Chemical Energetics 2

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Unit # 7… M.C.Qs  on Chemical Energetics

1. The study of energy transformations occurring during a
chemical reaction based on the principle of conservation
of energy is called
(a)statistics (b) Thermochemistry
(c)thermodynamics (d) chemical kinetics
2.  The study of thermal energy changes that occur during
chemical and physical changes is called
(a)statistics (b) Thermochemistry
(c)thermodynamics (d) chemical kinetics
3. Thermochemistry is the study of relationship between
heat energy and ………………
(a) K.E P.E.
(c) chemical electrical
energy energy
4.It is the ability of a system or energy to produce change
(a) K.E (b) P.E.
(c) energy (d) heat 
5.      1J is equal to
(a)1kg-m2/sec2 (b) 1kg-m/sec2
(c)1kg-m2/sec (d) none of them

6.      1 B.T.U (British thermal unit) is equal to

(a)1.005 x103 J (b) 1.005 x105 J 
(c)1.005 x109 J (d) none of them
7.      I KWH is equal to
(a)3.6 x103 J  (b) 2.6x103 J
(c)1.6 x103 J (d) none of them 

8.      1 calorie = ………

(a) 4.184 J (b)  41.84 KJ
(c) 0.004182 J (d)  none of them

9.      1 kcal is equal to:

(a) 4.184x103J      (4.184 kJ) (b)  2.184x103J (2.184 kJ)
(c) 5.184x103 J       (5.184 kJ)
(d)  All of the above.
10. It is the natural tendency of a system when left to itself
to attain the position of
(a) Lowest energy (b) Highest energy
(c) Same energy as before (d) Intermediate energy

11. Chemical reaction that are accompanied by thermal

energy changes with material changes called        reaction
(a) Exothermic (b) Endothermic
(c) Thermo chemical (d) Non-spontaneous 
12.    The chemical reaction during which heat is released
to surrounding is called
(a)Exothermic (b) Endothermic
(c)Reversible (d) Redox
13. In endothermic reactions, the enthalpy of the product
is……… than the enthalpy of reactant
(a)Less             (b) more
(c)Intermediate (d) None of them 
14.    In exothermic reactions, the enthalpy of the product
is……..  than enthalpy of reactant
(a)Less             (b) More
(c)Intermediate (d) None of them 

15.The chemical reactions during which heat is absorbed

from the surrounding are called
(a)Exothermic (b) Endothermic
(c)Reversible (d) Redox
16.  The property that depends upon state of a system is
(a)State function (b) Enthalpy
(c)Entropy (d) Internal energy 

17.    Which one of the following is a state function?

(a)Pressure (b) Enthalpy
(c)Temperature       (d) All of them
18.    A state function represents
(a)Physical state (b) Chemical state
(c)Thermodynamical state (d) All of the above
19. It is the sum of all the energies of all the atoms,
molecules or ions with in a system
(a)Bond energy (b) K.E.
(c)P.E.  (d) Internal energy 

20.    Bond energy is also a form of

(a)T.E (b) K.E.
(c)P.E.  (d) Free energy 
21. Heat of reaction………….. upon the physical state of a
reactants or products
(a)Depends (b) Does not depend 
(c)Does not rely      (d) All of the above
22. Heat of reaction is _______ for different states of same
component of the chemical reaction
(a)Different (b) Same
(c)High (d) Low
23.  At what temperature enthalpy changes are measured
(a)298 K (b) 25°C
(c)77°F (d) All of them
24.The physical state of a pure substance at 1 atm
pressure and 25°C(298 K) is called……… of a substance.
(a)Standard state (b) Normal state 
(c)Natural state (d) None of  them

25. The properties of a system which are independent of

the amount of the amount of material concerned are called
(a) Physical properties (b) Chemical properties 
(c)Extensive  properties (d)  Intensive properties

26.    Which one is an intensive property?

(a) Mass or mole (b)  Volume
(c) Enthalpy (d) None of them 

27.Which one is not an example of intensive properties?

(a) Refractive index (b) Surface tension 
(c) Length (d) Temperature  
28. The properties of a system which is depend upon the
amount of substance present in the system is called
(a) Physical properties (b) Chemical properties 
(c) Extensive properties (d) Intensive properties
29.    Which one is an extensive property?
(a) Pressure (b) Vapour pressure 
(c) Melting point (d) None of them
30.    Which one is an example of extensive properties?
(a) Enthalpy (b) Entropy
(c) Mole or mass (d) All of the above

31. The total heat content of a system at constant

pressure is termed as
(a) Enthalpy (b)  Entropy
(c) Activation energy (d) none of them
32.    Enthalpy is mathematically equal to
(a) H = E + PV (b)  H = E-PV
(c) H = E x PV (d)  H = E/PV
33.    For all …………………. reaction ΔH is negative
(a) Exothermic (b)  Endothermic
(c) Irreversible (d)  Reversible
34.    For all ……………….. reaction, ΔH is positive
(a) Exothermic (b)  Endothermic
(c) Slow   (d)  Fast
35.    The enthalpy change in a reaction does not depend
on the
(a)  States of reactant and product (b)  Conditions under which reaction is carried out
(c)  Number of intermediate steps (d)  Initial and final states

