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Urol Clin N Am 35 (2008) 69–79

Antibiotics in Urology – New Essentials

F.M.E. Wagenlehner, MD, PhDa,*, W. Weidner, MD, PhDa,
K.G. Naber, MD, PhDb
Clinic of Urology and Pediatric Urology, Justus-Liebig-University, Rudolf-Buchheim-Str. 7,
35385 Giessen, Germany
Technical University of Munich, Karl-Bickleder-Str. 44c, 94315 Straubing, Germany

Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are one of the from more than 80% of outpatients with acute
most common reasons that adults seek medical and uncomplicated cystitis across various regions of
urologic consultation and are one of the most the world [7]. Staphylococcus saprophyticus ac-
frequently occurring nosocomial infections [1–4]. counts for 5% to 15% of these infections and is
In urology, nosocomial UTIs are almost exclusively especially prevalent in younger women who have
complicated UTIs (ie, UTIs associated with struc- cystitis. Causative pathogens in the remaining
tural or functional abnormalities of the urinary 5% to 10% of cases include aerobic gram-negative
tract, with a broad spectrum of etiologic patho- rods, such as Klebsiella and Proteus spp, and en-
gens) [5]. Empirical antimicrobial therapy in urol- terococci. The range of pathogens associated
ogy must be instigated on occasions when with acute uncomplicated pyelonephritis is similar
urosepsis is pending or the general condition is de- to that seen in acute uncomplicated cystitis [8].
teriorated and is likely to improve significantly by The North American Urinary Tract Infection
the immediate use of antimicrobial agents [6]. For Collaborative Alliance study from 2003 and 2004
rational empiric therapy it is necessary to consider determined resistance rates in E coli. Resistance to
the bacterial spectrum and antibiotic susceptibility ampicillin was 38%, 21% to trimethroprim/sulfa-
of uropathogens. Because spectrum and resistance methoxazole, 1% to nitrofurantoin, and 6% to
rates may vary from time to time, area to area, ciprofloxacin [9]. The ARESC Project, an inter-
and hospital to hospital, each institution must be national surveillance study that involved nine
able to provide its own local evaluation. On the countries in Europe and Brazil, monitored antimi-
other hand, antibiotics also frequently are pre- crobial susceptibility of uropathogens from 2004
scribed empirically in situations in which patients to 2006. The aim of the study was to rank the
do not want to wait for the results of the susceptibil- current usefulness of drugs used in the therapy of
ity testing because of their highly bothersome this condition [10]; 3018 uropathogens, including
symptoms (eg, acute uncomplicated cystitis) [7]. 2315 E coli pathogens (76.7%), 322 other gram-
negative pathogens (10.7%), and 406 gram-positive
Bacterial spectrum and antimicrobial resistance pathogens (13.5%) were evaluated. Susceptibility
in urinary tract infections in E coli was less common towards ampicillin
(mean 41.1%; range 32.6%–60.8%), cotrimoxa-
Uncomplicated urinary tract infection zole (70.5%; 54.5%–87.7%), and cefuroxime
In uncomplicated UTIs, Escherichia coli is the (81.0%; 74.5%–91.3%). Ciprofloxacin susceptibil-
most common pathogen, typically being isolated ity was 91.3%, but the figures for Spain and Italy
were substantially lower (88.1% and 87.0%, re-
spectively). Fosfomycin, mecillinam, and nitrofur-
* Corresponding author. antoin were the agents with the highest
E-mail address: wagenlehner@aol.com susceptibility rates (98.1%, 95.8%; and 95.2%,
(F.M.E. Wagenlehner). respectively).
