypes of progeny from the green and white seed pods
carried multiple, targeted mutations and did not harbor the deliv- are shown, and the genotypes are presented in Supplementary Figs. 10,12).
ered nucleic acid. All modifications were fixed and were transmitted
to progeny in a single generation without the use of plant selection
or sterile culture methods. generation. This approach, named Fast-TrACC, is ideal for identify-
ing the optimal combination(s) of DRs for meristem induction. In
Discussion the second strategy, gene-edited shoots were induced on soil-grown
Since its inception over 150 years ago, tissue culture has been an plants, eliminating the need for aseptic culture.
important method for plant propagation, and in recent decades it Both approaches are remarkably efficient, requiring no more
has been used to advance basic and applied plant research through than 5 to 15 plants to create multiple gene-edited shoots. The major-
the application of biotechnology, including transgenesis9. Tissue cul- ity of mutations were fixed, suggesting that editing events occurred
ture is also crucial for the success of plant gene-editing applications. in progenitor cells soon after the delivery of the sgRNA. In addition,
Reagents such as CRISPR–Cas9 and sgRNAs are delivered to cells in many gene-edited shoots lacked transgenes, obviating the need to
culture to create DNA sequence changes with single-nucleotide reso- segregate away transgenes in the next generation. We believe that
lution. Although regeneration of edited or transformed plant cells by these methods could substantially accelerate the development of
tissue culture has been successful in some species and genotypes, it plant lines for commercial use.
can be time-consuming and often introduces unintended changes to In addition to experiments in N. benthamiana, we generated
the genome and epigenome of regenerated plants17,18. Consequently, transgenic shoots on tomato, potato and grape in a fraction of the
tissue culture is a bottleneck for the production of gene-edited plants time required for traditional tissue culture methods. Although
and for engineering novel traits to improve crop varieties9. A. tumefaciens infects diverse plant species, it does have some host
Here, we report two approaches in which DRs and gene-editing restrictions19. We anticipate that other delivery methods, includ-
reagents can be combined effectively to create transgenic and gene- ing biolistics or nanoparticles, could be used as alternatives to
edited plants. In the first strategy, a high-throughput method was A. tumefaciens. In contrast to the de novo induction of transgenic
used to produce edited shoots that transmitted edits to the next and gene-edited meristems shown here, others have had some

Nature Biotechnology |

Articles Nature Biotechnology

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Nature Biotechnology Articles
Online Methods For the experiment shown in Fig. 5c, all meristems arising within 20 d of inoculation
DNA constructs. All DNA constructs were assembled using our plant genome were culled from all plants.
engineering tool kit, which provides a suite of promoters and T-DNA vectors, as Grape plants (Vitis vinifera, Pixie Pinot Meunier Purple) were propagated
well as Golden Gate cloning strategies to rapidly assemble vectors22. The current asexually on sterile growth medium (per liter: 2.41 g Lloyd & McCown woody
tool kit allows assembly of up to four modular DNA cassettes on a T-DNA plant basal medium with vitamins, PhytoTechnology Laboratories; 5.7 μM indole-
destination vector. T-DNA vectors had one or two DRs expressed from the 35S, 3-butyric acid; 4.4 μM 6-benzylaminopurine; 1.4 μM gibberellic acid; 0.1 g myo-
CmYLCV, AtUBQ10 or nos promoters (Supplementary Table 1). Some vectors inositol; 2% sucrose; 0.05% casein hydrolysate; 0.3% activated charcoal; 0.7%
expressed the RNA-guided endonuclease SpCas9 driven by the 35S promoter and agar; 2 ml Plant Preservative Mixture, Plant Cell Technology; pH 5.76). Existing
an sgRNA driven by the AtU6 promoter. sgRNAs targeted both of the duplicated meristems were removed and inoculated with A. tumefaciens strains as described
N. benthamiana phytoene desaturase homologs, PDS1 and PDS2 (Supplementary above. Forty days after inoculation, leaf discs were taken from leaves of newly
Table 4)14. A luciferase reporter, driven by either the 35S or the CmYLCV promoter, formed shoots. All leaf discs from an individual plant were pooled and imaged for
permitted visual confirmation of construct delivery to plant cells. All constructs luciferase activity as described above.
were cloned into a T-DNA backbone that produces geminiviral replicons22. The Potato plants (Solanum tuberosum, Ranger Russet) were propagated aseptically
replicons are derived from bean yellow dwarf virus (BeYDV) and replicate after on full strength MS medium (3% sucrose, 0.75% plant agar, pH 5.6–5.7) for 2
delivery to plant cells23. Replication increases copy number and consequently leads weeks before inoculation with A. tumefaciens. Existing meristems were removed,
to high levels of gene expression. In addition, replicon vectors have the potential to leaving 0–1 nodes and 0–1 supporting leaves. Plants were immediately inoculated
replicate regardless of whether they integrate into the genome, enabling transient with A. tumefaciens cultures at the wound sites using syringes with 31 G needles as
expression of DRs. Plasmids in Supplementary Table 1, and their corresponding described above. Approximately 100 d after inoculation, shoots that had emerged
DNA sequences, are available at Addgene. were collected and imaged for luciferase activity as described above.

