Dr. Ahmed Curriculum 2019

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Curriculum Vitae

Dr. Ahmed AbdulAziz

Ali Mohammed Nouman
Mobile: + 967 -773-570-003 Cairo street, Alansar building,

Home: +967-1239394 Floor 5th, Apartment 39

Email: msehsr.nouman@gmail.com Sana'a

Email:dr_ahmedalnouman@hotmail.co Alzupairy school eastern street,

m Manar Scientific est. Head
office Taiz

Personal Information:
- Date of birth: march 13, 1969

- Place of Birth: Taiz, Yemen

- Marital status: Married

- Nationality: Yemeni

Summary of qualification:

1995 – 1999 General police Hospital Sana'a Physician Surgical

Orthopaedic Chief, Orthopaedic Ward


1987 – 1994 The Crimea state medical institute, Simferopol, graduating

with a Bachelors Degree in General Medicine and Surgery

2019-2020 MartinVille University USA, Healthcare administration

master's degree

2015 Achieved Training course in the United States Institute of Peace-led

course, Towards a Rule of Law Culture: Conflict Analysis, via the Internet.

Oct. 19, 2015 Completed the course which is accredited by the Norwegian Medical
Association with 12 hours in postgraduate and continuing training for all specialties,
Human rights and ethical dilemma: the course presents relevant international
statements regulating medical treatment of prisoners in order to the prison doctors'
awareness on their role in various area of conflicting interests between the prisoner
(patient) and the prison administration. In collaboration with Doctors of the World
Association Online .

Dec.2017 Achieved complete course of Management and Leadership:

Growing as Manager, Open University

Professional Experience:

- 1995-1996 Senior doctor in General Police Hospital for one year,

- 1996-1998 chief of Orthopaedic Ward

- 1995 – 1999 Orthopaedic surgeon Sana'a

- 1998 – 1999 Al- Gumhory Hospital Sana'a

- 1999 – 2000 Dar Al-A'afeah Hospital, Amran St. Sana'a

- Since 2000 I work in my own private clinic& participate

partially in deferent private hospitals in Sana'a.

- 2008-2009 Orthopaedic surgeon in The health centre of Sana'a

Central Prison

- 2009-2012 Health Services Yemeni penitentiary Authority

- From Sep.2012-until may.27.2014 director of Health services in the

Yemeni Penitentiary Authority

- Senior doctor in General Police Hospital for one year, chief of

Orthopaedic Ward, senior Doctor in Al-Gumhory Hospital Sana'a,
General Practitioner in Orthopaedic & Traumatology Ward,
Emergency Ward.

- Care of human trafficking victims YE MoI.

Patents and Publications:

Scientific and Health reports in Yemen Times
newspaper & Local issues

Additional Professional activities

Founder & Webmaster of: http://msehsr1.pbwors.com

Professional memberships:

- Yemeni Physicians & Pharmacists syndicate.

- Manar scientific Establishment for health studies & researches.

- Member of Yemeni Orthopaedic surgeons Society.
- Founder of Manar Scientific Establishment for Health Studies &
- Representative- coordinator-.
- Advisor of NCITCPF
- Member of INPORL
- Member of Amnesty Intl. Organization
- Member of ICPA
- General member of The Human Rights Organization
- Representative – Coordinator of ICHF (International Children's Heart


Arabic, Russian, and English

Community Activities :

- -Scientific consultant for Amenah & Adelah Association

- Members of Yemeni Physicians syndicate

- Activator in human Rights

- Passionate Human rights advocates

- Member of the Yemeni Crescent Association

- Red Cross Organisation

- Medical committee president of Alustad Movement for change

and Enlightment .

Extracurricular activities:

- National Training course on HINARI-HINARI site and publishers from

27 to 30 December 2003 Republic of Yemen Sana'a and Aden

- Participant in the 1st YEMENI – Cuban V Medical conference 2000.

- National Health Surveys in Yemeni rural.

- National consultant in health legislations.
- Active volunteer in Second health charity camp for Yemeni
- Participant in the 1st National Human Rights Conference Dec. 9-
10.2012 Sana’a.
- Participated in the project of " Strengthening the Role of Law in
Arbitrary Detention and Imprisonment'' Implemented by NFHR in
collaboration with the Commission of European Union-Yemen
,Sana'a November 14-15 2012
- Participated in the Second Regional conference On Health care in
Detention, By ICRC. In Amman, Jordan from 25-27March 2014.

- 1998-1999 Yemeni MOPH.

- 1998-2015 Volunteer with NGOs.

- 2001 Manager of Health information services Department in MOPH.

- 2001 Technical Director - Arabian Hospital.

- 1995-1999 Head, Orthopaedic Ward in General Police Hospital.

- 2012-2014 Director of Health Services Department Penitentiary Authority

Sana'a – Republic of Yemen.

- 2014 Acting Director of Care of human trafficking victims YE MoI.

- 2018 International & National Organizations Liaison Officer.

- 2018 Director of Health Services Department Taiz Police General



- I enjoy reading

-crossword puzzles

- I like meeting new people, assisting them whenever possible.

- I also enjoy communicating in other languages with people who obtain

different nationalities to improve my communication skills in that
Arabic. Russian, English, etc.


Voluntary work (stated in voluntary experience)

Voluntary Experience:

- I established the Manar Scientific Establishment for Health Studies &

Research (MSEHSR) in 2001later on in 2005 it turned official

- Amnesty International Organization since 1998

- Human Rights in Yemen(HRTIC) since 1994

- International Criminal Court Organization since 1999

- Amna & Adila Charitable Association for Children's Heart and Blood
Treatment since 1997 - 2000

- Charitable Welfare Association of Thubhan since 1996

- Yemeni Red Crescent Association (YRCA) since 1994

- International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) since 1987

- Charity for the Mentally and Physically disabled since 2001


I have done many activities, such as Coordinating and cooperating with ICHF (the
international children heart foundation) and submitting the draft of children's heart
surgery in Yemen with military medical service industry and Yemeni Ministry of

- In addition to that, coordinating and cooperating with public and private health
establishments to visit the medical team of international children heart foundation.