0094-0143/08/$ - see front matter Ó 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
doi:10.1016/j.ucl.2007.09.002 urologic.theclinics.com

Complicated urinary tract infection Antibiotics that inhibit protein synthesis

The bacterial spectrum of complicated, noso- The aminoglycosides bind irreversibly to dis-
comial UTI is much more heterogeneous and tinct parts of the 30S and 50S subunits of the
comprises a wide range of gram-negative and bacterial ribosomes. Consequently, the amino
-positive species. In the latest report from the acid translocation is inhibited by preventing the
SENTRY antimicrobial surveillance program binding of elongation factor G. The elongation
2000, the bacterial spectrum of hospitalized uro- stage in bacterial translation is inhibited [13]. Ox-
logic patients in North America consisted of 47% azolidinones bind to the 23S rRNA of the 50S
E coli, 13% Enterococcus spp, 11% Klebsiella spp, subunit of the bacterial ribosomes and inhibit
8% Pseudomonas spp, 5% Proteus mirabilis, 4% the formation of the 70S initiation complex. The
Enterobacter spp, and 3% Citrobacter spp (less initiation stage of bacterial translation is inhibited
frequently isolated species not mentioned) [11]. [13].
Antibiotic resistance in E coli for ampicillin was
37%, 4% for ciprofloxacin, and 23% for trimeth- Antibiotics that inhibit peptidoglycan synthesis
oprim/sulfamethoxazole; in Pseudomonas aerugi-
b-Lactams inhibit the last stage of peptidogly-
nosa resistance for ciprofloxacin was 29%.
can synthesis. They bind to penicillin-binding
Vancomycin resistance in Enterococcus spp was
proteins (PBP), which act as enzymes (eg, trans-
7%, and the presence of extended-spectrum
peptidases, carboxypeptidases, and endopepti-
b-lactamase in E coli was 4% and 19% in Klebsiella
dases) in the formation and preservation of parts
of the bacterial cell wall. The affinity of distinct
penicillins for certain PBPs might be different.
Antibiotic substances for the treatment of urinary Penicillins inhibit the process of cross-linking of
tract infection the long polysaccharide chains by short poly-
peptides. They are analogous substrates of the
To affect the bacterial cell, probably all anti-
acyl-D-alanyl-D-alanine moieties and acylate
biotics must get into the cell. Antimicrobial sub-
stances used for the treatment of UTI can be transpeptidases. Consequently, the peptidoglycan
distinguished from those that act on the bacterial wall is weakened [13]. The glycopeptide antibiotics
DNA, those that inhibit protein synthesis, and bind to the acyl-D-alanyl-D-alanine moieties and
those that inhibit peptidoglycan synthesis. The inhibit the process of transglycosilation of the
way in which urologically important antibiotics peptidoglycan wall [13].
work is alluded to in the following section. Fosfomycin acts as an analog of phosphoenol-
pyruvate and forms a covalent bond with the active
Antibiotics that act on the DNA site cysteine residue (Cys 115) of UDP-N-acetylglu-
cosamine enolpyruvyltransferase (MurA), which is
Fluoroquinolones act directly on the bacterial a key enzyme of peptidoglycan synthesis [14]. It
DNA. The target structures are the bacterial top- inhibits cell wall synthesis other than b-lactam
oisomerases II and IV, which introduce so-called antibiotics.
negative ‘‘supercoils’’ into DNA and achieve
a higher order by coiling. Four molecules of the
Mechanisms of antibiotic resistance
quinolone substance form a ternary complex to-
in uropathogens
gether with topoisomerases and DNA, which
causes DNA double-strand breakage [12,13]. Antibiotic resistance is defined if bacteria can
Sulfonamides, such as sulfamethoxazole, lead still grow under achievable therapeutic concentra-
to the formation of ineffective forms of tetrahy- tions of antibiotic substances at the site of in-
drofolate (dihydropteroic acid) from para-amino- fection. Resistance is classified into (1) primary or
benzoic acid and pteridine by substituting inherent resistance of bacteria if bacteria are
para-aminobenzoic acid. Tetrahydrofolate physi- constitutively resistant against an antibacterial
ologically is further catalyzed to dihydrofolic acid substance and (2) secondary or acquired resis-
(folate), which is further catalyzed into tetrahy- tance if resistance emerges in intrinsically suscep-
drofolic acid by dihydrofolate-reductase. tible bacteria. Epidemiologically important is
Pyrimethamines, such as trimethoprim, com- transferable resistance located on plasmids (ex-
petitively inhibit the bacterial dihydrofolate- trachromosomal autonomous mobile genetic ele-
reductase. Purine synthesis is inhibited [13]. ment transferable to other cells) or transposons

(chromosomal mobile genetic element transpos- gemifloxacin inhibit both targetsdthe DNA-gyrase
able to plasmids or other chromosomal sites). and topoisomerase IV.
