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[2:16 PM, 2/21/2019] FB RIYU ROY:

[12:21 PM, 3/2/2019] FB RIYU ROY: Ok kuriacha,I would blindly believe that the earth is flat if the
bible says so .But we do not have a direct verse to say that

water in the sky could be the clouds that gives us precipitation .Or the different layers of
atmosphere where the water particles are present (viz the tropo,strato meso , thermo).

The third statement about the heavenly bodies being used for calculation is not contradicting with
bible .science also says the same .Neither earth nor any other planets are self luminous ,we see
them as they reflect the light from the sun or moon .

Regarding The motion of earth and sun is apparent and relative.At schools they need to teach us
that one is stationary ,so that the other is relatively moving .For all calculation purposes on an
advanced level we take the earth as stationary only with the sun and other bodies in an apparent
orbit around the earth .so ,let the earth move or not ,it can’t say that the earth is flat.

And of course earth has a centre .Infact a geographical centre of the spheroid and a centre of
curvature ,which is again proved by the Bible .

I feel that all the verses support to say that the earth is a spherical .or let’s look at it in other way
they the science today has proven that the Bible written many years back is true

[12:21 PM, 3/2/2019] FB RIYU ROY: Earth as I stated earlier is not a perfect sphere ,but an oblate
spheroid with its equatorial diameter more than the polar diameter .But for calculation purposes we
consider it as a perfect sphere .One example would be the measurement of distance .Distances are
calculated as an arc of the equator .To be precise 1 Mile is the length of an arc substending an angle
of 1 minute at the centre of curvature of the earth .Although the geographical centre remains same
the centre of curvature varies near equator and at the poles ,as the equatorial diameter is more .

As a result length of a mile practically measured is more at the equator ,which means the same 1
mile is about 1862 metres near the equator but only 1842 near the poles .Again for calculation
purposes we had to standardise it as 1852.5 ,which belongs to the mid latitude .If the earth was flat
it would measure same everywhere . So kuriacha,Practically when I measure distances of places on
the earth ,which are more than 600 miles , I cannot measure it on the same scale .That is ,I have to
measure it with the scale of latitude for that particular place ,else it gives a huge error ,in other
words ,if the earth was flat ,anything we measure everywhere should be the same ,as there is no
curvature ..

[12:21 PM, 3/2/2019] FB RIYU ROY: Another thing we were discussing was the maps used for
navigation .Its a misunderstanding I believe ,the maps or navigational charts as we call it looks flat as
you say .But they are not .They are projected on a rectangular piece of paper or a screen allowing
for a lot of distortions.These maps have a cylindrical orthomorphic projection or a Mercator
projection .Again for better understanding ,imagine how a basketballwould look like if deflated and
cut to make a square .The corners won’t become a perfect square unless it is stretched right .Exactly
the same thing we do .Distortions have been finely calculated and allowed on the maps to make it a
square .And to calculate on a sphere is difficult ,that’s why we project it on a flat surface
[12:21 PM, 3/2/2019] FB RIYU ROY: Another practical example is that when we have to go from one
place to another we follow a circular path ,(called as great circle navigation) so that we reach there
at the shortest distance .We do not follow a straight line path .yoy see it at a straight line on your
aeroplaneback rest screen as it is projected on a Mercator chart (calculated to cut each meridian at
the same angle).For distances of more than 600 miles ,a circular path is the shortest distance
between two places .If it’s was a flat earth ,the shortest distance should be a straight line between
two places

[12:21 PM, 3/2/2019] FB RIYU ROY: Another major practical reason is that we do not use the plane
trigonometry for calculation as on a flat surface ,as we would end up reaching somewhere else
,.What we use is a spherical trigonometry .That is we cut small spherical triangles on the surface of
the earth for fine calculation .if it was flat earth plane triangles should give us the results easily

[12:21 PM, 3/2/2019] FB RIYU ROY: Regarding the Antarctic and artic wall ,trust me I am presently
near the artic north of Alaska ,and I can tell you that I can feel the curvature of the earth practically
here .The best example is the twilight .we normally divide the twilight into civil nautical and
astronomical .That is the light visible for an observer when the sun is 6deg,12deg,and 18deg
respectively below the visible horizon .I am at a latitude of 60deg North which is nearer to the North
Pole .Here the duration of twilight is more because of the spherical shape of the earth. Suns rays
come many hours before the suns upper limb is visible on the horizon .Buy when I am at the
equatorial counties ,it is less.If it was a flat earth ,duration of twilight should be the same .

[12:21 PM, 3/2/2019] FB RIYU ROY: Another simplest example ,take a flight from Qatar to China or
Japan .From there take another flight to east coast of USA .And from there take the third flight to
Qatar .On all the three flights ,you will find that you are flying in an easterly direction and reach back
to the same place finally .How? It’s a spherical earth .

We call the above as circum navigation .keep going in the same direction and you reach the starting
point .This was the basic theory to prove the spherical shape of the earth

[12:21 PM, 3/2/2019] FB RIYU ROY: I just had a sight of a lunar eclipse at Hawaii last month .Linar
eclipse and Solar eclipse further practically proves that the earth is round .

As stated in bible ,sun illuminated the other bodies .So when the sun earth and moon are in a line
and the moon is in opposition with the sun ,the moon will be under the shadow of the earth and it
becomes invisible in case of a total eclipse .If the earth was flat it won’t cast such a total shadow for
a moon which is spherical ..the only possibility here is ,If earth is flat moon should be flat too ,which
is not the case .

[12:21 PM, 3/2/2019] FB RIYU ROY: Althouh we are in the era of GPS and other aids ,we still use the
sun moon and the stars to navigate ,as these satellite sometimes gets induced by a error for military
purposes .So what we do is we use instruments to measure the true altitude of these bodies .That is
you can find your exact position on the earth if you know your height from the sun .(True
altitude).And trust me it’s exact and real .Blindfold me and put me in any corner of the world and I
can tell you where I am .If the earth was flat ,height of the sun or a moon from all points on the
earth will be equal .

[12:21 PM, 3/2/2019] FB RIYU ROY: If you want to try it at home ,I give a simple tip ,fold your fist and
keep it in the up and down direction with the base on the horizon .locate the pole star on the
sky(it’s the bright start pointing exactly towards the north direction ) measure how many fist from
horizon to the star .x15 will be your latitude .do the same exercise at ranny when u go home at the
exact same Greenwich hour and second and you will find the value different .Because ranny is at
different level on the spherical earth .For a flat earth the value should be same

[12:21 PM, 3/2/2019] FB RIYU ROY: And agin if the earth was flat we should be able to see the same
stars at all the places on the earth.The stars visible in the northern sky totally different from the
southern sky .For example in this month of March , you can see the belt of Orion constellation in the
sky at Qatar (the bright stars in the shape of a warriors dress, Rigel alnilam etc ). .Ask your friend in
Australia who has a southern sky if he can spot the same .He would see an entirely different sky .The
spherical shape makes those stars invisible for him.

[12:21 PM, 3/2/2019] FB RIYU ROY: Trust me if the earth was flat , I would be sitting home jobless
,coz you can take a plane or ship from one part of the world to other using google maps or straight
line which can be used by kids

[12:21 PM, 3/2/2019] FB RIYU ROY: The other thing which I practically use is the earths magnetism
.Earth has the property of a bar magnet .It rests in the north south direction .So as I go towards
countries in the poles the magnetic compass deflects as the like poles repel ,while at the equatorial
regions it almosts points towards the magnetic north .Again if the earth was flat ,magnetism should
be equa

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