Fast-TrACC. Fast-TrACC is a modified version of the AGROBEST protocol, DNA analyses. DNA was extracted from all collected tissues using cetyl trimethyl
which involves the treatment of A. tumefaciens cultures (GV3101) for 3 d prior to ammonium bromide24. The PDS target sites were amplified and gel or column
a 2-d co-culture with newly germinated seedlings11. The cultures are first grown purified. Primers for amplifying PDS targets for next-generation or Sanger
overnight (12 h, 28 °C). Next, to increase expression of vir genes, cells are collected sequencing are listed in Supplementary Table 4. For amplicons subjected to Sanger
by centrifugation and suspended to an OD600 (optical density at 600 nm) of 0.3 sequencing, the resulting peak chromatograms were analyzed by TIDE25 or ICE
in AB:MES salts (17.2 mM K2HPO4, 8.3 mM NaH2PO4, 18.7 mM NH4Cl, 2 mM (Synthego ICE Analysis v2.0). For amplicons subjected to Illumina sequencing,
KCl, 1.25 mM MgSO4, 100 μM CaCl2, 10 μM FeSO4, 50 mM MES, 2% glucose all primers contained 4 bp barcodes in the forward and reverse directions, as well
(w/v), 200 µM acetosyringone, pH 5.5) and grown overnight. Before incubating as Illumina adapters (Supplementary Table 4). Fifteen to twenty amplicons were
with seedlings, the culture is again centrifuged and resuspended to OD600 within pooled and sequenced using GENEWIZ Amplicon-EZ services. Each pool was
the range of 0.10 to 0.18 in a 50:50 (v/v) mix of AB:MES salts and half-strength demultiplexed for unique forward and reverse adapters using ea-utils26. Mutations
Murashige and Skoog (MS) liquid plant growth medium (half-strength MS salt were assessed for each demultiplexed sample using Cas-Analyzer27. Minority read
supplemented with 0.5% sucrose (w/v), pH 5.5). sequences represented less than 10 times were considered background. Samples
Seeds are sterilized using 70% ethanol for 1 min and 50% bleach (v/v) for were considered edited when >30% of reads were modified at the sgRNA target
5 min. They are then rinsed 5 times with sterile water. Seeds are transferred to site, as compared with the reference. Samples with a single unique sequence
6-well plates (approximately five seeds per well in 2 ml half-strength MS) and modification in >30% and <60% of all reads (with the remaining sequences being
subsequently germinated and maintained in growth chambers for 2–3 d at 24 °C mostly wild-type) were considered heterozygous for the observed mutation at that
under a 16 h/8 h light/dark cycle. A. tumefaciens is added, and the seedlings are homolog. Samples with a single unique sequence modification in >90% of reads
incubated for 2 d before being washed with sterile water. The washed seedlings are were considered homozygous for the observed mutation. Edited samples in which
returned to liquid half-strength MS containing 100 μM of the antibiotic timentin to <30% of the reads contained a single mutation were considered to have unfixed,
effectively counter-select against residual A. tumefaciens. chimeric mutations. Samples in which 60 to 90% of reads had a single unique
Seedlings are analyzed for delivery of the T-DNA constructs using a luciferase sequence modification were not observed.
reporter. Luciferin (5 µl of 50 mM stock into 2 ml of half-strength MS) is added to
the liquid culture with the seedlings to bring its concentration to 125 µM. The plate Statistics. No statistical methods were used to predetermine sample size. Samples
of seedlings is then lightly shaken for 5 min to ensure proper mixing of the luciferin. were blindly processed without designators during collection, sequencing and
Long-exposure imaging (5.5 min exposure using an EpiChemi3 Darkroom from assessment of editing. Further details of the experimental design can be found in
UVP BioImaging Systems) is then performed to capture the luminescence. the Life Science Reporting Summary.
Seedlings that show luciferase expression are monitored for the development of
de novo meristems. Callus-like ‘bumps’ begin to appear, typically on cotyledons in Reporting Summary. Further information on research design is available in the
N. benthamiana and on hypocotyls in tomatoes, roughly 12 d after the removal of Nature Research Reporting Summary linked to this article.
A. tumefaciens (Supplementary Fig. 1b–d). Over approximately the next 10–14 d,
the bumps continue to grow; they may remain in an undifferentiated, callus- Data availability
like state or begin to form differentiated tissues. Initially, leaf-like structures High-throughput sequencing data have been deposited in the NCBI Sequence