Ampicillin resistance in enterococci is associ-
Alterations of permeability and efflux mechanisms ated with overproduction of a low-affinity PBP,
Intrinsic resistance of gram-negative bacteria which is called PBP-5. High-level ampicillin re-
against macrolides is caused by impermeability of sistance in Enterococcus faecium is associated with
the outer membrane to these hydrophilic com- intrinsic overproduction of a modified PBP-5 that
pounds. Enterococcus spp show decreased per- further lowers the penicillin-binding capability
meability toward aminoglycosides and are [20]. Vancomycin resistance in enterococci is
intrinsically low level resistant to aminoglycosides. caused by the manufacture of a peptidoglycan
On the other hand, permeability can be altered by side chain from D-alanyl-D-lactate, which is incor-
altered production of outer membrane proteins porated into the peptidoglycan cell wall instead of
(eg, E coli), leading to decreased susceptibility to the vancomycin target D-alanyl-D-alanyl. The D-
fluoroquinolones or b-lactam antibiotics. alanyl-D-lactate chain shows dramatically lowered
Efflux mechanisms potentially can pump anti- affinity to vancomycin. Vancomycin resistance is
biotic substances, such as quinolones or tetracy- conferred by five genes located on a transposable
clines, out of the cell. Thus far, five superfamilies element [21].
of efflux transport systems are known: ATP-
Acquisition of genetic material
binding cassette (ABC), major facilitator super-
Resistance to TMP/SMZ arises from various
family (MFS), resistance-nodulation division
mechanisms that involve enzyme alteration, cellu-
(RND), small multidrug resistance (SMR), and
lar impermeability, enzyme overproduction, in-
multidrug and toxic compound extrusion
hibitor modification, or loss of binding capacity.
(MATE) families. Efflux systems are responsible
The mechanism of greatest clinical importance is
for low-level resistance and may promote selection
the production of plasmid-encoded, trimetho-
of mutations responsible for higher level resis-
prim-resistant forms of dihydrofolate reductase
tance [15].
[22–24]. Resistance in methicillin-resistant S au-
A powerful efflux mechanism in Pseudomonas
reus is mediated by an additional PBP-2a, which
spp is one constitutively produced system
has unusually low affinity for all b-lactam anti-
(MexAB-OprM: RND superfamily) that gener-
biotics. PBP-2 and PBP-2a belong to a family of
ates intrinsic resistance against most b-lactams,
bifunctional proteins with an N-terminal transgly-
quinolones, tetracycline, chloramphenicol, tri-
cosylase and C-terminal transpeptidase domain.
methoprim, and sulfamethoxazole. On the other
In case of blockage of PBP-2 by b-lactam antibi-
side, nonconstitutive systems (ie, MexCD-OprJ,
otics, PBP-2a takes over the enzymatic activity.
MexEF-OprN) can be expressed by mutation. In
PBP-2a is encoded by a mecA-gen that has been
other species, such as Staphylococcus aureus, co-
incorporated into the chromosomal DNA of S au-
agulase-negative staphylococci, or Citrobacter
reus and coagulase-negative staphylococci strains
freundii, efflux is also an important mechanism
of clinical resistance against quinolones [16–19].
