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There is a video that goes with this podcast
♬ Includes a song and worksheet

Number and name Description topic topic





Jackie and Richard talk about where they do different kinds of

153 Going to the shops routine: shopping
their regular shopping shops
Jackie and Richard talk about a family tradition: culture: making
152 The wedding
wedding they went to recently weddings comparisons
It's not just the sun we see more of in the environment:
151 Creepy-crawlies nature: insects
summer... pesticides
Just who is the young woman making the people: Greta environment:
150 Who is Greta?
headlines? Thunberg climate change
We welcome the baby animals appearing in nature: young
149 New arrivals
the countryside this spring animals
There are some lovely places near and far to geographical
148 Local beauty spots tourism
visit; where do you like to go? features
Jackie has a go at having a market stall, how personal
147 The market stall selling things
does she get on? experience
There are some things which were new in our talking about the
146 Come and gone gadgets
lives, but are no longer here past
Jackie and Richard talk about their morning adverbs of
145 Good morning! daily routine
routine frequency
Jackie and Richard talk about the summer jobs jobs: part-time /
144 Summer jobs student life
they did when they were students temporary

©                  level 1
There is a video that goes with this podcast
♬ Includes a song and worksheet

What are Jackie and Richard wearing on their clothes:

143 Sun and sandals summer
feet right now? footwear / shoes

Jackie and Richard both have one sister, listen making

142 Our sisters families / sisters
to see if they are different to them, or similar comaprisons

There’s more to the city of Liverpool than its talking about a

141 Liverpool the city culture: British
football teams, or not? town

Which school subject sent Jackie running away school subjects:

140 It doesn’t add up!
from the school gates? maths

Jackie and Richard talk about their home and describing a advantages /
139 Home sweet home
if they are happy living there home disadvantages

138 Paddington and the Another fun end to the year: watch one of the tradition:
Christmas visitor most popular Christmas adverts in the UK Christmas

Watch our video and find out what we tradition:

137 Spooky nights culture: British
traditionally do in Britain for Hallowe'en Hallowe’en

Richard talks to Jackie about the dreams he

136 Dream on ♬ describing events
has at night

In the car, on your bike or while walking, road describing shapes

135 Keep left driving
signs are everywhere / colours

We all have minor accidents. Listen to Richard

134 Whoops! anecdote sport: cycling
talk about something that happened to him

Jackie and Richard talk about the best known

133 The mighty oak nature: trees history
and most loved of Britain's native trees

What's the best way of driving from A to B

132 The road to nowhere sat nav / GPS directions
without getting lost?

So just how keen are Jackie and Richard on

131 Sing, sang, sung ♬ singing / karaoke anecdote
singing? Listen and find out!

130 All the threes. The 2016 Can you remember what happened last year remembering questions and
quiz better than Richard? 2016 answers

We are amazed by the different things that transport:

129 Stop me and buy one! places: Vietnam
are carried on Vietnamese bicycles bicycles

Here's some things for you to do for World UN World Food environment:
128 Feed the world
Food Day Day climate change

Find out why Di enters so many competitions alternative

127 Win a prize! competitions
each year employment

The Great Fire of London was 350 years ago.

126 London's burning places: London history
Watch our video and find out more

125 Iceland: the land of fire Listen to some amazing things about Iceland,
places: Iceland
and ice including their football team of course!

We talk about what we eat for the most

124 Breakfast culture: meals food
important meal of the day. What do you have?

Our two dogs, Jussi and Betty, are very making

123 Chalk and cheese animals: dogs
different. Watch our video and find out how comparisons

Decorations, dragons and dancers - welcome

122 Chinese New Year culture: Chinese places: London
to Chinatown!

Which are the most popular UK toys over the boardgames,

121 Toys, toys, toys culture: British
last 50 years? dolls etc

©                  level 1
There is a video that goes with this podcast
♬ Includes a song and worksheet

