Case Study - Opswise7.0

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SigmaEta and KPMG


OpsWise 7.0 Case Study

Lean Six Sigma Case Study

5G, a major telecom operator receives on an average 2000 new connection customer
application forms every day. 40 operators enter the application forms in a database after
cross checking the CAF (Customer Application Form) with Identity Proof details.
The entries are rechecked against the Identify Proof details by 15 Quality Assessors and
further 5% sample is audited by 3 Quality Supervisors. The resellers promise the connection
activation within 48 hours from receipt of the CAF. 5G usually targets to activate the
connection within 30 hours.
Recently, after a significant marketing effort, they started receiving over 3500 CAF, so the
organization decided to increase the number of operators from 40 to 80. However after the
increase in number of operators, the % of defects in the CAF increased far more than the
acceptable 10% of total opportunities for error and processing time of CAF also increased.
The Customer Application has the following sections (OFE):
1. 1 Title and Gender of the customer
2. 2 Name of the customer
3. 3 Address of the customer
4. 4 Date
5. 5 Identity Proof No
6. 6 Reseller Code
7. 7 Email Address

Any incorrect section is considered a defect and has to be re-processed.

The telecom operator is losing $3750 every day primarily on rework and penalties. The
customers are also dissatisfied as the connection activation is taking more time than
promised. In the wake of the current business situation, the management team decides to
initiate a Six Sigma project to reduce defects and Connection Activation time.
Please carry out the following steps:

• Project Charter -CTQ and Goals

a) CTQ and Goals
b) Business /Financial Benefits

• Performance standards for Y

• Validate Measurement System for Y
• Measure Current Performance and Gap
• Identify all Critical X’s
• Generate Alternative Solutions
• Validate whether Improvement has taken place
• Control Chart Y and critical X’s to detect the presence of special causes

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