Alterations of target structures Inactivation of antibiotics

Target structures can be altered by mutations, b-Lactamases are enzymes produced by bacte-
acquisition of genetic material, or inactivation of ria that inactivate b-lactam antibiotics by cleavage
antibiotics by enzymatic modification [13]. of the b-lactam ring. More than 200 different
enzymes have been identified thus far, and the
Mutations substrates comprise penicillins, cephalosporins, or
Fluoroquinolone resistance is mediated by tar- other b-lactam antibiotics. Resistance to penicillin
get modifications (DNA gyrase and/or topoisomer- is mediated by a penicillinase that hydrolyses the
ase IV) and decreased intracellular accumulation b-lactam ring of penicillin. More than 90% of S
[16]. Although in gram-negative bacteria (eg, E aureus isolates are penicillinase producers. This
coli) the DNA-gyrase is the primary target, in resistance can be overcome with penicillinase-
gram-positive bacteria (eg, S aureus) topoisomerase stable penicillins, such as oxacillin [25]. A frequent
IV is the primary target for some but not all quino- resistance mechanism in E coli and Proteus spp is
lones [17]. With clinically relevant concentrations, production of TEM-1, a plasmid-mediated b-
newer quinolones such as moxifloxacin and lactamase that is inhibitor resistant [26]. It confers

resistance in strains that have acquired the resis- mechanisms, such as reduced permeability or ef-
tance plasmid (eg, to ampicillin and ampicillin/ flux, alter the tolerance to antibiotic substances
sulbactam). less than specific mechanisms, such as inactivation
The SHV-1 b-lactamase of Klebsiella pneumo- of the antibiotic. The antibiotic spectrum targeted
niae and the K1 b-lactamase of Klebsiella oxytoca is much more extensive, however. On the other
are chromosomally encoded but inhibitor sensi- hand, unspecific mechanisms also can be induced
tive [27]. It encodes intrinsic resistance in all Kleb- by nonantibiotic substances, such as salicylates.
siella strains, for example, to ampicillin but not to Low-level resistance can be conferred and give bac-
ampicillin/sulbactam. Enterobacter spp possess teria a selection advantage.
a chromosomally encoded ampC b-lactamase
that inactivates penicillins and cephalosporins
and is not inhibitor sensitive. Resistance, however, Therapy of uncomplicated urinary tract infection
results only if the b-lactamase is hyperproduced.
The results of the studies performed in the field
Ampicillin is a strong inducer of this enzyme. Me-
of uncomplicated UTI show that antibiotic sub-
zlocillin is less suitable to induce hyperproduction
stances classically used for the treatment of
of this b-lactamase [28].
uncomplicated UTI, such as cotrimoxazole, fluo-
The genus Citrobacter comprises such species
roquinolones, and aminopenicillins, lose their
(Citrobacter freundii group) that behave like En-
effectiveness because of increasing resistance.
terobacter spp and those that produce other less
Ideal substances are those with low resistance
extended b-lactamases (Citrobacter koseri/diver-
rates used exclusively for this indication, such as
sus). In Proteus spp, a wide diversity of b-
fosfomycin tromethamine, nitrofurantoin, and
lactamases can be produced, serving as a possible
b-lactamase–encoding reservoir [28,29]. Plasmid-
encoded, extended-spectrum b-lactamase produc-
tion is important in K pneumoniae, E coli, Proteus
spp, and C diversus. Other resistances, such as Fosfomycin tromethamine is the oral applicable
aminoglycoside and trimethoprim-sulfamethoxa- salt of fosfomycin. Fosfomycin (cis-(1R,2S)-epox-
zole resistance, are often cotransferred on the ypropylphosphonic acid) is an oxirane antibiotic
same plasmid [30]. unrelated to other substances and is produced as
Enterobacter spp, C freundii, Serratia spp, K a secondary metabolite by Streptomyces and Pseu-
oxytoca, M morganii, and Providencia spp possess domonas spp [14]. (S)-2-hydroxypropylphosphonic
a chromosomally encoded b-lactamase that can be acid epoxidase catalyzes the epoxide ring closure of
induced to hyperproduction by mutation or (S)-2-hydroxypropylphosphonic acid to form fos-
depression [31]. This hyperproduced b-lactamase fomycin in an iron-redox mechanism [34]. Hy-
also causes a resistance phenotype, comparable droxypropylphosphonic acid epoxidase represents
to extended-spectrum b-lactamase, although no a new subfamily of non-haem mononuclear iron en-
extended-spectrum b-lactamase is produced. zymes that respond to its substrates with a confor-
Other inactivating enzymes can inactivate amino- mational change that protects the radical-based
glycosides or macrolides. The expression of a bi- intermediates formed during catalysis [35]. Fosfo-
functional aminoglycoside inactivating enzyme, mycin is active against gram-positive and -negative
60 -N-aminoglycoside acetyltransferrase-20 -O-ami- bacteria but shows decreased activity against Mor-
noglycoside phosphotransferase, is the most im- ganella morganii, Proteus vulgaris, P aeruginosa,
portant mechanism of high-level aminoglycoside and E faecium. Despite many years of use, fosfomy-
resistance in Staphylococcus spp and Enterococcus cin continues to be characterized by a low incidence
spp [32]. Enterococci are intrinsically low-level of E coli–resistant strains (1%–3%) worldwide [36].