For UN World Cities day Jackie and Richard advantages /

120 City life Cairo, Bangkok
talk about cities far and wide disadvantages
So many things can be delivered straight to
119 The delivery van products anecdote
your house, you don't need to go shopping!
We talk about the interesting places to visit in recommending
118 Portugal: all year round seasons
Portugal every season of the year places
World Yoga Day is 21 June so we talk to Jim personal
117 Why yoga? well being
about why he does yoga everyday experience
How good are Richard and Jackie about science: the
116 Thanks for the memory anecdote
remembering things? How good are you?! brain / senses
Jackie and Richard show you the wonderful
115 Wild Orchids nature: flowers seasons: spring
wild flowers growing near their home
Two videos from Ken Hom to celebrate Chinese
114 Hot wok! food: Chinese culture: Chinese
New Year this month
Once again Jackie tests Richard on events remembering questions and
113 The 2014 quiz
from last year, can you do better than him? 2014 answers
and Black Friday: Richard talks about his time personal
112 Thanksgiving... culture: US
in the United States experience
Winter, spring, summer and now autumn; it's
111 The fall seasons: autumn
the cold but colourful season
Jackie and Richard talk about their last questions and
110 Nice holiday? places: Spain
holiday, and now you can talk about yours! answers
What bad habits do Richard and Jackie have? personal
109 Bad habits
Listen and find out! experience
Jump in the water and listen to Jackie and personal
108 Can you swim? sport: swimming
Richard talk about learning to swim experience
One country, two trees and lots of interesting
107 Brazil: not just a country places: Brazil nature, history
Lots of information about the year's prettiest
106 The Merry month of May months: May dates, symbols
month - it's not just about flowers!
There's more to Easter eggs than just eating
105 The Easter egg festivals: Easter customs
them, listen and find out!
There are some good reasons for writing a Anne Frank personal
104 Dear diary
diary about your everyday life Samuel Pepys experience
Join the pie team in putting something more describing
103 Paintings not photos culture: art
artistic on Facebook paintings
The pie team want you to celebrate the tradition:
102 A poem for Christmas culture: poetry
festive season with poetry Christmas
Hear about some Christmas meals eaten in tradition:
101 Figgy pudding food: Christmas
different parts of the world Christmas
Richard explains the reason behind this tradition: bonfire
100 Bonfire Night history
traditional November event night
Do Jackie and Richard have good memories of remembering the
99 Back to school schooldays
their schooldays? past / anecdote
William and Kate show off their baby boy, but tradition: royal
98 The little prince history: names
will he be King George VII one day? family
Unfortunately, it's not just snow and ice on the environment: extreme sport:
97 The tipping point
slopes of Mount Everest rubbish mountaineering

©                  level 1
There is a video that goes with this podcast
♬ Includes a song and worksheet

Sit down, put your feet up and have a nice cup tradition: tea
96 British icons: the cuppa history
of tea! drinking
Now Richard finds three more unusual places describing &
95 A room with a difference places: hotels
to stay the night choosing
Jackie has found some very unusual places to describing &
94 What a place to stay! places: hotels
stay the night choosing
Some animals simply don't understand that animals:
93 Animal odd couples
they are not meant to be friends! behaviour
Neither Jackie nor Richard are looking forward
92 Winter blues seasons: winter
to the long winter season ahead
David Attenborough sees amazing things on
91 What a wonderful world spoken song colours, animals
planet Earth
The amazing story of the man who fell to
90 Fearless Felix science world event
Jackie and Richard are already looking forward places: Rio v
89 Let's go to Rio! sport: World Cup
to future sporting events in Brazil London
There are some big changes to the traditional places: seaside,
88 Beside the seaside culture: British
British summer holiday beside the sea beach huts
Helen has a problem when she tries to make hobbies: making
87 Fingers and thumbs
things things, problems
Jackie makes some ice cream, the taste of food: making ice
86 Ice cream mmm
summer cream
The Olympic torch relay starts its long journey Sport: Olympic
85 Follow the flame
this month torch
84 Please, sir.
teacher. Mat talks about his life at school Jobs: teacher
A day in the life of a...
The amazing underground world of London's places: lost
83 Lost and found culture: British
Lost Property Office property office
Is Laura's round-the-world solo trip at 16
82 I am sailing teenagers sport: sailing solo
fantastic, or not?
The pie team have found themselves a new hobbies: making
81 In a lather
hobby - soap making soap
Amanda from Occupy Wall Street gives her politics: wealth
80 Why Occupy?
reasons for being part of the protest distribution
The pie team look back on their favourite food: chocolate remembering the
79 Mine's a Mars bar
chocolate bars bars past
Meet Ana Luisa, a language teacher with two
78 Double act jobs: teacher
What a lot of changes since the pie team places: rooms in
77 Return to the blue house
bought their house! a house
The pie team talk about what to see in their
76 Penela: our local town places: in a town
town up the road
How do you like to study? In a library, at a
75 My ideal study place places: studying
desk, at home with friends?
The pie team talk about the prettiest season
74 Spring is in the air seasons: spring
of the year
tradition: royal
73 The royal family Surely one of the most popular British icons! family trees