- Completing a study on congenital and acquired diseases of the bones in children in


- Starting a study on medical errors in Yemen, 2001.

- Submitting a proposal of an integrated project on the management of medical

services for prisons, for the Yemeni penalty authority 2012.

- Submitting a proposal of an integrated project on the management of medical

services for Taiz governorate Police 2018.

- Conducting a field survey and completing the medical treatment of prisoners in the
majority of the central prison in the Yemeni provinces, from June to September, 2013.

- Having conducted health data base of prisoners in Yemen, 2014.

- Doing a general activity recorded as a documentary video on the ground with inmates
to reduce and to eliminate scabies in detention centers in Sana'a, 2013.

- Providing a model data base for the human trafficking victims department for
Ministry of Interior, 2014.

- Providing health and humanitarian service for inmates in Al Turbah detention center-
Taiz province during the armed conflict, funded by Manar Scientific Foundation for
Studies and health research, by conducting a medical examination and providing all
patients ( prisoners) with medicines during the period April-July 2016 .

- Providing humanitarian aid food for children and contributing it to displaced children
in several centers of Alshammaytin Taiz in July 2016.

- Coordinating and communicating as interlocutor with several international

humanitarian organizations and health facilities in areas which have armed conflicts.

- Promoting and strengthening the relationship between the Yemeni Prison Service
and the International Committee of the Red Cross Yemen, Sana'a office and its

- Coordinating and facilitating the International Committee of the Red Cross in Yemen
tasks with several official wages.

- Coordinating and facilitating the International Committee of the Red Cross in Yemen
tasks with the parties to the armed conflict in Yemen in more than one province during
the last period.

- Coordinating between the general department of Medical Services Yemeni ministry

of Interior and the International Committee of the Red Cross Yemen's office.

- Being an editor and member of the international network to promote the rule of law.

- Translating the introductory content to the United States Institute of Peace from
English to Arabic and being a representative of Yemeni Penalty authority.

- Providing cooperation and assistance for the completion study Yemeni prisons
system, remarked numbers and comprehensive review on the study of Yemeni prisons
completed content in 2014 and continuous communication with the Principal
Investigator Fiona Mangan (in six major provinces Yemeni) of the United States
Institute of Peace in Arabic and English]

- Providing medical aid and humanitarian represented medicines and clothes for
patients in center of mental illness in the central prison in Saada.
- Providing medical and therapeutic assistance to prisoners in the Detention center
Taiz prison.

- Food assistance for displaced children and the poor in Alshammaytin Taiz province,

- Coordinating and facilitating the arrival of medical aid to a field hospital in Taiz, and
provided by the International Committee of the Red Cross, 2016.

- Coordinating and cooperating with health facilities in the governorates of Yemen and
international humanitarian organizations operating in Yemen.

- Coordinating and facilitating humanitarian access to many of the provinces.

- Coordinating and facilitating health aid within the province of Taiz during the armed

Capacities and capabilities:

- Good computer literacy. Dealing with Excel, Word,

- Work with the team.

- Serve under different circumstances.

- Good ability in coordination and communication with all official authorities and local
and international organizations.

- Dialogue and negotiations with the parties involved in armed conflict.

- Humanitarian work in different circumstances and on the Yemeni governorate level

and communicate with members of the society.

Descriptive activities:
- A national training course on-site HINARI-HINARI, publishers from 27 to 30 December
2003 the Republic of Yemen Sana'a and Aden conducted by the cooperation of WHO
World-EMRO and MHP.

- Participating in the first Yemeni Cuban medical conference for Orthopedics in 2000.

- Participating in the National surveys of health in rural areas of Yemen.

- Researcher and national consultant in the health legislation.

- A volunteer doctor in the camp health charity second Yemeni orphan.

- Orthopedic with field hospital in Sana'a University.

- Established and founder of a medical tent in Change Square in front of the old Sana'a
University 2011.

- Participating in the First National Conference on Human Rights December 9 to

10/2012 Sana'a.

- Participating in the project "Strengthening the role of law in the arbitrary detention
and imprisonment," carried out by NFHR in cooperation with the European Union and
Yemen, Sana'a, 14 to 15 November 2012.

- Participant in the Second Regional about health care in detention conference, the
implementation of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC). In Amman,
Jordan from 25-27 March 2014.

- Attended the training session for the ethics of the medical profession to take care of
prisons in Yemen implementation of the International Committee of the Red Cross, 21
to 23 October 2014 in Sana'a.

- Attended the third regional seminar to assess the progress of security sector reform
of the security and justice sector reform in North Africa and the Sahel Tunis, Tunisia 10
to 13 November 2014 the program.

- Attended the workshop on human trafficking, the National Foundation for Combating
Human Trafficking in Yemen, in Sana'a in February 2015 Eagle Hotel.

- Participating in the U.S. Institute of Peace-led course, Towards a Rule of Law Culture:
Exploring Effective Responses to Justice and Security Challenges in the International
Institute for Justice and the Rule of Law from February 16 to 20, 2015 Valletta, Malta.

- A training course to improve the skills and abilities to analyze the conflicts over the

- Nominated for the International Award of Excellence for 2016 candidate for the
award correctional health care provided by the International Association of
reformatories and prisons.

Oct. 2014 Acknowledgment letter from International Committee Red


Jan.2015 Acknowledgment letter from United States Institute of Peace


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