An Essay On Lexus and The Olive Tree

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The Other Side of Globalization

The Lexus and the Olive Tree, written by Thomas L. Friedman, investigates the phenomenon of
globalizationand how it creates a system that has replaced the post-cold war. Globalization as
described in the video is the shrinking of the world from a size medium to a size small, and it is
not just a trend, not just an economic fad it is not an economic herdu game it is the
international system. And having responsesto the threats and challenges of some of these
issues such environmental degredation, dehuminizing, international peaceand security and
imperialis exploitation.

And to support my response a statement from the video stating "to find healthy balance
between preserving a sense of identity, home community and doing what it takes to survive
within the globalization system". And in addition the boundaries that the globalized world has
provide should encourage states and its rules to abide through keeping pace with this fast-
moving, dynamic world. Environmental degradation contradicts the principles of ethics which is
the care of others, environment or surroundings. For environment is also important creation of
God for all human beings if there is a presence of environmental degradation, it also reflects
dehumanizing which is contrary to malifecence the sanctity of life under principles of ethics.
Human beings are the special creation of God, and because of modernization, people became
selfish and forgetting other people's sake. Globalization also affects international peace and
security to other countries like periphery countries. For some of these countries cannot cope up
the global capitalism that is happening to the world and fairness is no mor. Poors will be poorer
and rich becomea richer that results to more growing of poverty. There should be opportunities
for the common good.

In concusion we cannot build an emerging-society which is so essential for dealing with the
globalization system, if we are simultaneously destroying the cultural foundations. And so, in
order to include the developing world in the benefits of globalization the in-charge or all people
must make some adjustments to still protect and preserve rights of individual to culture and to

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