resistant; in the case of high-level resistance, ami- Fosfomycin trometamol has retained its activity
noglycoside combination therapy would be against quinolone-resistant strains of E coli, and
ineffective. cross-resistance with other classes of antimicrobial
Among Enterobacteriaceae, combinations of agents is currently not a problem [37]. It is less
gentamicin-modifying enzymes are common. In active against coagulase-negative staphylococci.
Pseudomonas spp the combination of gentamicin- A meta-analysis of 2048 patients showed that over-
modifying enzymes and decreased permeability is all single-dose therapy with fosfomycin trometa-
common [33]. Bacteria exhibit an enormous reper- mol exhibits equivalent results as short-term
toire of different resistance mechanisms. Unspecific therapy with comparative agents, however [38].

Fosfomycin trometamine has approximately 40% Pivmecillinam

oral bioavailability [39], and urine recovery is ap-
Pivmecillinam is a unique b-lactam antimicro-
proximately 40% [40].
bial agent that has been used for the treatment of
acute uncomplicated UTI for more than 20 years.
Nitrofurantoin Pivmecillinam is the pro-drug (ester) of mecilli-
nam with specific and high activity against gram-
Nitrofurantoin belongs to the nitroheterocyclic
negative organisms such as E coli and other
compounds. The nitrogroup coupled onto the
Enterobacteriaceae. Mecillinam is an amidine de-
heterocyclic furan ring represents the proper site
rivative of the penicillin group. Pivmecillinam is
of effect. The nitrogroup is inactive and must be
also well absorbed orally [45]. Since its introduc-
activated by microbial nitroreductases after pen-
tion it has been used widely for the treatment of
etration into the microbial cell [41]. Nitrofuran-
acute uncomplicated cystitis, primarily in the Nor-
toin interferes with carbohydrate metabolism.
dic countries. The level of resistance has remained
The antibacterial activity is generally weak, but
low; approximately less than 2% of E coli commu-
in urine the activity against E coli and some other
nity isolates are resistant to mecillinam [46]. A
enterobacteria, such as like Klebsiella spp and En-
comparative study (pivmecillinam versus norflox-
terobacter spp, is sufficient in the treatment of un-
acin) showed similar outcomes with 7 days of piv-
complicated UTI. There is no activity against
mecillinam, 200 mg, twice daily or 3 days of
Proteus spp or P aeruginosa. Low levels of resis-
norfloxacin, 400 mg, twice daily when pooling
tance to nitrofurantoin among uropathogens (E
bacteriologic outcomes from two studies [47].
coli !2%) has revived interest in this agent. In
The in vitro minimal inhibitory concentration
women at risk for infection with resistant bacteria
for S saprophyticus is 8 to 64 mg/L, so these bac-
or in the setting of a high prevalence of TMP-
teria are considered resistant. The cure rates for
SMX–resistant uropathogens, nitrofurantoin
this organism were reported between 73% and
also can be used. Its use for the empiric treatment
92%, however. Pivmecillinam can be considered
of uncomplicated cystitis is supportable from
effective for treatment of cystitis caused by S sap-
a public health perspective in an attempt to de-
rophyticus [47].
crease uropathogen resistance because it does
Nicolle and colleagues [48] evaluated the effi-
not share cross-resistance with more commonly
cacy of a 3-day regimen of pivmecillinam,
prescribed antimicrobial agents [42], but short-
400 mg, twice daily versus norfloxacin, 400 mg,
term therapy is not well established with nitrofur-
twice daily in 954 premenopausal women with
antoin [43]. It is also less active against gram-neg-
symptoms of acute cystitis. Bacteriologic cure at
ative pathogens other than E coli. Urinary
early posttherapy follow-up was achieved in
excretion is 40% [40].