appear (Supplementary Fig. 1e,f), and eventually shoot-like structures emerge Read Archive under the BioProject accession number PRJNA575069. Sanger DNA
(Supplementary Fig. 1g,h). The shoot-like growths are excised and transferred to sequence data are provided as a Supplementary Data Set. Constructs expressing
rooting medium (half-strength MS, 0.8% agar (w/v), 3% sucrose (w/v), 0.5 mg l−1 DRs and gene-editing reagents are available from Addgene (plasmids 127210–
indole-3-butyric acid, 100 μM timentin). Roots typically form after about 1 week, 127230, 133312–133315). Correspondence and requests for materials should be
but there is considerable variability. After approximately 12 d on rooting medium, addressed to D.F.V. (
the root system has developed sufficiently to permit transfer to soil. Humidity is
elevated by covering the plants on soil with a clear plastic water bottle from which
the bottom has been removed. After 3 days, the cap is loosened but left on, and References
after two more days, the cap is removed. Finally, after a further 2 days, the bottle is 22. Čermák, T. et al. A multipurpose toolkit to enable advanced genome
removed, and the plant can be grown in a growth chamber (16 h days, 22 °C). engineering in plants. Plant Cell 29, 1196–1217 (2017).
23. Baltes, N. J., Gil-Humanes, J., Cermak, T., Atkins, P. A. & Voytas, D. F. DNA
Induction of meristems on soil-grown plants. N. benthamiana plants harboring replicons for plant genome engineering. Plant Cell 26, 151–163 (2014).
a 35S:Cas9 transgene were grown to maturity (63–66 d)13. Visible shoot meristems 24. Doyle, J. J. & Doyle, J. L. Isolation of plant DNA from fresh tissue. Focus 12,
were culled from all plants, leaving 2–3 nodes and supporting leaves. Plants were 13–15 (1990).
immediately inoculated with A. tumefaciens cultures at the wound sites using 25. Brinkman, E. K., Chen, T., Amendola, M. & van Steensel, B. Easy quantitative
syringes and 31 G needles. The A. tumefaciens cultures were grown overnight (12 h, assessment of genome editing by sequence trace decomposition. Nucleic Acids
28 °C) in growth medium (10 mM MES, pH 5.6, 20 μM acetosyringone, 50 mg l−1 Res. 42, e168 (2014).
kanamycin, 50 mg l−1 gentamycin), pelleted at 5,000 r.p.m. for 10 min, suspended 26. Aronesty, E. Comparison of sequencing utility programs. Open Bioinforma. J.
in infiltration medium (10 mM MES, 150 μM acetosyringone, 10 mM MgCl2) and 7, 1–8 (2013).
adjusted to an OD600 of 0.2–0.3. Cultures were then incubated at room temperature 27. Park, J., Lim, K., Kim, J.-S. & Bae, S. Cas-analyzer: an online tool for assessing
(approximately 25 °C) for 2–4 h prior to inoculation. genome editing results using NGS data. Bioinformatics 33, 286–288 (2017).
Plants were observed for shoot formation at cut sites 38–48 d after inoculation.
Each injection site with newly formed tissues or meristems was counted as a single Acknowledgements
event. Shoots were scored for the appearance of white tissue, indicative of loss of This work was supported by the Hackett Fund of the University of Minnesota; the work
PDS function, and/or abnormal morphology. Tissue samples were collected and on grape was supported by TechAccel. M.F.M. was funded from NIGMS T32-GM008347.
imaged for bioluminescence as an indicator of transgene presence and expression. We thank M. Leffler for help with the figures and P. Atkins for help with the next-
DNA was extracted and assessed for mutations at the sgRNA target sites (see below). generation sequencing data analysis.

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Articles Nature Biotechnology

Author contributions Officer for Calyxt, an agricultural biotechnology company that uses gene editing to
M.F.M. and R.A.N. designed the research, performed experiments, analyzed data and create new crop varieties. All other authors have no competing interests.
wrote the manuscript. M.V. and M.D.C. assisted with the experiments on potato and
grape, respectively. C.G.S. helped to build DNA constructs. D.F.V. supervised the research
and wrote the manuscript. All of the authors contributed to editing the manuscript. Additional information
Supplementary information is available for this paper at
Competing interests
M.F.M., R.A.N. and D.F.V. are named inventors on a patent application pertaining to the Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to D.F.V.
technology that was filed by the University of Minnesota. D.F.V. serves as Chief Science Reprints and permissions information is available at

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