36. The enthalpy change accompanying the formation of a

one mole of a compound from its       element in their
standard states at 25°C (298 K) and under 1 atm pressure
is called
(a)  Heat of reaction (b)  Heat of sublimation
(c)  Standard heat of formation (d)  Heat of formation

37.    The symbol for standard heat of formation is

(a)ΔH° (b)  ΔHf
(c)ΔHf° (d)  ΔH
38.    The standard enthalpy change accompanied by the
formation of 1 mole of a compound is called
(a)ΔH° (b)  ΔHf
(c)ΔHf° (d)  ΔH
39.    The ΔHf° of CO2 is
(a) -394 kJ/mole (b)  -494 kJ/
(c) 394 kJ/mole (d)  -294
40.The enthalpy change accompanied by the combustion
of one mole is called:
(a)  heat of formation (b)  heat of sublimation
(c)  heat of neutralization (d)  heat of combustion
41. Negative enthalpy changing of a chemical reaction
means that reaction is
(a) Exothermic (b)  Endothermic
(c) Reversible (d)  Irreversible
42.    The conversion of graphite into diamond is
(a) Exothermic            (b)  Endothermic
(c) Reversible   (d) None of
43.    If the heat content of B is greater than that of A, the
reaction: A = B is
(a) Exothermic          (b)  Endothermic
(c) Spontaneous (d)  Instantaneous
44.  Energy can neither be created nor be destroyed but it
may transferred and transformed from one form to
another form this is known as
(a) Law of conservation of mass (b) Law of conservation of momentum
(c) Law of conservation of energy (d) All of the above.

45.    The law of conservation of energy is also called

(a) First law of thermodynamics (b) 2nd law of thermodynamics
(c) 3rd law of thermodynamics (d) None of the above

46. The change in internal energy is the sum of heat

exchanged and work done on or by the system. This is
the statement of
(a) Hess’s law of constant heat summation. (b) Faraday’s laws of electrolysis.
(c) First law of thermodynamics (d) First law of thermochemsitry.

47. If q is heat added to the system, W is work done by the

system and ΔE is the change in   internal energy, then
according to the 1st law of thermodynamic
(a)ΔE = q – W (b) ΔE = q +W 
(c)ΔE = q – PΔV (d) ΔE=q +ΔH 

48.    Work done is ……… when work is done on the

(a) Positive (b)  Negative
(c) Zero (d)  All of them
49.    Work done is ………  when work is done by the
(a) Positive (b)  Negative
(c) Zero (d)  All of them
50.    ΔE is positive when system ………… energy
(a) Loses (b)  Gains
(c) Releases (d)  All of them
51.    ΔE is negative when system ……………. energy
(a) Loses (b)  Gains
(c) Releases (d)  All of them
52.    The pressure volume work is given by
(a) W = -PΔV (b)  W = PΔV
(c) W = P+ΔV (d)  W = -P+ΔV
53.    This is another form of 1st law of thermodynamics
(a) ΔE = q-PΔV (b)  ΔE=q+PΔ

(c) ΔE = q*PΔV (d)  ΔE = q/PΔV
54.    Heat exchanged at constant volume is equal to
(a) ΔH (b)  ΔE
(c) ΔT (d)  None of them  

55.    Heat exchanged at constant pressure is equal to

(a) ΔH (b)  ΔE
(c) ΔT (d) None of them   
56.    Hess’s law deals with
(a)  Rate of reaction (b)  Equilibrium constant
(c)  Changes in heat of reaction (d)  Electrolysis

57.The amount of heat evolved or absorbed in a chemical

reaction remains the same whether the reaction takes
place in one step or in several steps. It is the statement of
(a)  Faraday’s law (b)  Hess’s law
(c)  1st law of thermodynamics (d)  1st  thermochemical law

58.              The heat of reaction is independent of the no

of intermediate steps and depends only on initial and final
state of the system. It is the statement of
(a) Faraday’s law (b)  Hess’s law
(c) 2nd thermochemical law (d)  1st  thermochemical
59.    Hess’s law is mathematically stated as
(a) ΔE = q – W (b)  ΔH = ΔH1 + ΔH2 + ΔH3
(c) q = q1 + q2 + q3 (d)  Both b and c
60.    Hess’s law is a special case of
(a)  1st  law of thermodynamics. (b)  2nd law of thermodynamics.
(c)  Law of conservation of energy. (d)  None of the above.
61.The heat of decomposition of compound is numerically
equal to heat of formation of      compound but of
opposite sign. This is the statement of
(a)  1st  law of thermodynamics (b)  2nd  law of thermodynamics
(c)  2nd thermochemical law (d)  1st  thermochemical law