75% of patients who took pivmecillinam and
In a multicenter clinical trial, single-dose
91% of patients who took norfloxacin (P !
fosfomycin tromethamine, 3 g, was compared
.001). Clinical cure/improvement 4 days after ini-
with a 7-day course of nitrofurantoin monohy-
tiation of therapy was observed in 95% of women
drate/macrocrystal, 100 mg, for the treatment of
who received pivmecillinam and 96% who re-
acute uncomplicated lower UTI in female patients
ceived norfloxacin (P ¼ .39). In women younger
[44]. Seven hundred forty-nine patients were
than 50 years, early clinical cure rates were 84%
enrolled in the study (375 received fosfomycin
for pivmecillinam and 88% for norfloxacin (P ¼
and 374 received nitrofurantoin). Overall, 94%
.11). Adverse effects were similar for both regi-
of pretreatment isolates were susceptible to fosfo-
mens, and there was no evidence of the emergence
mycin and 83% were susceptible to nitrofuran-
of increasing resistance with therapy. The authors
toin. Bacteriologic cure rates at 5 to 11 days
concluded that short-course therapy with norflox-
after initiation of treatment were 78% and 86%
acin was superior to that with pivmecillinam in
for fosfomycin and nitrofurantoin, respectively
terms of bacteriologic outcome; however, clinical
(P ¼ .02). 1 week after treatment they were 87%
outcome in young women was comparable [48].
and 81% for fosfomycin and nitrofurantoin, re-
spectively (P ¼ .17). Clinical success rate (cure
and improvement) was higher than 80% in both
Therapy of complicated urinary tract infection
treatment groups. Bacteriologic and clinical cure
rates were comparable in both treatment groups In most studies about complicated UTI, in-
[44]. creasing rates of antibiotic resistance were found

with specific species such as E coli, P aeruginosa, the b-lactam group by the renal dihydropeptidase
Klebsiella spp, Enterobacter spp, enterococci, and I. It further contains a meta-substituted benzoic
staphylococci. Extended-spectrum b-lactamases acid substituent, which increases the molecular
that produce E coli and K pneumoniae rapidly in- weight and lipophilicity of the substance, and a car-
crease and may cause significant clinical problems boxylic acid moiety, which results in a net negative
in the treatment of UTI [49,50]. Although from charge. This results in a high protein binding that
a hygienic point of view they are regarded as not leads to a longer serum half-life [52]. Urinary excre-
as dangerous as plasmid-encoded b-lactamases, tion is 80% [40].
species that produce chromosomally encoded b- Group two parenteral carbapenems include
lactamases also pose significant clinical problems imipenem and meropenem, which are active against
for empiric antibiotic therapy. many gram-positive and -negative uropathogens,
Antibiotic substances with novel mode of excluding methicillin-resistant S aureus, E faecium,
action and effective against gram-negative patho- and vancomycin-resistant enterococci. Imipenem
gens are scarce. Glycylcyclines may be a new is hydrolysed by the renal dihydropeptidase I and
development forward; however, the currently is combined with the specific inhibitor cilastatin.
marketed drug tigecycline is not aimed for treat- Urinary excretion of the active imipenem is 70% if
ment of UTI because of limited urinary excretion. combined with cilastatin. Meropenem contains the
In the light of these developments, old established 1b-methyl-substituent and is stable against the renal
substances, such as polymyxins, chloramphenicol, dihydropeptidase I. Compared with imipenem, it is
tetracycline, and temocillin, regain interest in somewhat more active against P aeruginosa but less
situations in which multiply antibiotic-resistant active against gram-positive uropathogens. The uri-
pathogens appear. On the other hand, carbape- nary excretion of the active substance is 70% [40].