©                  level 1
There is a video that goes with this podcast
♬ Includes a song and worksheet

Some incredible facts from the world's biggest places: Brazil, animals,
72 Amazing Amazon
rainforest Amazon environment
What a bore! But some are more fun than
71 Household chores household chores
70 On the first day of What presents did Richard buy for his family describing, tradition:
Christmas this year? adjectives Christmas
You taste with your tongue? You hear with your experiments with
69 The 5 senses science
ears? Think again! senses
hobbies: keeping
68 Chicken run The pie team have bought some chickens!
Want to win loads of money and become
67 Quiz show!! UK TV quiz shows
famous? Love competitions? Go on a TV show!
The pie team compare living in the country to places: city and
66 Country life ♬
the city country
and the livin' is easy. The pie team talk about
65 Summertime... ♬ seasons: summer
their favourite season
Is the vuvuzela the worst thing about the
64 Viva the vuvuzela! sport: World Cup culture: S Africa
World Cup? Or lots of fun?
The builders are not the only ones making a animals: birds
63 Four little birds
home nesting
Join Jon in the countryside where he can live environment:
62 Survival student
outdoors outdoor life

61 Turn the page The pie team think graded readers are great! learning: reading

Peas, beans and toms - Jackie talks about hobbies:

60 The veg patch food: vegetables
growing things gardening
Join Londoners enjoying the unusually snowy
59 Let it snow! seasons: winter snow activities
Why is yellow such a popular colour in the
58 Lisbon is yellow ♬ places: Lisbon colours: yellow
Portuguese capital?
The pie team talk about their favourite
57 Month by month months, seasons
months and seasons

56 8 days a week ♬ Which days are special for the pie team? days of the week

places: in a
55 The blue house Join Richard as he walks around 'casa azul' future plans
How would Jackie and Richard choose to spend describing a
54 The perfect day
their perfect days? perfect day
The pie team talk about birthdays to celebrate past: birthdays, tradition:
53 Happy birthday!
three years of podcasting describing birthdays
52 On the beat. jobs: police
a police officer
A day in the life of... officer
Beavers, ice-hockey and snowflakes; Christina
51 Canada Day places: Canada inventions
talks about Canada
The pie team celebrate 150 years of Big Ben
50 British icons: Big Ben places: London history: Big Ben
for their 150th podcast!
The pie team talk about the things we do in
49 Walk n talk sleepwalking anecdote
our sleep

©                  level 1
There is a video that goes with this podcast
♬ Includes a song and worksheet

Emily thinks there's good and bad things about using credit
48 Plastic money
using plastic money cards
47 What on earth is Earth environment:
Jackie says 'switch off' and save the world! world event
Hour? saving electricity
Join the pie team as they stroll down Mango places: shops
46 Streets ahead
Street along a street

