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Smart Transparent Toll System with IOT,

Blockchain and AI
K Mohanarangan Dr. P Palaniswamy
Nokia Networks Private Ltd Department of ECE, NIT
Bangalore, India. Trichy, India

Abstract— The objective of this paper is to propose the or ETC toll system, therefore the ETC or the manual system
Smart Transparent Toll System (STTS), the approach performance can be evaluated for validating.
transforms the toll tariff collection system more transparent and There are two parts in the system, first to identify the
foolproof by validating the existing system of toll collection. Due vehicle automatically to compute tariff estimate, second to
to urbanization, people's migration for employment and
livelihood scales up the transportation of goods and people. The
have a secure and transparent ledger of transactions. The
transportation needs good road infrastructure consequently, vehicle identification is done with computer vision principles
The number of tolls and vehicles on roads growing many folds. using deep learning framework. To keep the transaction safe,
Most developing nations like India use manual toll collection transparent and fool-proof, blockchain technology proposed.
widely sofar, causing unacceptable delay at times. Also, now The blockchain technology has the potential to impact all
automated toll lanes called Electronic Toll Collection (ETC) ledger-keeping processes, including the way transactions are
system implemented with Radio Frequency Identification initiated, processed, authorized, stored and audited. The
(RFID) getting deployed at many places. Even though ETC can blockchain was first introduced by Satoshi Nakamoto in
make toll collection fast, it is not foolproof, as there are 2008[2] for digital currency trading named as Bitcoin, the
possibilities of using RFID tags interchangeably among vehicles
of low to high chargeable or it can be stolen or any such
headline-grabbing decentralized digital currency. But,
malfunction. Also, the existing toll collection system is lacking nowadays, blockchain technology has applied far beyond
with transparency and ease of auditing capabilities. Therefore it digital currency trading and is now being tested in a broad
is required to have a better fool-proof process which shall aid range of business and financial applications. This paper
in the auditing process as well validating the performance explains how to use the blockchain technology for toll
of RFID based ETC toll system or manual system. The solution auditing and making it transparent by introducing trusted
discussed in this paper, makes toll system fool-proof and third-party agencies and auditing nodes in the BC network.
transparent with mutually diversified technologies Artificial
Intelligence (AI) and Blockchain (BC) bridged with the Internet
of Things (IoT) principles..
Keywords—AI, Blockchain, Deep Learning, Computer
Vision, Machine Vision, Image Classification, IOT, Hyper
Ledger Fabric, Toll Collection

In recent years, due to urbanization and industrialization,
transportation became backbone of any nation. The number
of vehicles fleeting over the roads is higher than in the past.
In most of the developing nations like India, national road
highway projects are developed and managed by private
sectors on Public-Private Partnership [1] (PPP) basis. The
manual system of toll tariff collection leads to wastage of
time, fuel and manpower. This does not meet the demands of
the current scenario of transportation. On the other hand, the
toll tariff collection and operation are completely in dark,
there are instances of scams and litigation on toll agencies for
unproportionate tariff charged over years. There are
complaints of poor maintenance of road infrastructure,
the higher tariff on vehicles consequently leading to inflation.
The toll operator employing toll tariff collection agents at
round the clock, this manual operation adds the overhead of
higher operating costs. The alternative that practiced is RFID
based toll collection [1], but this is not completely tamper-
proof, as the ETC based FasTags can be used
interchangeably, and no mechanisms to cross-check the same
unless manually watched by someone. This paper goal is to II. STTS SOLUTION OVERVIEW
propose a complete human free toll system, making a parallel
automated toll tariff estimate system with that of manual This section describes the overall high-level architecture
of the complete system with the significance of each layer,