nems still retained their activity in most of the Doripenem is a new parenteral carbapenem and
uropathogens and are currently widely developed offers slightly more activity than meropenem
for treatment of complicated UTI. against selected pathogens, including somedbut
not all strainsdof P aeruginosa not susceptible to
imipenem or meropenem. Doripenem is also
active against gram-positive pathogens except
Carbapenems are currently available only in- methicillin-resistant S aureus, E faecium, and van-
travenously because they are unstable, especially in comycin-resistant enterococci. Urinary excretion
gastric juice or intestinal juice. The available is 75% and is of potential interest for the treatment
carbapenems are currently classified by different of complicated UTI [53]. A large, multinational
criteria. The classification by groups can follow the phase III study evaluated the efficacy and safety
bacterial spectrum as in other antibiotic classes [51]. of doripenem for the treatment of complicated
According to that classification, ertapenem is the lower UTIs and pyelonephritis (complicated and
sole representative of the first group and imipenem uncomplicated) and compared it to levofloxacin
and meropenem are the representatives of the [54]. A total of 753 patients were randomized. The
second group, which are currently licensed in microbiologic cure rate in the test of cure popula-
Europe. Carbapenems are active against gram- tion was 82.1% for doripenem and 83.4% for levo-
positive and -negative pathogens and anaerobic floxacin. The clinical cure rate in the test of cure
pathogens. Carbapenems maintain antibacterial population was 95.1% for doripenem and 90.2%
efficacy against most b-lactamase–producing or- for levofloxacin. Doripenem was microbiologically
ganisms. This stability against serine-b-lactamases and clinically effective and therapeutically noninfe-
is caused by the trans-1-hydroxyethyl substituent rior to levofloxacin in this study for the treatment of
and its unique juxtaposition to the b-lactam complicated UTIs and was generally safe and well
carbonyl group [52]. The stability encompasses tolerated [54].
extended spectrum-b-lactamases and AmpC Orally active 1b-methylcarbapenems have been
b-lactamases; however, it does not extend to met- undergoing preclinical or clinical trials for years
allo-b-lactamases. [55]. Substances CS-834, L-084, and DZ-2640
The group one parenteral carbapenem ertape- have been selected for further investigation [55].
nem has good gram-negative activity, excluding P CS-834 from Sankyo is the orally active prodrug
aeruginosa. It is also not active against methicil- of the substance R-95,867. The substance is active
lin-resistant S aureus and enterococci. It contains against gram-positive and -negative species, such
a 1b-methyl substituent that reduces hydrolysis of as S aureus, E coli, and K pneumoniae, but is less

active against Pseudomonas spp and Enterococcus with parenteral administration of colistimethate,
spp [56]. The 24-hour cumulative renal excretion which are probably caused by inappropriate dos-
into urine in healthy volunteers ranged from ing. Satisfactory safety profiles have been reported
27% to 34% [55]. L-084, which was developed with intravenous doses of 160 mg three times daily
by Wyeth, is the orally active prodrug of L-036. in patients with normal renal function [57].
This substance exhibits excellent antibacterial ac-
tivity against gram-positive and -negative species, Chloramphenicol
with the exception of P aeruginosa. The accumula- Chloramphenicol is active against gram-
tive urinary recoveries in volunteers within 24 positive and -negative pathogens, with the excep-
hours ranged from 54% to 73% [55]. DZ-2640 tion of P aeruginosa. Resistance in enterobacteria
from Dai-ichi group exhibits broad antibacterial has decreased over the last 15 years, probably be-
activity, except for P aeruginosa. The cumulative cause of restricted usage. Renal excretion
renal recoveries in volunteers ranged between amounts to 90%. Severe side effects have been
32% and 45% [55]. reported, including hematologic disturbances,
Urinary excretions of the oral carbapenems are gastrointestinal effects, Gray syndrome, and neu-
certainly not optimal but are still in the interme- rologic effects [40].
diate range. Exaggerated consumption of carba- Tetracycline
penems in the future will certainly lead to the Doxycycline is the best orally resorbed tetra-
emergence of antibiotic resistance and multiresist- cycline. Doxycycline exhibits good activity against
ant pathogens. most gram-positive bacteria, variable activity
Old antibiotics against gram-negative pathogens, and no activity
against P aeruginosa, Proteus spp, and Serratia
The so-called ‘‘old antibiotics,’’ such as poly- marcescens. Urinary recovery rates after intrave-
myxins, chloramphenicol, doxycycline, and temo- nous and oral application are 70% and 40%, re-
cillin, have regained interest because of the need spectively [40].
