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Gillian Myers


February 8th, 2020

Iron Lungs

Harrison STEM students viewed the CDC museum at Downtown Atlanta. We

experienced a walk through of posters and models representing the deadly diseases that are still

here today. They showed us experiments with failures and how scientists worked through their

mistakes. Region born diseases were also represented and their origins. The transportation of

diseases had their won section, this was to educate the public about how to stay healthy and

avoid potential hazardous elements. The most interesting parts of the museum were the hazmat

suits and polio presentation. The hazmat suits were sterile and wearable. It was very hard to get

on and it was heavy. Once it was zipped up you felt slightly lightheaded because there is no

oxygen flowing in. It is difficult to hear anything other than yourself inside the suit, but overall it

is a fun experience. The polio presentation had the real Iron Lungs contraption in the room and

everyone could see where the person would go in. I have learned about the containment of

diseases and how they spread.

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