the layers of the system are Vehicles layer, Image classifier,
TensorFlow based deep learning model used in robotics,
Aggregator and finally BC network as shown in Fig. 1. The speech recognition, computer vision, information retrieval,
vehicle images at toll lane are captured and classified for information extraction, natural language processing.
tariff computation. The aggregator, which verifies the
manual or automated ETC tariff feed with the outcome of the B. Transparency through Blockchain Technology
automated deep learning-based vehicle classifier. Also, the Secondly, it is proposed to use BC technology [5-8], which
aggregator forms the transaction block and proposes to the shall make the toll collection system more transparent,
BC network. The BC network nodes (nodes or peers mean immutable and distributed. There are four pillars for BC
same in this paper) verifies the transactions and updates to the technology, which are decentralized, cryptographically
immutable ledger of the blockchain. On high-level there are signed, ledger updated on consensus verifying business logic
two major blocks as discussed below. (smart contract/chain code). Every node in the BC network
A. CNN Based Vehicle Identification and Tariff Estimation records transactions executed after verifying and validating on
consensus. The ledger recorded transaction cannot be changed
The computer vision based automated toll tariff estimate or erased and the history of each transaction can be re-created
requires vehicle class identification to determine the tariff, as at any time. Every node (In context to this paper node and peer
there are larger classes of vehicles and many customizations, are same) has same ledger which is synch with all the other
it requires the complex model to classify the vehicle. The nodes in the BC network. A BC network node ledger starts
significant improvement in the capabilities of with an initial or genesis block, which does not have
the hardware fueled greater momentum on the computational any preceding block. All the other blocks in the ledger, have
algorithm development and its applications. In the past the the hash value of preceding block. Once a block is added to
complex algorithms which were practically unrealizable now the chain, any altering in blocks in the later case by any of the
made through with the powerful hardware capabilities. There nodes or peers, immediately ledger desynch the chain with
is much more research going on AI and its algorithms which other peers, by which it is tamper-proof property is
shall be applied for real-life solutions. The machine learning established. The transparency is achieved by introducing
techniques works on the features chosen by humans. These trusted third-party agencies into the BC network. These
techniques require complex human-designed models to trusted agency nodes shall play a crucial role in ledger update
translate raw input pixels into useful recognition responses. by a consensus process, also keeps tracks of the ledger. There
Whereas deep learning techniques learns itself features of the are many frameworks of the blockchain, based on this toll
image given modifying its filter coefficients and bias values. transaction ledger use case requirements it is proposed to opt
The deep learning techniques employed many fields within for Hyper Ledger Fabric (HLF).
computer vision, such as handwriting recognition and visual
object recognition [3] and classifications.
The TensorFlow is released by Google which is an open-
source software computational framework for building deep
learning and machine learning models. The TensorFlow in
deep learning arena supports CNN [3][4], recurrent neural
network (RNN) and other depth neural network models. The

configurable. It proposes for endorsement through the client
SDK. The endorsement is triggered when the transaction
count per lane reaches “N”, and a block can be constructed.
In HLF [13-16] each transaction is independently endorsed,
but this paper proposes block-wise endorsement and
ordering. The block is formed and triggered when the ETC
feed and automatic reading matches with the toll tariff.
D. Blockchain enabled Transaction
The security and transparency are two extreme ends, the
blockchain technology bridges them. As shown in Fig. 2, the
III. STTS TRANSACTION ARCHITECTUTE DESIGN blockchain network has five peers and a client. The peers are
Govt. agencies / auditors, toll operator, LCAs, and any trusted
This section describes, how the complete the secured third parties (TTP), and the leader or orderer node. The
transparent transaction can be processed with the
number of the peer is not hard-fixed count, depending on the
technologies discussed in session II. The overall system
need it can be up-sized. The leader node plays the role of
architecture for proof of concept is shown in the Fig.2, which
is a more detailed architecture version of the Fig.1. the orderer. There is an audit manager to make
a periodic audit of the transaction ledger. Every peer has
A. Vehicle layer their own ledger which is in synch with other peers of the
The Raspberry Pi 3 attached to the camera continuously network. This ensures complete transparency of the toll
captures video. When there are any significant changes across system [14].
video frames, the motion is detected, frame extractor extracts
still images.

B. Vehicle Image Classification 1) HLF

HLF Founded by Linux Foundation in 2015, which is
The extracted vehicle image is classified using CNN
open-source software licensed under Apache License, the
based deep learning model [3]. The toll tariff is charged based
Hyperledger project builds upon a collaborative approach to
on the vehicle class. This model is used to classify the
develop blockchain technologies. HLF is one of the projects,
vehicles, as one of the class shown in Table 1.
it is the main purpose is to have modular, extensive
C. Aggregation and Transaction preprocessing architecture. This enables membership and consensus
The transaction cloud is created with transactions of all services to be plug-and-play. HLF is an implementation
the lanes. The transaction block is constructed as shown in of permissions blockchain system for running the smart
Fig.3. It is formed out of transactions obtained from each contracts. The fabric is developed under the umbrella of
lane’s vehicle image classifier, of the structure shown hyper ledger projects, an open-source collaborative effort to
in Table 2. The LAXTX mentioned in the Fig.3 is create an enterprise, cross-industry blockchain system. HLF
lane transaction label identity, where the first “X” is for lane provides the infrastructure for performing transactions
number, and the second “X” for transaction no, also receives among mistrusting parties, which are logged in the immutable
license plate number (LP No) from the Automatic license distributed ledger. HLF uses a membership service provider
plate Reading module (ALPR) [9-12] module. Aggregator for issuing and validating certificates [15]. The common
computes tariff for each vehicle class of the transaction. It entities of HLF or in the broader sense that of blockchain are
accumulates “N” transactions of a block from the transaction described as under.
cloud, segregating block-wise before proposing
endorsement, it also sums the tariffs of “N” transactions and
adds to the block structure, hashes using SHA256, adds hash
value to block structure as shown in Fig.4. It also receives the
tariff data for each “N” transactions from respective Lane
Collection Agent (LCA) or RFID based reader, where “N” is