for unrelated substances in multiply-resistant
organisms. None of these substances has been Temocillin
investigated in adequate clinical studies for the Temocillin is a semisynthetic parenteral peni-
treatment of UTI, however. cillin that exhibits increased stability against
b-lactamases and is active against extended-
Polymyxins spectrum b-lactamase–producing organisms. The
The increasing incidence of infections caused by 24-hour urinary recovery rate was between 66%
multi-drug resistant P aeruginosa and the fact that and 74% of the administered doses (0.5–2 g) in
no new antipseudomonal agent will be available volunteers [59].
in the near future caused renewed interest in the
polymyxine antibiotics. Colistin and colistimethate Antibiotics active against otherwise resistant
are the only currently available compounds [57]. gram-positive uropathogens
Colistimethate probably is the nonactive prodrug Daptomycin and linezolid are active exclu-
of colistin, which reacts with phospholipid compo- sively against gram-positive uropathogens, such
nents of the cytoplasma membrane and increases as enterococci and methicillin-susceptible and
cell wall permeability. It displays bactericidal activ- -resistant staphylococci. In one study, 529 isolates
ity against P aeruginosa and extended-spectrum of uropathogens that caused complicated UTIs
b-lactamase, producing gram-negative organisms. were tested against daptomycin and linezolid; no
In a study of patients who had cancer and P aerugi- resistant strain was detected [60].
nosa infections, colistin was as effective and safe as
b-lactam antibiotics and fluoroquinolones [58]. Daptomycin
Colistimethate is predominantly cleared by the re- Daptomycin is a semisynthetic lipopeptide
nal route, but a fraction of the administered dose antibiotic with a high specificity for gram-positive
is converted in vivo to colistin. There are some bacteria [61,62]. Daptomycin apparently acts via
case reports of patients with UTI treated with intra- the dissipation of the bacterial membrane poten-
venous colistimethate and good clinical outcomes tial and has a rapid concentration-dependent bac-
reported in up to 83%, although no clinical study tericidal activity [62]. Daptomycin showed in vitro
has been performed [57]. Nephrotoxicity and neu- activity superior to that of vancomycin against
rotoxicity are the most common potential toxicities methicillin-resistant S aureus, methicillin-sensitive

S aureus, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus epi- Summary

dermidis, and vancomycin-resistant enterococci
Antibiotic resistance is an increasing problem
and comparable activity against vancomycin-
in urologic practice. Uncomplicated and compli-
susceptible E faecalis and streptococci [62].
cateddespecially nosocomialduropathogens may
Daptomycin is administered intravenously, serum
exhibit resistance to multiple antibiotics and pose
half-life averaged 8.5 hours, protein binding is ap-
problems for empiric therapy. To choose the right
proximately 90%, and urinary excretion is 80%,
antibiotic for empiric therapy, it is necessary to
66% of which is as active drug. Tolerability data
consider the bacterial spectrum and antibiotic
are available for 285 patients from two multicenter,
susceptibility of the uropathogens. Each institution
randomized phase II trials who received 2 mg/kg
must conduct its own local and recent evaluation.
every 24 hours for up to 25 days or 3 mg/kg every
To combat the development of antibiotic resis-
12 hours for up to 34 days. Daptomycin was well
tance, a basic understanding of antibiotic action
tolerated at these dosages with no evidence of
and resistance mechanisms is helpful. In the future,
drug-related toxicity [63]. A series of single- and
the rate of antibiotic resistance possibly will con-
repeated-dose studies in rodents, dogs, and mon-
tinue to increase. Strategies to decrease this trend,
keys demonstrated that the skeletal muscle is the
such as antibiotic policies, must be developed and
most sensitive target organ for toxicity of daptomy-
incorporated in urologic practice.
cin. The severity of microscopic lesions was dose de-
pendent but did not progress with extended
treatment (up to 6 months) and was completely
and rapidly reversible upon cessation of dosing [62].
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