62.    Hess’s law is also known as

(a)  Faraday’s law (b)  2nd  law of thermodynamics
(c)  2nd thermochemical law (d)  1st  thermochemical law

63.    Which one of the following enthalpies is always an

exothermic process?
(a) Enthalpy of ionization (b) Enthalpy of atomization
(c) Enthalpy of dissociation (d) Enthalpy of neutralization

64.    In which one of the following neutralization reactions,

the heat of neutralization will be highest? 
(a)H3CCOOH and NaOH (b) NH4OH and H2SO4
(c)H3CCOOH and NH4OH (d) HCl and KOH
65.    Which of the following is the value of heat of
neutralization of a strong acid with strong base?   
(a)57 kJ (b) 13.7 kcal
(c)5.7 x 104 (d) All of the above
66.    According to Hess’s law thermal effects of reaction
depend on the
(a) Initial conditions of the reacting substances.
(b) Final conditions of the reacting substances.
(c) Initial and final conditions of the reacting
(d) Intermediate stages of the reacting substances.
67.    An exothermic reactions are one in which reacting
(a) Have more energy than products.
(b) Have less energy than products.
(c) Have the same energy as the products.
(d) Are at higher temperature than products.
68.    Which one is incorrect regarding exothermic
(a ΔH is negative.
(b Enthalpy of reactant is more than that of product.
(c These reactions are mostly spontaneous.
(d Heat is absorbed.
69.    An endothermic reaction is one ion which reacting
(a) Have less energy than products.
(b) Have more energy than products.
(c) Have same energy as the products.
(d) Are at lower temperature than products.
70.Which one is incorrect regarding endothermic change?
(a) ΔH is positive.
(b) Enthalpy of reactant is less than that of product.
(c) These reactions are not occurred spontaneously.
(d) Heat is released.
71.    Which of the following process is endothermic?
(a) The electrolysis of water
(b) The condensation of steam
(c) The freezing of water
(d) Ca   +  2H2O      =         Ca(OH)2  + H2↑   
72.    Evaporation of water is
(a) An endothermic change
(b) An exothermic change
(c) A process where no heat changes occur
(d) A process accompanied by chemical reaction
73.    Which of the following is endothermic?
(a) CH4 + 2O2 ¾¾¾¾® CO2 + 2H2O
(b) NaOH + HCl ¾¾¾¾® NaCl + H2 O
(c) Fe + S ¾¾¾¾® FeS +
(d) CaCO3 ¾¾¾¾® CaO + CO2
74.    Which of the following is endothermic?
(a) C2H5OH + 3O2 ¾¾¾¾® 2CO2   + 3H2O
(b) 2NaOH + H2SO4 ¾¾¾¾® Na2S + 2H2O
(c) 2H2 + O2 ¾¾¾¾® 2H2O
(d) N2 + O2 ¾¾¾¾® 2NO

75.Which is an example of endothermic chemical

(a) C + O2 ¾¾¾¾® CO2
(b) 2H2 + O2 ¾¾¾¾® 2H2O
(c) S + O2 ¾¾¾¾® SO2
(d) C + H2 O ¾¾¾¾® CO + H2

76.    Which is an example of exothermic chemical

(a) C + H2 O ¾¾¾¾® CO + H2
(b) H2 + I2 ¾¾¾¾® 2HI
(c) 2KCl ¾¾¾¾® 2KCl
(d) 2SO2 + O2 ¾¾¾¾® 2SO3

77.    Which one of the following is not correct?

(a) a system is a portion of matter which is under study
(b) the environments containing the system are called
(c) Universe = system - surroundings
(d) the condition of a system is called state of a system
78.    As increase in internal energy of a chemical system,
may lead to which one of the following
(a) The temperature of the system can increase
(b) A phase change can occur
(c) A chemical reaction can occur
(d) All of the above.
79.    When does internal energy of the system increase?
(a) When a system absorbs energy
(b) When system rejects energy
(c) Neither absorb nor rejects energy
(d) All of the above.
80.    When does internal energy of the system decrease?
(a When system works on the surroundings.
(b When surroundings work on the system.
(c When system absorbs energy.
(d All of the above.
81.    Which one of the following is the definition of the
heat of reaction?
(a) It is the amount of heat exchange in a chemical
(b) It is the heat lost or gained in a chemical reaction
(c) It is the enthalpy change in a chemical reaction.
(d) All of the above.
82.    Which one of the following statement is not correct?
(a) joule is the SI unit of heat and energy
(b) 1joule is the energy expended when a force of one
Newton acts over a distance of 1 meter
(c) 1 J    =  1 N-cm (1kg-cm2/sec2)
(d) 1cal  =  40184 J and 1J = 0.239 cal

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