a) Shared ledger: Each peer of the BC network has a
ledger copy, the world state is the final updated state (hash h) Verification: All the validated transaction
value) of the ledger of any node at a given point of time. communicated to every other peer by which PBFT consensus
b) Client SDK: An application that proposes the is obtained.
transaction for the BC network. In this proposed system, i) Security: It is public-private key infrastructure for
Client SDK is the interface between the aggregator and the authentication and authorization of peers in the network. The
BC network. The block structure is shown in Fig.4. The block transactions can be encrypted to protect the integrity.
elements and their role illustrated in Table 3. j) Certificates: There are two types of certificates, to
c) Peers: Maintain a state of the network, in this model be obtained from Certificate Authority (CA). The enrollment
all the nodes act as endorsing and committing peers except certificate for authorization. Then there is transaction
auditing node.Smart Contracts or Chaincode: Invoked by the certificate for doing transaction.
client application when required to interact with the ledger.
d) Smart Contracts or Chaincode: Invoked by the
client application when required to interact with the ledger.
e) Ordering: The ordering service proposes endorsed
transactions for consensus and commit to the BC network
peers. The ordering node can play the role of the leader during
the consensus process.

2) HLF Based Transaction

f) Consensus: The process of reaching agreement
among peers for transaction approval and ledger updating, The Fig.6 illustrates the toll transaction stages as per HLF V1
HLF shall use Practical Byzantine Fault protocol. The following subsection describes in detail the
Tolerance(PBFT) which communicates with all the network transaction flow.
nodes to obtain the agreement on update of ledger [16]. The a) Transaction Initiation: The client creates a
consensus is obtained during endorsing and committing as transaction proposal using SDK, it sends it to all peers that
shown in Fig.5. need to sign it as per endorsement policy. Client packs
g) Validation: The transaction getting validated during encrypt and signs before proposing to BC network.
endorsement and commitment. In STTS transactions are b) Endorsement of Transaction: The client signature
processed block-wise during endorsement and committing. validated. It checks block’s tariff sum equals to LCA’s tariff
During the validation process, transaction gets mined by data counterpart. It returns the following parameters by
computing world hash. signing to the client SDK.

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This paper has proposed for transparent smart toll system, [14]
using BC technology to make the secure, distributed and 1.1/hyperledger-fabric.pdf
transparent transactions. The trusted third-party agencies [15] Christian Cachin, IBM Research - Zurich CH-8803 Ruschlikon,
being member of the BC network, the complete transparency Switzerland, “Architecture of the Hyperledger Blockchain Fabric”,
operation can be realized. The smartness of the toll system is, July 2016
realized by AI and deep learning for vehicle identification and [16] Sven Mitt, UNIVERSITY OF TARTU, Institute of Computer Science
ALPR. This paper discusses comparing manual toll tariff , “Blockchain Application - Case Study on Hyperledger Fabric”., Tartu
collection or ETC feed with the automated estimate.
[17] Zhetao Li College of Information Engineering, Xiangtan University,
ACKNOWLEDGMENT Xiangtan, Chian, Jiawen Kang, School of Automation Guangdong
University of Technology, Rong Yu, School of Automation
This research would not have been possible without the Guangdong University of Technology, Dongdong Ye, School of
support by Mr. T. Kabilan, Head of R&D, Nokia Networks, Automation Guangdong University of , Qingyong Deng, School of
Information and Communication Engineering, Beijing University of
Bangalore. His unconstrained freedom on my thoughts and Posts and Telecommunications, Beijing, China, Yan Zhang, University
ideas were seeds for this work. I would thank Mr. Bharath of Oslo, Norway. “Technology Consortium Blockchain for Secure
Morram, Manager, Nokia who was catalyst of this endeavor. Energy Trading in Industrial Internet of Things,” IEEE Transactions on
Industrial Informatics, unpublished.
I would thank Nokia GIM team members, whose
encouragement helped to keep the spirit high. I would also
thank Mr. Mohan Kumara Vel, VP, Education, whose
feedback and suggestions directed me in right way.

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