45 The best job in the world Jackie wants Richard to have the perfect job places: Australia job: tourism

The pie team talk about the popularity of

44 Joe the Blogger blogging
online diaries
Something for our younger listeners - an tradition: father
43 Dashing through the snow
interview with the man of the month! Christmas
Who are more important to Belinda - her people: friends
42 Friends indeed
friends or her family? and family
The pie team talk about Obama's victory and politics: US
41 Making history world event
other historic moments election
What are Emily and Richard's favourite
40 Over the rainbow colours describing
39 Get well soon. A day in the a doctor. Diana describes a typical day at the
jobs: doctor
life of... surgery
Jackie and Richard walk through Wadi Dana,
38 A day in Dana places: Jordan
an amazing gorge in Jordan
Rachel thinks a rat makes the perfect
37 Pest or pet? animals: mice
Nancy talks about the people who live next people:
36 Nancy and her neighbours describing
door neighbours
35 Maltese days & knights. A a travel rep. Mary talks about working on the
jobs: travel rep places: Malta
day in the life of... island of Malta

34 Hotel Alicante Living it up at the Hotel Alicante places: hotel describing

Richard talks to Malek in a wildlife nature

33 Feathered friends animals: birds
places: living
32 Sitting in the living room Three people describe their living rooms describing
31 You've got mail. a postman. Jim says there's good and bad
jobs: postman
A day in the life of... things about his job
Join the pie team as they stroll through the places: Cairo,
30 Street markets
markets in Cairo street market
The pie team talk about their cat Gerrard and prepositions of
29 Miaow! animals: cats
the strange places he likes to be place
Jackie shows Richard how to make pancakes food: making tradition: Shrove
28 Pancake day
for Shrove Tuesday pancakes Tuesday
So why did Emily pack her bags and move to a
27 Moving home places: homes comparing
different part of town?
26 Come fly with me. a flight attendant. Chris talks about working jobs: flight personal
A day in the life of... for British Airways attendant experience
Move over Beckham, Hamilton is the new people: Lewis
25 Hoorah for Hamilton! sport: formula 1
British sports hero Hamilton

©                  level 1
There is a video that goes with this podcast
♬ Includes a song and worksheet

24 Sue's Monday. a working mum. Sue describes her first day jobs: working
A day in the life of... after the weekend mum
23 British icons: the double- Take a ride on one of the most popular forms places: around
transport: buses
decker of British transport the world
Jackie and Richard give their first impressions
22 Hello Jordan places: Jordan
of the country that is now their new home
Everyone's mad about mobile phones - or are
21 Mobile madness mobile phones
We describe the highs and lows of two years in living in places:
20 Goodbye Thailand
the land of Buddhas, beaches and Singha beer Thailand
How did the weather affect Richard's holidays
19 Come rain or shine places: Malaysia holidays
to Italy and Malaysia?
How James learnt an expensive lesson on the
18 The sapphire story places: Thailand anecdote
streets of Bangkok
What links Angelina Jolie to World Refugee Day people: UN World Refugee
17 Refugees
on 20 June? ambassadors Day
Smokers get banned from the world's public places: around
16 Up in smoke
places the world
Donna's turn to tell us about her hometown
15 Ballarat - where is that?! places: Australia
down under
Jackie describes how to make her delicious drink: making
14 Ginger beer
ginger beer ginger beer
Esther tells us what women in the Philippines clothes: national clothes:
13 Shopping for clothes
like to wear costume everyday wear

12 Jobs Play the game and guess the jobs quiz: jobs

Chinese Year of
11 Oink oink! Jackie tells us why she is happy to be a pig personality traits
A VOA special English education report on the
10 Facts and figures numbers
numbers of foreign students in the US
Simon compares his two favourite holiday places: Madeira /
9 Top holiday spots holidays
places France
quiz, asking
8 The pie quiz All the answers are in our level 1 podcasts

7 Banoffee pie Richard makes his favourite dessert food: making pie

Richard and Jackie talk about Britain's

6 Sunny spells weather
favourite topic of conversation - the weather!
food: not eating
5 What! No meat? Veggie Mark tells all

4 A town called Hamilton Leigh tells us about his hometown in Oz places: Australia

Richard is questioned on his love of football.

3 The beautiful game sport: football
Which do you think is his favourite team?
places :
2 The Isle of Man What's so special about the Isle of Man?
Isle of Man

1 Richard's family Richard describes some family photos family describing


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