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To implement the air pollution measurement system using microcontroller unit which is
detects polluted air and smoke in the city, then the information is conveyed to the pollution
control board through short message service.


In this project pollution detection sensor and smoke sensor interface with the controller
.the sesenors is used to detects the polluted air and smoke in the city and traffic areas.

Whenever the pollution will detect this message sent to the controller unit. Global System
for mobile communication is interfaced with external UART of the micro controller unit. The
GSM modem is controlled through the micro controller using the AT (Attention) commands.

Using the GSM unit we can sent and receive message between the microcontroller unit
and user mobile. So that the pollution control board mobile number will be stored in the micro
controller when the pollution will be detect the message sent to the control board.

Air pollution Measurement and Control using Air Filters-controlling embedded tech Air
pollution is present both indoors and outdoors. We rely on air quality engineers to measure air
pollution and work with scientists to determine the sources, magnitude and health effects of
various pollutants. These measurements enable agencies, like the Environmental Protection
Agency, to regulate emissions and make health recommendations to the public. Most air
pollution measurement devices are expensive and/or immobile. In order for a device to
adequately measure human exposure to pollutants, it must be attached to the person sampling at
all times. This is because air pollution is caused by many indoor and outdoor sources, and varies
from place to place. Engineers work to create less expensive, smaller and more reliable
monitoring devices. Air quality sensors enable controlled monitoring of room air quality. Energy
consumption can be significantly reduced where fans, heating registers, or refrigerating systems,
etc. are operated. Depending on type and model, these devices detect and measure the fraction of
volatile organic compounds (VOC) and/or the CO2 concentration in rooms or air ducts. Every
person converts oxygen to carbon dioxide by breathing. The higher the CO2 content is, the worse
is the air in the room. Our CO2 sensors measure the CO2 concentration by means of non-
dispersive infrared technology (NDIR) that ensures longer service life and maximum accuracy
compared to chemical sensors. So they enable extremely energy and cost- saving ventilation on
an as-needed basis for room climate being as draught- free and non-tiring as possible. As-needed
basis means, that ventilators do not run permanently or in fixed intervals, but are switched on and
off, triggered by a CO2 sensor, depending on the variable occupancy rate in the room. Typical
applications are department stores, schools, hotels, and open-plan offices, but also cinemas,
theatres and conference rooms. Aim of the project: We should detect the range of CO and Dust
particles present in a particular place and it should be displayed. After that the impurities in the
gas should be filtered and the filtered range should also be displayed.

 GSM interface with the microcontroller through the external UART
 Pollution control board mobile number will be stored in Software unit.
 Smoke detector interface with controller through the I/O port pin.
 GSM is used for convey the information between the two station.

 Used for hi tech cities
 Used for Bus stop, Railway station
 Crackers Industries.

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